A Sesquicentennial History of the Green River Missionary Baptist Church 1836 - 1986, Written and Compiled by Wendell Holmes Rone, Sr., For the One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Founding of the Church, 1987. By permission of author. Ohio County ERSMOND SWAFFER became the Twenty-Ninth man to fill the office of Pastor in the Green River Church. He was elected, probably in the month of April, 1947 (Record missing), and was filling the position in June, following. He continued to serve the Church for nearly two and one-half years, asking to be released from the office on September 1,1949, which was done. During his pastorate the Church voted to have its first Vacation Bible School, on July 7-11, 1947, with an enrollment of 52. The vote was taken on June 7th preceding that date. At the same time the Church voted to put the Sunday School under Church control, appoint a Committee to draw up a Church Budget; and on October 2, 1948, voted to sponsor a Baptist Training Union. On December 4, 1948, the Church voted to take part in the Minister's Retirement plan. Beginning in April, 1949, and giving it final approval the following July 2, the Church voted to excavate for and erect some Sunday School rooms under the Church Building in the basement. The Church also participated in Study Courses and Schools of Missions during his pastorate. The groundwork was laid for a future growth which has continued to the present time. Swaffer = none http://www.rootsweb.com/~kygenweb/kybiog/ohio/swaffer.e.txt