NWIGS - Lake County, Indiana, 1891 Plat Map Index

Home ---> Online Archives ---> Lake County, Indiana, 1891 Plat Map Every Name Index

1891 Plat Map Every Name Index for Lake County, Indiana

This every name index represents a transcription of all names published in the 1891 plat map for Lake County, Indiana. A township plat map is organized according to the meridian lines and shows all lands in that township. The 440 maps contained in the 1891 plat map book, which can be purchased from NWIGS via our publications webpage, are of each individual section in each of the ten townships in Lake County (the eleventh township, North, is missing in 1891), showing the ownership of the property, location of lakes, rivers, railroads, cemeteries, and school houses. The Northwest Indiana Genealogical Society has also published a plat map book for purchase for Lake County's North Township for 1869. The boundaries for North Township in 1869 included current day North Township plus Calumet Township, which was not formed until after 1880.

The boundaries for Lake County are:

Western Border:     Illinois State Line
Northern Border:      Lake Michigan
Eastern Border:      Porter County Line
Southern Border:    Kankakee River

Ten townships are covered in this book and include:

Calumet Township
Cedar Creek Township
Center Township
Eagle Creek Township
Hanover Township
Hobart Township
Ross Township
St. John Township
West Creek Township
Winfield Township

The original maps were copied and used to produce an every name index. We used the original book for legal descriptions and are aware that some of the legal descriptions may be incorrect.

Genealogists should find this book helpful in determining which properties their ancestors owned and may locate other family members or relatives on adjoining parcels, as the early settlers tended to live near their families and friends for mutual support. Historians will find this book useful in locating geographical and man-made features as they appeared in 1891.

Every Name Index
A through C
D through H
I though L
M though R
S through Z

Home ---> Online Archives ---> Lake County, Indiana, 1891 Plat Map Every Name Index

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