Souvenir Edition, The Williamstown Courier, Williamstown, Ky, May 30, 1901, reprinted September 19, 1981 by the Grant County KY Historical Society. E. G. GREEN. "Ed" Green is one of Grant county's best young men. That he is popular and well like is attested by the fact that he won the nomination for magistrate in the Third Magisterial District last December almost without a contest. His vote was almost as large as the vote of the combined opposition. He is a native Grant county boy, and grew to manhood on his father's farm not far from where he now resides. He is married and has a family of bright boys and girls, and is regarded as a fixture around Mt. Zion where he is so well known. He has served the county as sheriff for one full term and then went back to his first "love," farming, and has been engaged in agricultural pursuits ever since. We have no doubt but that he will make as good a magistrate as the Democrats of the Third District could have selected. The district is largely Democratic, hence his election is assured. Green = none