Surname List

You are welcome to send me your Vanderburgh surnames (only) for inclusion to this list. Please be aware that I will add them as soon as possible (Usually the following weekend). I have two jobs and 3 GenWeb counties, so I'm pretty busy! Please make sure the county name is listed in the subject line! You wouldn't want me to add your name to Kemper County, MS!

Submit Surname

Please make sure you add your first and last name to the request for submission to the Surname Page.

Anstett - Cynthia Widick

Appel - Linda Lewis

Bagby - Susie Rose

Boardman - Marsha Bryant

Brown - Cynthia Widick

Carlisle - Linda Lewis

Dale - Denise S. Bartram

Day - Marsha Bryant

Edwards - Jo-Ann Seitzinger

Grimm - Jo-Ann Seitzinger

Hayden - Cynthia Widick

Heyden - Jo-Ann Seitzinger

Holly/Holley - Marsha Bryant

Kettmeier - Linda Lewis

Koehler - Jo-Ann Seitzinger

Koonce - Eldon Wade

Martz - Karen Hoy

McFall - Marsha Bryant

Moog - Jo-Ann Seitzinger

Musgrave - Susie Rose

Nonweiler - Jo-Ann Seitzinger

Ohning - Jo-Ann Seitzinger

Schlageter - Cynthia Widick

Schlauch - Jo-Ann Seitzinger

Schulz - Jo-Ann Seitzinger

Seaton - Linda Lewis

Sellman - Jo-Ann Seitzinger

Simms - Jo-Ann Seitzinger

Smith - Marsha Bryant

Spore - Gerald L. Spore

Stinchfield - Marsha Bryant

Storck / Stork  - Karen Hoy

Thrash - Eldon Wade

Wenzel - Jane Spence

Wust - Jo-Ann Seitzinger

Zirkelbach - Jane Spence


Templates in Time