Short Creek Baptist Church



Short Creek Baptist Church



Maple Creek by Carl Valente




Generously transcribed and submitted by Nancy Bray, thanks Nancy!

The following information was taken from the minutes of a meeting held in 1833, when Short Creek Baptist church was instituted.  The spelling and punctuation have not been changed.


Councel held at Short Creek Skool House by a number of breathren on the 26th day of October of A. D. 1833.  Helpers preasent from the following church to wit:  Grassy Creek-Christian Tomlin and Thomas Loomas; Banks of Lickin-William Arnold; of New Point Pleasant-William Myres and Zachriah McCoy.

Articles of faith we do agree to unite and constitute a church up from the scriptures of the Old and New Testiment as the only infalible rule of faith and practis and from them we learn as follows; 1) that there is one true and liveing God made known to us as Father, Son and Holy Gost and to us mysteriously united but equal in power essence, and eternity   2) and that now has fallen from his primevael rectitude and is a pore depravde being.  3)  Salvation by grace, baptism and being by immersion upon a profession of ther faith and in the final persiverience of Saints through grace to glory.  4)  That Jesus Christ will Jedge the wurld at the last day when a resurrection of the dead shall take place and the wicket shall be sent into everlasting punishment and the righteous taken to life eternal.

William Oldham

copied from oldest minutes-spelling and punctuation have not been changed.

1.  Church meeting shall be opened by divine worship then a moderator shall be chosen if there is none present, whose duty it shall be to state all questions and take the vote of the church but shall not be intitled to vote unless the church be equally divided and then he shall give deciding vote and the moderator shall first inquire if anything has occured to mar the peace of the church that has bin attended to gospel order and he shall have the liberty of calling any member to order.
2.  Refference to be attended to if there be any.
3.  All matters of trespass to be attended to agreeable to the eighteenth chapter of Saint Matthew's gospel.
4.  In case of public transgression a public acknowledgement will be required.
5.  Members in speaking to the church shall arise from their seats and address the moderator in a brotherly manner.
6.  No member shall speak more then three times on one subject without leave of the church.
7.  All business shall be decided by a majority except choosing church officers and receiving and dismissing members which shall by by the unanimous vote of the church.
8.  We do agree to contribute for the support of the church according to what the Lord has blessed us with and fill our seats at our church meetings when convenient.
9.  We do agree to commune twice a year to wit in the months of May and September.
10.  A doore shall be opened for the reception of members.


1833 - On October 4, the Regular Baptist Church was constituted.  The church had a total of six members.  They were:  Alexander Monroe, Patience Eggleston, Deborah Jaynes, Amos Egleston, Amanda Eddleston and Anna Monroe.  These six people developed the following "Articles of Faith".
1.  We do agree to be united upon the Scripture of the old and new testament as the only infallible rule of faith and practice and from them we learn as follows:  that there is one living and true God known to us as Father, Son and Holy Ghost and to us mysteriously united but equal in power, essence and eternity.
2.  That man has fallen from his primeval state and has become a poor depraved being and entirely a dependent creature upon God an independent Sovereign.
3.  Salvation is by grace, baptism by immersion.
4.  We do believe in receiving members on a relation of their experience of grace.
5.  We do believe in the final perserverance of the saints through grace to glory.
6.  That Jesus Christ will judge the world at the last day when the resurrection of the dead will take place and the wicked shall be cast into everlasting punishment and the righteous into like eternal.

The group first met in a log school house near the waters of the Short Creek.
The church's first pastor was Bro. Christian Tomlin.

Bro. Alexander Monroe became he first clerk elected by the church.

1837 - Amos Eggleston became the church's first deacon.

1840 - A house of hewn logs was built near a spring on one of the tributaries of the Short Creek.  This land was then owned by Bro. Amos Eggleston and is now owned by Brother James Monroe.  The cost of the house was about $15, outside material and labor furnished by the church.  

The church ordained its second deacon, Bro. Asa Eggleston.

1842 - 1849   During this time, the church had three ordained ministers as members.  They were:  William Myers, Amos Eggleston and James M. Arnold.

1851 - A great revival was held by Bro. A. W. Mullins, Thomas and Martin Loomis and Amos Eggleston.  Forty-one professions of faith were made, each leading to baptism and uniting with the church.

Now needing a larger building, the church decided to relocate to the intersection of Highway 22 and Fishing Creek Road.  The 50' X 60' building was made of hewn logs at a cost of about $75.

Bro. A. W. Mullins was called as pastor.

1852 - The congregation moved to the new building and entertained the Southern Baptist Association.

1855 - Bro. Thomas Loomis was called as pastor.

1856- Elders John Lee and Paschall Hickman Todd led in another great revival.  Thirty-six people were baptized and became members of the church.

1857- The church called Bro. T. S. Greathouse as its pastor.

1858 - Elder J. R. Barbee was called as pastor.

1859-1862 - During the years of the Civil War the church made little progress.  Bros. M. M. Arnold and T. S. Greathouse served in the pulpit, in lieu of a regular pastor.  These were trying times.

1869 - Bro. J. N. Barbee became pastor.

1871 - Bro. Martin Loomis wa called as pastor.

1873 - Bro. Charles Aulick began as pastor.
The church built a new house of worship, where the church now stands.  The building cost approximately $2,000.

1874 - The new church was dedicated.

1875 - Rev. Charles Bagby was called as pastor.

1876 - Bro. J. R. Barbee became pastor.

1877 - Bro. M. M. Arnold returned as pastor.
Bro. Alfred Riley, who had served the church for twenty-five years as clerk, died.  Bro. J. W. Moore was elected to succeed him.
Bro. Sanford Billiter was ordained to the gospel ministry.

1878 - The congregation, once again, called Bro. J. R. Barbee to pastor.

1879 - Bro. W. H. Cram was elected as clerk, beginning eighteen years in this position.

During the history of the church we see evidence of what was known as the annual call.  At the end of each year, the church voted whether or not they want a new pastor.  It was not uncommon for the previous pastor to recommend a new man and at time the church had two pastors sharing responsibilities.

1880 - Bro. J. H. Summy was called as pastor.

1881 - Bro. Thomas Stevens began serving as pastor.

1882 - J. M. Mockbee and G.W. Ballinger were ordained as deacons.

1883 - M. M. Arnold was called as pastor.
During this pastorate, we notice a change in the name of the church from the Regular Baptist Church of Christ at Short Creek to the Baptist Church of Christ at Short Creek.

1886 - N. C. Pettit became the new pastor.

1888 - William McMillin began serving as pastor.

1890-1893 - These years were later to be described as the "lowest ebb of the church both spiritually and financially".
During this period, as well as in other times, there were many examples of church discipline.  Some reason for being excluded from the church were drinking, swearing,  playing cards, and dancing.  In order to be restored, the excluded member would have to make a public apology and request reinstatement.

1893 - Bro. T. J. Marksberry was pastor.

1895 - The church spent $600 to make much needed repairs.

1896 - This was recorded as a great year for the church.
Bro. Marksberry and Bro. M. M. Arnold held a three-week meeting.  Thirty professions of faith were made and ten people restored.

1897 - The church ordained five new deaons; S. M. Daugherty, G. W. McMillin, James Isabel, Theodore Blackburn, and W. H. Cram.

1898 - Theodore Blackburn was elected as clerk.

1900 - Bro. M. M. Arnold died. Bro. Scot was called as pastor.

1903 - Sister Emma G. Arnold was elected as clerk.

1904 - Rev. Lafayette Johnson was chosen to be pastor.

1905 - Rev. E. J. King served as pastor.

1908 - John E. Monroe was elected clerk.
On May 5, the church was struck by lighting and burned to the ground.  The church had no insurance, so it was a total loss.
The church met in a hall,  then owned by E. E. Ewing.  Members raised enough money to build the present building at a cost of $2,700.

1909 - On May 23, the new building was dedicated.

1910 - Bro. Elmer Lucas was called as pastor.
Bro. Charles Conrad was ordained.

1913 - Bro. Charles Conrad became pastor.

1917 - Bro. William Fletcher and L. R. Marquette were ordained as deacons.
The church went to half-time.
The pastor was Paul C. Luttrell.

1918 - The church elected Cora V. Clinger as their clerk.

1919 - A great revival was held.  Twenty-one people were saved and seven people were accepted by letter.
Hazel Ballinger was elected clerk.
Bro. J. M. Ballinger, W. L. Chiles and John E. Monroe were ordained as deacons.

1921 - Another great revival was held.
Sixteen members were added to the roll.

1922 - In July, during a revival, Bro. H. C. Chiles was licensed to preach.

1923 - Bro. H. C. Chiles was ordained by the church.

1926 - The church called C. S. Ellis to pastor.

1928  - Rev. E. Keevil Judy was pastor.

1930 - Bro. Chiles held a revival where fifteen people were added.

1931 - Rev. N. B, Osborne became pastor.

1933 - On October 29, the church celebrated its centennial.
H. W. Seever and W. W. Wormoth served as pastors.  Services were held on the second and fourth Sundays only.

1936 - In August, Bro. J. L. Monroe and Bro. Lewis Conrad was ordained.

1940 - Bro. George Bond was called as pastor.
The church voted to have the building wired for electricity.

1941 - Gordon Walters and James Chiles were ordained as deacons.
In July, the first Vacation Bible School was held with Turner Ridge Baptist Church at the Goforth School.

1943 - In January, the church returned to full-time services, during the pastorate of Bro. H. R. Bills.
On July 16, lightning struck the church belfry and all electrical wiring was shorted out.

1944 - James Chiles became clerk.

1945 - In February, the church approved a letter that was sent to their representatives and senators, expressing support for a National Wartime Prohibition.
Bro. D. P. DeHart served as pastor.

1946 - more letters were written.

1947 - Bro. Kurtley Jolly became the pastor.

1948 - Letters supporting prohibition were once again written.

1950 - A building fund was organized for the purpose of remodeling and building Sunday School rooms.
The work was completed this same year, at a cost of $2,375.
Bro. Gano Morris and Bro. Roscoe Thornberry served the church.

1951 - Bro. Gano Morris was pastor at Short Creek.

1952 - Bro. Roscoe Thornberry served the church as pastor.

1953 - Bro. Wesley Crenshaw was called as pastor.
On January 7, a parsonage fund was established.  The church took 5% of their offering and designated it for the parsonage.

1955 - Bro. George White was called as pastor.

1957 - Bro. Charles Saylor was called as pastor.

1958 - In April, Ivan Wolf was accepted as an active deacon by the church.

1959 - Storm windows were purchased and installed.
In July, the church began having Wednesday night services.
Rev. R. C. Kidwell became pastor.

1960 - The church voted to purchase the Perry farm, which included a house and 3/4's of an acre, for $7,500.

1962 - Bro. M. L. Underwood was pastor.
In December, the parsonage was destroyed by fire.  Members of the church united and furnished clothes, some furniture, and money for the pastor and his family.

1963 - The church voted to build a parsonage.  It would be a red brick home with a full basement, costing $13,000.

1964 - In March, the church ordained Dawson McNay, James Monroe and Tommy Ammerman as deacons.

1965 - Bro. Howard Byers was pastor.
In August, the church was painted, and had a new roof placed on it.

1966 - A homecoming service was held.

1969 - Bro. Howard Reuter served as pastor.

1970 - Bro. Leonard Harmon became the pastor.
On April 12, the parsonage mortgage was paid in full.

1971 - In June, the church received a generous gift from the estate of John and Beulah Monroe.  The Church voted to use some of this money to purchase a new piano and organ.  The present organ and piano were then purchased for $1,940.

1972- Aluminum siding was purchased for the church.

1974 - Bro. Tommy Wright served as pastor.

1976 - New front doors were installed.
Bro. Willie Ailstock was called as pastor.  
Becky Chiles became clerk.

1977 - The pews in the church were refinished.

1978 - Cushions were purchased for the pews.
Full carpeting was installed for $2,107.

All of these improvements were made without any money being borrowed.

1980 - The church voted to remodel the church with partial paneling and drywall, new ceiling tiles, light fixtures, vestibule doors and outer doors, and insulation.

Bro. Floyd Blake became the pastor.

1981 - In December, Ray Chiles, David Hess and Barry Napier were ordained as deacons.

1982 - In April, the church began submitting a weekly article of church related information to the Falmouth Outlook.
In August, Bro. Albert Harris was called as pastor.
In October, shrubs were purchased for the front of the church.
A committee was appointed to investigate the possibility of building an addition to the building.

1983 - Ann Ammerman became clerk.
On August 14, the church approved plans to build an addition onto the existing facility and to install a baptistery for a total of $29,701.17.
On September 18, a ground-breaking ceremony was held.

As of this time, Short Creek Baptist Church had had a total of fifty-five pastors, had ordained thirty-seven deacons and had elected sixteen clerks.


Amanda Eggleston                                   Amos Eggleston
Patience Eggleston                                  Deborah Jaynes
Alexander Monroe                                    Anna Monroe

1983 - On September 23, construction began on the new church addition.
On Sunday, October 23, the church celebrated its 150th anniversary with two hundred fifty-five in attendance.  The weather was wet and dreary, but it did not dampen the people's spirits.

1984 - In January, the frame and roof were completed.
On April 8, the first Baptismal Service in the new baptistery was held.
On Easter Sunday, April 22, the first Sunday School classes were held in the new addition.

1985 - A dedication service was held on September 29.
Total cost of the new addition was reported being $40,750.10.  The day the dedication service began, the church was $8,600 in debt.  As a result of the offering that day, the church was completely debt free with an extra $1,000 to use as the church saw fit.

1986 - During April 20-27, a "Good News America, God Loves You" revival was held simultaneously with other area Baptist churches.  Committees were formed and one hundred ten un-churched families were contacted in the Short Creek area.
Bro. A. B. Colvin was the evangelist.
Ten people came to know the Lord.
Marty Hess painted a picture of Short Creek Church in memory of his Grandmother, Ruby Hess.  The picture hangs in the hall at the church.  Various members of the church donated hymnals in Ruby Hess's memory.
On November 2, Bro. John Elmore was called to pastor.

1987 - On October 18, the church's 154th homecoming anniversary was held.

1988 - Short Creek ordained Keneth Tatum as its 37th deacon.
The church participated in "World Mission Conference:.

1990 - Another simultaneous revival, "Here's Hope, Jesus Cares For You" was held.
Bro. Harland Avera was the evangelist and ninety homes were contacted.

1991 - On June 23, Bro. James Chiles was honored for serving the Short Creek Church faithfully as a deacon for fifty years.
The church purchased additional land lying on the west side of the church building. This same year, the rock wall was reconstructed.

1992 - A scholarship fund was established in memory of Mary Elmore at Clear Creek Baptist College. * Mary Elmore had made a beautiful nativity scene which was given to the church in her memory.
The church, once again, participated in "World Mission Conference".
Short Creek gives eleven per cent of its general income to the co-operative program.  This year the church gave $3,849.  Special offerings for all other missions were $3,202.
The association honored Short Creek for having seven baptisms.  This was fifth in the association.

1993 - Lillian Ballinger was honored for being the oldest living member of Short Creek.
In August, five adults and seven youth were sent by the church to Ridgecrest.
On September 12, Short Creek voted to install central air-conditioning.
A very unusual, unique and effective Youth Revival was held during September 17-19.  Bro. Dave McQueen  from Clear Creek led the revival and four youths accepted Christ and joined the church.

(Nancy's note: * Mary Elmore was the granddaughter of Ada Yeager Miller)


Short Creek has had its share of financial problems through the years.  For example, in 1903, the record indicates that a financial committee of the church asked that each member pay to the church a monthly offering which was assessed to defray all the expenses of the church.  The assessments ranged from 5 cents to 75 cents per month.

Treasurer's Reports

Amount in treasury                                                        .66
Amount due pastor                                                     90.00
Amount due housekeeper                                          15.00
Total Amount Due                                                   105.00

Collected by budget                                                575.46
Expenses                                                                 565.44
Balance                                                                     10.02

Pastor's salary                                                      1,500.00
Total expenses                                                     2,437.00

Pastor's salary                                                      2,400.00
Total expenses                                                     5,177.00

Pastor's salary                                                      3,150.00
Total expenses                                                      8,562.00

Received in general fund to September            13,055.00
Expenses to September                                      10,834.00
Pastor's salary to September                               6,440.00

Received in general fund to September            19,155.55
Expenses to September                                      16,031.34
Pastor's salary to September                               7,350.00



Christian Tomlin  


William Myers  


Amos Eggleston  


Alexander Mullins  

1851-1855,  1859

Thomas Loomis  

1855-1856,  1866

M. M. Arnold  

1861-1868,  1877, 1883-1886, 1890-1893

T. S. Greathouse  

1857-1858,  1862-1866

J. R. Barbee  

1858-1859,  1876, 1878-1879

Asa Tomlin  


Thomas Stevens  

1869,  1881-1882

J. N. Barbee  


Martin Loomis  


Charles Aulick  


Charles Bagley  


J. H. Summy  


N. C. Pettit  


William McMillen  


T. J. Marksberry  

1893-1899,  1909

J. A. Hensley  


Amos Stout  

1900-1901,  1903

W. H. McMillen  


Lafayette Johnson  


E. J. King  


Elmer Lucas  


Charles Conrad  


Joseph Fulton  


A. K. Johnson  

1916-1917,  1932

Paul C. Luttrell  


Marvin Adams  


W. S. Bullard  


C. S. Ellis  


E. Keevill Judy  


N. B. Osborne  


H. W. Seever  


W. W. Wormoth  


G. L. Keller  


George Bond  


H. R. Bills  


D. P. DeHart  


Kirtley Jolley  


Gano Morris  


Roscoe Thornberry  


Welsley Crenshaw  


George White  


Charles Saylor  


R. C. Kidwell  


K. L. Underwood  


Howard Byers  


Howard Reuter  


Leonard Harmon  


Tommy Wright  


Willie Ailstock  


Floyd Blake  


Albert Harris  


John Elmore, Sr.  




Amos Eggleston
Asa Eggleston
Alfred Riley
S. M. C. Blackburn
T. M. Arnold
James Doane
G. W. Ballinger
Marion Arnold
H. T. Clinger
James Mockbee
S. M. Daugherty
Theodore Blackburn
James Isabel
G. W. McMillen
W. H. Cram
William Race
N. H. Ellis
William Gulick
William Fletcher
L. R. Marquette
L. E. Conrad
J. M. Ballinger
W. L. Chiles
John E. Monroe
Louis Conrad, Sr.
J. L. Monroe
James A. Chiles
Gordon Walthers
William Simpson
Verdie Cummins
Dawson McNay
James Monroe
Tommy Ammerman
David Hess
Barry Napier
Ray Chiles
Kenneth Tatum
Richard Wehner


Amos Eggleston
M. M. Arnold
Sanford Billiter
Charles L. Conrad
T. S. Greathouse
J. M Arnold
J. T. Daugherty
Harley Chiles


Asa Eggleston
Hugh Courtney
Ethel Simpson
Basil Long
Samuel Eggleston
J. C. Chalfant
C. M. Fletcher
Franklin Lipscomb


R. C. Kidwell


Alexander Monroe
Alfred Riley
J. W. Monroe
Theodore Blackburn
L. E. Conrad
Cora V. Clinger
Lucille Chiles
Rebecca Chiles
Gaines Payne
S. M. C. Blackburn
W. H. Cram
Emma G. Arnold
John E. Monroe
Hazel Ballinger
James Chiles
Ann Ammerman


Abercrombie, Samuel                                                                           
Abercrombie, James                                         
Abercrombie, Nancy                                          
Adams, Alice                                                    
Adams, Izula                                                    
Adkins, Lewis                                                    
Aetmon, Hattie                                                  
Ailstock, Willie                                                  
Ambler, Dena                                                    
Amberl, Rose                                                    
Ambler, Ladema                                                
Ammerman. Mrs. Pete                                      
Ammerman, Madie                                            
Ammerman, J. D.                                              
Ammerman, Mrs. J. D.                                      
Ammerman, Wayne                                                                                   
Ammerman, Violet                                            
Ammerman, Anna Mary                                    
Ammerman, Margaret F.                                   
Ammerman, Gil                                                
Ammerman, Steve                                            
Ammerman, Cindy                                            
Ammerman, Addie                                           
Angel, Jimmie                                                  
Antrobus, Coleman                                           
Antrobus, Hatty                                                
Antrobus, Absolem                                           
Antrobus, Albert                                               
Antrobus, J. C.                                                 
Antrobus, Shirley                                            
Arnold, John A.                                               
Arnold, Rebecca                                              
Arnold, Marcus M.
Arnold, Elvira                                     
Arnold, Tilbery  M.
Arnold, George W.
Arnold, Mitilda
Arnold, Andrew
Arnold, Mary
Arnold, Malisa
Arnold, Johnathan
Arnold, John
Arnold, M. M.
Arnold, Nancy
Arnold, Elias
Arnold, A. J.
Arnold, John, Jr.
Arnold, Florence
Arnold, Lina
Arnold, Anbelle
Arnold, Walker
Arnold, Clara
Arnold, Emery
Arnold, Ida
Arnold, Cora
Arnold, Lydia
Arnold, Rev. J. M.
Arnold, Artissa
Arnold, Phoebe
Arnold, Marion
Arnold, Sonora
Arnold, Charlie
Arnold, Mollie
Arnold, Maude
Arnold, James, Jr.
Arnold, Frank
Arnold, R. Risk
Arnold, Leslie
Arnold, Bail
Arnold, Edward
Arnold, E. A.
Arnold, T. M.
Arnold, Lucy
Arnold, Lyllian

Arnold, Elmer
Arnold, Everet
Arnold, Rosa
Arnold, Emma G.
Arnold, Emma M.
Arnold, Oscar
Arnold, J. J.
Arnold, Charles, Sr.
Arnold, B. F.
Arnold, William F.
Arnold, Bell
Arnold, Malinda
Arnold, Ernest
Arnold, John Sr.
Arnold, Martha
Arnold, Homer
Arnold, Ella
Arnold, Mrs. E. B.
Arnold, Jack
Arnold, Emmaline
Arnold, Clay
Arnold, Allie
Arnold, Ethel
Arnold, John
Arnold, F. Leslie
Arnold, Nell
Arnold, Miles
Arnold, Mrs. Leslie
Arnold, E. B.
Arthur, Clara
Ashcraft, Perry
Ashcraft, Mannie
Ashcraft, Frank
Ashcraft, Rebecca
Ashcraft, Heana
Ashcraft, Nat'han
Ashcraft, Fred
Ashcraft, Clara
Ashcraft, Hazel
Ashcraft, Helen
Ashcraft, Dritha
Ashcraft, Nellie
Ashcraft, Odella H.
Ashcraft, Mabel
Ashcraft, John H.
Ashcraft, Mae
Atkins, Lewis
Aulick, Maude
Aulick, Mary
Aulick, Mark
Aulick, Linda P.

Bailey, Charles C.
Bailey, Sue
Bailey, Darwin
Baley, Mary
Baker, John
Baker. Jane
Ballinger, Washington
Ballinger, George W.
Ballinger, Nancy
Ballinger, Robert
Ballinger, J. W.
Ballinger, Jessie
Ballinger, Eva
Ballinger, Lou
Ballinger, Willie
Ballinger, Wood
Ballinger, Spencer
Ballinger, Leslie
Ballinger, Ashland
Ballinger, Stella
Ballinger, Nora
Ballinger, Beulah
Ballinger, Josie
Ballinger, Golda
Ballinger, J. M.
Ballinger, Rosie
Ballinger, Hazel
Ballinger, Anna
Ballinger, R. F.
Ballinger, Junior
Ballinger, Homer
Barnard, Mrs. J. P.
Barnard, J. P.
Barnette, Newt
Barton, Tilman
Barton, Tim
Beach, Randall
Beach, Mytrie
Beagle, Eva
Belew, Minnie
Belew, William
Belew, Cecil
Belew, Herman
Belew, Violet
Belew, J. W.
Bennett, Bessie
Benson, Ruth
Benson, Lee
Benson, Wade
Benson, Bertha
Benson, Reuben
Bentle, Judy Roberts
Billitter, Sarah Ann
Billitter, John
Billitter, Jane
Billitter, Sanford
Bills, Rev. H. R.
Bills, Mrs. H. R.
Bird, Mary
Black, Naomi
Black, Corda
Blackburn, Samuel
Blackburn, Mary L.
Blackburn, James
Blackburn, America
Blackburn, Emila E.
Blackburn, Hiram
Blackburn, William
Blackburn, Louisa
Blackburn, Prudence
Blackburn, Nancy
Blackburn, B. T.
Blackburn, Sarah
Blackburn, S. M. C.
Blackburn, Andrew
Blackburn, Ettie M.
Blackburn, Ida
Blackburn, Berta
Blackburn, Theodore
Blackburn, Anna L.
Blackburn, Mary Ann
Blackburn, Katie
Blackburn, Mollie
Blackburn, Frank
Blackburn, Anna
Blackburn, James
Blackburn, Allen
Blackburn, Dorothy
Blackburn, Lucille
Blackburn, Emma
Blackburn, Lola
Blair, Paul
Blake, Floyd Jr.
Blake, Pam
Blake, Andy
Blake, Ben
Blake, Floyd Sr.
Blake, Kathleen
Blasingame, Buckley
Blasingame, Manerva
Blasingame, William
Blasingame, Elvira
Boggess, Mayme
Brawn, Alice
Bray, Xanthronie
Bray, Nancy
Brown, John
Brown, Paulene
Brown, Ethel Louise
Browning, May
Browning, Parker
Browning, Mary
Browning, Gordon
Browning, Kenneth
Browning, Kathryn
Buckley, Lon
Buckley, Josie
Buckley, Harry
Buckley, Elijah
Buckley, Clyde
Buckley, Hubert
Bush, Nancy
Bush, Simeon
Bush, Mary
Bush, William P.
Bush, James
Butner, John
Byers, Rev. Howard
Byers, Aleene
Byers, Gail
Byers, Billie

Caldwell, Julia
Cannon, Clark
Cannon, Mrs.
Carr, Thomas
Carr, Labia
Carter, Bell
Carter, Matilda
Carter, Joseph
Carter, Hester
Casey, Evaline
Casey, Sara
Casey, Sam
Casey, Hattie
Chalfant, Elvira
Chalfant, George
Chalfant, America
Chalfant, Frank
Chalfant, J. C.
Chandler, William
Chandler, John W.
Chandler, Ann
Chandler, Nora
Chandler, Amanda
Chandler, John
Chiles, Walter
Chiles, Carrie
Chiles, Paul
Chiles, Geneva
Chiles, William
Chiles, Jane
Chiles, Louisa
Chiles, Letha
Chiles, Mary Frances
Chiles, J. M.
Chiles, Mary
Chiles, Pearl
Chiles, Nela
Chiles, Mae
Chiles, Linda
Chiles, Ira
Chiles, Harley
Chiles, Gertrude
Chiles, Raymond
Chiles, Allen
Chiles, Jerry
Chiles, Clara
Chiles, Ruby
Chiles, Mary Ellen
Childes,Mary Jane
Childers, Lucinda
Childers, Rosa
Clark, Anna
Claypool, Clyde
Claypool, Selma
Clemons, Belle
Clemons, Cynthia
Clifford, Robert
Clinger, Harmon
Clinger, Mary
Clinger, Mollie
Clinger, Fred
Clinger, Charles
Clinger, J. F.
Clinger, C. D
Clinger, Harry
Clinger, Cora
Clinger, Floyd
Clinger, Eda
Clinger, Thomas
Clinger, Della
Clinger, Harold
Coghill, Mary
Colvin, Nimrod
Colvin, Arbell
Colvin, Harold William
Conrad, Louis
Conrad, Lula
Conrad, L. E.
Conrad, Ernest
Conrad, Emma
Conrad, Charlie
Conrad, Wilbur
Conrad, Tom L.
Conrad, Hattie
Conrad, Elnora
Conrad, Rachel
Conrad, Frank W. Jr.
Conrad, Bessie
Conrad, Jenny
Conrad, Allen
Conrad, Orman
Conrad, Chester
Conrad, Louise
Conrad, Mildred
Conrad, Louis Jr.
Conrad, Tom Frank
Conrad, Ruth
Conrad, Mary
Conrad, Woodrow
Conrad, Ralph
Conrad, Elnora
Conrad, Donald
Conrad, Marvin
Conrad, Emma Grace
Conrad, James
Conrad, Arnold
Conrad, Emett
Conrad, Juanita
Conrad, Alma Jean
Conrad, Eloise
Cookendorfer, Stella
Cooper, R. C.
Cooper, Mae
Cooper, Roy
Cooper, Emma G.
Cooper, Donald
Cooper, Mrs. Donald
Cooper, Rick
Cooper, Ellen
Cooper, Shelia
Cooper, Shirley
Cooper, Elva
Corcey, Alis
Corcey, Elonza D.
Courtney, Ellen
Courtney, Hugh
Courtney, Letha
Courtney, Elizabeth
Courtney, Margaret
Courtney, Charlie Lee
Courtney, James
Courtney, Minnie
Courtney, John
Courtney, Maggie
Courtney, Louise
Cox, Daisy
Cox, Nanna
Craddock, Frata
Cram, Moriah
Cram, Cashus
Cram, Willard G.
Cram, Maria
Cram, W. W.
Cram, Malita
Cram, Mary Ophelia
Cram, Laura
Cram, Wemitta
Cram, Charley
Cram, W. G. Jr.
Cram, Roy
Cram, W. H.
Cram, Edith
Cram, Eula
Cram, Ambrose
Cram, Larry,
Cram, Henry
Cram, Betty
Cram, Harley
Cram, Herbert
Cratik, Mary
Crattick, Sarah
Crattic, Willie
Crenshaw, Rev. Wesley
Crenshaw, Mrs. Wesley
Crombie, Julia
Crouch, Will
Crouch, Mrs. Will
Crouch, Millie
Crouch, Willie
Crouch, Anna
Culbertson, Pearl
Cummins, Terry
Cummins, Verda
Cummins, Margaret
Cummins, Joe
Cummins, Ruby
Cummins, G. W.

Daniels, John
Davis, Charles
Davis, Sarah
Davis, Essia
Davis, Nancy
Davis, James Jr.
Davis, Lizzie
Davis, Ethel
Day, Ed
Day, Margaret
Day, Fannie
Dean, Rosa
Decoursey, Vhasuria
Decoursey, Samuel E.
Decoursey, Anna
Decoursey, T. E.
DeHart, Rev. D. P.
DeHart, Mrs. D. P.
DeHart, Donna
DeHart, Martha
Dember, Elen Culer
Dena, Ambles
Dennis, Daniel
Dennis, Melina
Dennis, Nicholas
Dennis, Andrew
Denny, Susan
Denny, Lucy
Denny, E. B.
Denny, Rice
Denny, Alice
Denny, Thomas
Denny, Elizabeth
Denny, Cora Jones
Denny, Jenny
Doan, Elizabeth
Doan, Hezekiah
Doan, Letha
Doan, James
Doan, John
Doan, Nancy
Doan, Frank
Doan, Clara
Doan, Coleman
Doan, Ella
Doan, Bertha
Doan, Henry
Doan, Rosa
Doan, Walter
Doan, Emily
Doan, John
Dougherty, Miles
Dougherty, O. S.
Dougherty, Lucinda
Dougherty, Ralph
Dougherty, Estella
Dougherty, Eunice
Dougherty, Lou
Dougherty, Joseph
Dougherty, Sarah
Dougherty, Oscar
Dougherty, John
Dougherty, Riley
Dougherty, Jesse
Dougherty, Norven G.
Dougherty, Orlando
Downard, George
Draper, Richard B.
Draper, G. A.
Draper, Granvil
Draper, Mamie
Draper, Elmer
Draper, Florence
Dudgeon, Fannie
Dudgeon, J. A.
Dulake, Ann
Dunn, Tom
Dunn, Katie
Dunn, Russell
Dunn, Tommie

Earls, Goebel
Earls, Mrs. Goebel
Earls, Robert
Eckler, Jackson
Ecus, Mac
Ecus, Katharine
Ecus, William
Eggleston, Amos
Eggleston, Amanda
Eggleston, Patience
Eggleston, Asa B.
Eggleston, Johnathan
Eggleston, Luiza
Eggleston, Ebenezer
Eggleston, Rebecca
Eggleston, Samuel L.
Eggleston, Nancy J.
Eggleston, George
Eggleston, William
Eggleston, Amanda E.
Eggleston, James
Eggleston, Mary B.
Eggleston, Elma
Eggleston, Matilda
Eliot, Dora
Ellis, N. H.
Ellis, Mary B.
Ellis, Chris
Ellis, Virginia
Ellison, Ovie
Ellison, Emma
Elmore, Mary
Evans, Mattie
Evans, Mary
Evans, Ren
Evans, Bertie
Evans, Elizabeth
Ewing, Carrie
Ewing, Henrietta
Ewing, Bettie
Ewing, Elmer Sr.
Ewing, Ethel
Ewing, Elmer Jr.
Ewing, Effie
Ewing, Mamie
Ewing, Ellen

Fletcher, Malcolm
Fletcher, William
Fletcher, Nanie
Fletcher, Liva
Fletcher, William Ellis
Florence, Eliza
Florence, Harrison
Florer, Robert
Florer, Doris
Fogle, Morgan
Fogle, Elizabeth
Fogle, David
Fogle, Robert
Fogle, Sadie
Fogle, Walter
Fogle, Matthew
Fogle, Frank
Fogle, Mary Brandt
Ford, Eva
Ford, Peter
Ford, Patsy
Ford, Hester
Ford, Peter L.
Ford, Susan
Fornash, Eliza
Fornash, Robert
Fornash, Linda
Fornash, Sam Jr.
Fornash, Cora
Fornash, George
Fornash, John
Fornash, Mrs. Sam
Foster, Jane
Frankes, John
Frankes, Nancy M.
Frankes, William
Frankes, Henry
Frankes, Sarah
Frankes, Archie
Frederick, W. M.
Frederick, Mrs. W. M
Frederick, Agnes
Frederick, Mary Rose
Fryer, Fannie
Fryer, Ladema
Fryer, Stella
Funk, William

Gardner, James H.
Garret, Mrs. Wade
Gilbert, Nannie
Glackman, Laura H.
Godman, Crow
Godman, Warriet
Godman, Lethy
Godman, Maude
Good, John
Gray, Matilda
Gray, Frank
Gray, Frank
Greathouse, T. T.
Green, Armilda
Green, Thomas
Green, John
Green, Nancy M
Green, Nathaniel
Green, Eliza
Green, Lee
Green, William
Green, Elizabeth Ann
Green, Sarah
Green, Edmonda
Gribble, Sash
Grimsley, Laura
Grissom, Ernest
Groves, Louis
Groves, Alice
Groves, Mattie
Groves. Sylvia
Gulick, Joseph
Gulick, Polly
Gulick, Isabel
Gulick, Lee
Gulick, Leander
Gulick, Andrew
Gulick, Fred
Gulick, Thomas
Gulick, Maggie
Gulick, Nora
Gulick, Cora
Gulick, Harry
Gulick, William T.
Gulick, Ann
Gulick, Larry
Gulick, Laura
Gulick, Fannie
Gulick, Lillian
Gulick, Mary
Gulick, Grace
Gulick, Ada
Gulick, Lisle
Gulick, Nancy
Gulick, Marie
Gulick, Thomas Jr.

Haddox, Paul
Hadley, R. S.
Hadley, Alta
Hall, Bernice
Hall, Beulah
Hall, Dorothy
Hall, Ponder
Hall, Mattie
Hand, Almirdh
Hand, Moriah
Hand, Lethy
Hanson, Phoebe
Harmon, Rev. Leonard
Harmon, Catherine
Harmon, Reva
Harris, Moses
Harris, Edna
Harris, Cora
Harris, Rev. Albert
Harris, Chris
Harris, Keith
Harris, Michelle
Harris, Melissa
Hauk, John
Hemmingway, Elizabeth
Hemmingway, Lewis
Hemmingway, Margaret
Hemmingway, Nancy J.
Hemmingway, Peter D.
Hemmingway, Morgan
Hemmingway, Sarah C.
Hemmingway, Elizzie
Henderson, Irene
Henderson, Mary
Henderson, Cora
Henderson, Grace
Henry, Melvin
Herron, William
Herron, Alles
Hesink, John
Hesink, Frank
Hess, Ruby
Hess, Ronald
Hess, Patty
Hess, Sue
Hess, Becky
Hess, Margaret Haubner
Highfield, Elizabeth
Highfield, Margaret
Highfield, William
Highfield, Columbus
Highfield, Walter
Highfield, James
Highfield, Osetta
Highfield, Minnie
Highfield, Nancy
Highfield, T. S.
Highfield, Matilda
Highfield, Fannie
Highfield, Bell
Hihill, Ursala M.
Hiten, Tonie
Hoffman, James
Holderfield, Nora
Howe, Robin
Hughes, Ann
Hughes, Alobert
Hunter, Bonnie

Isabell, Clarinda
Isabell, James
Isabel, Molly A.
Isabel, Laura
Isabel, Kate
Isabel, Virgie

Jaynes, Deborah
Jenkins, M. C.
Jenkins, Kelly
Johnson, Rev. A. K.
Johnson, Mrs. A. K.
Jolly, Rev. Kirtley
Jolly, Eula Mae
Jones, Harry
Jones, Anna
Jones, Eliza
Jones, Webster
Jones, G. W.
Jones, Ella
Jones, Wilder
Jones, Nellie
Jones, Charles
Jones, Timothy
Jones, Cherry
Justice, Elizabeth
Justice, Maude
Justice, Martin
Justice, Mary
Justice, Sarah
Justice, Francis

Keller, Rev. Gordon L.
Keller, Mrs. Gordon L.
Kemp, Sylvia
Kendrick, N. W.
Kidder, Katherine
Kidwell, Rev. Richard
Kidwell, Donna
Kidwell, Louiza
Kidwell, Elizabeth Ann
Kidwell, Hally
King, Floyd
King, Lillie
Kirkwood, Matilda
Knox, Edith
Knox, Ike
Knox, Grace
Koettel, Tom
Krebb, Lewis

Landrum, John
Landrum, Rosa
Landrum, Richard
Landrum, Basil
Landrum, Mary
Larkin, Lee
Lawson, Mary
Lawson, H. G.
Lawson, Edna Mae
Lawson, Dolores
Lawson, Henry
Lawson, Goldie
Lewis, Maggie
Lillard, William
Lillard, Janet
Link, Mollie
Lipscomb, Frank Sr.
Lipscomb, Eilene
Lodge, Betty
Lodge, Laura
Lonaker, Eva
Lonaker, Floyd
Lonaker, Rosa
Lonaker, Nick
Lonaker, Mable
Lonaker, Ross
Lonaker, Katherine
Long, Basil
Longanicker, Rosa
Loomis, Myrt
Loomis, Estella
Loomis, Hariott
Loomis, J. W.
Loomis, Reuben
Loomis, Jasper
Louis, Margaret
Lovelace, Willis
Lovelace, Julia
Lovelace, Elizabeth
Lovelace, James
Lovelace, Nancy
Lovelace, John
Lovelace, Jackson
Lovelace, Nicklos
Lovelace, Mary
Lovelace, Liva
Lovelace, Eliza Jane
Lovelace, Nannie
Lovelace, Mollie M.
Lovelace, Ida
Lovelace, John
Lovelace, Julia
Lovelace, Pearl
Lovelace, Hazel
Lovelace, Cecil
Lovelace, Bessie
Lowe, John
Lowe, Elvira
Lowe, Emily
Lunchford, Ann
Luttrell, Rev. Paul

Macomsum, Robert
Mains, R. L.
Manuel, Mary
Marquette, John
Marquette, Nancy
Marquette, John Jr.
Marquette, Julia
Marquette, J. J.
Marquette, F. G.
Marquette, Margaret
Marquette, Randall
Marquette, Loomis
Marquette, Will
Marquette, Louis
Marquette, Bertha
Marquette, Howard
Marquette, Harold
Marquette, Mary
Marquette, Rose,
Marquette, Effie
Marquette, Kenneth
Marquette, Pauline
Marquette, Ada Louise
Marquette, L. M.
Marquette, Fay
Marquette, Richard
Marquette, Lois Jr.
Marquette, Mary Lena
Marquette, Ruth
Marquette, Mary Emma
Marquette, William
Marquette, Joseph
Marquette, Ralph
Marquette, Hazel
Marshall, John
Marshall, Susan
Marshall, F. W.
Marshall, Nancy J.
Marshall, Frances
Martin, Robert H. Jr.
Martin, Juenetta
Martin, Milton
Martin, George H.
Martin, Leslie
Martin, Louis
Martin, Ada
Martin, Marlene
Mason, Mrs. G. F.
McAbee, Charlotte
McAbee, Pearl
McAbee, Vince
McAbee, Norma
McAbee, Lizzie
McAbee, James
McAbee, Mollie
McAbee, Stella
McAbee, Nora
McAbee, Bell
McAbee, Harry
McAbee, Hazel
McAlister, Rutha
McAlister, Margaret
McAlister, Homer
McBride, Susanna
McDonald, John
McDonald, Ella
McKindley, Frances
McKindley, Jesse
McMillin, Mary Ann
McMillin, Sarah
McMillin, Bettie
McMillin, Meslia
McMillin, Thomas
McMillin, Robert
McMillin, William
McMillin, Lizzie
McMillin, Dr. George
McMillin, Jesse
McMillin, Minnie
McMillin, Ida
McMillin, Mary
McMillin. Nana
McMillin, Ethel
McMillin, Aleania
McMillin, Armintia
McMillin, Rose
McMillin, Mrs. Homer
McNay, Elizabeth F.
McNay, C. F.
McNay, Jesse
McNay, Dettie
McNay, Alford
McNay, Willard
McNay, Carrie
McNay, Viola
McNay, Lula
McNay, Julia
McNay, Homer
McNay, Vertie
McNay, Flora
McNay, Wreford
McNay, Kenneth
McNay Harry
McNay, Louise
McNay, Eloise
McNay, Dawson
McNay, Helen
McNay, Ada
Merrill, Lizzie
Merrill, Michell
Merrill, Michael
Merrill, Mollie
Merrill, Fred
Mitchell, Amanda
Mitchell, Keith
Mintum, Lizzie
Mintum, Eva
Mitts, John
Mitts, Ruth
Mockbee, Frederic
Mockbee, Mattie
Mockbee, Will
Mockbee, Tom
Mockbee, Charles
Mockbee, Charlette
Monroe, Alexander
Monroe, Anna
Monroe, Lucy Elen
Monroe, Catherine
Monroe, George Sr.
Monroe, John W.
Monroe, Jane
Monroe, Bell
Monroe, J. W.
Monroe, Laura
Monroe, Alexander Jr.
Monroe, Emma C.
Monroe, Fannie
Monroe, Maggie
Monroe, John E.
Monroe, Anna
Monroe, Langene
Monroe, Dessie
Monroe, George Jr.
Monroe, Eva
Monroe, Willie
Monroe, June
Monroe, Margaret
Monroe, David
Monroe, Burnett
Monroe, Eleanora
Monroe, Alma
Monroe, Faye
Moore, W. F.
Moore, Nora
Moore, Virginia B.
Moore, Charles D.
Moore, Charles
Moore, Eva
Moore, Minnie
More, Leatha
More, Nathan
Morehead, Rosa
Morehead, Margaret
Morgan, Carrie
Morris, Rev. Gano
Morris, Mrs. Gano
Munvell, John
Murrell, William
Murrell, Mary
Murrell, Elizabeth
Murrell, Mary E.
Murrell, Ellen
Myer, Katharine
Myer, John
Myer, Nancy
Myer, William Jr.
Myer, Daniel
Myer, Katie
Myer, Edward

Napier, Barry
Napier, Gay
Neal, Claude
Neal, Maude
Neal, Daisy
Neal, Aleene
Newkirk, Patty
Nicholson, Lidian
Nicholson, Wesley
Nicolson, James
Northcutt, Elizabeth
Nunely, Nancy
Nunely, Elizabeth

Oply, Eliza
Ople, John
Ople, Gusta
Ott, Walter

Pain, Mary
Pain, Margaret Ann
Pain, Elen
Paty, James
Parson, Margaret
Parson, Martha
Parsons, Fred
Payne, James
Payne, Elizabeath
Payne, Elira
Payne, Alexandria
Payne, Amos
Payne, Rosa
Payne, James
Payne, Gertrude
Payne, Maggie
Payne, Nana
Payne, Lee
Payne, Talmadge
Payne, Irene
Payne, Mae
Payne, Russell
Payne, Ralph
Payne, Hazel
Perry, Margaret Ann
Perry, Elmer
Perry, Mae
Perry, Dorothy
Petty, Lizzie
Pfanstiel, Ethel
Philips, Eliza L.
Philips, John
Philips, Adie
Philips, Persella
Philips, Henny
Philips, Mesila
Plunket, John
Pock, Lavica
Pock, John
Pock, Lina
Pock, Mary
Polley, Martha
Polley, Nancy
Polley, Saden
Polley, Susan
Polley, Coghill
Polley, James
Poore, Julia
Poore, William
Poore, Luly
Porter, Elizabeth
Porter, Nancy
Porter, William W.
Porter,  Frances
Porter, James
Porter, Matilda
Porter, Will Ryle
Porter, Martha
Porter, Eva
Porter, Ida
Porter, Ann
Porter, Frank
Porter, Rosa
Porter, Leslie
Porter, Prudence
Porter, Mary
Porter, Clara
Porter, David
Porter, Lucy
Pribble, Prudence
Pribble, Minor
Pribble, B. M.
Proctor, Hallie

Race, Amos
Race, Isafene
Race, Patsy
Race, Pearl
Race, Maratha
Race, Marion
Race, Robert
Race, Charles
Race, Willie
Race, William
Race, Mrs. William
Race, Clarence
Race, Elmer
Race, Edith
Race, Carrie
Race, Harley
Race, Nellie
Race, Harold
Race, Charley
Race, Maggie
Rardon, Morthaam
Ravenscraft, Wilbur
Ravenscraft, Walter
Ravenscraft, Sallie
Red, Walter
Redinour, William
Reed, Julia
Reuter, Rev. Howard
Reuter, Alma
Reuter, Kathy
Reuter, Vicky
Riddle, Arbel
Riley, Alford
Riley, Rachel
Riley, Ann
Riley, Frances
Riley, Lucy
Riley, Mary
Riley, James
Riley, Ollie
Riley, Lee
Riley, John
Risk, Lucy
Robbins, Mabel
Roberson, Mollie
Roberson, Emma
Roberts, Eva
Rose, Harry Lee
Rose, Effie Jane
Rose James R.
Rose, Marthie
Ross, Fannie
Rouse, Richard
Rule, Lucy E.
Rust, Ann
Rust, Wuintella
Ryder, Carolene
Ryder, Daisy
Ryder, Omer

Sade, James
Said, James
Said, James Jr.
Said, Nancy
Said, Mary P.
Sanders, Catherine
Sanders, L. M.
Sanders, Morgan
Saylor, Rev. Charles
Salor, Mrs. Charles
Scott, Katherine
Seever, Rev. Harold
Seever, Mrs. Harold
Shafer, Oral
Sharp, Arvel
Sharp, Ruth
Sheily, Thomas
Shinn, Barbara
Shively, John
Shuth, Mary
Simpson, Ethel
Simpson, Richard
Simpson, Sally
Simpson, Allie
Simpson, Lula
Simpson, Ivie
Simpson, Mattie
Simpson, Cecil
Simpson, Leoda
Simpson, W. A.
Simpson, Anna
Simpson, William
Sissel, Jamie
Slater, Ann
Slater, Melinda
Smith, Frances
Smith, B. R.
Snapp, James
Snapp, Elizabeth
Soden, Mary
Soden, Joseph
Soden, C. W.
Soden, Polly
Somers, Maxa
Somers, J. W.
Somers, Mahala
Souder, Francis
Souder, Joe Mike
Souder, Jerry
Souder, Cannon
Southard, Ollie
Southard, Corce
Southard, George W.
Spaulding, William E.
Spaulding, Nora
Spegal, Eugene
Spegal, Margie
Spegal, Judy
Spicer, Mellissa Eckler
Stafford, Edgar
Stanford, Ethel
Stephens, Samuel
Stephens, Jacob
Stephens, Mary L.
Stephens, Sara
Stephens, Isabel
Stephens, Aaron
Stephens, Thomas
Stephens, Cora
Stephens, Paula
Stephenson, Nancy
Stephenson, Sarah Ann
Stephenson, Elizabeth
Stephenson, Fannie
Stephenson, Cathena
Stephenson, Lena
Stephenson, William C.
Stephenson, Sally
Stephenson, Filmore
Stephenson, Scott
Stewart, Shelton
Stewart, Nancy
Stone, John
Stone, Rachel
Streeter, Squire
Streeter, Analiza
Streeter, Joseph
Streeter, Frances
Streeter, Hanah L.
Stroud, Irene
Stroud, Maude
Stroud, Ed
Stroud, Mary J.
Sulivan, Mary
Sullivan, Lucille
Summers, Hercules
Summers, Mahala
Summers, G. W.
Swinford, Sarah
Swinford, Sam

Tatum, Helen
Tatum, Beth
Taylor, Sam Sr.
Taylor, Ann
Taylor, Sam Jr.
Taylor, Ed
Taylor, Bettie
Taylor, George
Taylor, Maggie
Taylor, Essa
Taylor, Benjamine
Taylor, Virgie
Taylor, Anna
Thompson, Isabel
Thompson, Thomas
Thompson, Myrle
Thompson, Joseph
Thompson, Julia
Thompson, Thor
Thomas, James
Thornberry, Rev. Roscoe
Thornberry, Mrs. Roscoe
Thorton, Sarah M.
Thorton, John
Thorton, Grace
Thorton, Bell
Thorton, James
Tlack, James
Tomlin, Mildred
Tomlin, James
Tomlin, Larry
Tomlin, Gary
Tomlin, Esum
Tomlin, Sarah
Tomlin, E. B.
Traylor, Katie
Tutor, Oliver
Tutor, Mrs. Oliver
Turner, William
Turner, Rebecca
Turner, Vira
Turner, Ethel

Underwood, Rev. Ken
Underwood, Mrs. Ken
Underwood, Karen
Underwood, Keith

Vastine, William
Vastine, Anna
Vice, Britt
Vice, Grace
Vice, Leona
Vorhees, Olive

Wadsworth, Sarah
Wadsworth, Rachel
Wadsworth, Henry
Wadsworth, Frederick
Wadsworth, Ty
Wadsworth, Naomi
Wadsworth, Bertha
Wadsworth, Lizzy
Wadsworth, Satiria
Wadsworth, Verna
Wadsworth, Walter
Wadsworth, Fred
Wallace, Elizabeth
Wallace, Addie
Wallace, Cecil
Wallace, Floyd
Walthers, Oretta
Walthers, Robert
Walthers, Wilbur
Walthers, Ambrose
Walthers, Herbert
Walthers, Leslie
Walthers, Hazel
Walthers, Gordon
Walthers, Minnie
Walthers, Velma
Walthers, Edward
Walthers, Ercil
Walthers, Russell
Walthers, Leslie Jr.
Walthers, Hazel
Walthers, Gordon
Walthers, Minnie
Walthers, Velma
Walthers, Edward
Walthers, Ercil
Walthers, Russell
Walthers, Leslie Jr.
Walthers, Millie
Walthers, Lena
Walthers, Kathy
Walthers, Margaret
Walton, Blanche
Walton, William
Walton, Billy
Ward, Flora
Wastes, Lizzie
Wayne. Gherran
Wayne, Betty
Wayne, James
Wayne, Dale
Webster, Matilda
Webster, Fannie
Webster, Peggy
Webster, Nellie
Webster, John
Webster, John
Webster, Ann Jones
Wells, Richard
Wells, Marthy
Wells, Plumes
Wells, Golda
Wells, Loretta
West, Matilda
West, Ethel
West, Ada
West, Shirley
Whaley, Sarah
Whaley, John
Whaley, Clinton
Whaley, Gayle
Whaley, Linda
Whaley, Greg
Whaley, Sheila Ward
Whaley, Gayla
White, Rev. George
White, Mrs. George
White, Eva E.
White, Ellen
Wicks, Lola
Williams, Angamma
Williams, Joseph
Williams, Sara Jane
Williamson, Mark
Williamson, Mrs. Mark
Williamson, Carl
Wilson, Mattie
Winkle, Jesse
Winkle, James
Winkle, Mary E.
Winkle, Anna Lee
Winkle, Tommy
Wolfe, Hazel
Wolfe, Homer
Wolfe, Juanita
Wolfe, Marilyn
Wolfeque, Harry
Wooster, Lizzie
Workman, Lester
Workman, Marisue
Wormoth, Rev. W. W.
Wormoth, Mrs. W. W.
Wright, Louisa
Wright, Virgil
Wright, Mrs. Virgil
Wright, Rev. Tommie
Wright, Betty

Yelton, Daniel
Youngblood, Melanie

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