South Central Kentucky Surname Registry


South Central County Surname Registry


Welcome to the South Central Kentucky Surname Registry. This Registry is for those researching families in South Central Kentucky including the counties of: Allen - Barren - Clinton - Cumberland - Edmonson - Green - Hardin - Hart - Logan - Metcalfe - Monroe - and Warren Counties. The Clinton Surname Registry, for now, is maintained separately from this SCKY list, and can also be found on this website. Eventually, the two lists will be combined into one.

Feel free to submit your surnames from the above mentioned counties to be listed in this registry.

Because I also maintain 3 other Surname Registries, only submissions on the automated form will be accepted.

Researcher's names listed below are linked to their Email Registry ID or email addresses. All new additions are being assigned an Email Registry ID to facilitate updates of email addresses. To contact one of them, simply click on their name and you'll be taken to their entry in the Email Registry. Click on their name in the Registry and your email program should open up.



T Surnames

TALBOT Marilyn Talbot Cumberland, Boyle
TAYLOR Tom Mitchell Barren
Sue Wright Clinton
TENNYSON Rebecca Gaddie-Stoy Hart
THOMAS Shirl Sieli Allen
Donna Niner Clinton
THOMPSON Debbie Coulter Barren
Sonia Meyer Logan
Wayne Davis Hart
Tim Walker Green
Emogene Greer Barren & Metcalfe
THRASHER Patrick McCann Clinton
Terry Thompson Clinton
TIMBERLAKE Judy Lawler Hart
TINDLE Nancy Lloyd Barren
TINNELL Nancy Lloyd Barren
TREVITT Judy Lawler Monroe
TROXELL Ryan Roberts Wayne
TUCKER Willis Oliver Logan
TURNER Angie Bush Monroe
TUTTLE Susi Pentico Green & Wayne
TYREE Angie Bush Monroe

Visit the Clinton County KYGenWeb site.

Visit the Clinton County Surname Registry.



Problems or bad links should be reported to the webmaster.

©Copyright 2003-2007 by Sherri Bradley. No unauthorized commercial use of this material permitted.