Admire Surname Mailing list

The Admire Surname Mailing List

To Subscribe to the mailing list in MAIL MODE send an email message containing the word SUBSCRIBE in the body to:

[email protected]

To Subscribe in DIGEST mode send and email message containing only the word SUBSCRIBE in the body to:

[email protected]

The subject is ignored so you can leave it blank and in the body have nothing but the word :


(Turn off your signature files, etc.)

To unsubscribe send a message to the same address containing the word UNSUBSCRIBE

Note, this link is only for subscribing to the list. Once you have subscribed (using the above instructions), you will receive a welcome message shortly which will contain instructions on how to post messages to the list.

If you need help getting on or off this list, please email

Copyright © 2017 Jim Admire