Bethel U. B. Church (White River Township) was organized about the year 1858, in a school-house which stood near the present site of the church building. The organization was effected with quite a number of members, among whom were: Mr. Nelson, Sarah Scott, Henry Pruner, Wyrmla Pruner, Rev. W. J. Pruner, Harvey Vorhies, Bathsheba Vorhies, and others. Rev. H. K. Muth officiated at the organization, and preached for the society sometime thereafter. The temple of worship used by the congregation was erected about the year 1860. The church is not very strong numerically, numbering only about fifty communicants, at this time.

Transcribed by Lois Johnson

Banta, D. D. History of Johnson County, Indiana. Chicago, IL: Brant & Fuller, 1888, page 874.