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Guardian Bond Books, Lake County (1919-1934)

Indexed by Northwest Indiana Genealogical Society, this book is housed at the Clerks Office of the Lake County Government Center in Crown Point, Indiana.

Guardianships are created for a few different reasons. The one that a genealogist mainly thinks of is that the parents of a minor child or children have died. But this is not always the case. Long ago women were not allowed to own property, so a Guardianship was set up for the children or even the wife, if a husband died. This does not mean the children or the wife would move into someone else’s household to live. It simply meant that the Guardianship was set up for the Guardian(s) to oversee the Estate of the deceased until the child became of age to handle his own finances, or that the wife or husband had remarried. Or a Guardianship could be set up to protect that estate from one of the parents’ new spouse.

A Guardianship could also be set up for someone that was considered of unsound mind, insane, spendthrift, incompetent, or even of old age infirmity.

Before a person can be appointed a Guardian he must first set up a bond in the Clerk’s Office of the court in the county in which the estate is located. This person and/or financial firm must first be able to show the court in writing the value of the estate. If chosen to be the guardian this person will take an oath that he faithfully and honestly will report to the court on his handling of the estate. If this is not done this person can be removed as a guardian.

If you are interested in learning more about Guardianships and Bonds and the process that is used and why it is used, then you can visit books.google.com and use the search words: Indiana State Statutes on Guardianships.

This Index was created from one book which was located at the Lake County Government Center in Crown Point, Indiana. Note that many of Lake County government books have been disposed of in the past; however, every effort is being made at this time to preserve all of Lake County records. This index will provide you with the guardian’s name(s), surety company’s name, the deceased name, the heirs name (or who the Guardianship was set up for), the attorney’s name, and the date of the judgment. In some cases we have added comments. We have also listed the case or the docket number and page number (if one was located). A copy of the bond will also include the bond amount and the relationships of the person listed in the bond, clerks, and the Judges name. By no means does this index represent all of the legal guardianships that were set up in Lake County, Indiana. This book was the only book of bonds that have been located at this time.

To order the copy of the Guardianship Bond you may down load the order form and send it to the clerk office. You will receive a copy of only the bond. This document may help a genealogist in connecting their families. It is only one document that may be in a guardianship case. If you are interested in the whole guardianship case, then you must contact the Clerk's Office for the cost of this case, or hire one of the local researchers to acquire the document for you.

A Thank You goes out to Joan Kessel, Martha Latko, and Marlene Polster for working on this project

Last Name First Name Reason Case # Pg# Seal Date
ABEL Andis Guardianship 973 26 4/8/1921
ABEL Christian Guardian   26 4/8/1921
ABEL Daniel Guardian 973 257 5/1/1932
ABEL Daniel Guardian   26 4/8/1921
ABEL Frank Deceased 973 257 5/1/1932
ABEL Frank, Jr. Deceased   26 4/8/1921
ABEL Lester Guardianship 973 257 5/1/1932
ABEL Lester Guardianship 973 26 4/8/1921
ABRAHAM Joseph Guardian 1150 235 2/12/1931
Aetna Casualty & Surety Co.   Guardian 1190 279  
Aetna Casualty & Surety Co.   Surety 1117 193 11/15/1928
Aetna Causalty & Surety Co. of Conn. Guardian 1117 256 5/11/1932
ALLMAN Calude W. Principal 983 249 1/20/1932
ALLMAN Claude W. Guardian 940 215 3/10/1930
ALLMAN Claude W. Guardian   124 4/6/1925
AMBRE Christopher Deceased   69 1/1/1923
AMBRE Dorothy Guardianship 1017 69 1/1/1923
AMBRE Eva Guardian   69 1/1/1923
AMBRE Rosalia Guardianship 1017 69 1/1/1923
AMMERMAN Martha Guardianship 995 46 3/23/1922
ANDERSON Charles P. Deceased   17 7/24/1920
ANDERSON Ethel M. Guardianship 963 17 7/24/1920
ANDERSON Grace B. Guardian   17 7/24/1920
ANDERSON William A. Guardian   17 7/24/1920
ANDREWS Despena Deceased   51 4/21/1922
ANDREWS Despyna Deceased 1000 262 9/8/1932
ANDREWS Percy Guardianship 1000 262 9/8/1932
ANDREWS Persy Guardianship 1000 51 4/21/1922
ANDREWS William Guardianship 1000 51 4/21/1922
APPLEBAUM Louis Guardian   62 9/16/1922
ARMSTRONG Stephen P. Attoney-in-fact   150 6/30/1926
AUSTGEN Gerhard Guardian   161 11/1/1926
AUSTGEN Gerhard Guardian 1093 160 11/10/1926
AUSTGEN John J. Guardian   46 3/23/1922
AUSTGEN Sylvester Guardianship 1074 142 2/2/1926
AUSTGEN William Guardian 1074 142 2/2/1926
BACH Wm. Deceased   30 9/23/1921
BACKE Frank J. Surety 1130 205 5/13/1929
BACKE William M. Surety 1183 270 2/24/1933
BAILEY George B. Guardian   55 006/2/1922
BAILEY George B. Guardian   57 6/6/1922
BAILEY George B. Guardian   147 6/11/1926
BAILEY George B. Guardian 1092 159 12/3/1926
BAILEY George B. Guardian 1122 198 2/20/1929
BALY Andy Guardian 1153 238 3/19/1931
BANKS N.P. Guardian 795 117 11/17/1920
BARMAN Barbara Guardianship (Insane) 461 15 7/3/1920
BARMAN Barbara Guardianship (Insane) 461 286 1/4/1934
BARNOK August Guardianship 858 125 5/8/1925
BARNOK Clara Guardianship 858 125 5/8/1925
BARNOK John Deceased 858 125 5/8/1925
BARNOK Mary Guardianship 858 125 5/8/1925
BARNOK Rosa Guardianship 858 125 5/8/1925
BARR Fred A. Guardian 1038 183 1/19/1928
BARR Fred A. Guardian   82 5/4/1923
BARR Fred A. Guardian 1149 234 2/9/1931
BARR Herbert S. Guardian 947 1 10/10/1919
BARR Herbert S. Guardian   15 7/3/1920
BARTHOLAMEW Della Guardianship (old age and infirm person) 1032 92 3/10/1924
BARTON Martha Guardianship (old age and infirmity) 1039 100 7/1/1924
BATTERMAN Henry C. Surity   87 12/10/1923
BAUM Peter Principal 1168 254 3/3/1932
BAYOR Floyd J. Guardian   148 6/19/1926
BAYOR Hosea A. Guardian   148 6/19/1926
BAYOR Mary E. Guardianship (Insane) 774 148 6/19/1926
BECK Frank A Guardian   101  
BECK Mary A. Deceased   101  
BECK Walter Guardian   101  
BECKER Alice Principal 1197 287 6/18/1934
BEHRENS Christopher Deceased   71 2/19/1923
BEHRENS Elmer Guardianship 781 71 2/19/1923
BEHRENS Leona Guardianship 781 71 2/19/1923
BEHRENS Lizzie Guardian   71 2/19/1923
BEIRIGER Mathew J. Guardian 1121 197 3/1/1929
BEIRIGER Peter J. Guardian 1121 197 3/1/1929
BELSHAW J. Will Sureties 1193 283 8/30/1933
BELSHAW J. Will Sureties 1192 282 8/30/1933
BERDINE Mabel A. Guardianship 1043 105 8/16/1924
BERDINE Rachel E. Guardian   105 8/16/1924
BERG Louis J. Guardian 1092 159 12/3/1926
BERG Louis J. Guardian 1103 176 6/29/1927
BERG Louise Guardian 1103 176 6/29/1927
BERG Peter A. Guardian   55 6/2/1922
BERG Peter A. Guardian ` 93 4/11/1924
BERG Peter A. Guardian   106 9/19/1924
BERG Peter A. Guardian   140 6/24/1925
BERG Peter A. Guardian 1122 198 2/20/1929
BERRING(PERRING) Katherine Deceased 873 217 5/13/1930
BERRING(PERRING) Walter Deceased 873 217 5/13/1930
BISSELBERG Florence Guardianship 998 49 4/22/1922
BISSELBERG Henry (Sr.) Deceased   49 4/22/1922
BISSELBERG Wm. Principal   49 4/22/1922
BLACK James Guardian 974 180 12/10/1927
BLINK Benjamin Guardian   54 5/27/1922
BLOSKY George Guardian   32 9/22/1921
BLOXHAM Dorothy Guardian   90 1/23/1924
BLUME Henry Guardian 1137 212 2/18/1930
BOGUS Albert Deceased 1173 261 7/29/1932
BOGUS Anna Guardianship 1173 261 7/29/1932
BOLT Glen V. Guardian   228 9/27/1930
BOLT Glenn V. Guardian   221 5/1/1930
BOLT Glenn V. Guardian   223 7/1/1930
BOLT Glenn V. Guardian   224 7/1/1930
BOLT Harry B. Deceased   221 5/1/1930
BOLT Harry B. Deceased   223 7/1/1930
BOLT Harry B. Deceased   228 9/27/1930
BOLT Richard Vernon Guardianship 1139 221 5/1/1930
BOLT Richard Vernon Guardianship 1139 224 7/1/1930
BOLT Richard Vernon Guardianship 1139 228 9/27/1930
BOLT Robert Harry Guardianship 1139 221 5/1/1930
BOLT Robert Harry Guardianship 1139 224 7/1/1930
BOLT Robert Harry Guardianship 1139 228 9/27/1930
BOLT Virginia Carol Guardianship 1139 221 5/1/1930
BOLT Virginia Carol Guardianship 1139 224 7/1/1930
BOLT Virginia Carol Guardianship 1139 228 9/27/1930
BONAVENTURA Leo Sureties   158 10/20/1926
BORAH Charles F. Deceased   278 2/17/1933
BORST Susan A. Deceased   11 3/8/1920
BOWER John Guardianship (Unsound Mind) 1025 226 9/1/1930
BOYD Charles E. Guardian   114 12/4/1924
BOYD Elmer Guardianship 773 114 12/4/1924
BOYD George Guardian   114 12/4/1924
BOYD Harold Guardianship 773 114 12/4/1924
BOYD Warren W. Deceased   114 12/4/1924
BRANNON Lizzie P. Principal 1192 282 8/30/1933
BRANNON Louise H. Guardian 1049 112 11/10/1924
BRANNON Louise Helen Deceased 1194 284 10/23/1933
BRANNON Milo Guardian 1194 284 10/23/1933
BRANNON Perry Sureties 1193 283 8/30/1933
BRANNON Perry Sureties 1192 282 8/30/1933
BREMER August A. Surety   42 3/28/1922
BREMER August A. Guardian 1116 190 9/17/1928
BRINDLEY Gilbert A. Guardian   288 6/7/1934
BRINING George W. Guardian   120 1/9/1925
BRINING George W. Principal   230 1/10/1925
BRINING Josephine Deceased   120 1/9/1925
BRINING Josephine Deceased 1054 230 1/10/1925
BRINING Wallace Guardianship 1054 120 1/9/1925
BRINING Wallace Guardianship 1054 230 1/10/1925
BRINK Calion C. Guardian 950 4 10/1/1919
BRITTON Boniface Guardianship 1171 258 6/6/1932
BRITTON Donald Guardianship 1171 258 6/6/1932
BRITTON Eleanor Guardianship 1171 258 6/6/1932
BRITTON Genevieve T. Guardian 1171 258 6/6/1932
BRITTON Helen Guardianship 1171 258 6/6/1932
BRITTON Joseph W. Deceased 1171 258 6/6/1932
BRITTON Leon Guardianship 1171 258 6/6/1932
BRITTON Lillian Guardianship 1171 258 6/6/1932
BRITTON Lucille Guardianship 1171 258 6/6/1932
BRITTON Marguerite Guardianship 1171 258 6/6/1932
BRODA Bertha Prokop Guardian   65 9/29/1922
BROE Earl Guardianship 1096 164 1/3/1927
BROE Walter Principal 1096 164 1/3/1927
BROWN Ellsworth Guardianship (Unsound Mind) 1158 242 7/29/1931
BROWN Joseph Guardian   101  
BROWN Joseph E. Guardian   91 2/19/1924
BROWN Joseph E. Guardian 1101 173 6/8/1927
BROWN Joseph E. Guardian 1101 175 6/8/1927
BROWN Neil Guardian 1068 137 9/30/1925
BROWN Neil Surety 1079 145 5/25/1926
BROWN Neil Guardian 1157 241 6/11/1931
BROWN Neil Guardian   102 7/0/1924
BROWN Neil Guardian   101  
BROWNELL E. D. Guardian 1026 84 10/9/1923
BROWNELL Edwin D. Principal 1094 162 12/31/1926
BROWNELL Starr A. Guardian   11 3/8/1920
BROWNELL Starr A. Guardian   77 5/8/1923
BROWNELL Starr A. Guardian 1056 123 3/23/1925
BROWNELL Starr A. Guardian 1099 171 3/31/1927
BROWNELL Starr A. Guardian   64 6/23/1922
BROWNELL Starr A. Guardian 960 116 7/9/1920
BROWNELL Starr A. Guardian   152 9/1/1926
BROWNELL Starr A. Sureties 1094 162 12/31/1926
BROWNELL Starr A. Guardian 1025 226 9/1/1930
BROWNELL Starr H. Guardian 1076 143 3/30/2019
BRUCE Foster Guardian   44 3/23/1922
BRUCE Otto J. Guardian   59 9/5/1922
BRUCE Otto J. Guardian   98 6/20/1924
BRUCE Otto J. Guardian 1038 136 10/2/1925
BRUCKMAN George H. Deceased   57 6/6/1922
BRUCKMAN Hattie E. Guardianship 1005 57 6/6/1922
BRUECKMANN Agnes Sureties 1198 289 6/26/1934
BRUECKMANN Agnes E. Guardianship 1198 289 6/26/1934
BRUECKMANN Augusta Principal 1198 289 6/26/1934
BRUECKMANN Hugo Deceased 1198 289 6/26/1934
BUEHRE John Deceased 1176 266 10/26/1932
BURKMAN Axel     133 9/3/1925
BURLEIGH John H. Sureties 1100 172 4/21/1927
BURROUGHS Grant Guardian   188 6/13/1928
BURROUGHS M. L. Guardian   188 6/13/1928
BURROUGHS Mary R. Guardianship N.F. 188 6/13/1928
BUTLER B.F. Guardian   90 1/23/1924
CABLE Hazel M. Guardian 1099 171 3/31/1927
CABLE John Guardianship 1099 171 3/31/1927
CABLE Robert McHenry Deceased 1099 171 3/31/1927
CABLE Walter Guardianship 1099 171 3/31/1927
CARLSON Pearl E. Guardian 1142 222 6/12/1930
CASSIDY Fred J. Sureties 873 217 5/13/1930
CASTLE Harriet Guardianship (unsound mind) 1073 141 1/12/1926
CASTLE Mary E. Guardianship (Unsound Mind) 1094 162 12/31/1926
CASTLE Mortimer Guardianship (Unsound mind)   41 2/10/1922
CASTLE Mortimer Deceased   77 5/8/1923
CAUGHERTY Dorothy Guardianship 965 19 12/7/1920
CAUGHERTY Hazel Guardianship 965 19 12/7/1920
CAUGHERTY Iva Guardianship 965 19 12/7/1920
CAUGHERTY James Deceased   19 12/7/1920
CAUGHERTY Lyle Guardianship 965 19 12/7/1920
CAUGHERTY Marguerite Guardianship 965 19 12/7/1920
CEIGA E.B. Guardian   113 11/14/1924
CEIGA Joesphine Guardian   113 11/14/1924
CEJA Emelinda Guardianship 1037 97 6/19/1924
CEJA Jesusita Guardianship 1037 97 6/19/1924
CEJA Jose Deceased 1037 97 6/19/1924
CEJA Ruvin Guardianship 1037 97 6/19/1924
Century Indemnity Co. of Conn.   Surety 968 214 3/7/1930
CHAMBERS Henry F. Guardianship (Unsound Mind) 1077 152 9/1/1926
CHAMBERS Henry Franklin Guardianship (Unsound Mind) 1077 144 4/19/1926
CHAPMAN Case Guardianship (aged and infirm person) 952 6 3/4/1920
CHAPMAN Fay Guardianship 960 116 7/9/1920
CHAPMAN Irene Guardianship 960 116 7/9/1920
CHAPMAN Pearl Deceased 960 116 7/9/1920
CHILDRERS Nora Guardian 1159 243 6/17/1931
CHILLA Joseph J. Guardian 1196 288 6/7/1934
CLAUSSEN John H. Principal   67 12/5/1922
CLAUSSEN John H. Guardian 1191 281 8/17/1933
CLAUSSEN Rudolph Guardian   128 3/12/1925
CLAY David B. Deceased   36 11/25/1921
CLAY Glady Guardianship 986 36 11/25/1921
CLAY Kenneth Guardianship 986 36 11/25/1921
CLAY Vera Guardianship 986 36 11/25/1921
CLEVELAND Georgia Brannon Deceased 1192 282 8/30/1933
CLEVELAND William C. (Jr.) Guardianship 1192 282 8/30/1933
COLE Earl R. Atty- in- fact   36 11/25/1921
Commerical Bank of Crown Point   Guardian 1117 256 5/11/1932
Constitution Indemnity Co. of Philadelphia Surety 1168 254 3/3/1932
COPP Fred Guardianship 1149 234 2/9/1931
CROAN Ellen Guardian   23 2/3/1921
CROAN Margaret Guardianship 964 23 2/3/1921
CROAN Mildred Guardianship 964 23 2/3/1921
CROAN Violet Guardianship 964 23 2/3/1921
CROAN William Deceased   23 2/3/1932
CURRY E. M. Attorney-in-fact 1077 144 4/19/1926
DALGARD Ivan Guardian 1167 253 2/6/1932
DANNE Fred Guardian 1176 266 10/26/1932
DANNER Rufus Surety 1130 205 5/13/1929
DAUGHERTY Charles J. Guardian   29 6/16/1921
DAUM Anita H. Guardian   108 10/22/1924
DAUM Emma Deceased   108 10/22/1924
DAUM Jesse M. Guardian   108 10/22/1924
DAVIS Frank Guardian 1086 185 12/19/1927
DAVIS Frank H. Guardian   90 1/23/1924
DAVIS John H. Guardian   24 3/4/1921
DAVIS Mary Guardian 1159 243 6/17/1931
DAVIS Nathan Guardian 1159 243 6/17/1931
DAVIS Robert M. Guardian 1063 218 7/3/1930
DETRICK Fred     14 6/18/1920
DICKERSON I. E. Guardian 1139 221 5/1/1930
DICKINSON Lotus Guardian 1159 243 6/17/1931
DIETER Berenice Marie Guardianship 938 225 7/2/1930
DIETER William Deceased   225 7/2/1930
DIETRICH Albert Guardianship (Unsound Mind) 1007 56 5/00/1922
DIETRICK F. H. Guardian   63 9/22/1922
DILLE Allen Deceased   33 10/1/1921
DILLE Cora Guardian   33 10/1/1921
DILLE Fern Guardianship 982 33 10/1/1921
DILLE Florence Guardianship 982 33 10/1/1921
DILLE Vernon Ear Guardianship 982 33 10/1/1921
DINWIDDIE M. Elmer Sureties 1188 277 4/13/1933
DINWIDDIE(LEE) Irma Lucille Guardianship 911 7 3/19/1920
DOEPPING Earl George Guardianship 1118 194 12/27/1928
DOEPPING Pearl J. Guardian 1118 194 12/27/1928
DOEPPING Reinhold Guardian 1118 194 12/27/1928
DOEPPING Richard Deceased 1118 194 12/27/1928
DONNAHA John A. Guardian 1141 220 6/1/1930
DONOHUE John S. Guardian   105 8/16/1924
DONOHUE Martha J. Guardian   105 8/16/1924
DUENSING William Guardian 1027 85 10/15/1923
DUENSING William Guardianship (aged person incapable) 1027 85 10/15/1923
DUNCAN Bessie D. Guardian 1156 240 5/18/1931
DUNCAN Samuel J. Sureties 1100 172 4/21/1927
DUWE Fred Guardian   184 2/27/1928
DUWE Wilhelmina Guardian   184 2/27/1928
EBERT Adam Deceased 1166 252 2/3/1932
EBERT Charles Guardian 1076 143 3/30/2019
EBERT Ella Guardian 1076 143 3/30/2019
EBERT George H. Guardian   17 7/24/1920
EBERT George H. Deceased 1076 143 3/30/2019
EBERT RUTH Guardianship 1076 143 3/30/2019
EDER Edward Guardian 1157 241 6/11/1931
EDER Edward J. Guardian   5 12/22/1919
EDER Edward J. Guardian   13 6/4/1920
EDER Edward J. Guardian   95 4/25/1924
EDER Edward J. Guardian 1095 163 1/3/1927
EDER Edward J. Guardian 1035 192 10/17/1928
EDER Edward J. Guardian 1149 234 2/9/1931
EDER Edward J. Guardian 1161 246 10/23/1931
ELBERT George Guardian   104 8/1/1924
ELBERT Joseph Guardian   104 8/1/1924
ELLINGTON William H. Guardianship (a person of unsound mind) 987 37 12/16/1921
ELLIS Esther Jane Guardian 795 117 11/17/1920
EMERICK Ada V. Deceased 859 195 3/16/1929
ENGLEHART Alfred Guardianship 810 83 2/28/1923
ENGLEHART Christopher Deceased   83 2/28/1923
ENGLEHART Harry Guardian   83 2/28/1923
ENGLEHART Josephine Deceased   83 2/28/1923
ENGLEHART T. W. Guardian   83 2/28/1923
ENSIGN John E. Guardian   153 9/1/1926
EPPS Lizzie Boyd Guardian   114 12/4/1924
EVANS Arthur E. Principal   37 12/16/1921
EVANS Ella Deceased   46 3/23/1922
EVANS Miller B. Guardian   46 3/23/1922
EWEN Arvella M. Guardianship 1155 239 4/25/1931
EWEN Bessie M. Deceased 1155 239 4/25/1931
EWEN Robert James Guardianship 1155 239 4/25/1931
EWEN Violet Rose Guardianship 1155 239 4/25/1931
EWEN Willliam J. Guardian 1155 239 4/25/1931
EYEARS Henry J. Guardian 1167 253 2/6/1932
EZERSKI Kate Guardian   109 10/29/1924
FAGEN Roy C. Guardian 858 125 5/8/1925
FAGEN Roy C. Guardian   129 6/5/1925
FAGEN Roy C. Guardian 1104 177  
FAGEN Roy C. Guardian 1018 122 2/14/1925
FANCHER Ardell W. Guardianship 1129 204 4/26/1929
FANCHER Thad S. Sureties   37 12/16/1921
FATE Clarence P. Attorney- in- fact 1155 239 4/25/1931
FATE Clarence P. Attorney-in-fact 1129 204 4/26/1929
FEENEY James F. Attorney-in-fact 1168 254 3/3/1932
FERGUSON Henry Guardianship 1095 163 1/3/1927
Fidelity & Deposit Co. MD.   Surety   72 3/1/1923
Fidelity & Deposit Co. of MD   Surety 1124 200 4/6/1929
Fidelity & Deposit Co. of MD   Surety 1126 202 4/6/1929
Fidelity & Deposit Co. of MD   Surety 1021 216 1/6/1930
Fidelity & Deposit Co.of MD.   Sureties 909 229  
Fidelity & Depost Co.of MD.   Surety 1125 201 4/6/1929
Fideltiy & Deposit Co., MD   Guardian 949 3 10/10/1919
FIEGLE Mary Matilda Guardianship 930 245 10/1/1931
FIEGLE William Guardian   245 10/1/1931
FIFIELD Otto G. Guardian 1098 170 3/31/1927
FINDLING Byron M. Guardian 1190 279  
FIRU Agnes Guardianship (Insane Person) 1063 132 7/8/1925
FIRU Agnes Guardianship (Incompetent) 1063 218 7/3/1930
FISCHER Anna Guardianship 1104 177  
FISCHER Eva B. Deceased 1104 177  
FISCHER John Guardianship 1104 177  
FISCHER William Guardianship 1104 177  
FLATT Eileen Marie Guardianship 1163 248 1/8/1932
FLATT John Guardian 1163 248 1/8/1932
FLATT Sadie Deceased 1163 248 1/8/1932
FLOWER P.D. Guardian 1156 240 5/18/1931
FOLEY Charles D. Guardianship 1122 198 2/20/1929
FOLEY Dorothy M. Guardianship 1122 198 2/20/1929
FOLEY Floyd F. Guardianship 1122 198 2/20/1929
FOLEY Lewis A. Guardianship 1122 198 2/20/1929
FOLEY Margaret L. Guardianship 1122 198 2/20/1929
FOLEY Ruth L. Guardianship 1122 198 2/20/1929
FORSYTH Caroline M. Deceased   79 5/11/1923
FORSYTH Caroline M. Deceased   81 5/11/1923
FORSYTH Caroline M. Deceased   80 5/11/1923
FORSYTH Carrie C. Guardianship (unsound mind) 620c 79 5/11/1923
FORSYTH Carrie C. Guardianship (insane person) 620c 167 3/17/1927
FORSYTH George W. Guardianship (Unsound Mind) 620g 80 5/11/1923
FORSYTH George W. Guardianship (Insane Person) 620g 168 3/17/1927
FORSYTH Henry Guardianship (insane person) 620H 169 3/17/1927
FORSYTH Henry P. Guardianship (unsound mind) 620h 81 5/11/1923
FORSYTH Sarah L. Guardianship (insane person) 1133 207 9/1/1929
FOSS Evelyn Guardianship 991 42 3/28/1922
FOSS John C. Principal   42 3/28/1922
FOSS Lena Deceased   42 3/28/1922
FOSTER Albert Guardian   11 3/8/1920
FOSTER Albert Guardian   77 5/8/1923
FOSTER Albert Guardian 1056 123 3/23/1925
FOSTER Albert Guardian 1076 143 3/30/2019
FOSTER Albert Guardian 1099 171 3/31/1927
FOSTER Albert Guardian 960 116 7/9/1920
FOSTER Albert Guardian   152 9/1/1926
FOSTER Albert Sureties 1094 162 12/31/1926
FOSTER George L. Guardian   93 4/11/1924
FOSTER George L. Guardian 1135 209 1/15/1930
FOSTER George L. Guardian 1018 86 10/1/1923
FOSTER George L. Guardian   106 9/19/1924
FOSTER George L. Guardian   140 6/24/1925
FOSTER George L. Guardian 1122 198 2/20/1929
FRAAS John E. Guardian   15 7/3/1920
FRAAS John E. Guardian   19 12/7/1920
FRAAS John E. Guardian   39 9/5/1919
FRAAS John E. Guardian   30 9/23/1921
FRAAS John E. Principal   48 4/18/1922
FRAAS John E. Guardian   56 5/00/1922
FRAAS John G. Guardian   73 2/6/1923
FRANZ Ambrose Guardianship 951 5 12/22/1919
FRANZ Edith Guardianship 951 5 12/22/1919
FRANZ Edward A. Deceased   5 12/22/1919
FRANZ Lawrence Guardianship 951 5 12/22/1919
FRANZ Margaret Guardian   5 12/22/1919
FRANZ Margaret Guardianship 951 5 12/22/1919
FRANZ Wilhelmina Guardianship 951 5 12/22/1919
FRAZIER Holley Guardianship (Imcompetent) 1038 98 6/20/1924
FRAZIER Holly H. Guardianship (incompetent) 1038 183 1/19/1928
FRAZIER Holly H. Guardianship (Incompetent) 1038 136 10/2/1925
FREEBURY Douglas Guardianship 1195 285 12/5/1933
FULLER Hiram D. Guardian   52 5/15/1922
GAL(GAUL) Dan Deceased 983 249 1/20/1932
GAMMON Jess W. Guardian 1063 218 7/3/1930
GAMMON Jesse Principal   132 7/8/1925
GARD Alexander J. Guardian 1106 181 12/5/1927
GARD Barbara Deceased 1106 181 12/5/1927
GARD Genevieve Guardianship 1106 181 12/5/1927
GARD Lester Guardianship 1106 181 12/5/1927
GARD Melvin Guardianship 1106 181 12/5/1927
GARD Russell Guardianship 1106 181 12/5/1927
GAUL Elizabeth Guardainship N.F. 32 9/22/1921
GAUL Helen Guardianship 983 249 1/20/1932
GAUL Helen Guardianship 983 32 9/22/1921
GAUL Joe Guardianship 983 32 9/22/1921
GAUL Joseph Guardianship 983 249 1/20/1932
GAUL Julia Guardianship 983 249 1/20/1932
GAUL Julia Guardianship 983 32 9/22/1921
GAUL Margaret Guardianship 983 32 9/22/1921
GAUL Mrs. Dan Deceased   32 9/22/1921
GAUL Pearl Guardianship 983 32 9/22/1921
GEISEN F. Charles Guardian   245 10/1/1931
GEISEN F. Chas. Guardian   110 11/7/1924
GEISEN Ray E. Guardian   245 10/1/1931
GEISEN Raymond E. Sureties 1145 259 6/14/1932
General Casualty Co.of America   Guardian   223 7/1/1930
General Casualty Co.of America   Guardian   224 7/1/1930
GERGENTICH George Guardianship (Unsound Mind) 1090 158 10/20/1926
GERLACH Anthony M. Guardianship 1183 270 2/24/1933
GERLACH Edward J. Principal 1183 270 2/24/1933
GERLACH Joseph F. Deceased 1183 270 2/24/1933
GERLACH Raymond Guardianship 1183 270 2/24/1933
GERLACH Susan Surety 1183 270 2/24/1933
GESCHEIDLER H.J. Resident Agent 1182 269 1/21/1933
GETTKA Anton P. Guardianship (unsound mind) 1117 193 11/22/1928
GETTKA Antone Guardianship (Unsound Mind) 1117 256 5/11/1932
GETTKA Antone P. Guardianship (unsound mind) 1117 191 9/19/1928
GETTKA Antone P. Guardianship (person of physical infirmity) 1117 208 12/2/1929
GETTKA Ida Guardian 1117 191 9/19/1928
GETTKA Ida Guardian 1117 193 11/15/1928
GETTKA Ida Guardian 1117 208 12/2/1929
Globe Indemnity Co.   Surety   150 6/30/1926
GLOVER Edward C. Guardian   13 6/4/1920
GOVERT Frances Guardianship (old age and infirmity) 1150 235 2/12/1931
GOVERT Frank Guardian 1150 235 2/12/1931
GOVERT Frank Sureties 1096 164 1/3/1927
GRAGG Carl N. Guardian 1195 285 12/5/1933
GRANGER Fred Guardianship (Unsound Mind) 999 50 5/1/1922
GREB Carl Deceased 1149 234 2/9/1931
GREEN Isabelle A. Guardianship 1009 59 9/5/1922
GREEN Isabelle A. Guardianship (incompetent) 1009 59 9/5/1922
GREIVING Henry Guardian   53 5/20/1922
GREIVING Henry Guardian 1047 111 11/5/1924
GREIVING Henry Guardian 1069 138 10/21/1925
GRIESEL Arvilla Guardian   47 3/28/1922
GRIESEL D. Melvin Deceased   47 3/28/1922
GRIESEL Evelyn Glee Guardianship 996 47 3/28/1922
GRIESEL Ida Mabelle Guardian   47 3/28/1922
GRIESEL Julius J. Sureties 1188 277 4/13/1933
GRIESEL Phyllis Jean Guardianship 996 47 3/28/1922
GRIFFIN Minnie K. Guardian 1042 179 12/2/1927
GRIMMER Fred M. Guardian   56 5/00/1922
GRIMMER Herman Guardianship 1097 165 2/17/1927
GRIMMER Joseph Guardian 1097 165 2/17/1927
GRIMMER Leo Guardianship 1097 165 2/17/1927
GRIMMER Marcella Guardianship 1097 165 2/17/1927
GRIMMER Norbert Guardianship 1097 165 2/17/1927
GRIMMER Peter A. Deceased 1097 165 2/17/1927
GRIMMER Susan F. Guardian 1097 165 2/17/1927
GRIMMER Victor Guardianship 1097 165 2/17/1927
GRIMMER William J. Guardian 1097 165 2/17/1927
GROOT John Guardian   54 5/27/1922
HADDERS August Guardian   93 4/11/1924
HALL John C. Guardian 620C 167 3/17/1927
HALL John C. Guardian 620H 169 3/17/1927
HALL John C. Guardian 1133 207 9/1/1929
HALL John C. Guardian 620G 168 3/17/1927
HANIFORD Cora M. Guardianship 1112 187 3/28/1928
HANIFORD James E. Guardianship 1112 187 3/28/1928
HANIFORD James E. Deceased 1112 187 3/28/1928
HANIFORD Lee Kenneth L. Guardianship 1112 187 3/28/1928
HANIFORD Lloyd G. Guardianship 1112 187 3/28/1928
HANIFORD Orville Guardianship 1112 187 3/28/1928
HANIFORD Phyllis M. Guardianship 1112 187 3/28/1928
HANIFORD Ruth E. Guardianship 1112 187 3/28/1928
HANIFORD Violet O. Guardian 1112 187 3/28/1928
HANSMAN Wm. H. Agent & Attorney-in-fact 1124 200 4/6/1929
HANSMANN Wm. H. Agent & Attorney-in-fact 1126 202 4/6/1929
HANSMANN Wm. H. Agent & Attorney-in-fact 1021 216 1/6/1930
HARRISON Cora Guardianship (Unsound Mind) 1026 84 10/9/1923
Hartford Accident & Indemnity Co. of Conn. Guardian 1187 276 4/7/1933
HASSMANN Wm. H. Agent and Attorney- in- fact 909 229  
HATHAWAY George Guardian 1163 248 1/8/1932
HATHAWAY Junior Paul Guardianship 1102 174 6/14/1927
HATHAWAY Martha Jean Guardianship 1102 174 6/14/1927
HAYDEN Banjamin F. Deceased 1188 277 4/13/1933
HAYDEN Ben Guardian   52 5/15/1922
HAYDEN Benjamin F. Principal 1188 277 4/13/1933
HAYDEN Cyrus Principal   7 4/3/1905
HAYDEN John Guardianship 1188 277 4/13/1933
HAYDEN Merritt E. Guardian   45 3/24/1922
HECK Christian F. Guardian   23 2/3/1921
HEICK George Guardian 1160 244 8/19/1931
HEICK Matilda Guardian 1160 244 8/19/1931
HEIDE Mary Guardianship (Unsound Mind) 564 104 8/1/1924
HEIN P.F. Guardian 1038 183 1/19/1928
HEIN Peter F. Surety 1173 261 7/29/1932
HEIN Peter F. Surety   60 9/8/1922
HEIN Peter F. Guardian   82 5/4/1923
HEIN Peter F. Guardian 1052 118 9/23/1924
HEIN Peter F. Guardian 1164 250 1/22/1932
HEINTZ Charles Deceased   8 2/13/1920