Honey Creek Church, United Brethren in Christ, an old organization in the western part of White River Township, was founded as early as the year 1835. Many of the pioneer families of the neighborhood became identified with the society in an early day, and for a period of over a half century it has been a flourishing organization, numbering among its members at this time the leading citizens of the community. Among those who became members in an early day were: John Scott and wife, Amos Smith and wife, Margaret Harrell, and others. Rev. Charles McCarty was an early minister, as were also Revs. George Muth and Farmer, who, with others, did much toward establishing the church upon its present substantial foundation. For several years, the society met for worship in a neighboring school-house but about the year 1845, a frame building was erected near the site of the present church. It answered the purposes for which it was intended until 1866, when it was replaced by the present building, a neat frame structure. Present membership, about ninety. Rev. A. J. Bowling is pastor in charge.

Transcribed by Lois Johnson

Banta, D. D. History of Johnson County, Indiana. Chicago, IL: Brant & Fuller, 1888, pages 873–874.