Greenwood Baptist Church.—The Baptist Church at Greenwood was constituted on the 17th day of July, 1839, by Rev. T. W. Haynes, with eighteen members, seven of whom had been baptized by Mr. Haynes, while eleven held letters of recommendation from Regular Baptist churches elsewhere. After a sermon by Mr. Haynes, and the giving of the right hand of fellowship by the brethren present, principles of faith and rules of decorum were adopted, and under the name of “The Regular Baptists of Jesus Christ, at Greenwood,” the organization was completed. The names of the constituent members are as follows: Elder Henry Hunter and wife, Mrs. Nancy Ransdale, Elizabeth Smith, Abigail Smith, A.H. Bryan, Mrs. Ann Bryan, Garrett Vandiver and wife, M. D. West, John Whitenack, Sr., Addison Wilson and wife, Mrs. Abbott, Mrs. Vandyke and Miss Urey Vandyke. The first meetings were held in a grove near Greenwood, and at one of the earliest business sessions a committee was appointed to circulate a petition for the purpose of raising funds for the erection of a house of worship. The necessary steps were taken, but several years elapsed before the building was completed. It was finished about the year 1844, and stood a short distance west of the village, on ground now included within the corporate limits. Rev. Mr. Haynes served as pastor several years, and was succeeded by Rev. Thomas C. Townsend, who was called by the church in 1844. H. H. Hunter preached at intervals for some years, as did also Rev. J. Brumback, both of whom sustained the pastoral relations. About the year 1858, Rev J. W. B. Tinsdale held a series of meetings, the immediate result of which was the addition of quite a number to the church, and a great revival of interest among its members. The next preacher was Rev. Mr. Golden, who was followed in a short time, by Rev. I. N. Clark, whose pastorate extended over a period of three years. Rev. E. S. Riley preached at intervals for about ten years, and was succeeded by R. W. Arnold. Following Arnold came Rev. Mr. Keplinger, since the expiration of whose pastorate the church has been served from time to time by the following ministers: Charles Davis, R. W. Rariden, N. C. Smith and J. T. Green. The pastor in charge at this time is Rev. C. H. Hall, of Franklin College. The large brick house in which the church now worships, was erected about the year 1860. It stand on Bluff Street, has a seating capacity of about 400, and cost $2,400. Present membership, seventy-five.

Transcribed by Cheryl Zufall Parker

Banta, D. D. History of Johnson County, Indiana. Chicago, IL: Brant & Fuller, 1888, pages 847–848.