Content-Type: text/plain INELKHAR-D Digest Volume 99 : Issue 54 Today's Topics: #1 [INELKHAR-L] Obituary Lookup [] Administrivia: To unsubscribe from INELKHAR-D, send a message to that contains in the body of the message the command unsubscribe and no other text. No subject line is necessary, but if your software requires one, just use unsubscribe in the subject, too. ______________________________ ------------------------------ X-Message: #1 Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 13:12:03 EDT From: To: Message-ID: <> Subject: [INELKHAR-L] Obituary Lookup Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Seeking someone willing to lookup and email me the information contained in the obituary of: Beatrice Wilson Died: July 22, 1997 in Elkhart If you can help me please email me. Thank You, Nancy Conrad -------------------------------- End of INELKHAR-D Digest V99 Issue #54 **************************************