Oberlin and Decatur County Illustrated
Published by Outdoor Life Pub. Co.,
J. A. Ricker, Manager
Denver, Colorado
Compiled by E. M. Coldren, Editor Oberlin Herald
Transcribed Sept. 2003 by Phil and Sharleen Wurm.
Page 1
A Description of the Varied Resources of Decatur County and its County Seat: Its Prolific Farm Lands, Wonderful Stock-Raising Interest, Corn and Wheat Fields, Beautiful Houses and Business Enterprises.
It is not the intention of the writer of this brief history of Decatur County, Kan. to give more than a passing glimpse of its resources, progress and productiveness, and to introduce to public notice a few of the persons who have helped to make this county noted for its wealth and progressive spirit. The writer fully appreciates that to give a full and complete history of Decatur County or its inhabitants would be a much more difficult and lengthy undertaking than he has either the time or inclination to attempt. The one object in view is to briefly outline the possibilities of this new and wonderful country, that copies of this little booklet may be sent to friends in the East who will be induced to come and make homes in this wonderful climate for themselves and their children. Other writers have so overdrawn the advantages of this country that eastern people have become suspicious and are inclined to disbelieve what they said, and for this reason have not given the subject as much credence as they ought. Whoever reads this sketch may rely upon the truthfulness of each statement here made. The writer has no land to sell, nor is he interested in the sale of real estate, his only object being to furnish information to that great army of men and women who are homeless, and, under present conditions where they live, always will remain so. We have no inclination to induce persons to remove to this country until they have made a visit here and have seen with their own eyes and have been convinced of the truthfulness of what we say. And when we claim that the chances for a poor man to make a successful start are better here than in any known part of the world, we say it understandingly, and believe every word to be the truth.
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©2003 by Sharleen
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