Coffey (Coffy, Coffee) Families in Bekan Catholic Parish with Spouses Surnames M-N

Keep in mind that this is an incomplete compilation. These pages will be added to later when I view this film again down the road. In this table, "B" refers to Baptism and "M" to Marriage. Birth records if given will be documented in the Miscellaneous column.

Date Event Coffey Spouse Townland Child and Misc. Info
April 19, 1862 B Coffy, Elizabeth (listed as MCanalle, Olim Coffy) McCanoille, Michaelis   Joannes; born April 12, 1862
May 4, 1866 B Coffey, Elizabeth (listed as McCannelli olim Coffey) McCannelle?, Patritii   Elizabeth; born April 29, 1866