Greenwood Christian Church is the successor of an old society which was organized a short distance north of the town in Marion County, as early as 1838 or 1839. In the fall of 1837, George Shortridge moved to the locality from Wayne County, and being a devoted member of the church, soon induced preachers to visit the neighborhood, and hold public services in his dwelling and barn. In order to build up a serviceable church of his own choice, Mr. Shortridge, about the year 1840 or 1842, erected a small house of worship on his farm, in which an organization was soon effected. Among the earliest members of this society, were Mr. Shortridge, Charles Robinson and family, James Webb and wife, and a few others, whose names have been forgotten. Services were held regularly for several years, by Elders L. H. Jameson, Asa Holingsworth, and other pioneer ministers of the Reformation, but owing to the unsettled condition of the early residents of the community, many of whom were transients, the society soon lost the majority of its members, and was in course of time abandoned. Early in the fifties, exact date unknown, a society was organized in Greenwood, with which several of the members of the old church at once became identified. Among the early members of the Greenwood society, were the following: William Blake and wife, Joseph Harmon and wife, John Shortridge and wife, George Oldaker and wife, Edward Pate and wife, James Pate, Simeon Frazier and wife, Mrs. James Stewart and Hugh A. Morris. The village schoolhouse had been purchased a short time previous, and fitted up for church purposes, and it was in this building that the organization took place. The schoolhouse was used as a meeting place for several years, but the constantly increasing congregation eventually made the erection of a building, of enlarged proportions, necessary. Accordingly a lot in Dobbin’s addition was donated by Dr. Guthree, and within a short time thereafter the present beautiful brick temple of worship was erected at a cost of $4,500. The building is well finished and furnished, and will comfortably seat an audience of 500 people. The church has enjoyed the labors of a number of able ministers, among whom may be mentioned Elders R. T. Brown, Elijah Goodwin, William Patterson, W. R. Couch, Dr. Huff, E. L. Frazier, John C. Miller, S. R. Wilson, J. A. McCallum, and ‐‐‐‐ Hall. The first elders of the congregation were Hugh A. Myers, William Blake and Joseph Harmon. There is at this time but one elder, George Robinson. Average attendance about seventy-five, including teachers.

Transcribed by Cheryl Zufall Parker

Banta, D. D. History of Johnson County, Indiana. Chicago, IL: Brant & Fuller, 1888, pages 857–858.