Santa Fe Trail Reading

Posted by: Harry C. Myers

The Santa Fe Trail Reference Guide

A Basic SFT Reading List:

FORT UNION ,National Monument New Mexico

National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior


Brown, William E., The Santa Fe Trail: National Park Service 1963 Historic Sites Survey (St. Louis: Patrice Press, 1988). Good basic history of the Trail and a survey of the sites along the Trail.

Connor, Seymour V. and Jimmy M. Skaggs, Broadcloth and Britches, The Santa Fe Trade (College Station: Texas A & M University Press, 1977). Most recent general survey of the Trail.

Drumm, Stella, ed., Down the Santa Fe Trail and into New Mexico: The Diary of Susan Shelby Magoffin (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1982). A Classic of the Trail written by an 18-year old newlywed.

Duffus, Robert, The Santa Fe Trail (Albuguerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1979). A general survey history of the subject.

Garrard, Lewis H., Wah-to-yah and the Taos Trail (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1955. Exciting story by a 17 year old on the Trail.

Gregg, Josiah, Commerce of the Prairies (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1979). First published in 1844, it remains the standard account of Trail life by a participant. The basic source.

Franzwa, Gregory M., Maps of the Santa Fe Trail (St. Louis: Patrice Press, 1988). County road maps with the Trail route marked on them.

Lavender, David, Bent's Fort (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1972). A very good survey of not only the Fort, but related activities in the Southwest and along the Trail.

Oliva, Leo E., Fort Larned on the Santa Fe Trail (Topeka: Kansas State Historical Society, 1982). An excellent history of this Kansas Post.

Rittenhouse, Jack D., The Santa Fe Trail: A Historical Bibliography (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1971). Lists and describes 718 books, pamphlets, and articles on the Trail.

Russell, Marian, Land of Enchantment, Memoirs along the Santa Fe Trail (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1981). Highly readable account of a young girl and Army Officer's wife on the Trail.

Simmons, Marc, Following the Santa Fe Trail (Santa Fe: Ancient City Press, 1984). Most recent and thorough Trail guide.

Utley, Robert M., Fort Union and the Santa Fe Trail (El Paso: Texas Western Press, 1989). Identifies the location of the Trail in and around Fort Union.

SANTA-FE-TRAIL - Santa Fe Trail mailing list. To subscribe send mail to [email protected] that says: SUB SANTA-FE-TRAIL . Contact Nancy Sween, Santa Fe Trail List Owner

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Our copy of the Santa Fe Trail Association Quarterly, "Wagon Tracks", came in the mail today. The SFTA Last Chance Store (PO Box 3, Woodston, KS 67675) has a two page list of books, bumper stickers, pins, maps, shirts, etc. about the trail for sale.

And we are being reminded that it is once again time to renew (or start) our subscriptions to the association. Membership categories for 1997: benefactor membership is $1,000, patron is $100, business/institution is $40, family is $30, individual membership is $25, and youth 18 or under is $15. Why pay the dues? The Association benefits both the members and the trail. Members get the 4 annual issues of "Wagon Tracks" as well as several ways to join together with others also interested in the Trail. The Trail itself benefits with protection, preservation, site markers, mapping, promotions for public awareness, research, certification, and education projects.

If you want to join the Association, send your check (made out to Santa Fe Trail Association) to Ruth Olson Peters, Sec-Treas., Santa Fe Trail Center, RR3, Larned, KS 67550. Include your name(s), address, city, state, zip (or country), and telephone number. And ask them to enroll you for the year 1997.