Carter County KY Census Records
Carter County KY Census Records
All of Kentucky was originally in August Co, VA. Between about 1772 - 1776, it was Fincastle Co, VA.
The first permanent Kentucky settlement was at Harrodsburg in 1774 and Boonesboro was settled in 1775.
In 1776, Kentucky was taken away from Fincastle Co, VA and became Kentucky County, Virginia.
In 1780, Kentucky County was divided into three counties: Fayette, Jefferson, and Lincoln.
Kentucky officially became a state in 1792.
2011 Proposed Precincts
Census districts, voting precincts and Magistrates Districts are based on maps like this one.
Old census district boundaries probably relate to these disticts only in very general terms.
Census Maps showing the county evolutions for each census.
1790 Federal Census
First Kentucky Census. Note that Carter County was not created until 1838.
These are Excel files. If you do not have Excel on your computer, you will need to download the Excel Viewer from Microsoft. A download link is provided.
1790 Virginia Census Images
1810 Federal Census
Greenup County (parent county of Carter County).
1820 Federal Census
Greenup County (parent county of Carter County).
1830 Federal Census
Greenup & Lawrence Counties (parent counties of Carter County).
1840 Federal Census
The 1840 census was similar to the 1830 census in that it recorded the name of the head of household and the number of members in the household in certain age categories, but also took the names of Revolutionary War pensioners living within each household.. This census is found on NARA microfilm series M704 and Carter county is on roll 107. Carter county had a population of 2,905 persons in 1840.
1850 Federal Census
The 1850 census was the first to list all the names of members of the household and included additional categories for their specific age, occupation of adults, place of birth, and value of their real estate. This census is found on NARA microfilm series M432 and Carter county is on roll 195 (free schedules) and roll 223 (slave schedules). Carter county had a population of 6,241 persons in 1850.
1860 Federal Census
The 1860 census included the same information as the 1850 schedules, but added a category for value of personal estates. This census is found on NARA microfilm series M653 and Carter county is on roll 361 (free schedules) and roll 401 (slave schedules). Carter county had a population of 8,516 persons in 1860.
1870 Federal Census
The 1870 census included the same information as the 1860 schedules, but also asked whether each individual's parent was of foreign birth and whether the adult males were US citizens. This census is found on NARA microfilm series M593 and Carter county is on roll 454. Carter county had a population of 7,509 persons in 1870.
1880 Federal Census
The 1880 census not only listed all the members of each household, but also recorded the relationship of each person to the head of household. The birthplace of the parents of each person was also listed. This census is found on NARA microfilm series T9 and Carter county is found on roll 408. There is also a Soundex index found on NARA microfilm series T750 for all of Kentucky. This index includes families which had school age children. It includes 83 rolls. Carter county had a population of 12,345 persons in 1880.
1890 Special Veterans Census
Most of the 1890 census schedules were destroyed by fire (and water from extinguishing the fire) and so are not available.
The 1890 census included a Special Veterans Census which lists the Union veterans of the Civil War, the unit they served in, and the length of time they served.
This schedule is available to the public and is found in the M123 Series of microfilm from the NARA; Carter county is on roll 2. Carter county had a population of 17,204 persons in 1890.
There is also a rearrangement of Charles B. Heinemann's original compilation ""First Census" of Kentucky 1790" which was published in book form in 1940. The Genealogical
Publishing Co. reissued this work several times. This is not actual "Census" data as Mr. Heinemann points out in his book. All
actual census data was destroyed except for statistical data. Because Kentucky District's census was destroyed, Mr. Heinemann compiled what he calls a
"substitute" by extracting the heads of household as listed in the tax lists from1789-1792 for those counties in existance during that time period.
- 1890 Compilation
1900 Federal Census
Carter County had a population of 20,228 persons in 1900.
1900 Federal Census
The 1900 census contains the most information of all the released census schedules available. It includes the names of each person in the household, their relationship to the head of household, color, month and year of birth, age, marital status and address. The number of years a couple were married and the number of children that the wife has had were listed. The birthplaces of each individual and their parents were recorded and whether each was a citizen. The year of immigration for immigrants and whether they could speak English is shown. Also recorded are occupations of the adults, whether they owned or rented their home and whether a mortgage was owed. This census is found on NARA microfilm series T623 and Carter county is on roll 514. The Soundex index for Kentucky is on NARA microfilm series T1047 and includes 198 rolls. Carter county had a population of 20,228 persons in 1900.
1910 Federal Census
The 1910 census recorded the names of each individual and their relationship to the head of household, their sex, color, age, marital status and length of marriage. The number of children born to each mother and the number still living was listed. For immigrants the years of immigration and citizen status was asked. The language spoken was also recorded. The occupation of adults and whether they were an employee or employer or self-employed was shown. The number of weeks a person was unemployed the previous year was recorded. Also appearing on this census is whether each adult could read and write, if each child attended school the past year and whether the home was rented or owned and if owned, whether a mortgage was owed. Disabilities were recorded and finally survivors of the Civil War were listed as Union or Confederate army or navy. This census can be found on NARA microfilm series T624 and Carter county is on roll 469. The Miracode index for Kentucky is on NARA microfilm series T1266 and includes 194 rolls. Carter county had a population of 21,966 persons in 1910.
1920 Federal Census
The 1920 census was similar to the 1910 census, but omitted questions about service in the Union or Confederate army, unemployment, and how long a couple have been married and how many children they have. New questions were added about the mother tonque of the persons and their parents and the year of naturalization. This census can be found on NARA microfilm series T625 and Carter county is on roll 565. The Soundex index for Kentucky is on NARA microfilm series M1563 and includes 180 rolls. Carter County had a population of 22,474 persons in 1920.
1930 Federal Census
Carter County had a population of 23,839 persons in 1930.
1940 Federal Census
Carter County had a population of 25,545 persons in 1940.
Census Schedule Images (will open in a new window)
1940 Census at Lick Branch project (will open in a new window)
1950 Federal Census
Carter County had a population of 22,559 persons in 1950. Census available in 2023.
1960 Federal Census
Carter County had a population of 20,817 persons in 1960. Census available in 2033.
1970 Federal Census
Carter County had a population of 19,850 persons in 1970.
1980 Federal Census
Carter County had a population of 25,060 persons in 1980.
1990 Federal Census
Carter County had a population of 24,340 persons in 1990.
1990 Carter County census tract map
2000 Federal Census
Carter County had a population of 26,889 persons in 2000.
2010 Federal Census
Carter County had a population of 27,720 persons in 2010.
Non-Carter County Census Documents related to Carter County Families
1830 Census for Madison Co., KY: "George Kinnamon"
Bath Co. Census (Page 127 transcribed)
Bath Co. Census (Page 128 transcribed)
1820 Census page for Bath County, Kentucky: "William Denton"
1830 Census page for Bath County, Kentucky: "William Denton"
1840 Census page for Bath County, Kentucky: "William Denton"
1850 Census page for Bath County, Kentucky: "William Denton"
1860 Census page for Bath County, Kentucky: "William Denton"
1870 Census page for Bath County, Kentucky: "William Denton"
1880 Census page for Montgomery County, Kentucky: "William Denton"
1880 Census for Platte Co., MO: "John Kinnamon"
1885 Census page for Elk County, Kansas: "William Denton"
1900 Census for Clay Co., MO: "John Kinnamon"
1920 Census for Jackson Co., MO: "George Elias Kinnamon"
1930 Census for Jackson Co., MO: "George Elias Kinnamon"
1940 Census for Jackson Co., MO: "George Elias Kinnamon"
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