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Need Help finding a surname?

Using Quick Notes can be difficult when browsing or looking for any surname.  You can narrow your search greatly by using your browser to help you find a name even if you do not know the correct spelling.  Follow the directions below and see if this makes your search easier!

1. From the main page of Quick Notes, use the alphabet table to open the page you want.  The alphabet links appear on each page in "Quick Notes" for fast reference and browsing.

2. When the Quick Notes page is open, use your browser to search that page ONLY by pulling down the *Edit* menu on the top bar of the browser window.

3. A small applet will open for you to use and *Find* all occurrences of the name or any successive group of letters in the name by clicking on the *Find Next* button.

4. With a little amount of practice, this will greatly speed up your search when using the Quick Notes pages for Bullitt County or any other web site you visit.  Have a great day!

 5. These directions were opened in a separate window.  Simply close this window to return to your previous web page.