The Society maintains
a research collection. Initially, items were donated by members
and reflect their own interests. Current purchases cover especially
the areas of western Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, Virginia,
etc., from which early Ogle County settlers originated. There
are approximately 100 family histories plus a file of family
group sheets.
collection's main strength lies in the Ogle County cemetery records,
created by members at the founding of the Society, and in the
files of obituaries from area newspapers. An index of obituaries
printed in early Oregon newspapers is currently in process.
The collection
is available during regular library hours and Society volunteers
are present to give assistance on most Fridays.
The Society meets the first Tuesday
of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Ruby Nash Museum Carriage House,
111 No. 6th St. in Oregon, Illinois.
Inquiries and membership requests
($10 per family annually) may be mailed along with a self-addressed,
stamped envelope to the
Ogle County Genealogical Society P.O.
Box 251 Oregon, IL 61061
A modest fee will be requested
for research and copying of printed material.
