News Papers From The Past

Generously transcribed & submitted by Nancy Bray.
Thanks so much Nancy!

This page has articles from not only Pendleton but many other areas, enjoy!


Nancy's Note:

Our ancestors were not so much different than we are today. They had some of the same problems that we have, and managed to have a sense of humor also. The sense of fashion was a bit different, and in the following installments I am going to try and convey some of these things. There will be a mixture of things, and dates, and helpful hints, so hope all will enjoy. I hope that you will get a little better idea of things that went on in Pendleton Co. and surrounding areas over 100 years ago.  The news papers weren't that much different either, over half of each issue was advertisements!



Covington Journal
Falmouth, September 10, 1853

Mr. Editor.--Sir: As the town of Falmouth is soon to be introduced as your next door neighbor, up the railroad, and to enter into close and friendly relations with your city, it may be well enough to "post up" your readers a little in regard to Falmouth, and its surroundings. You, also, Mr. Editor, might make an acquaintance with us profitable, by extending the circulation of your valuable paper, in a district that must naturally look to your city for the news, the markets, &c.

Falmouth, the county seat of Pendleton county, contains about three hundred and fifty inhabitants. It is distant from Covington, by the Covington and Lexington railroad, thirty-eight miles. It is situated at the confluence of Main and South Licking rivers, in a beautiful valley of about three miles in circumference, embraced for the greater part by the two rivers. The valley is quite level, fertile, dry, and has never been overflown. For beauty of situation or romantic surroundings, Falmouth is not surpassed by any town in the west; over-looked, as the place is, by high hills, from which you have fine views, in the valleys opening to the north, the south, and the east, with silver threadlike rivers, winding through them, spanned by bridges and margined by green trees. The town enjoys superior water-power, and water for all purposed in its rivers; and in its springs and hills the greatest abundance of the purest and coldest water for drinking. No place in my acquaintance is so bountifully watered, and where ice is so little wanted.

With such health of locality, such pure air and water, such fresh country scenery, what valley more pleasant could be found to nestle a cottage in, that this? But an hour or two's ride from the noise and dust of the city, it must and will be sought, as a desirable retreat. For schools or institutions of learning, no place in the State offers more natural inducements, or will be more easy of access from north or south.

In regard to the country, Falmouth is surrounded, for the most part, it is true, by a hilly country, but with a good soil, producing the grasses in the greatest perfection; say, red clover, timothy, and blue grass; so far as I have seen the experiment fairly tested, scarcely excelled by the boasted grass lands of the center of the State. With the hand of industry and enterprise, our hills might soon be covered with the finest stock of every kind, and to the raising of sheep, they are extremely well adapted. As our lands are yet cheap, how easy stock farms, which are the pride of any country, might be made to beautify our hills. Our access to market will be speedy enough for the dairy farmer.

Our bottoms and uplands produce all the staples of the country in abundance. Our ridges, for tobacco, and fruits of all kinds, are unrivalled.

In a business point of view, Falmouth will command quite a large section of country, and to meet the demands of the people, a considerable warehouse and commission business will have to be done.

It will be one of the best points in northern Kentucky for the manufacture and prizing of tobacco. For the manufacture of cooperage, every inducement is offered, that easy access to market, that abundant and cheap material of the very best kind, can offer.--In fact, mechanics of almost every sort, producing for the city, the town, or the country, might drive a profitable business here. It would be a capital point for the slaughtering of hogs, for the city packers, having advantages equal to Plainsville, or any point on the roads leading north, or west, from Cincinnati. Situated at the foot of the rich valley of the South Licking, at the probable junction of the Maysville and Covington road with the Covington and Lexington, (for we are but thirty-five miles from Maysville, by way of Main Licking and North Fork valleys) it must be a point for the collection and shipment of much stock.

In this short article, we have space to refer to but a few of the advantages, that time and enterprise must develop in our suburban town. As the road will be open by the first of October, and our citizens design giving on the day of its opening, an old-fashioned barbecue, if the weather permits, we would say to all, came and see for yourselves. We will give you a hearty welcome.




Covington Journal
Saturday, October 30, 1875

(Correspondence Covington Journal)

Falmouth, Ky., October, 1875
by J. L. Bradford

This beautiful town of commodius residences, shade trees and flowers has been so often noticed by tourists, I will only say for good hotels and old-fashioned hospitality one may travel far and not find a better resting place. A good breakfast at the Jefferson House, kept by uncle George Lightfoot, where no new inovations have been introduced, such as coal grates or lamps, you enjoy the old time scent of wood fires and candle lights. But what one can praise is the good cooking and good order. My horse is brought and I am in the saddle and wind my way through the town and up the high hill to the south, on the road leading to the north fork of Licking river. The valley where the town is situated and the main and south Licking that culminate here is covered with a dense fog. The high hills surrounding this beautiful place, on every side, now present a grand sight. As we reach the top of the hill we halt, light a cigar, and our eyes sweep a wide range of hills reaching till they blend with the far off horizon. The course of the two Lickings are marked out by the rising of the fog, by the morning breeze and the disolving rays of Old Sol now shining in all his glory. The frost has played its pranks on the green leaves, and you behold as you cast your eyes down the slopes of the hills, at his touch, the leaves of the oaks turn to a rich brown or redish purple; the popular, sassafrass and hickorys are yellow; the silver leafed beech, the maples nearly every tint from green to gold, crimson, scarlet and pink; the gums, ash and dogwood fiery scarlet; the tulip tree a rich lemon color waving and glitering, covered with the fresh morning dew. The evergreens in their original green, set off the other hues in fine contrast.

As you gaze over this lovely scene the bright and beautiful woods, the deep red, yellow, gold, purple, green, brown and scarlet blended together and quivering in the sunlight as the gentle breeze loiters among the leaves, the air appears filled and thrilled with a hushed and breathlike tenderness, the heavens seem to look radiant with a closer embracing sympathy for the earth. The valley is still and voiceless. A bed of fog shrouds the plain, the bright ripling water is shut out from the grand holiday dress of the surrounding forest. "Like a soft regret of the atmosphere the Indian summer lingers over the dead Autumn, very sweet like the smile that looks a radiant farewell to the happy soul departed from the lips of a beautiful one dead, not dreary and not sad, but a joy that seems sorrow and a sorrow that seems joy do we regard it, this lovely time, when nature, breathless and pale, like a long watchful mother, stoops over and kisses asleep her dearest flower-child for the last time.

How our heart flutters as we gaze on the beautiful leaves; like a bright vision of happiness they dance before our eyes in very glee, but just as our dreams are about to be realized, a creaking noise is heard, a rushing sound and the fall blast sweeps off the gaily, colored leaves, and my vision vanishes. Beauty soon fades, sombre shades will gather over them now, and they will be trodden underfoot as things that were; marks of dissolution and decay appear, and the thing of beauty is a shapeless mass.

We pass on viewing the corn fields, every stock laden with large ears, many of the ends of the ears peeping out of the husks--clearly showing a beautiful crop. Many of the farmers are seeding, tough the ground is very dry, but they rely on God's promise of seed time and harvest, cold and heat. I called to see the venerable old man Francis McKinney, 96 years old; he is able to be out. I spent some time with him, he is a man of more than ordinary mind, and recollects all the great events that we as a people have passed through. He said "you are going up to the farm." "Yes," "well, I want you to pass through my farm and keep along under the tall cliffs up near the north fork of Licking from here, for more than three miles. I retained the cliffs when I sold the land, supposing Licking would be slack watered. You will see great ledges of blue and grey lime stones." I bid the old man farewell and cross the Licking river. An hour's ride, most of the way along the margin of the river under huge cliffs overhanging the path. Not a ray of sunshine meets the eye for more than two miles, and then you have to ascend through a ravine and you gain the top of the cliff more than three hundred feet above the river.

This scene is enchanting to one who loves the sunshine and fresh woodland air. I unsaddle my horse and turn him in the pasture, he rolls over and over, back and forth, rises, gives a neigh and dashes off to greet old friends. The herd of horses meet him, and sundry node and shakes of the heads indicate they are having horse talk. Now, the two brothers separate from the herd and rub their heads together and nip each other in playful glee, rear up, seem to paw at each other then wheel and dash up to where I stand; the young horse circles round me and stops on a rising piece of ground, I approach him in a coaxing manner, rub the muzzel of his large red funneled nostrils, scratch round his eye-brows and ears, pat his arched neck, rub his flanks and comb out his long forelock, mane and tail; now he returns the caresses, rests his head on my shoulder, rubs his nose against my cheek, rubs his eye on my huntingcoat, the rattle of the powder flask and shot-bag scare him and off they dash and join the herd of horses.

I have more than one hour before dinner and descend the cliff along a winding path that leads down to a fish-trap in the Licking river; as the path turns to the south along a broad ledge of rocks I reach a deep pool of water at the foot of a little cascade streaming down over huge grey and blue lime-stone rocks. Imagine a sheer precipice of grey and blue, but looks black in the shade of rugged rocks two hundred feet high, with a little lake or pool at its base, surrounded by sloping masses of lime-stone and tall shadowy trees. From the overhanging lips of this cliff, aloft between your upturned eyes and the sky, come a softly flowing rivulet of pure cool water. After making a joyous leap it breaks into a shower of heavy spray, and scatters its drops more and more widely and minute, until in little more than a driggling mist, it scatters over the smooth moss covered stones lying beneath. All the way up the sides of the precipice cling, wherever a space is afforded, little tufts of moss and delicate vines contrasting beautifully with the rocks.

Last autumn I stood here and saw the sun rise. One gets a fine display from this picturesque eminence; he sees the tops of the trees in all colors and fading off into the distance. But autumn decked with radiant forest leaves and moaning under the weight of lucious fruits, is the season we love. In the woods we see the trees laden with nuts. The beech, the oak, hickory and walnut all are full of fruit.

Leaves have their time to fall; birds have their time to spring into that brief and beautiful existence allowed to them by the universal Creator. To every thing there is a season. They all have one life to live, and one death to die. Nature is lovely in her forms of life, and lovely in death. The verdure which she spreads over creation in its season is refreshing to the eye and the mind, but her dying colors, if I may so call them are of startling brightness. Go into the fields and forests in October, and behold the gorgeous apparel with which she has invested herself preparatory to her descent into the sepulchre of winter. No gloomy color is seen adorning her masted form; no frown distorts her matronly brow. Her joy is like that of one who has run well his triumphal course, fulfilled his entrusted commission, and is "ready to be offered up." How affecting this annual sacrifice of a world of beauty and grandeur; the leaves fall, but not the tree that bore them. The rose fades, but the stem on which it grew is vital--it will sprout again. So is the life of the spiritual aspirant after holy immortality, hid with Christ in God, and in that life mortality is to be swallowed up. How mighty the power that can absorb all the miseries of humanity as the earth absorbs the world of leaves that descend into its bosom.

(I have left this story in its original spelling) nb



The Daily Commonwealth
Covington, Ky.
December 27, 1879
The Licking Flood

A saw mill, in complete order, which had been torn from its foundation at Boston Station by the flood in the Licking River, sailed past Newport early yesterday morning.
Mr. Fred Stagman, who was on one of the barges which were carried off by the flood in Licking River day before yesterday, narrowly escaped drowning while scrambling ashore.


The Journal
Covington, Ky.
Saturday Morning August 23, 1851
Dreadful Mortality

We learn that a locality on Grassy Creek, in Pendleton County, has been severely afflicted. About two weeks ago the cholera and flux broke out simultaneously in a malignant form. In a short time from forty to fifty deaths, or about 1/3 of the entire population of the neighborhood, had died at one time or the other of these diseases. At last accounts the sickness still prevailed, but with some abatement of its virulence.

Bastard--A law of the last Connecticut Legislature provides that all children born out of wedlock should be the legal heirs of the mother, as much so as if they were born in marriage. Hartford Republican thinks it would be well to make them heirs, also, of the father, as that kind of children generally have fathers. The idea is a good one.

What the Scotch Lady Wanted--A Scotch lady entered a store in Boston, and inquired for a tablecloth of dambroud pattern. 'We have some pretty broad' was the reply of the astonished salesman, 'but none quite so broad as that.' The lady explained that dambroud was the Scotch term for checquered pattern.


The Daily Commonwealth
Saturday December 9, 1882
Remains of Mastodon Found in Pendleton Co.
Editor Commonwealth-Knoxville December 5, 1882

While Mr. F. P. Webb was engaged in digging a cellar on his new farm near here, he, much to his astonishment, unearthed what appeared both in form and size to be the molar of a mastodon or some other large animal not now known to the inhabitants of this country. It was about twenty inches in length, and measured seven inches by eight at the large end, and tapered to about three by four inches at the smaller end. It was corrugated on the sides of the end on which mastication seemed to be done, the center of the same seeming to be decayed to such an extent as to cause the margin to present quite an indented appearance. It ought to be sent, together with the affidavit of the finder, to some collection of fossil remains for preservation.


The Daily Commonwealth
Wednesday March 28, 1883
Falmouth, Ky.

March 27-Jesse Willett, a colored barber of this place, obtained two watches from F. G. Held & Co., jewelers here, under false pretense, and got a gold chain from Edward Aulick, bartender for W. W. Culbertson, in the same way, and skipped the town by the afternoon train. A telegram revealed; that he stopped off at Cynthiana, and Charles Held and Aulick left on the night express for that city, to try and hunt him down. Willett narrowly escaped the penitentiary on a similar charge a few years ago.

From the New York Tribune

Embroideries on light wool fabrics are done in the cross stitches of old-fashioned samplers.
Violet, lilac, pansy, heliotrope, dahlia and many other tints of purple are fashionable for silk and wool costumes.
Opal tinted shot silks and the aurora colors of pink with gray, or pink with orange, are among the spring novelties.
Scotch plaid glace silks of very dark colors are used in combination with Surah and cashmere for semi-dress costumes.
The small capote entirely covered with violets, and the brim and strings of Valenciennes lace is a charming bonnet for blondes.
Young ladies nun's veiling dresses have guimps of velvet set in with a point back and front, and a high puff of velvet on each shoulder.
The Fedora bonnet has a pointed brim and puffed crown, and is made up in the yellow silks and laces that Sarah Bernhardt brought into fashion. Pretty bonnets for spring and summer have the entire brim covered with loops of narrow ribbon turned toward the front; the crown may be straw or beaded lace.
Black Spanish lace costumes are imported with red or yellow satin linings. The bright strawberry red shades are used for these and repeated in the bonnet, parasol and fan.
Many new bodices have a puff of velvet resting against the skin around the neck without white lace inside; this is a test for the complexion, as is only becoming to a lily white skin.
Gowns of crimson, ruby and bright shades of red are made of camel's hair and satin, for the house in the afternoon in town, and for general wear in the country. Embroideries, lace and velvet are their garniture.


Daily Commonwealth 
Tuesday April 24, 1883
Gardnersville April 19

Born on the 11th last, to the wife of G. W. Vallandengham, a fine boy, weight 10 lbs., (Dr. A. M. Williams attending physician) named Allen Williams Valandengham

Pendleton Co.
Dr. Chipman, of Short Creek, cut off the leg of Peter Fords, twelve year old son last week. The doctor was assisted by Drs. Chipman & Stewart, of Berryville. Cause of amputation, ossification of the bone at the knee had set in. The child is doing well at present. 

Esquire W. A. Brann is lying quite sick of fever----
Mr. John Robinson's son is dangerously ill.

A new Sheriff in our county, at R. A. Sheriff's. He weighs 10 pounds -- John Mulikin and wife rejoice again; its a 10 and one-half pound girl; but the happiest of them all is Uncle Joe and Aunt Katy Moore over the 14th addition to their household, and its a girl; her name is 
Tham Nickols.

Dick Lowe was thrown from a horse and bruised up considerably.

Daily Commonwealth
Covington, Ky. Tuesday October 23, 1877

Mrs Anna Smoot, of Missouri, is visiting her father, Captain Ewing, near Morgan Station.

Pendleton Co. Morgan Station
October 22---W. A. Brann returned from a 6 week western trip, much pleased with what he saw, and enjoying fine health.

Last week Thos. Hume, a young man of the neighborhood of Roanoke, in this county, and Bob Asbury, of the same place went to Williamstown, Grant Co., and got into a bar-room quarrel with some other parties. Hume drew a pistol and shot at Frank Asbury, a cousin of Bob Asbury, when Asbury took hold of the pistol in such a manner as to cause Hume to shoot himself, so that he died in a few days and was buried near Callensville. Another victim of mean whiskey, and the foolish practice of carrying weapons of deadly nature.

Thomas Dance, popularly known as "Stumpy" Dance, died at his home in Callensville, after a long and painful illness. He was confined to the house for three months.

The neglected heirs of the late Thos. Corwin, of this county, succeeded at the present term of our Circuit Court having the will set aside and will now come in as full heirs to the property.

The heaviest rain that has fallen for years, fell here last Saturday. It fell in sheets for about an hour. It was the first sheet rain this writer ever saw fall.

Sick list: Mike Coleman is very sick. Joe Douglass is dangerously ill. John Dance has been confined to his bed for several weeks.

J. W. Chowning is operating, with hopes of succeeding, in the new business, the receipt for which he got in Louis Co., Mo. Notice will be given if it proves a success.

Insecticide-The Journal of Chemistry says that hot alum water is the best insect destroyer known. Put the alum into hot water and let it boil till all the alum is dissolved, then apply it hot with a brush to all cracks, closets, bedsteads, and other places where any insects are to be found. Ants, bed bugs, cockroaches and creeping things are killed by it; while it has no danger of poisoning the family or injuring property.



The Ticket
Monday April 30, 1877

The residence of Mr. Isaac Middleton, near Knoxville, in Pendleton County, was destroyed by fire yesterday. It was a two-story frame house, and valued at two thousand dollars. It was supposed to be the work of an incendiary.


The Ticket
Covington, Ky. 
Tuesday August 28, 1877
Capture of a Murderer

Some three months since a man named Durkin was killed in a bar-room in Callensville, Pendleton county, by one William Moore. Since that time Moore has been a fugitive from justice, and nothing had been heard of him until last Saturday night, when Deputy Sheriff's Mullins and Pendergest, learning of his where abouts, started in pursuit of him. They found their man camping out in the woods near Callensville, and walked up and arrested him, he making no resistance, as it would have been useless. They put their prisoner on a horse and landed him safely in the Falmouth Jail last night. While en route for Falmouth the prisoner made an attempt to escape by starting his horse on a brisk run, but the beast slipped, throwing its rider, whom the officers promptly secured.


The Ticket
Covington, Ky.
Monday September 24, 1877

Falmouth Independent-Repeated efforts in the last eight or ten years have been made to obtain an act of the Legislature, adding a portion of this county to Grant, and it is quite evident from a notice published in this issue, that the citizens of the dissatisfied action will renew their efforts in the direction before the next Legislature. The part in question contain the village of Knoxville and Doudsville, borders on Grant for a distance of 17 1/2 miles, and is about 2 miles in width.

Falmouth - The Criminal Court adjourned on Friday evening to meet on Monday. This makes two holidays for the first week, the Grand Jury and old docket together not being near enough in the way of work for Judge Perkins. Both the murder cases, i.e. William Moore, for the killing of John Durkin, and John Donnelly for that of Martin Brand, are set for Monday, the later being first on the docket.

Judge Cleary is determined to break up a vicious practice, that of forgetfulness before the trial jury of what the deponet testified before the Grand Jury; and ato that end will arraign before the latter tribunal next week, some youths, of weak memory, whose oblivion may be owing to fitness and finance of the party indicted and up for trial. On Friday William Grogan was fined $70 for assaulting John Kidwell; a pleasant enough thing for John to contemplate, were it not that in the very next case, John himself had a tussle with the Commonwealth for drawing and pointing a pistol at one of his sons, and was made to disgorge $30. Thus John, both actively and passively benefited State an even hundred, minus Judge Cleary's little $30 pile. Fred Rohr, for Sabbath breaking, was fined $20, and W. G. Coleman (actai) sixteen, ten days and $25 for carrying concealed weapons. Taking it all in all, the Prosecuting Attorney must live high if he don't pay expenses out of his two weeks work, as I have enumerated but a small number of the fines assessed. 

The schools, three in number, are well patronized and in efficient working order. Prof. Harding's select school has fifty-four pupils.

The cisterns being built for a war on the fire fiend are nearly completed. The engines will soon "rattle o'er the stony streets." 

As one of the Jury Commissioners appointed for the selection of juries for the term of the court was shown to have been ineligible, being no house-keeper, on Wednesday, by a motion of Judge Cleary, the Court directed the impaneling of a new Grand Jury, which was effected by re-summoning those already engaged, when that August body had to rehearse their little pieces of Monday and Tuesday. Thus a prolongation of the Grand Jurys term, and--lets see-18 x 1 1/2 x 2 = $54, for the want of a little circumspection in the matter of appointing Jury Commissioners. No blame can possibly be attached to Judge Perkins in making the appointment, as the names are usually furnished the Court by persons supposed to be posted in what constitutes Jury Commissioners. In fact 'twas natural mistake all around, as Mr. Applegate had been a house keeper, and always as steady and reliable as a Seth Thomas clock.
N.B. - I am no agent for this piece; hence the comparison is no advertisement. But if Seth sees this and sends me an "eight day," I shant grumble. Con.


Daily Commonwealth
Covington, Ky.
Thursday July 14, 1881

A telegram from Shawneetown, Ill., July 13, says: Wm. H. Moore, book-keeper for the Bowlesville Mining Company, committed suicide by cutting his throat from ear to ear with a razor, nearly severing his head. His health has been poor for some months, and arrangements have been made for him to start his way home to Covington, Ky., tomorrow. He left instructions as to the manner of his burial, wishing as little expense as possible and requesting that money left be sent to his mother, Mrs. Harriet Moore.

Dividing Ridge 1881
Died, 4th of May, Mr. John Cram. He leaves a widow and one child, and many friends to mourn his loss.

Advertisement from paper:
Lightfoot House
Main St. opposite Court House 
Falmouth, Ky.
G. C. Lightfoot, Proprietor
Rates- reasonable. Saloon supplied with liquors and cigars

Death of a Veteran of 1812
Paris, Ky. July 26 - Thomas Jones, one of the oldest soldiers of 1812, died suddenly at his home this evening. He was 92 years of age and the oldest resident of this city.

Mrs. Hattie Cram, beloved daughter of John and Matira Mills, died at the residence of her father.



Covington Journal May 22, 1869

Homicide at Falmouth

Singular and Distressing Affair

At Falmouth, Pendleton County

At Falmouth, Pendleton co, on Wednesday night last, about 12 o'clock, A. J. Hall, Esq., a young lawyer of that place was awakened from his sleep by a noise at the front door of his dwelling, as if someone were endeavoring to break in. He proceeded to the hall into which the door opens, and had just got there and was demanding who was making the noise, when the door was burst open and he was confronted by a man in the doorway. Mr. Hall fired a single shot, but with fatal effect. The man dropped dead. The body proved to be that of James Jones, a young man, very recently married, whose father, a farmer, in easy circumstances, and of good repute, lives within 2 or 3 miles of Falmouth. Young Jones, when sober, conducted himself with propriety and was generally liked; but he had gotten into the habit of drinking to excess at intervals and when under the influence of alcohol, was wild and reckless. Gentlemen who were in Falmouth at the time, and who knew, did not believe he went to Hall's house with malicious intent; and this opinion is strengthened by the fact that on a former occasion, when under the influence of alcohol, he entered a dwelling in town at night, laid down on the floor and slept till morning. Mr. Hall did not know who had broken into his house until after he fired the fatal shot, and although justified in the act b the jury at the coroners inquest, and indeed by the public voice of Falmouth, is sorely distressed and deeply regrets the occurrence . Mr. Hall is highly known and esteemed in this city, he having read law in the office of Messers. Stevenson and Meyers.



We hear so much about botox and face lifts these days, and sometimes wonder what these women are thinking--well, here again, things have not changed that much. nb

Covington Journal
March 23, 1872

Enameling the Face and the Result
High Price and Long Suffering for the Folly.
(From the Louisville Ledger)

A lady in Louisville paid seventy-five dollars, we are told, for having her face enameled for the night of the ball given at the Galt House, to the Grand Duke Alexis. The enamel was warranted to last three days, and so it did. The lady was taken ill upon her return home from the ball, her face became greatly swollen, the most acute pain succeeded, and it was only by the employment of the best medical skill that her life was saved. This statement we have from an undoubted source.

But the case of this lady is not so bad as that of another Louisville lady who became strangely enamored of the odious fashion of enameling the face. She visited another city, far to the eastward, some five months ago, for the sole purpose of having her face enameled according to the latest Parisian mode. She had heard that a noted Parisian was engaged in the enameling business at the city in question, and to him she went upon her arrival. For the sum of five hundred dollars he agreed to enamel her face so scientifically that the enamel would remain undamaged for three years, and a year or two longer, if extra care were taken in washing the face according to his prescribed method. The devotee of fashion concluded the bargain, and paid three hundred dollars of the sum named, the balance to be paid in yearly installments, divided into three years.

The lady received the enamel and returned to her home in this city. Since her return, she has disappeared from society. There was so much poison in the enamel that its effects were almost immediately developed in the almost total paralysis of the facial nerves, and what was once a truly beautiful face, is to-day a distorted, disfigured, and ulcerous one.

The lady's beauty has disappeared forever, and if her physicians succeed in saving her life, they will have accomplished more than they had a right to hope for. Her eyes are terribly inflamed and disfigured, and the sight of them fast failing.

Fashion is an inexorable master, demanding woeful sacrifices from her slaves, but we do not remember to have every heard of a case in which she demanded such a terrible expiation of folly as in the last of the two mentioned above.


Done Enough For His Country--A Revolutionary soldier was running for Congress, and his opponent was a young man who had "never been to the wars," and it was the custom of the old soldier to tell of the hardships he had endured. Said he: 

"Fellow citizens, I have fought and bled for my country. I have helped to whip the British and the Indians. I have slept on the field of battle with no other covering than the canopy of Heaven. I have walked over the frozen ground till every footstep was marked with blood."

Just about this time, one of the "sovereigns," who had become greatly interested in his tale of sufferings, walked up in front of the speaker, wiped the tears from his eyes with the extremity of his coat tail, and interrupted him with-----

"Did you say you had fought the British and Ingins?"
"Yes , sir."
"Did you say you had slept on the ground while serving your country without any kiver?"
"I did."
"Did you say your feet covered the ground you walked over with blood?"
"Yes," replied the speaker exultingly?"
"Well, then, " said the tearful citizen, as he gave a sigh of pent-up emotion, "I guess I'll vote for th'er man, for I'll be darned if you han't done enough for your country."


Pendleton County
(From the Falmouth Independent)

Elder Robt. Elrod, of the Baptist Church, well and favorable known by the citizens of Bracken and Pendleton, died at his residence, in the former county, on Monday the 4th inst. Age, 74 years.

Coal oil must come down. It is reported that the coal-oil well on Kincaid Creek, in this county, the digging of which three or four years ago cost one of our citizens a thousand or more dollars, has lately shown signs of containing oil, having exploded and set fire to a log cabin near it, the burning oil running upon the creek, and setting fire to several logs upon its banks. This will, no doubt, strengthen the opinion of a great many of our citizens who were victims of the oil fever sometime since.



Licking Valley Register
January 4, 1845
Commissioner's Sale

By virtue of a decree of the Pendleton Circuit Court, entered up at the last September term, in the case of George C. Lightfoot, Administrator of the estate of Francis Chalfant, deceased, against the creditors and heirs of said estate. I will, on the 23 day of January next, on the premises, offer at public auction to the best bidder a tract of forest land, (as the property of said descendant) lying in Harrison county, Kentucky, on the west side of main Licking River, and about three miles above Claysville, containing by survey 108 (?) acres.

Also:--On the 24th day of January next, on the premises, a tract of land as the property of said descendant, lying in Pendleton county, Ky., on Stepstone Creek, about one mile from Foster's lower Landing on the Ohio River, and two miles from the mouth of said creek. This tract of land is somewhat broken, but produces fine crops, and is very valuable on account of Timber so convenient to market, about 70 acres is under cultivation. There is also a good hewn log dwelling house on said land and other out houses. The balance is well timbered; said tract contains 283 acres.

Also:--On the same day on the premises at the mouth of Stepstone Creek on the Ohio River, about two miles from the last described tract, (as the property of said descedent. The reversionary inter st in the dower tract containing fifty acres upon which there is a good hewed log dwelling house and other out houses, and a store house. This is a handsome site commanding a fine view of River Scenery, and in sight of Moscow, Ohio. Said sales will take place between the hours of 11 o'clock A.M. and 3 P.M.

Twelve months credit will be given, and bond and approved security required, having the force and effect of replevin bonds.

Wm. C. Naylor, Commissioner.
Falmouth, Ky., December 27, 1844


Licking Valley Register
Saturday January 18, 1845

We laugh when we look at the belles of ancient days, and as we gaze upon the hend-dress (?) running up steeple high, like a sun-flower gone to seed, or at the enormous hoop that renders them unapproachable, we are disposed to say, how ridiculous!-- What fools they must have been! But stop a bit, just direct your eyes from these pictures of ages gone by, and take a squint at a modern fashionable dressed lady..See the variegated colors, which chameleon-like change and glitter at every step; the waist rivaling a wasp in dimensions, and a look at which makes you breathe with difficulty. The ______, rolling walk, and shuffle consequent upon tight lacing; the little sun shade which puts you in mind of a six penny bit hammered out, and stuck on the end of a rye straw, or a cookee (?) on the end of a fork, which is used to keep the light of heaven out of her pretty face; and at last though not least, the modern Bustles, the invention of the nineteenth century, the acme of fashion, the artificial protuberance that makes Camels, Dromodaries, and hump-backs of forms cast in the moulds of human perfection, and puts one in mind of a bean-pole with a papoose, or indeed anything also unnatural in shape or disgusting to the sight, and then laugh at follies of by gone days if you can. This saddle, on which the Goddess of fashion rides triumphant is now considered the perfection of grace; fullness of form and beauty of dress. Can anything be more ridiculous? How true is it that:
"New customs,
Though they be ever so ridiculous,
Nay, unwomanly, yet are followed."
The bustle reigns now supreme. What will next spring up and _____ its place, no tongue can tell, tough we defy it to be more unsightly; or more outrageous, come it in what questionable shape it may.

Tobacco Candy.--This article, said to be so vastly superior to the most celebrated of the day, is now made in North Carolina. It is made from the boiled extract of tobacco stems. It is very dark in color of course of a bitter sweet taste, inferior in point of pleasantness of horehound. We were not before aware that tobacco, had so much saccharine about it; this candy however, exhibits in a very high degree. Tobacco possesses many valuable and medicinal qualities, and this method of preparing it, may render it a very efficient and agreeable remedial agent.

to be continued...


Would just like to note here that you may think that sometimes I have forgotten how to spell, or I have hit the wrong key when typing, but actually I am just typing the words as they appear in the articles. Just another lesson on some of the changes.


The Covington Journal
February 3, 1855

A Suicide in Pendleton County
Mr. Jno. G. Ellis, a school teacher near Havilandsville, Pendleton County, on going to his school house on Monday morning, found a dead man in a sitting posture, near a desk. The Coroner's jury returned a verdict that the deceased came to his death by hanging himself with a neck handkerchief. His pantaloons pocket contained an old money purse, in which was found a slip of paper, with the following written upon it, in a very pretty hand--Caleb Write, or G. F. Write, Maysville, Mason county, Ky. No money was found upon his person. Near him lay a four ounce vial, with about a teaspoonfull of laudanum in it.

The Covington Journal
December 16, 1855

The Fashiops--Red dresses are the rage among the feminines. Gents seem to have caught the infection; and red shirts, red vests, red eyes, and red noses are met with in fashionable circles.

The ladies have almost entirely discarded the use of the bonnets; the gentlemen quit shaving, and the dogs quit--no they have'nt--dogs bark yet.

We notice that the African fashionables have further improvements on the short toed boot. They wear them now without any toe at all, which, considering the present state of the weather, is decidely comfortable--Cynthiana News.

The Pendleton Circut Court.
We learn that during the sitting of the Pendleton Circut Court last week, a man named _______ ________, was sentenced to the Penitentary, for a term of ten years, charged with commiting a rape upon the person of his step daughter, a child under ten years of age, and who, at the time the outrage was commited, was but a little over seven years of age. The principle evidence was that of the little girl, herself, who stated the brute had made the first attempt on her person more than two years ago, and that it was frequently repeated during a period of eighteen months. The matter was first brought to light, by a young lady, who resided in the family; coming upon him while he was making one of his brutish attacks on the little girl. The scoundrel deserves hanging, and it speaks well for the law-abiding spirit of the people of Pendleton that they did not hang him "without Judge or Jury."

Another chap was also sent for a term of four years, for horse stealing. Several other felony cases were continued until next term of the court, when, we presume, a new batch of recruits will be sent to Zeb Ward's barracks. Cynthiana News

(Nancy's note) The above article is yet another example of how things are not much different today that years ago. Due to the nature of the article I have left out the name of the accused. If you think that this may be one of your ancestors, and you would like to know for sure, just write me and tell me the name you are looking for and I will respond.

Covington Journal
January 15, 1859

Arrest of a Homicide
S. P. Roberts, who is charged with the murder of J. B. Blackburn, in Pendleton county, in April, 1857, was arrested a short time since, in Kansas territory, by the sheriff of Pendleton county, and is now in jail at Falmouth, awaiting the action of the next Pendleton Circuit Court.

As we have been informed, the facts connected with the homicide were these: At a log-rolling Willis Loveless and James Blackburn got into a dispute, which resulted in a fight between these two men. The peace was commanded by Esq. K. Blackburn, (father of James) when J. B. Blackburn (his nephew) undertook to part the combatants. While thus engaged Roberts struck him with a handspike, the blow causing death in about 36 hours. Roberts immediately fled, and nothing was known of his whereabouts until within a month or two past.

It affords us pleasure to state that the County Court of Pendleton county, after full discussion, has offered the levy of a tax to provide for the interest on the Railroad bonds. The vote stood 7 to 6. The tax for the first year will be 20 cents on the $100 valuation.

to be continued...

Covington Journal
August 9, 1862

Army Instructions
Letters of inquiry, relating to the pay of soldiers in hospital or on furlough, should be addressed to the Paymaster General; relating to back pay and the $100 bounty of deceased soldiers, to the Second Auditor; relating to the pay of deceased teamsters or other employees of the Quartermaster's Department; or for the pay for horses killed or lost in service, to the Third Auditor; relating to the pay and bounty of persons in the marine or naval service, to the Fourth Auditor; about soldiers in the army, to the Adjutant General.

A special to the New York Tribune says that Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky will be formed into an independent military department, with a commanding General who's headquarters will be in Cincinnati.

The following political prisoners have been released from the Newport Barracks within a few days: Wm. Reeves, of Pendleton county, upon giving bond in the sum of $1,000 for his future good behavior; F. W. Newell, of Campbell, oath; Mathias Davis, of Campbell, oath and $1,000 bail; Rev. Mr. Snively, of Cynthiana, oath and $1,000.

Drafting--How it is Done
The drafting of men into military organizations for service in the field, is a summary proceeding, and one of the hardest of government measures. Fortunately in our own country this mode of obtaining soldiers has rarely been necessary. The popularity of our wars has generally sufficed to fill the ranks with volunteers. Constitutional provision, was, however, deemed necessary for enforcing military service, and State laws have been adopted in accordance therewith. 

The law of Congress applicable in such case--framed in 1792--was entitled, "An Act to provide for the National Defense, by establishing an uniform Militia throughout the United States." It was afterward amended, and applies to all arms-bearing citizens of the country. It is believed that without special laws in the different States, the Government might legally assume the organization of the militia. Drafting is provided for and troops thus raised employed at any point within the territory of the United States.--in all, or nearly all, the States regulations to facilitate movements for the National defense have been adopted; enrollments of militia are authorized or actually made; and any part or the whole of the population of the Union, subject to military duty, may be legally called on to bear arms.

The processes of drafting in all the States are simple, and do not materially vary.

The names borne on the rolls it is decided to draw upon, whether of organized companies or regiments, or of the able-bodied arms-bearing citizens, are taken by lot, in the presence of prescribed officials; the persons drawn are notified, and given opportunity to prove themselves exempt, or provide acceptable substitutes, failing in which they are compelled to serve, or submit to heavy penalties, generally imprisonment.

Drunken Generals
When the full history of this war is written, if it should ever be, a bloody list of blunders and disasters growing out of the drunkenness of Confederate officers, will see the light. This will prove true, especially of the late battles near Richmond, which, though they were a series of brilliant victories for Southern arms, were in some parts of those well-fought fields, purchased at an unnecessary cost of blood. The victories were won not by the cool and self-possessed intellects of the Generals, so much as by the indomitable pluck of the soldiers. They were won not in consequence of the sober skill and good judgement of divisions and brigade commanders, but in the absence of these qualities in some cases. We hear the names of more than one prominent General officer mentioned in connection with the undue use of liquor in that eventful week. We forbear to publish now what is quite rife in the community on this point, hoping that authoritative action may be taken to bring the facts to light.

We simply refer to the subject without calling names. We would not even do this on vague rumor. We are constrained to speak from the testimony of letters from the army from and to responsible parties. Constitutionalist, Augusta, Ga., 19th.

The Radicals and the Border States
The Case Fairly Stated.

We extract the following from a recent number of the New York Journal of Commerce, one of the soundest papers published in the country:
"Now let any man calmly consider whether the views and opinions of loyal Kentuckians are not more worthy to be regarded as wholly disinterested than those of men from Northern States. It is said that they may be influenced by a desire to preserve slavery. It is answered that that desire is their right under the Constitution and in the Union, and the man who desires to deprive them of that right is as much a disunionist as the man who advocates laws providing that Massachusetts shall not have cotton factories, or Illinois shall not grow wheat. This view of Kentucky presents all this slavery question in a light which should make it eminently clear to loyal men sincerely loving the Union. Let it be borne in mind that the radical plans are proposed as law for the United States, and therefore for all the country.--Kentucky is not to be ranked below New York or Ohio or Connecticut in her desires and her demands, her protests and her rights. There is a strange notion afloat among the radicals that these border States are only in the position of protoges, not exact States, but in a sort of semi-state condition, to be managed and governed by the general power in Washington. The idea is fraught with disunion. We need to keep before us constantly the truth that Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland and Delaware are to-day the equals of Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, on whose borders they rest, and if Ohio wanted to abandon the Constitution to-day to get rid of slavery, and Kentucky wanted to uphold the Constitution to save slavery, the loyal man is bound by his oaths and his nationality to stand with Kentucky against Ohio.

"What then dare any Northern or Eastern or Western man claim as his right under the Constitution which the Kentuckian may not claim? Who proposes to make a distinction between them? In times like these it becomes us to open our arms to Kentuckians. It is eminently the duty of the President to regard the border State men with all the respect which any Northern citizen receives. It is the duty of the President and citizen to yield implicitly to any constitutional demand or protest of Kentucky; precisely as to any such form the loyal men of any other State.

"We have said nothing about the vast, the inestimable value of the border States in the present state of the country. The President recognizes their great power. The loyalty of Maryland, the preservation of the State in the Union and for the Union is of vast military importance, and Kentucky is of almost equal value of the cause. Had all the inhabitants of the border States, including Virginia, remained loyal, the rebellion would have collapsed long ago. It is unnecessary to dwell on these obvious truths.

"All the present moment there are men who argue with blind enthusiasm "slavery has rebelled, and we are no longer bound to keep Constitutional obligations towards slaveholders." But if one Kentuckian slaveholder claims those Constitutional guaranties for himself, or demands that they be respected for their influence on his rights, all American has no moral right to violate them. The violation of them would be some men be pleaded as a justification of forcible rebellion."

Present For John Morgan.--The authorities received such information yesterday as to lead them to believe that on R R Ross was actively engaged in the contraband business, and succeeded in tracing him to the residence of Mr. John Carpenter, where they found a number of articles marked Col. John Morgan, which it was Ross's intention to send South. There was among other things a complete outfit for a cavalry-man, including a splendid uniform, a pair of pistols, a sword, bridle, blanket, &c., and many other things necessary to the full equipment of a rebel cavalry officer. Ross, together with John Carpenter and Geo. S. Slaughter, were lodged in the Military Prison, the latter two being suspected accomplices of Ross. Lou. Journal

On assessor's book for 1861 of Pendleton county, is the following entry:
Elizabeth Lewis--This lady is 102 years old the 17th of June next. She was loading hay on a wagon when the news of independence was proclaimed.

Pins were worth a dollar a paper in 1812, and poor at that. Then it took fourteen processes to make a pin; now only one, by a machine which finishes and sticks them into the paper. Saving pins a half century ago was as important as saving cents, and hence the habit thus formed sticks to many elderly gentlemen whose coat sleeves are ornamented with rows of them, rescued from loss.

to be continued...

Covington Journal
August 21, 1869

The pretty girl says: "If it was wrong for Adam to live single when there was not a woman on earth, how guilty are old bachelors with the world full of pretty girls."

The papers relate the incident of a blind young lady who recovered her sight after marriage. It is no uncommon thing for people's eyes to be opened after matrimony.

Low necked shirts are pronounced the latest "style" for nice young man. Just imagine a sweet youth with his hair parted in the middle, a brass headed cane--and a low-necked shirt !

Frederick Wermickle, a soldier of the First Empire, aged 87 years was arrested in Madison Co., Missouri, recently, for some offense against the revenue laws. The gentleman's oldest son is 60 years of age, and his youngest two.

Covington Journal
August 28, 1869

Another Comet
Astronomers for the past ten years have said that during the months of July, August, and September this year, the most wonderful comet the world has ever known will appear. It has appeared, and now can be seen with the naked eye, any clear night, in the northern part of the heavens, between 11 and 12 o'clock, and from that time until the morning star rises. The comet will approach nearer the earth than any comet before, and neither the earth or comet must change its course, or a collision is inevitable. It is said to be many times larger than the earth. It is a solid mass of fire, with a tail of fire that would reach round the earth more than a hundred times, and a collision with our planet is not an event to be very ardently desired.

It was said of a belle, in the habit of wearing low-necked dresses, who recently carried off a matrimonial prize in the shape of a rich old widower, that she won the race by a neck.

At his residence, at Knoxville, Pendleton Co., Ky., at 5 o'clock, P.M., Tuesday, August 24, 1869, Mr. William Oldham. Mr. Oldham had been a citizen of Williamstown, until within the last year or two, and was quite a hotel keeper in this place. B. N. Carter Williamstown, Ky. August 25, 1869.

Grant is said to have a policy at last. He got it from an insurance man.

Covington Journal
Saturday August 21, 1869

Demossville, Ky., August 17, 1869
Editors Journal:

In this enterprising and well-known little town a change has occurred, the importance of which, as affecting the interests of the nation at large, and the Post Office Department in particular, demands that it be placed before the editors and readers of the Journal. Both as a warning to those hostile to our beloved Administration, and to promulgate the important fact that even in the most insignificant matters relating to the government the argus eyes of the heads of Department look with a penetration which it is impossible to elude, is the publication of this important matter necessary. Not to weary you with too lengthy a preface, here is the circumstance:

The post-master at this village did not vote for Wing for State Treasurer; the old gent (you know him without publishing his name, for he is a subscriber of yours) has not looked on the "late lamented" with that love and respect due the "Moses" of the age; moreover, this unappreciate fellow-citizen of ours withholds from "The great Captain of the "age" that homage which his close attention to the duties of the nation entitles him to--is he not recruiting his health at watering places to fit him for this laudable purpose? The old gentleman, in short, has not looked with favor on the patriotic efforts of the Republican party to reconstruct this belligerent Columbia, and has, in consequence, received from the Post Office Department an intimation that he hand over to a "truly loil" neighbor the various documents, emoluments (the office pays four dollars a month) and all matters pertaining to this fat office. The removed P.M. was not, found fault with by any body interested in post-office matters hereabouts, having been a faitful and efficient officer, but what of that? He is a Democrat, therefore disloyal and incapable. He reads Democratic journals; and such mental nutriment is not furnished there by as is necessary to constitute a wholesome patriot; therefore, this important share of patronage is, of necessity, lost to him. The reconstruction of Kentucky should be ended by this most important removal. I had almost forgotten to state that a patriotic National Executive Committee, situate at Washington, D. C., applied, last summer, for a share of the receipts of this office to further the election of Grant and Colfax, but to this reasonable request, the postmaster, who was then Mr. Anderson, replied in the negative, and added insult to injury by publishing his refusal and numerous reasons therefor in the Cincinnati Enquirer; and it is possible that the Demossville post-office has since been a serious grievance to "the best government in the world," and may, very probably, have "troubled the waters" at Long Branch and other attractive places, but now, the exigency is ended; and, "Let us have peace;" for Demossville, Ky., post-office, is in loyal hands.

The new post-master, Mr. Thomas, is a Republican, and I may do him the justice to state that he is an honest man, and will make an upright official, and to the retiring postmaster the same remark is applicable. This is, in all reason, enough on postal affairs, and, now to other matters.

The weather, for the past six weeks, has been unusually dry, and the farmer, instead of congratulating himself as usual on a fine crop of corn, which is the great staple of this region, is gloomily reckoning on "half a crop." Indications of rain, and very light sprinkles have been numerous; but, what may be called "a growing shower" has not visited us for many weeks. Early corn having been partially matured previous to the drought, is not injured to the extent of late; which later, I am told, is almost worthless. This visitation--the drought--also addresses itself very materially to other late products, cabbage, turnips, &c. It is also injurious to grazing, the grass being dry and tough.

Work is steadily progressing on the Independence and Colemansville Pike. It will, doubtless, be completed to the Three Forks of Grassy Creek by Nov. 1st, which is the limited time for such completion. Pendleton is waking up to the importance of Public Improvement; and the difference between the Pendleton county of twenty years hence and of now, will be found greater, I have no doubt, than that of the county now and twenty years ago, and this difference, from what the old residents of the county say in regard to it, is almost a new creation.

The Kentucky Central Railroad, on which this village is situated, and to which it owes its existence, appears to be in a flourishing condition. N. B. Of course I am understood to say that Demossville owes its origin, or at least its growth to the "Central" and not the road to Demossville. For, though great and praiseworthy are the enterprises and commotions of this village, it cannot lay claim to the building of the Railroad, although it used to be, in a manner, the headquarters of the road, in that when an inebriated individual, giving the conductor a bill, was unable to recollect his destination, at least his earthly one, but would thunder out the name of that everlasting one to which, we are told, so many are tending, the conductor, with a knowledge of topography which did him, if not Demossville, credit, would invariably stop and put him off at this village. But, I intended this paragraph for the railroad officials of the present day. The road appears to have in excellent and untiring Superintendent in Mr. Ledyard: I believe the active management of the road devolves on this gentleman who is equal to the business. With regard to conductors; I think I am safe in saying that no road has a more efficient corps than the "Central." The Mail Agents, Messrs. Matlack and Henderson, are most obliging gentlemen within the line of their duty; the 'bus agent,' Mr. Adams, familarly called "Andy," is "up to the mark" in his line, and the other officials, brakemen, expressmen, engineers, baggagemasters, newsboys, fireman, all appear the quintessence of employes. From the regularity of the arrivals of trains at destined points, and scarcity of accidents, I should say that passengers might safely calculate on reaching their destination at "card time," and without the loss of any of his senses or bodily members, the possession of which small matters makes a reasonably fair share of our earthly enjoyments--I should say about three-thirds. CON.

Note: Again this is copied as printed.

to be continued...


Covington Journal
April 22, 1871

Correspondence of the Covington Journal
Butler, Ky., April 16, 1871

Editors Journal
What can be more beautiful and touching than to be aroused from slumber on a brightly beaming Sabbath morning by the voice of an infant, sweetly singing the lays taught by a devotional parent! Such was the crudely formed thought that arose in my "buzzom" this morning, when my little three-and-a-half year daughter, Darzie, awoke my slumber singing the refrain,
"Oh ! how I love Jesus,"
One of the number taught by a devoutly inclined mama. The little warbler continued te singing, changing from one hymn to another, to the delight of the maternal listener, until to the maternal horror, the music sentiment were changed, and the following verse, learned "on the sly" from the paternal head of the house, was devotionally sung:
"I've got an acre of ground;
I've got it set with pratics;
I've got tobacky a pound;
And I've got some tay for the ladies;
I've got an old black hat,
That's a little the worse for the wearing;
And I've got an old tom-cat
That out of one eye is staring.
If you'll say, you'll be Mistresa Balligan.
Don't say nay, my charning Judy Calligan."

This poetical entreaty of "the broth of a boy," by the matutinal little songstress was not well received a maternal headquarters, although delightedly encored by a gratified pater familias.

There is trouble with our Butler bridge over the Licking. Some time since, a wing wall gave way on the Butler side, and now, both a wall and abutment on the other side threaten disruption. There was a meeting of the Bridge Committee to discuss the matter on yesterday, but owing to the absence of Major Wheeler, one of the Committee, action was postponed. The gallant old Major, who is seventy-five years old, had for his absence the biblical excuse of "I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come." Yes, the Major on last week disregarded the advice of Mr. Weller, in marrying a "vidder," and wears the honors with characteristic hardihood. What are bridges and committees to the Major during the first week of the honey-moon? The bridge of connubial felicity has now been safely and joyfully traveled three times by the felicitous old Major and bridges of wood and stone do not at present extensively occupy his thoughts.

Two men died in Demossville on Friday last, from heart disease. One was a Mr. Clark, a lawyer. He had been at a magistrate's court some days previous, and in the heat of debate became so excited that he was thrown into convulsions, which continued until his death. The other was John Griffin, formerly a section boss on the Kentucky Central Railroad, but recently a farmer living at Demossville. He had been plowing in the morning, having eaten an unusually hearty breakfast, and about ten o'clock entered his house, where he was attacked with spasms which ended in his death about two hours later. Both of these men were good citizens; and it is considered a singular fact, that in a village so sparsely settled as Demossville, that two men, on the same day, should die from the same cause, a disease not contagious, nor often occurring in single instances in our community.

Politics is slightly revivifying hereabouts, owing to the near approach of our May election, at which magistrates and constables will be elected, (although politics will not enter largely into this election) and our August election for State officials.

Although our county failed to instruct for the gallant and popular Jones for Governor, I think our uninstructed delegation are as safe for him as if positively instructed. His Congressional career has more than satisfied the expectation of his friends, and the failure to instruct for Colonel Jones at the convention was in no spirit of dissatisfaction with him as an official, or with his conduct in any respect. I believe it was thought by the "posted" men of the convention that Southern Kentucky would be allowed the candidate. But let no one think that Pendleton will "go back" on the Colonel. I think the record at Frankfort will proclaim my correctness in this matter.

For the Legislature, the following gentleman are talked of: Hon. J. W. Menzies, Mr. A. R. Clarke, Mr. W. W. Deaderick, Mr. George Norris, and others whom I have forgotten. For the Senate, the Hon. F. M. Lowe is the only candidate spoken of in our county, and it is generally thought that Bracken and Grant will concede the Senatorship to Pendleton, as the latter county has had no Senator for eight or ten years, probably longer. Mr. Lowe did splendidly as a legislator.

For Magistrate in this precinct are 'Squire Yelton, Messrs. Taylor, Harding; and Clifford; for Constable, Jesse Colbert and Alec Yelton. All the candidates except Mr. Harding are Democrats.

L. N. Rouse, sewing machine agent of your town was here a few days since. Noah is a Benedict, and is consequently in the "ark" of safety. Having formerly been associated in business with Mr. Rouse, I can testify as to his thorough honesty and fairness, and I am satisfied that those wanting that useful article, a sewing machine, will do at least as well with Noah as they would do in the Queen city. He was formerly located on the west side of Scott street, below Fifth, but has lately removed to the new and commodious stone front opposite, which besides giving him greater business facilities has brought him nearer to the Old Man Grant, whom I would recommend Noah to propitiate as the safest "ark" of all.

I partook, a few days since, of some of as good ice cream as I ever ate. Johnny B. Costa is the boy that can make it. During the hot days of the coming summer you can while away the time agreeably in his handsome saloon, extending from Pike to Market streets. By which I mean for to say that for cream that is rich, and cake that is fine, the confectioner, Johnny, is peculiar.

In saying my say, why not promulgate the virtues, &c., of your fellow citizens as well as mine. Noah's and Johnny's fame is no more to be hemmed in by city or county lines, than their enterprise can be to the same narrow limits.

N.B.--This is original, although the Hayne and Webster debate developed something of the same sort.--Revised and improved d'ye see? CON

Among the recent graduates of the Cincinnati Law School was Mr. P. F. Bonar, of Falmouth, Ky.

Flavor and Color of Eggs.--There is a vast difference in the flavor of eggs. Hens fed on clean, sound grain, and kept on a clean grass run, give much finer flavored eggs that hens do that have access to stables and manure heaps and eat all kinds of filthy food. Hens feeding on fish or onions flavor their eggs accordingly--'the same as cows' eating onions, or cabbage, or drinking offensive water, imparts a bad taste to the milk and butter. The richer the food the higher the color of the eggs. Wheat and corn give the best color, while feeding on buckwheat makes the eggs colorless, rendering them unfit for some confectionary purposes.--County Gentleman

To Stop Bleeding--It is said that bleeding from a wound on man or beast may be stopped by a mixture of wheat flour and common salt, in equal parts, bound on with a cloth. If the bleeding be profuse, use a large quantity, say from one to three pints. It may be left on for hours, or even days, if necessary. The person who gave us this recipe says in this manner he saved the life of a horse which was bleeding from a wounded artery; the bleeding ceased in five minutes after the application.

We have often heard the remark that it costs less to keep a good cow than a poor one. That is not so. It always costs more to keep a god cow. Cows that give large quantities of milk are of necessity great feeders. You can see that even at pasture. It is the poor and small milkers that lie down first and lie the longest. Your best cow is poking round for more to eat. She is industrious and always after something to make into milk.

to be continued...



Covington Journal
April 22, 1871
Correspondent of the Covington Journal


Williamstown, Ky. April 13, 1871

Last Monday, 10th instant, was County Court day, and not being in town, I requested Hon. O. P. Hogan to furnish me a memorandum of items of interest, which are substantially as follows:
About 40 head of cattle were sold. Year olds brought from $18 to $20 per head; two year olds from $25 to $40; milch cows from $40 to $60. Horses from $40 to $125--all varying in price according to quality.

As usual, on April County Court day, many fine stallions were on the show ground. Judge Fenley's fine trotting stallion, half brother to the celebrated Blackwood, owned by Mr. Steel of Woodford county, Ky.; Parker Tucker's fine blooded horse, Membrino--a fine trotter; W. G. Conrad's fine horse, Ratler, by the celebrated stallion brought from Tennessee to Grant county by Joseph T. Elliston, were on the ground. Any one of these horses can trot a mile in less than three minutes, and that without any training. Besides these, there were several fine saddle and farm stallions shown, all of a very superior quality.

After the horse show, the candidate show commenced in the court-house. Hon. F. M. Lowe, of Pendleton, and W. T. Simmons of Grant, announced themselves as willing to serve the people of the Senatorial district composed of Bracken, Pendleton and Grant counties in the Senate of the next General Assembly.

After this, the Democratic mass meeting proceeded to the appointment of delegates to the State Convention to be held at Frankfort on the 3rd of May next; passed a resolution endorsing the course of Hon. T. L. Jones while in Congress, but thought it best to let the delegates to the convention go uninstructed, and to make the best selection they could among the many gentlemen already candidates, and those who may become candidates to serve the dear people in the different State offices, at the ensuing August election. The meeting requested the County Executive Committee to confer with similar committees in the counties of Pendleton and Bracken counties in regard to the time and place of holding the Senatorial Convention, and the manner in which delegates should be appointed, expressing a desire for uniformity in this matter. The Executive Committee were also requested to confer with the Executive Committee of Gallatin county, in regard to holding a convention to nominate a candidate to represent Grant and Gallatin in the next Legislature.

After which, the Williamstown District held a meeting to nominate two gentlemen as candidates for the office of justice of the peace, and one for constable. Henry Hall and Thomas Williams were nominated for the first named, and W. H. Childers for the last named.

Judge Hogan thinks that not less that five hundred people, many of them from adjoining counties, were in town, drawn hither by our court-day stock sales, which are increasing in interest every month; and on this occasion, especially to see our many fine stallions, and to select among them such as they desire to breed from.

You see, Messrs. Editors, that our people are not asleep, or behind the times. Call for horses, cattle, sheep or hogs of superior kinds, and we have them. Call for politicians, and we can furnish the State, Senatorial district, county, or constable's district, on demand. Our junior population shows us to be prolific in supplying future demands. Within a very short period, John T. McGinnis, ex-sheriff; Thomas S. Porter, post-master and merchant; Dr. William C. Johnson, hotel keeper of the Johnson House; Judge A. G. Degarnette, lawyer; Newton J. Zinn, carpenter; Presley T. Zinn, merchant, and Richard A. Collins, prospective grocer, have each contributed to our thriving population, a most splendid article of the genus homo; and these, added to young O'Hara, young Tully, and young Lowe, lately reported to the Journal, show that the genders correspond to nature's requirements, there being five boys and four girls in all--one boy more than the other sex, for the purpose of foreign demands upon land or sea.

B. N. Carter

to be continued...

Covington Journal
October 29, 1870
Correspondence Covington Journal


Butler, Ky., October 24, 1870
Messrs. Editors: "This volume, with permission, is most respectfully dedicated to U. S. Grant, President of the United States, as an honorable recognition of his patriotism and statesmanship in seeking to promote the dignity and greatness of his country by the establishment pf American supremacy on American soil,"

Thus sayeth a genius from "faderland" who struggles for existence under the pressure of the name of De B. Randolph Keim. Whether he be a relative of the "Kemo Kimo" of pathetic ballad fame, alas! I know not. He is the author of a book entitled "Sketches of San Domingo," and the above is the dedication. I have a great desire to read it, but am so struck with admiration at the poetic justice of the dedication that I find it impossible to prosecute the reading. This I do know, the main friend Kiem is thoroughly conversant with the qualities necessary for exalted statesmanship, as is fully proved in his reference to our beloved President. How the baron, for I suppose his title to be baronic at least, could have obtained such extensive information without having been born on American soil and devoting a life time to his researches, is a mystery. But he doubtless has read the moral and veracious works of his brother baron, surnamed Munchausen, and I have no doubt of finding references innumerable to those works in "Sketches of San Domingo." Munchausen is successfully emulated in the didication, and I urge his (Kiem's) claim to the hand of some maiden whose grandfather married the grand uncle's sister-in-law of our beloved President, thus founding another claim to the thanks of grateful Americans, and to a provision and position not inferior to a first-class mission, and also to the passage of another amendnient,(?) of our Constitution relieving him of disability for the proposed relationship in the event of having a "frow" and olive branches Teutonic. Baron, if the American people as a body do not recognize, the justice of your dedication, a large number of them will honor you as a discoverer.

William Ellis, one of the oldest settlers in this State, died a short time since. He moved into Pendleton county in 1797. He was among the wealthiest men, in the county, for he owned over two thousand acres of land, and had a great deal of money out at interest. Squire James B. Bonar is his executor, and has also been the manager of his business for a number of years.

A son of Mr. N. Patton, of this place, aged seven years, was run over by one of the wood wagons on the "wooden railroad" a few days since, and seriously injured.

The Rev. Mr. Neall is preaching at Flower Creek during the week. Mr. N. is a young man of much promise, and will doubtless make his mark as a preacher.

Times are rather dull in this county at present, the principal item of interest being the sitting of the Circuit Court, Judge O'Hara, at Falmouth. The session began on the 17th inst., and probably will not close before the 20th.

A stabbing affray occurred at Catawba last week, in which Lafayette Shumate received a wound from which is supposed he cannot recover. Shumate and another youth were engaged in a scuffle, when a young man named Foddery stabbed Shumate in the back with a knife, inflicting, it is thought, a fatal wound.

Spirits of Ammonia
By A Housekeeper

Sisters in household labors, have you any idea what a very useful thing ammonia is to have in the house? If not, give your maid of all work fifteen cents and an empty pint bottle, at once, and send her up to the first drugstore for a supply. Tell her to be sure to get the spirits of ammonia; it's the same as hartshorn, but if she asks for that they'll give her for fifteen cents a few drops in a smelling bottle not as big as her thumb. While she's gone, I'll tell you how to use it. For washing paint, put a tablespoonful in a quart of moderately hot water, dip in a flannel cloth, and with this simply wipe off the woodwork; no scrubbing will be necessary. For taking grease spots from any fabric, use the ammonia nearly pure, then lay white blotting paper over the spot and iron it lightly. In washing laces, put about twelve drops in a pint of warm suds. To clean silver, mix two teaspoonsful of ammonia in a quart of hot soap suds, put in your silverware and wash it, using an old nail brush or tooth brush for the purpose. For cleaning hair brushes, etc., simply shake the brushes up and down in a mixture of one teaspoonful of ammonia to one pint of hot water; when they are cleaned, rinse them in cold water and stand them in the wind or in a hot place to dry. For washing finger marks from looking glasses or windows, put a few drops of ammonia on a moist rag and make quick work of it. If you wish your house plants to flourish, put a few drops of the spirits in every pint of water used in watering. A teaspoonful in a basin of cold water will add much to the refreshing effects of a bath; nothing better than ammonia water for cleansing the hair. In every case, rinse off the ammonia with clear water. Ammonia is used as a rising in cake making, etc., but I cannot recommend it for that purpose; and ten drops in a wine glass of water is said to be an excellent remedy for headache and acidity of stomach, but I don't believe in newspaper doctoring, and so will not endorse the remedy. However, for a score of fair and square, needed practical household purposed, spirits of ammonia is invaluable, and I'm not afraid to proclaim it. Farmers and chemists are profound concerning the native article in its free state, and admit its all important service in the economy of nature; but farmers' wives throughout the county really know very little of the manifold uses that can be made of a pint of the spirits "kept in the house," bottled and labeled. I say emphatically, labeled, because it is a sin not to have all such things so conspicuously marked that no mistakes need occur. Let me add here, by way of caution, that ammonia directly applied is not good for the eyes. It has a way of melting them that is anything but agreeable.--Hearth and Home.

What the Farmer Must Know.

The farmer, like the business man, must know what he is doing; he must have some pretty decided ideas of what he is to cultivate beforehand.
He must know his soil--that of each lot, not only the top, but the subsoil.
He must know what grain and grasses are adapted to each.
He must know the condition in which the ground must be, when is the best time to work them, and whether they need summer fallowing.
He must know the condition in which ground must be when plowed, so that it be not to wer nor too dry.
He must know that, some grains require earlier sowing than others, and what those grains are.
He must know how to put them in.
He must know that it pays to have machinery to aid him, as well as muscle.
He must know about stock and manures, and the cultivation of trees and small fruits; and many other things, in a word, he must know what experienced, observing farmers know, to be sure of success. Then he will not guess--will not run such risks.
Rural Gentleman


Covington Journal
August 26, 1871

Correspondence of the Covington Journal
Williamstown, Ky., August 21, 1871
Editors Covington Journal:

Temperance in Williamstown.--Crystal Lodge, No. 418 of Good Templars in this town, one of the most beneficially influential organizations in our county, has elected its officers, for the quarter, commencing August 1, 1871,the names of whom are: W. G. Frank, W. C. T: MIss Eugenie C. Simmons, W.V. T; Miss Lydia Rankin, W.R.S; Miss Annie Wilson, W. L. S; George W. Merrell, W. M; MIss Cora Simmons, U. D. M; E. H. Smith, L. D; W. B. Rankin, W. S; Miss Josephine McGinnis, W. A. S; Mrs. Ann E. O'Hara, W. T; Miss Jennie McDuffie, W.I. G; P.C Kavanaugh, W. D; James T. Taylor, W. F. S; Robert McDuffie, W. O. G; E. H. Smith, P. W. C. T. This is a live institution, powerful for good, numbering 96 members in good standing, from which there were but five withdrawals the previous quarter. The whole number of Good Templars in the State is about 20,000. The Grand Lodge meets in Lexington in October next. Crystal Lodge has not elected or appointed its delegate to the G. L. yet.

This organization is, at this time, without the shadow of doubt, one of the best, if not the very best institution in our town or county, and receives, as it deserves, the encouragement of every man and woman who desires the moral improvement of this community. The heart of every intelligent parent, as well as that of every true friend of our young men, has been made glad to witness the good influence exerted by the Good Templars upon the youth of our town and vicinity. It is most sincerely hoped that this influence may grow stronger and stronger, until not one moderate, or immoderate dram-drinking, in public or private, shall be found among our young or old men; for whisky-drinking undeniably is the cause of a greater amount of positive evil in our country than that produced by all other causes of evil combined.

The young men, members of this institution, are benefitted by it in many days (ways), some of which are: It furnishes the means and the occasion for pleasing, innocent and improving association with the most refined of the gentler sex; in whose society no man, young or old, can pass his leisure house without advantage. It affords young man frequent opportunities, in the most delightful company, of being impressed with the appropriate language and most correct ideas connected with that improvement which always results from habits of temperance, or, rather, from refusing to drink intoxicating liquors. It commits young men, in the presence of ladies, to one of the noblest causes in civilized society, whose principles they cannot honorably disregard, and which, in future, they will not be apt to violate, or seaily forget. They feel pledged to live a sober life. It gives woman her rightful influence over man, in restraining him from taking those incipient steps that lead men to habitual dram-drinking, which will result in shame, mortification, degradation and ruin, if not arrested by that sweet influence which virtuous and beautiful woman may and should exert over him. Woman is the presiding angel of the Good Templar' Lodge. She throws her protecting power over the young man, her friend and beau, and who may become her husband, knowing that it is possible her own efforts in the Lodge and in community may be for her own or some sister's future welfare and happiness on earth. She feels that the monster evil--dram-drinking--must be throttled--must be squelched--must die--if she is to live secure from the drunkard's maniac phrenzy. In our town, the noisy yells of the poor foolish drunkard are now but seldom heard. Silence, sense and soberness reign. Peace, quiet, and good order prevail. Our town is metamorphosed. The vendors of the"ardent" make less money than in the days when "the fiery essence" propelled the mind to deeds of daring and deviltry; but their formerly foolish customers evidently have now more"greenbacks" in their pockets and more sense in their heads. We have improved, and are greatly indebted to the God Templars for our marked advancement in apparent good morals, and positively improved good manners. To the ladies we are under many, many, very many obligations. Their mission is one of piety, purity, and temperance. We ask them, young and elderly, married and single, to continue to exert their invincible power over the sterner sex, for the good of both, and to let their motto be: "Our husbands must be sober and sensible men." God bless the brotherhood and sisterhood of Crystal Lodge, No. 418, and cause every neighborhood in Grant to be blessed with the highest type of womanhood and manhood. Amen, Amen, Amen! B. N. CartP. S. It is no unreasonable hope, that the Good Templars' Lodge may furnish recruits for the Church, as "temperance in all things," and abstinence in "some things" are among its absolute requirements. Probably, some of the older and more prominent members of the Church might be benefitted, and might benefit other by becoming Good Templars in principle, purpose and practice. "So mote it be." I offer no apology for this rather extended notice of the Good Templars' influence among us. At the present time, it is doing a good work, of which I think it not extravagant to say, the various other philanthropic institutions have failed to accomplish--that of causing men to view intemperance--dram-drinking-drunkenness--as the greatest curse on civilized society. May not one of our young men ever learn by unfortunate experience what it is, and what it is not to be a drunkard. B. N. C.


Crops in Grant.--The wheat crop, now being thrashed, yields on an average about 10 bushels to the acre; some crops have yielded 17 bushels. Barley turns out better than was expected, much greater in yield than wheat. Rye is below the usual average. Corn crops are generally good. On Saturday last, at Mrs. Ives's sale, near Sherman, I learn corn in the field, to be measured at gathering time sold at $1.00 cents per barrel.

Wells and Springs Are Low.--The ground needs rain. The pastures are generally short and considerably parched.

Thomas Hutchinson, a brother to James Hutchinson, of Cynthiana, is quite low with the consumption, and is not expected to live more than a few weeks. A man better prepared for his change I have not visited within the last ten years. This will be melancholy good news to his relations and numerous friends in Harrison.

Rev. Mr. Hendy, Presbyterian, has been delivering a series of sermons in this place, within the last week.

I understand that Bishop Kavanaugh will preach in Williamstown, on the third Sunday in September next. His nephew, Rev. P. E. Kavanaugh, is the preacher in charge of the Williamstown circuit. Conference meets in Paris on the 29th of next month.

The game of croquet, or an amusement by that name, has been exercising many of both sexes in Williamstown, who have nothing to do. What next?

Death--Mr. Tilford Metcalfe died at his residence, on the Falmouth road, three miles east of Crittenden, in this county, of flux, on Thursday, 17th instant. He was a valuable citizen of the county, and will be very much missed in his neighborhood. 
B. N. Carter.


Covington Journal
March 15, 1873

Most of the shadows that cross our path through life are caused by our standing in our own shadow.

Correspondence Covington Journal
Butler, Ky., March 11, 1873

A petition to prohibit the sale of intoxicating liquor in our village, or one mile therefrom, was circulated here about three weeks ago, and, with about sixty signatures, forwarded to the Legislature. A counter petition, or remonstrance, with a larger number, followed, which, with its predecessor, was referred to the Committee on Morals and Religion, who reported favorably on it, when it passed the House with an amendment to the effect that it be decided by a vote of the Butler precinct, at our Constable's election, in May next. This is Democratic, and scarcely deserves public mention or comment where it not for the history of the transaction evolved from a wicked mind, which I honestly believe to have no foundation in truth, and which I narrate solely for the purpose of expressing my abhorrence of the slanderous mortal whose story is hereto appended. 

"Jim, the Committee on Morals and Religion require your presence at their meeting, this evening." This was the remark of a House member to his friend Jim, with whom he was taking a drink of--mineral water. Jim, by the way, was lobbying against the passage of the bill, unamended; and on receiving his friend's intimation solemly said, "I'll be there, God willing," the latter part of his answer being intended as a neat tribute to the orthodox of the devout body by whom his presence was demanded, rather than from any idea that the Deity, nolens volens, might forward or retard his footsteps to the Committee room.

Jim was on hand at 8 P. M. The Committee, six in number, was awaiting him. The Chairman briefly informed him that the sale of whisky, per se, although it was the point in dispute between petitioners and remonstrances, was not the question on which his evidence was now required; but that a tender interest in the "internal" affairs of that portion of the Commonwealth who opposed and defended the sale of liquor, compelled the Committee to ask "Is liquor commonly sold in that vicinity "below proof?" "It is not!" indignantly exclaimed Jim. "In this matter, young man, " said the Chairman of the Committee on Morals, forcibly holding down one of the Committee, who was pulling off his coat in fight the witness for speaking too loud, "Vehemence will avail you nothing. Neither can your unassisted word, according to a rule adopted by the Committee, be sufficient evidence to establish the truth of your answer. Have you a sample of the liquid in question?" Answer in affirmative, and absence granted witness to produce sample. Jim, in a few minutes re-appeared followed by two athletic descendants of Ham, carrying between them a stone receptacle, marked "6 gals. O. W. Cowles, 1867." "Have you a pencil, gentlemen?" said the Chairman of Committee on Morals and Religion, to his fellow members. Six heads swayed laterally. "I merely wished to take down a few notes," continued the Chairman. "Probably, we can dispense with it." The Chairman then tried to extract the cork, but his efforts to get at the "truth" were unravaling. He looked perplexedly at his brethren, and ventured another question. "Have you--" but ere he could finish, five cork-screws were at his elbow. A lapse of fifteen minutes, during which--well, you know how it works.--"Gentleman," said the Chairman of the Committee on Morals and Religion, "We have been damnably imposed on. This liquor is good. Shall we pass the bill as it reads? "Not by a d--d sight, with my consent," said one. "I can put a head on the originated it," said another. "Give us your hand, Jim, old boy. You're a trump. If you aint, blast me!" said No. 3. "To think," said No. 4, with tears coursing down his cheeks, while looking meditatively into a half pint tumbler only two-thirds full, "To think of the puritanic idiots that would suppress the like of that." "I move," said the fifth, "That this admirable young man be excused further attendance, and that he have the thanks of the committee for the satisfactory reason he has adduced for knocking the infernal bill sky-high." This motion, after a slight debate, was carried, first having been amended with the condition that the jug be not removed until the committee, in secret session, should have further and more fully deliberated on a question of such vital interest.

The bill, with the amendment (which is conceded a decided victory for the remonstrances) ) passed the House, next day.

The above is an irregular outline of a horrible story circulated by a young man named William V. Rashus, whom very few have implicit confidence in, and whose relations, the V. Rashus-es are few and unpopular, and every day becoming more so, that is, more few (d'ya see?) and more unpopular. They are a family that civilization can't endure. CON

A lady died last week near Zion Station in Grant county, of erysipolas, as the attending physician stated; and her funeral was preached at the church near by, at which a large crowd was assembled. It has since transpired that she died of small pox, and many who attended the funeral, we are informed, are down with that loathsome disease, while the probability is that it will spread all over that county. 

At her residence, in Covington, Friday, March 7, at 7 P. M. , Mrs Mary Newman, in her 75th year of her age, relict of Wm. Newman, mother of S. S. Newman, of Newport, and H. N. Newman, of Falmouth, and sister of John B. Casey.


The Covington Journal
May 10, 1873

Falmouth Independent

A young man by the name of O. T. Sharp, living in Bonars precinct, in this county, was instantly killed one day last week by a limb falling from a tree.

A move was made in the Town Council on Monday evening to equalize the liquor license as to taverns and coffee houses. The charges stand as heretofore,--$200.00 for coffee house license, and $100.00 for taverns.

George Heagle, of this place, who was arrested for attempting to pass a raised bill in Cincinnati one day last week, was released on Monday, and arrived at home the same evening. George says he has no more business in Cincinnati.

Mrs. Manning, an Irish lady of this place, tried to commit suicide on Thursday evening last by cutting her throat. She was taken in charge by friends in time to save her life, but not until she had cut herself in the most terrible manner. Cause, temporary insanity.

A farmer living near Brooksville attempted to scare an old worthless dog from his place, so he put a fuse near the dog's nose and coal of fire near it; then, to connect the fire to the pile of powder, he commenced pouring some powder out of the horn on the coal. An explosion occurred. The farmer has not seen the dog since, but with medical aid and good care it is thought that he can see him in about three weeks.----Maysville Republican.

Mr. John B. Lewis, one of the most "reliable citizens of Allensville, and proprietor of the hotel of that place, witnessed a few days ago the following case of snake charming. He heard a squirrel chattering in an unusual manner, and crept stealthily to the place where he saw a squirrel running up and down a tree. A large black snake was lying at the root of the tree with its mouth open, but perfectly motionless. The squirrel would run to the top of the tree each time, and, each time, in coming down, would come nearer the snake, until it deliberately put its head in the snake's mouth, and the snake commenced swallowing it. At this juncture Mr. Lewis killed the snake and set the squirrel at liberty.--Bowling Green Democrat.

W. N. Simpson, who was arrested in this city last week upon the charge of forgery, had an examination at Williamstown on Saturday, resulting in his being held over to the Criminal Court in the sum of $2,000.

William Conrad, Representative in the Kentucky Legislature from the counties of Gallatin and Grant, died on Monday last, at his home, near Dry Ridge, in the later county.

Twice Wedded--Whose Wife?
Butler County, Ky., April 28

Editors Louisville Commercial:
On the evening of the 3d inst., in Ohio county, there was a couple marriage, or two pairs of candidates for matrimony joined together in holy wedlock by one ceremony. In relation to one pair nothing remarkable occurred. The romance in the case is connected with the other party, whose names are Alexander Forsythe and Miss Tabby Porter, and a third party by the name of George Tompson. Tabby preferred George, but her mother was opposed to him, and induced Tabby to marry Alexander. George, apprised of the arrangement, sought an opportunity to defeat it, but found none until after the ceremony was performed, by which his Miss Tabby was changed into Mrs. Alexander Forsythe. Immediately after the ceremony Tabby walked off slyly with some friends, who conveyed her across Green river, at Cromwell, to her George, who was waiting with horses in readiness. Being mounted, they put spurs for Tennessee, where next morning, she, who but a few hours before was Miss Tabby Proter, then Mrs. Alexander Forsythe was then and there changed into Mrs. George Tompson.



Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe R. R.



Situated in and near the Arkansas Valley, the
Finest Portion of Kansas!

Eleven years credit. Seven per cent. Interest 22 1/2 per cent, reduction to settlers who improve.


The Facts about the Grant are,--Low Prices, Long Credit, and a Rebate to settlers of nearly one-fourth; a Rich Soil and Splendid Climate; short and mild Winters; early planting, and no wintering of Stock; plenty of Rainfall, and just at the right season; Coal, Stone and Brick on the line; Cheap Rates on Lumber, Coal, &c.; no lands owned by Speculators; Homestead and Pre-emptions now abundant; a first class Railroad on the line of a great Through Route; Products will pay for Land and Improvements.

It is the Best Opportunity Ever Offered to the Pubic, through the Recent completion of the Road.
For circulars and general information, address 


Manager Land Dep't

Topeka, Kan.



February 28, 1874
Correspondence Covington Journal.

Butler, Ky., Feb. 22, 1874
Editor Covington Journal:
Criminal Court has dragged its slow length along during the past week at Falmouth. Important witnesses being absent in almost every case, Col. Duncan is fearful that the enemies of the Commonwealth will be dealt with by Mr. Cleary, when he (the Colonel) shall be telling a corrupt Congress to beware of the consequences of their evil doings. The scales of justice are equipoised in the hands of the upright Judge Boyd.

Falmouth is a fine little city, but soaking has been going on there at a fearful rate for some weeks. Although the writer of this has had tolerable liberal views on man's inalienable right to buy, sell or otherwise dispose of "copper distilled," he was slightly disgusted with such barefaced swilling of the enfranchised by candidates, as was exhibited at Falmouth last week; and his disgust was enhanced by the suspicion that what we all know as a good article was not in all cases dispense.

The time as almost arrived for the primary decision. Private canvassing is extensively waged; but, with the exception of a lively circular debate by C. A. Wandelohr, Esq., and Mr. W. H. Roberts, the old time canvass is not greatly varied. The merits of the Wandelohr-Roberts question, I shall not attempt to disclose. They are both able with the pen, and I refer you to their production.

Wm. Stowers, of Morgan, has printed a pamphlet about the size of Harper's Magazine, composed of pet names for John Curry, Judge Ireland, F. M. Lowe and others. He distinguishes the writer of this--and I bless him for it--by referring to him as an admirer of one of the above named gentlemen, and by recommending him as a special correspondent to a great man, when his greatness shall be fully developed. It is a lift, or an attempted one, in the humble journey of an unambitious news writer, for which the subject is the reverse of ungrateful. To be written up in connections with Judges, Honorables, ex-Sheriffs, &c., in a big pamphlet, is good enough.

Messers. Ranson, Bowler and Brown's inspection tour along the Central a few days since, has caused great surmise and much misgiving among the people of these parts. One of the guesses was, that the Government had bought the road, intending to make it part of a direct communication between the Federal City and the reconstructed States; and that the able Secretary of the road had been made sole manager thereof. This latter speculation was caused by Mr. Ransom's being usually denominated as General, and by his wearing a cap. 

Henry Sayers, of the mail department, looks well, notwithstanding the--the variableness of the winter, so to speak. His friends are glad to see him in so thriving a condition.

Wm. Trumbull, of the Lexington Afternoon Express, very often has his feelings harrowed to the verge of forbearance. Italian musicians, of from two years old to eleven, and always in an impecunious condition, frequently try to steal a rode on William; which they might sometimes do, but that their fiddles and harps, being much larger than their owners, are easily detected. William takes great delight in showing these young prodigies the junction of the Kentucky Central and Short line railroads, and suggests to them that thriving station, South Covington is an agreeable place to while away three or four hours in. They accept his recommendation; and "get out." And, when an aged agriculturalist is awakened by a gentle shake, and made to understand that what Will. is after is a ticket, then a conductor's sublimity of patience becomes obvious. The patriach first takes his tin spectacles therefrom, adjusts them on his nose. Then he takes out a collection of cards, gathered from enterprising business men, each of which he reads or spells through with great attention. Then he takes out his capacious pocket-book, and deliberately turns over the pocket, and then shakes out their contents. Finally the ticket, in the shape of the letter V, is taken from the tobacco box. This performance is fun to the spectators; but the conductor's feelings, if known, would present food for the moralist. 



March 21, 1874
Correspondence Coving Journal
Butler, Ky., March 16, 1874
Editor Journal:

The Primary election excitement having been allayed, the familiar shriek of "Colvin," "Chowning," "Wandelohn," "Roberts," &c., has given place to a gentle murmur of "Menzies," "Hallam," "Pryor," "Dudley," "O'Hara," et al. All the above named gentlemen have warm friends in these parts, but the name of "Charley Duncan," is uttered by all with an expression at once so familiar and significant as to leave little doubt of the "Colonel's" unanimous support by his fellow citizens of Pendleton.

Mrs. Rebecca Moore was burned to death on last Monday at Catawba, in this county. She had been burning some brush in preparing to make a tobacco bed, when her clothing caught fire, and before succor could arrive, she was burned so badly that she died almost immediately. Mrs. Moore was one of the Hitch family, who are descendants of the oldest settlers, and among the most respectable families in the county. Her son, Edgar Moore, had, on the Saturday previous, received the Democratic nomination for assessor of
Pendleton county.
(Nancys note: Alfred Moore married Rebecca Jane Hitch June 7, 1848)

J. B. Applegate, Clerk of the County Court, has received the nomination for the third consecutive term of that position, getting the largest vote cast. His opponent was Squire Minturn, of Morgan, a very worthy and popular man, and John's decided majority over the Squire is an evidence of the appreciation of our people for a good officer, and cannot be considered in the light of a humiliating defeat for Mr. Minturn.

The editor of the Independent has cause to be proud. When it is considered that only two annual revolutions have occurred since his majority was attained, and that in this, his maiden political move, he was almost successful over a pretty strong man, our young journalistic friend has developed a degree of ability and popularity that augur favorably for success in the near future. Jim was, beside, a Good Templar, which debarred him from the use of one pretty effective weapon usually brought into requisition in such contests. And. leaving out the obligation of his Order, I think our editor;s sense of propriety would despense with such improper influence.

The large personal estate of the late Joseph Dicken, consisting principally of two stores, was invoiced last week by Commissioners appointed by the County Court. This work occupied one whole week with considerable night work included. The enterprising men engaged in this arduous labor were H. J. Carnes, Ed. Boggess, and George Lilly. The latter of these distinguished gentlemen, who was but imperfectly versed in Statute enactments, but who had heard a great deal about the prosperity of the administrators, attorneys and others, engaged in the adjustment of large estates, was impressed that any official appointed by a Court had as soft a thing as Van Pelt is supposed by the wicked to have as an example of reformation, worked for the first four days with willing hands and a hopeful heart. On the fifth day he came across a new book, bound in calf. He opened it mechanically, and the word "Appraisers" met his view. A rigid expression came o'er his features as he concluded the benevolent clause, "And such appraisers shall receive one dollar per day for such service," Then he sadly but audibly commented "Whence, then, is it that administrators, masters, chancellors, attorneys and others can, and usually do, absorb large portions of, or often whole estates, if this clause is a specimen of their official allowance?" A knowing friend who overheard him, said with a smile, "They have a way of doing it---" The significant accent that he gave the word "way" cast a gleam of enlighenment on the perplexity of his friend, and he was interrupted with an animated "I see, I see!" which conveyed in the expoundist that more elucidation was superfluous. CON

(Correspondence Covington Journal.)
Williamstown, March 11, 1874.
Editor Journal:
Williamstown, on County Court day, was worthy of notice. Besides much activity of tongue on the part of our professional auctioneers, who did good business for their employers, the Grangers held an interesting meeting in the Court House, up stairs, while below the in the Court-room, our "dear and loving cousins" and some of our county relatives made us a visit. Among the number were ex-Judge George C. Drane, of Franklin, who is a candidate for the Circuit Judgeship of the 11th Judicial District, a position he once held with almost universal approval; Hon. E. H. Smith, of Grant, who aspires to the same office; Judge F. A. Boyd, of Boone, who is a candidate for the Judgeship of the Criminal Court, lately established in the 11th district; ex-Judge O. M. Mathews, of Henry, candidate for this office; Col. J. M. Collins, of Grant, and Hon. O. D. McManama, of Grant, also candidates for Judge of the Criminal Court; Messrs. W. Munfort, of Henry, J. J. Orr and J. C. Strother, of Owen, Ira Julian, of Franklin, and W. N. Hogan, of Grant, candidates for the office of Commonwealth's Attorney of the 11th district. Eleven candidates for three important offices in this district, each possessing peculiar qualifications for the positions respective sought; and, if the people would vote, untrammeled by cliques and conventious, for any one of these gentlemen, they (the people) would scarcely make a mistake in a selection of competent officers. A greater number of peculiarly talented candidates, morally fit for the positions aspired to, as far as known, has seldom presented themselves in Grant for office, and those who may be unsuccessful in this canvass will have no reason to feel dishonored by defeat.

Besides these, there are, or will be, three candidates for county offices--James P. Webb, for Sheriff; James T. Willis, for Circuit Clerk; and, I guess, James T. Taylor, for County Clerk; all for re-election, whose superiors in moral fitness, acknowledged ability to discharge official duties, and gentlemanly hearing towards all whom they serve, cannot be found in Grant county. Never have I known three officers so justly entitled to be described by the motto, Fortiler in ve ct suaviter in mode. We need no displacement of these gentlemen, and it is hoped, rings and cliques will not meddle with the people's choice for these offices.

For Assessor we have candidates whose number is "Legion." I don't know all the names of the candidates for this office, in Grant; but I do know that the State Revenue's ability to meet demands depends greatly upon each county's wise choice of those who assess the taxable property of the State. No man without a knowledge of the real value of real and personal property, and who permits those who are assessed to value their own property is qualified for assessor.

LAND SALE. Mr. B. F. Lemmon, residing on the pike between Dry Ridge and Sherman, sold to O. P. Hogan, Esq., his valuable farm last week--150 acres at $50 dollars per acre, in two payments, possession to be surrendered 25th Dec. 1874. 

THE JOHNSON HOUSE.--Dr. W. C. Johnson, proprietor--is the hotel in Williamstown, where our candidate "cousins" from a distance. lately found bed and board, with no whisky. The Dr's license to sell the brain killer has not expired, but he quit the retail liquor trade sometime ago, and he quit its use himself, as a beverage, before he quit selling it, and no good looking man has more improved his fine physiognomy, within the last current year than the proprietor of the Johnson House.

On last County Court day there were fewer evidences of whisky having been drunk, than on any similar occasion remembered. The Temperance movement in Ohio and Indiana is known here, through the newspapers, and sensible people begin to think and act. May God increase the velocity of the Temperance tidal wave until it shall sweep whisky shops, rum saloons, and beer holes from the face of our noble country.

I cannot justly here refrain
From saying something very plain
In favor of my friend Judge Drane
George C. Drane a man of mind
Whose manners are the most refined
With legal knowledge too, combined
Should be our Circuit Judge

Greatly afflicted is our kind and generous hearted neighbor, Mr. Alfred Kendall; added to his long since crippled condition compelling him to move on crutches, is his present disease of neuralgia of the heart, and a slight paralysis of the right side. He thinks he'll not be much longer with us.

The mail route that has been under the supervision, by contract, of Judge Hogan, for the last four years, has been cut up into four routes, and awarded to others, although his bid in three cases, and in the aggregate, was less than theirs.

John F. Wayland has purchased the Hill property, and removed to town, and will add to his deputy surveyorship, the business of meat merchant in one of the rooms of that gentlemanly grocer, F. M. Lowe, who had the good sense to resign the Circuit Clerkship for his present avocation.

The Grangers are pulling down the partition wall built by religious bigotry and party prejudice, that formerly separated its present members from each other, and they forbid drunkenness in their lodges, they indirectly strike at saloonists. The times are ominous of future changes for the better. Side by side are now moving the Patrons of Husbandry--sons of toil--and the Temperance praying and singing women. Monopolists (commercial) and Saloonists (injurious and ruinous) do ye hear that distant lumbering? The lightning will soon reach your darkened minds and selfish hearts, when middle men will stand as the mile stones on the pathway of the burried past, and whisky makers, retailers and drinkers will stand as monuments of folly and wickedness. I am neither a member of a Grange, nor of any Temperance organization, but I do rejoice, with a full heart, at these conjoint movements towards the good of our people. Amen! move on, ye conquering forces in all the majesty of your high calling. B. N. CARTER.

To be continued.



Covington Journal 
March 21, 1874


The wife's secret--her opinion of her husband.

California is ahead of the older States in one thing. It taxes church property.

A petition is circulating in Stockton, California in favor of introducing the study of the Irish language in the public schools.

It is getting into the churches. The sexton of a Baptist church in Troy has walked off with two thousand dollars of pew rents.

Emerson says: "The way to make the world better is by reforming number one; then there is surely one less villain in the world."

"Came to his death while being hit on the head by a long-handled stew pan in the hands of his wife," was the verdict in a recent case in Illinois.

"Where are our forefathers--the Pilgrim Fathers--the heroes of '76?" "Dead," responded a sad-looking man, sitting on the platform.

A gentleman going up Sixth avenue, New York, met a laborer, to whom he said: "Will you tell me if I am half way to Central Park?" "Faith, 'an I will," was the reply, "if you will tell me where you started from."

A Nebraska journal invitingly says: "Who says farmers cannot get rich in this State? Fifteen years ago a young man came to this State without a dollar in the world: Last week he went out of the State, carrying with him the sum of one dollar and thirty-eight cents, the savings of fifteen years of frugal life. Come West, young man, come West!"

Iron Rust--To remove iron-rust from linen, apply lemon juice and salt, and expose it to the sun. Use two applications if necessary.


Bridging the Blood Chasm.

In a skirmish between Federal and Confederate soldiers, in Lancaster county, S. C., in February, 1865, two of the former were killed, and by their comrades buried at the roadside. Recently these bodies were disinterred by ex-Confederates, in order that they might be re-interred in the National Cemetery at Florence, S. C. The duty of apprising the nearest Post Commander of the U. S. Army of the facts was confided to Judge Mackey, of the Sixth S. C. Circuit, himself an ex-Confederate. This duty he discharged in a letter to Lt. Col. Black, commanding Post of Columbia, dated 2nd. inst. We give the material portions of Judge Mackey's letter, together with the reply of Col. Black:

In executing the sad but grateful trust with which I have been honored by my former comrades, it is proper that I should state the true and only motive that has impelled their action in the premises.

The ex-Confederates of Lancaster, S. C., in taking up the bodies of these dead soldiers of the Union from their neglected graves near the public highway, and forwarding them with due respect for honorable interment in a national military cemetery, have been prompted specially by the following considerations:

First--The generous and fraternal conduct of survivors of the Union army, as exhibited in their decorating the graves of the Confederate dead at Madison, Wis., in May last; in which ceremony, at the suggestion of the orator of the day, Gen. C. C. Washburne, Governor of Wisconsin, the orphans of many Union soldiers participated.

Second--The recent successful recommendation by Gov. E. F. Noyes of Ohio, that the Legislature of that State should make a liberal appropriation to surround the Confederate cemetery at Columbus with a suitable iron railing.

Third--The utterances and action of the many distinguished officers and soldiers of the Union army, who assembled in the Convention of Mexican War Veterans, held at Washington, D. C., January 15, 1874.

They have also read the earnest expressions of the last named occasion of the illustrious Chief Magistrate of the Republic, and the great soldier, now General of the Army of the United States, in which they embodied their desire that the soldiers who fought against each other in the late civil war should unite as citizens of a common country, and pledged their influence to promote that end.

The Mexican war veterans of Lancaster were prominent in the performance of this fraternal act; and, under the direction of Maj. K. G. Billings, guarded the bodies for several nights in the court house, while awaiting transportation, the Catawha river having been rendered impassable by the recent heavy rains. All who engaged in it were ex-Confederates, many of whom bear upon their persons the ineffaceable scars of battle, who added by their conduct in the field new lustre to the martial renown of that historic district which gave birth to Andrew Jackson. I can best indicate the depth of their sincerity by stating the fact that they traveled several miles to exhume and honor these remains of Union soldiers, through a country marked by monumental chimneys that are still black with the fires of internecine war. I should add that the bodies conveyed to Columbia free of charge from the point at which they reached the railway, pursuant to instructions of Col. J. B. Palmer, president of the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta railroad--himself a distinguished ex-Confederate officer.

Indeed, this act will meet with disfavor only from that select band of Southern patriots who, amid the general clash of arms, devoted their great mental energies to the ascertainment of the law of safe distances as applied to projectiles, and stood firmly by their homes until their homes were invaded.

I am, Colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant, T. J. Mackey,
Judge of the Sixth Circuit, S. C.


Columbia, S. C., March 4, 1874
Hon. T. J. Mackey, Judge Sixth Circuit., South Carolina, Chester, S. C.:

My Dear Sir: I had the honor today to receive at the Charlotte depot, at the hands of Mr. T. B. Lloyd, your communication of the 2nd inst. and, at the same time and hands also, with appropriate military honors, the remains of the two Union soldiers to which you refer.

This graceful and touching act upon the part of the ex-Confederate soldiers of Lancaster deserves to be--as it will be--noted and recorded side by side with the acts of the survivors of the Union army, which you so politely and pleasantly mention. These events are born of the admiration which gallant soldiers feel for each other, though on opposite sides, they may have fought.

From such manifestations may we not discern the dawning of a new, and better era, when the soldiers of the Union and of the Confederacy, with clasped hands and united hearts, shall enter upon the duties and exercise the privileges which living in the same land and under the same Government imposes, and permits?

Please accept for yourself--tried in war and true in peace--and convey to all those whose kindly, generous interest and action in this matter will challenge the approbation and admiration of all classes of people, and expression of cordial thanks on my part, as well as in behalf of those whom on this occasion I have the honor to represent.

I am, my dear sir, very respectfully and truly, your obedient servant,
H. H. Black,
Lt. Col. 18th Inf. Commanding Post.



The Ticket
Covington, Ky.
February 19, 1877

Falmouth Independent: 'Squire Hume, of Callensville, has left with us a sample of lead ore from a mine lately discovered on the farm of Wesley Hawkins, near Callensville, in Harrison County. The ore, he informs us, is pronounced by competent judges to be rich in lead, and that preparations are being made by Joseph Roberts and Robt. McCandless to work the mine.

Second-Hand Sermons

To the ordinary American clerical mind there is something just a bit incongruous in the English advertisements of sermons for sale. One dealer in this pawnbroker's theology asserts that he will pay cash for any manuscript sermons which are "original and modern" and which have "a thoroughly good church tone." When we have listened to some sermons we have thought it must be nearly as hard for the minister to preach them as for the people to hear them, but when you add to this duplex burden the fact that those very sermons are lithographic copies of some original which was written for just ten shillings by a broken down literary hack, and that the clergyman bought them and palmed them off as his own because he was busy during the week on a fishing or hunting tour, then the camel's back is broken entirely. It may be a curious preference, but still a congregation does prefer to hear a poor original sermon to a stolen better one. In the former case they go quietly to sleep, under the impression that the clergyman is honest but terribly dull, and in the latter case they feel as though they had been swindled. On the whole it is safer to be both original and dull than to be brilliant with borrowed brains and fireworks.

"All the world's a top," says the philosopher of the Brooklyn Argus, "and woman spins it."

A Connecticut clergyman, who was promised more than he can collect, has asked for a reduction of salary.

The judges of Persia receive no salaries, and have nothing but bribes to depend upon for a living.

Murder at Callensville

Yesterday afternoon, between three and four o'clock, a man by the name of William Moore shot and killed John Durkin at Callensville, in Pendleton County. The circumstances of the case are as follows: It seems that Moore, who had been drinking, was imposing on a cripple named Michael Redy when Durkin interfered, telling Moore that "he should not abuse a cripple" or words to that effect, whereupon Moore drew his pistol and shot Durkin, the ball passing through the right lung. The wounded man died this morning between two and three o'clock. He was unmarried, and is represented as a quiet, sober and industrious man, being well respected in that community. Moore was the son of William Moore formerly Sheriff of Pendleton county, and was generally considered a disreputable character. Up to the time of our going to press he had not been arrested. Durkin lived at Morgan Station, while Moore was a resident of Callensville.

Since putting the foregoing in type another account has reached us. The substantial facts are as stated above. Moore was drunk. He is twenty-seven years old. The good character of Durkin is attested. He was twenty-five years old, and an employe of the K. U. R. R.

The Way Wire Nails Are Manufactured.

The Only Factory of this Kind In the U.S.

Even in so small a thing as a nail, the inventive genius of the world has tried and expanded itself, and as the years roll on toward the oblivion of eternity new and varied improvements are made in this simple little instrument.

The old 'cut nails" are as familiar to us as our commonest household words, but it is only of late years that another kind of nail has begun to be extensively used in this country. Even yet the trade in it has amounted to but little over two hundred thousand dollars per year, and the bulk of this trade is in imported nails, made in Germany and France. We speak of the 'wire nail," the only manufactory for which in the United States is situated in this city, occupying the lot, seventy by one hundred and ninety feet, on the south-west corner of Madison and State streets. The nucleus of this manufactory was single machine brought here from Germany by a German priest, Father Goebbels, of the Augustinburg church, in the early part of 1875. This machine was operated by hand in the back room attached to the saloon of Mr. Meibers, on the south west corner of Madison and Willow streets, for a short time, while a frame building sixty by ninety feet was being erected for its reception, on the west side of Washington street, south of Willow. In August, two more machines were brought over from Europe, and the name :Kentucky Wire Nail Works" adopted. With these last machines came Mr. M. Baackes, a gentleman who had been the foreman of a silk factory in the old country, and whose active, enterprising spirit and inventive faculties made him of great value to the gentleman having the success of the infant enterprise in hand. He was made general manager, and the business rapidly increased until in November, when a stock company was formed, with an authorized capital of $100, 000, divided into shares of $100.00 each. 

"The American Wire and Screw Nail Company," as the stock company was to be known, took possession of the works on the 3rd day of January, 1876, when the location was changed to the building now occupied. The removal was made with four machines, one manufactured at the works, the other three imported. Steam was first applied when the removal was made.

The officers and directors at this time were: Jos. Goebbels, President; M. Baackes, General Manager; J. B. Mecklenborg, Secretary and Treasurer; Jos. Goebbels, H. Weweler, Chas, Eymann, B. Biestmann, C. L. Dengler, J. B. Mecklenborg and M. Baackes, Directors.

Early in 1877 a large amount of stock changed hands and all the purchasable shares were bought up by young and enterprising men, who saw the bright future in store for the company, and on the 12th day of February a meeting of the stockholders was held and the company re-organized under the name of "The American Wire Nail Co."

The following gentlemen were elected officers and directors for the ensuing twelve months: J. L. Stephens, President and Treasurer; H. Terlau, Vice President; J. B. Mecklenborg, Secretary; M. Baackes, General Manager; J. C. Ernst, R. G. Hemingray, H. Terlau and B. Biestmann, Directors.

Now the Company has ten machines in operation, all but three made at their works under the direction of Mr. Baakes, who remained with the institution through these several changes, and by the master mechanic, Mr. Henry Meyers. These ten machines range in size from the largest, through which wire is worked from a thickness of three-sixteenths of an inch to three-thirty-seconds of an inch, to the smallest, which is capable of working wire from one eighteenth of an inch to one thirty-second of an inch in thickness; the length of the nail manufactured by either machine being regulated by a guage.

The company is prepared to make six hundred different varieties of nails, among them the "Eureka cigar-box nail" and the "barbed nail," for which they have applied for patents. An engine of fourteen horse power furnishes the motive force for the whole establishment, yet every piece of machinery used, with the single exception of casting, is made on the premises; even the wooden shipping cases are made by the company's carpenter. The wire used is purchased principally from Messrs. Roebling & Sons, Trenton, N. J., some small lots being brought from the Globe Rolling Mill of Cincinnati. Quantities of wire all the way from 500 to 2,000 pounds per day pass through the machines of the company; the larger machines making one hundred nails per minute, and the smallest, one hundred and eighty per minute. The modus operandi of preparing the wire for screw nails is very simple, with the facilities that the company can now command. The different sizes of wire go through almost the very same process but are prepared by different machines. A coil of thicker wire is thrown over a neat but simple wooden spool turning on a pivot in an upright stand. One end of the wire is fed into what is called the "screw threading machine," where a somewhat complicated combination of cogs and pistons revolves round it gradually drawing it through, when the end is fastened to another spool which then turns in unison with the machine winding the wire off as it comes from the machine threaded; that is, with a groove running through it like that of a screw. The "screw threading machine" although improved to that degree that it presses the wire in, instead of chipping it out as when first invented, works slowly, having the capacity to prepare only several hundred pounds of wire per day, while the smaller machine, the "notching machine," an invention of Mr. Baackes, can prepare 800 pounds. The "notching machine," through which the finer wire is prepared is altogether different from the other in construction. It is simply a series of wheels and levers that mold or press the wire into grooves or notches as it passes through taking nothing from it but rather adding to its strength and durability by compressing it.

When the wire is threaded or notched it is then ready to be made into nails. This is done, just as nails are made from wire not threaded or notched. A coil is placed over a spool in the engine room, similar to that used in the barbing or threading room. An end of the wire is directed into one of the machines, to which appropriate dies have been fixed, according to the thickness of the wire, and on which the gauge is set for the required length. The machine is then set in operation and feeds itself, clamps drawing the wire in from the revolving spool and the dies holding it at a certain distance from the end, while a hammer, worked by the tremendous force of a stout wooden spring of the hardest material, makes the head of the nail with one blow on the slightly protruding end of the wire, when the clamps open and clasp the wire farther off, drawing it in as before, as a pair of shears shut to with crushing force, pointing the headed nail at the proper length, and cutting it off, when an iron snapper descends on the nail throwing it into the box below. All sizes of nails are made by the same process, the machines being adapted to the working of different kinds of wire, proper dies being set for each thickness and the gauge for each length.

When the nails first come from the machine they are very greasy, the wire having passed through an oiled rag to make it run easy, and there are besides jagged ends or corners at the point of the nail that have to be removed. The nails are accordingly placed in a revolving iron box, where they are allowed to remain just long enough for the rough edges to be removed without the point being blunted by contact with the sides of the box. But a few minutes suffice, and the nails are removed with the jagged ends or "whiskers' as they are called, all taken off. The nails are still greasy and dirty, however, and they are placed in a wooden box similar to the iron one, and likewise called a "cleaner." Here a quantity of saw dust is thrown on them, and after a few revolutions they are taken out, saw dust and all and poured into a hopper on the top of a kind of fanning machine, somewhat like those used in cleaning grain. Here the nails are separated from the saw dust and dirt, and come forth bright and shining, ready for packing.

All three machines are run by steam and require but very little attention. The preparing machines and the manufacturing machines are all self-feeders. The fireman of the engine attends to both preparing machines, and three machinists and one boy manage the ten nail makers. The cleaner and the separator, of course, have to be fed, but one good sized boy can attend to them all, cleaning 3,000 pounds of nails in one day. The "whiskers' are saved and sold back to wire makers.

In packing, the nails are put up in pound packages, something after the style of the common iron tack, then shipped in wooden cases, the very largest size, as the fence nail and the lightening rod nail; being packed in kegs as usual.

The Company prides itself considerably on the two kinds of nails mentioned above and the "Eureka" cigar box nail. The fence nail, they claim, is bound to supercede the common cut nail almost altogether, for although it is sold at half as much again on the pound as the cut nail; it numbers twice as many to the pound, and then its durability and strength for exceed those of the cut nail. The lightening rod nail can be driven into a brick without its being bent in the least, and the "Eureka" cigar box nail is far superior to the nail now in general use in every particular. The company are also at work on a machine for twisting for-cornered wire into shape resembling lightening rods, and as soon as perfected they intend covering it with a patent.

The principal orders received by the "American Wire Nail Co.,"are from New York, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Chicago, ranging in amount in the order named. They also ship some of their wars as far as San Francisco. 

The Company are rapidly increasing their facilities and expect before another year to have at least twenty machines in operation. Mr. Baakes, the general manager, starts for Europe in a few days and will, on his return, bring back new and improved models for different kinds of nails and specimens of machinery.

The future of this company is indeed bright. With young and energetic men at the head of it there can hardly be such a word fail in their rapid progress, and we venture the opinion that it will not be long until the American Wire Nail Company is known all over the world by its products.