Searching the Chicago Catholic Parish Database in One Step
Searching the Chicago Catholic Parish Database in One Step

Daniel E. Niemiec

Ethnicity - Leave blank for all

Pick a range of coordinates that surround your family home.

For example: Your family lived at Damen and Superior. Damen is 2000W. Superior is 750N. So search for 1600 through 2400 W and 400 through 1000 N to find nearby parishes.

If you don't find any parishes, search a wider area. If you lived close to State St., leave the E or W blank. Pick an east-west range from 0 to whatever. If you lived close to Madison Ave., leave the N or S blank. Pick a north-south range from 0 to whatever.

East/West Street Coordinates are between and

[E]ast or [W]est

North/South Street Coordinates are between and

[N]orth or [S]outh

Start search at entry:    hits/page:

� Daniel E. Niemiec, 2006
this tool was created using Stephen P Morse's One-Step Search Tool generator