Memorial Record of Western Kentucky, Lewis Publishing Company, 1904, pp 753-754 [Caldwell] JOHN D. TEMPLEMAN, who is engaged in dealing in coal, feed and grain at Princeton and is also interested in a number of other enterprises which benefit the city as well as advance individual success, was born here on the 26th of October, 1873, his parents being Matthew William and Nellie (Dudley) Templeman. His father was born in Russellville, Todd county, Kentucky, in the year 1851, and was a son of John and Margaret (Currence) Templeman, both of whom were of Virginia birth. The mother of Mr. Templeman was born in Princeton and is a daughter of Milton and Eliza (Harpending) Dudley, member of old families of Caldwell county. For many years Matthew W. Templeman was engaged in merchandising in Princeton, and was recognized as one of the most enterprising, progressive business men of the city. Having lost his eyesight he was retired. Both he and his wife have a very wide acquaintance in the city and in Caldwell county, and enjoy in large measure the regard and esteem of those with whom they have been brought in contact. They had but two children: John D. and James M. Under the parental roof John D. Templeman was reared, and in the public schools of Princeton he acquired his preliminary education, which was supplemented by study in Lexington, Kentucky. Thus he was well fitted by broad literary and intellectual training for the practical and responsible duties of a business career. Returning to his home he has since been identified with business interests in Princeton, and since 1898 has engaged in the conduct of a coal, feed and grain store. A man of good business ability and marked enterprise, he has also extended his efforts into other fields of labor, and, becoming interested in the telephone business, he has since 1902 acted as local manager for the East Tennessee Telephone Company. He is likewise connected with the transfer business in Princeton and is establishing a water works system in the town, building up the latter enterprise from a limited capital. It will readily be seen that his efforts have been directed along lines that have proved of great benefit to the city, and not only through business affairs but in other ways has Mr. Templeman aided in promoting the welfare, progress and substantial improvement of his native town. In 1902 Mr. Templeman was united in marriage to Miss Mary Darby, a daughter of the Rev. Dr. W. J. Darby, of Evansville, Indiana. Their attractive home is celebrated for its gracious and pleasing hospitality, which is enjoyed by their many friends. In his political affiliations Mr. Templeman is a Democrat, while fraternally he is connected with the Knights of Pythias lodge, and in religious faith is connected with the Cumberland Presbyterian church. A young man, he has already been able to attain enviable success, which will undoubtedly be increased as the years pass by, for he possesses marked enterprise, laudable ambition and strong determination. Templeman Dudley Currence Harpending Darby = Todd-KY VA IN