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We now have 25 meg allocated for this project. If you can assist with deferring costs - if you've benefitted to the tune of $5 or $10 - your help would be appreciated. A donation for the KY Biographies Project can be made directly to the system that has donated this space by making a check to STARBASE-21 and sending it to:
Suite 141-254
2040 Spring Creek Parkway
Plano, TX
To get a copy of the biography, you have to save it as a text file. There is no download mechanism.
We would like to give you blanket permission to point to one or more of our biographies from your own web site. We would appreciate your giving credit to the Project in some way, as this is the result of thousands of hours by unpaid volunteers whose real pleasure in this is helping others. But there is no need to ask for permission to link to the site, or to any of the biographies.
Just because a biography has been entered does not mean that it is part of any of our lines. Please do not contact us for more information on the surname.
To ask for changes to a biography, such as misspellings or modifying the indexes, please contact the data entry volunteer who did the work. To volunteer to help on the project, contact Ellen FranKs, the current project administrator. To mention errors in any of the web pages, contact Jeff Murphy. To subscribe to the administrative mailing list for the project, send SUBSCRIBE KYBIOG-L to KYBIOG-L. To subscribe to the KY Biographies list, where all biographies are being listed for those without access to the web page, send SUB KYBIOGRAPHIES to KYBIOGRAPHIES.
The book KY INDEX TO BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES is $15.50 softbound and $19.50 HB ppd. Each person is indexed with a key letter that indicates in which book a biographical sketch may be found on that person. 23,000 biographies are listed. To order, or for additional information, send mail to Bettie Cummings Cook. While Mrs. Cook is not affiliated with the project in any way, her book is a valuable index to Kentucky biographies.
Grabbed on 12:14, Tue, May 29, 2001