These pages were designed to give you info about Chicago streets, to help you find your Chicago relatives in other sources. This site contains the largest list of Chicago streets and street name changes in the world.



Search for Chicago Street Names and Name Changes here. 


To convert a pre-1909 street address to a current number, use the Chicago Historical Society files.


1909 Conversion covers most of Chicago

1911 Conversion covers the heart of the Loop, which resisted the number changes a little longer.





Chicago Street Guide, American Map Corporation, 1999

Chicago Genealogist, Summer 1988, pg 125

Chicago Historical Society Street Lists

The Daily News Street Guide To Chicago, 1909

Donnelley Directory Chicago Zip Code and Street Guide

Harold Washington Library Chicago Street Index Card File (4 volumes)

Hayner, Don and George A. Lane with Tom McNamee, Streetwise Chicago: A History of Chicago Street Names, pg 149

Illinois Health Institute Chicago Street Guide, 1942

IRAD Chicago Street Lists (4 volumes)

Kirk’s Map of Chicago, 1937

Lakeside Directory, 1875

1874-1875 Lakeside Chicago City Directory, quoted in Chicago Genealogist Summer 1988

Newberry Library Chicago Street Lists

Rand McNally Street Guide and Transportation Directory of Chicago, 1950

Turner’s Enhanced Chicagoland Street Guide, 2002

Index of the minutes of the Chicago City Council, ordinance passed Jan 14 1895.

Index of the minutes of the Chicago City Council, ordinance passed 4/14/1913, as amended

Index on the minutes of the Chicago City Council, 1936, ordinance passed

Steins, Marion B. and Helen Sclair, Chicago Street Numbering System , Chicago Genealogical Society, Summer 1997, volume XXIX #3 page 119

Tillotson’s Pocket Map and Street Guide of Chicago and Suburbs, 1913

Tillotson’s Pocket Map and Street Guide of Chicago and Suburbs, 1906

Tillotson’s Pocket Map and Street Guide of Chicago and Suburbs, 1900

Maps of Chicago from 1837, 1855, 1873, 1875, 1886, 1892, 1943, current