Lafayette Genealogical Society

A Monthly Newslettter of the Lafayette Genealogy Society

Volume 2010 Issue 11

18 November 2010 Meeting

 November 18, 2010 Minutes Lafayette Genealogy Society

William Thibodeaux called the Lafayette Genealogy Society to order November 18, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. in the new library on Johnson Street.

After the opening ritual he announced that guest speaker Mayor Joey Durell and librarian Sona J. Dombodrian were unable to be present. He explained that the temporary Pinhook library location has pulled out. When questioned, librarian Sam Lolar said the library staff was surprised. Apparently the building had been sold and the new owners have different plans for the use of the space.

Saturday December 4, 2010 Genealogical meeting guest will be Mr. Kramer, 'The Germans of Roberts Cove and German Fest.

Nominated officers for the coming year are Brenda Fuselier president, Pat Snyder President Elect, Brenda Thibodeaux secretary and Warren LeBlanc Treasurer. The slate was elected by acclimation on motion of James Borque, seconded by Pete Lavergne. The office of Vice-president is vacant.

The revision of by-laws and standing rules was adopted per motion of Pete Lavergne and James Bourque.

The end of year banquet will be at Petroleum Club on Thursday, December 9, 2010 in the Offshore room at 6:30. Price per person is $20.00 including tax and tip. Guest speaker will be Dr. Barry Ancelet, Chairman UL Modern Languages and Professor of Acadian Creole Folklore. William Thibodeaux needs to know if you are coming by Tuesday the 7th.

There was no treasury report.

There being no futher business, Lona Bourque moved the meeting adjourn, seconded by Martha Luby.

Delicious refreshments were enjoyed.

Respectfully submitted,

Dorothy Burleigh, secretary