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Menard County Death Records
December 1877 - April 1910

These records were extracted from microfilmed copies of the original county records. You will need to scroll right to read all of the information for each record. As with all records, be creative when looking for your ancestor names. I've spelled the entries as they were on the register, even when I felt sure the spelling was not correct.

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Lic # Name Sex Age Occupation Death Date MS Where Born Lived in Co Died Where Cause of Death Buried Where
4683 TAAPKIN, Jerry M 16y5m Farming 1 Aug 1905 S IL 16y Menard Co. Shock & hemorrhage from injury by train Rose Hill Cem.
364 TACKETT, Mary E. F 23y3m23d Housekeeper 12 Jul 1881 S Bath Co., KY 17y Township 18, Range 6 W Coling Morbus Lebanon Cem.
579 TACKETT, William C. M 37y11m21d Farmer 9 Jan 1884 M Bath Co., KY 20y Athens Precinct Valvular disease of heart Hornback Cem.
14409 TANNABERGER, Goekhe F 72y 16 Aug 1904 W Germany 41y Petersburg Dysentery Rose Hill Cem.
532 TAPKEN, Wert, Mrs. F 23y1m8d Housewife 8 Jun 1883 M Germany 2y Petersburg Pulmonary Dedema - Laryngitis Tuberculor Rose Hill Cem.
555 TAPKIN, Annie M. F 3m 7 Sep 1883 S Petersburg Phthisis Rose Hill Cem.
14189 TAPKINS, Anna M. F 11y13d 7 Jun 1903 S Newmansville, IL 11y Petersburg Chorea Petersburg
5124 TAPSCOTT, J. Wilbert M 2y7m5d 3 Feb 1908 S Tallula Tallula Membranous croup Greenwood Cem.
1281 TARREY, Charles S. M 66y1m13d Laborer 13 Feb 1902 W 40y Nr. Petersburg Brights disease Concord
1364 TAYLOR, Elizabreth F 90y10m15d 1 Aug 1902 W Indian Creek Precinct Indian Creek Precinct Colitis Hornback Cem.
5164 TAYLOR, Helen Elizabeth F 1y2m20d 20 Apr 1909 S Athens Athens Broncho Pneumonia Hall Cem.
4741 TAYLOR, Howard M 19y Farm Hand 8 Feb 1906 S Colorado 17y Menard Co. Suicidal gun shot Fairfield IL Cem.
1367 TAYLOR, Infant of George F 7d 13 Nov 1902 S IL Athens Malnutrition - defective development Athens
1164 TAYLOR, Mary Weatherby F 67y None 11 Feb 1897 S VA Not Known Petersburg County Farm Drowned in well Rose Hill Cem.
4862 TAYLOR, Robert M 1d 15 Jan 1907 Tallula Tallula Congenital Greenwood Cem.
975 TAYLOR, Solomon M 87y7m13d Farmer 9 Nov 1890 M GA Indian Creek Precinct Heart failure Smoots Grave Yard
4554 TELFORD, Thomas M 46y11m5d Miner 20 Apr 1905 M Sunderland Durham England 15y Petersburg Locomatar arania Oakland Cem.
657 TERHUNE, Ann E. F 54y8m28d Farmer's Wife 6 Apr 1885 M Fleming Co., KY 32y Near Curtis Cerebral Tumor Rose Hill Cem.
5211 TERHUNE, Esther Marie F 13y1m4d 2 Jun 1909 S IA Petersburg Pulmonary tuberculosis Rose Hill Cem.
806 TERHUNE, James H. M 22y3m7d Farmer 28 Apr 1888 S Menard Co. 22y Indian Creek Precinct Typhoid Fever Rose Hill Cem.
246 TERON, Viva F 1 1/3d 29 Feb 1880 S Menard Co. Menard Co. Asthenia Newmansville
4700 TERRELL, Bud M 27y3d Elevator Carrier 19 Sep 1905 S African fm KY 18y Organic heart disease Rose Hill Cem.
4749 TETER, Archie W. M 45y2d Farmer 2 Mar 1906 M IL 39y Tice Precinct Cerebritis Baker's Prairie Cem.
1397 TETERS, Hannah F 78y23d Housekeeper 5 Oct 1902 W VA Petersburg Brights disease Baker's Prairie Cem.
340 THARP, Manerva Elett F 20y3m10d 4 Apr 1881 S Menard Co. Life Petersburg Consumption Rose Hill Cem.
4517 THEILIN, Alfred Carl M 11m Infant 14 Mar 1905 Menard Co. Menard Co. Cabarral Pneumonia Rose Hill Cem.
1058 THOMAS, Alice F 21y1m4d Housewife 24 Feb 1893 M IL Atterberry, IL Septisemia Oakford Cem.
4519 THOMAS, Ann Elizabeth F 35y Housewife 20 Mar 1905 M Cass Co., IL life Oakford Lymphadenomia or Hodgkins Disease Oakford
4530 THOMAS, Bessie F 11y3m10d 20 Feb 1905 S Oakford 11y Oakford Pneumonia Mt. Olive, Cass Co., IL
14440 THOMAS, Child of George F 15min 14 Oct 1904 S Oakford Oakford Tedious labor Mt. Olive, Cass Co., IL
455 THOMAS, Eva F 9m 13 Jun 1882 S Oakford Oakford Pneumonia Oakford Cem.
592 THOMAS, Hayden M 56y3m25d Farmer 2 Mar 1884 M Mumpeville, KY 21y Sandridge Precinct Chronic Brights Disease Oakford Cem.
404 THOMAS, James M 4hr 29 Sep 1881 S Menard Co. Life Petersburg Precinct Asthema Mt. Olive, Cass Co., IL
993 THOMAS, James M 56y Sporting 1 Feb 1891 M Oakford Pneumonia Oakford Cem.
4826 THOMAS, James M 32y6m10d Saloon Keeper 30 Sep 1906 M Nr. Oakford 32y Oakford Mitral disease of the heart Oakford Cem.
4902 THOMAS, Joe M 64y1m3d Farmer 21 May 1907 W Menard Co. Oakford Paralysis Mt. Olive, Cass Co., IL
5058 THOMAS, Mathew M 30y Laborer 5 May 1908 S IL 30y Oakford Alcoholism Oakford Cem.
1169 THOMAS, Rhody F 25y10m23d Housekeeper 7 Jun 1897 W Menard Co. all life Oakford Heart failure Oakford
1325 THOMAS, Richard M 32y3m4d Laborer 4 Jun 1902 S Menard Co. 32y Menard Co. Typho Malarial Fever Oakford Cem.
1415 THOMAS, Sarah F 64y9m28d Housewife 20 Dec 1902 W Marysville, KY 64y Oakford Acute Congestion of lungs Oakford Cem.
265 THOMAS, Vaughn M 80y10d Farmer 15 Jun 1880 M VA 38y Oakford Precinct Old Age Baptist Church
4509 THOMAS, William C. M 2m2d 3 Mar 1905 S Mason City, IL life nr. Greenview Premature birth 7 months - twin died at birth Walkers Grove, Mason Co., IL
4868 THOMPSON, Aaron M 52y5m7d Hotel proprietor 25 Jan 1907 M IL 52y Menard Co. Pneumonia Petersburg
203 THOMPSON, Cora Alice F 3y4m28d 12 Nov 1879 S Lake Co., IL Since birth Tallula Diphtheria Greenwood Cem.
4747 THOMPSON, Filinda Francis F 50y2m Housewife 14 Feb 1906 M Menard Co. 50y Township 19 Apoplexy Irish Grove Cem.
917 THOMPSON, Henry D. M 18y5m1d Farmer 4 Oct 1889 S Rockbridge Co., VA Athens Typhoid Fever Athens Cem.
1188 THOMPSON, James M 33y Farmer 27 Jul 1898 M Sangamon Co., IL life Fancy Prairie Natural causes - had organic heart trouble Oak Ridge
29 THOMPSON, James H M 64y2m Farmer 4 Apr 1878 M NJ 34y Twp. 18, R7, Menard Co. Softening Brain Rose Hill Cem.
5140 THOMPSON, Janette F 92y1m15d Housewife 28 Jan 1909 W KY 40y Greenview LaGrippe Rose Hill Cem.
753 THOMPSON, John Louis M 41y9m26d Laborer 10 Sep 1887 M Jefferson Co., OH 20y Near Indian Point Malarial Fever Remittent Near New Holland, Logan Co., IL
4992 THOMPSON, Nancy F 80y2m14d Housewife 8 Dec 1907 W KY 60y Petersburg Paralysis Rose Hill Cem.
1244 THOMPSON, Omar M 29y Farm Laborer 21 Aug 1900 S KY 5y Indian Point Internal Hemorage fm wagon passing ovr him Indian Point Cem.
14356 THOMPSON, Rice M 82y Inmate of County House 16 May 1904 W OH 70y Petersburg East Precinct Cerebral Hemorrhage Rose Hill Cem.
789 THOMPSON, Sarah F 12y 28 Jan 1888 S IL 12y Sweetwater Precinct Typhoid Fever Rocky Ford, Logan Co.
1129 THOMPSON, William F. M 22y4m Laborer 20 Sep 1895 S Menard Co. lifetime Nr. Fancy Prairie Was thrown from his horse Lucas Cem.
5086 THULER, Arthur Edward Samuel M 21y7m5d Traveling Salesman 9 Jul 1908 S Burlington, IA 6wks Petersburg Accidental drowning Burlington, Aspen Grove Cem.
676 THULER, Gurd B. M 1y10d 2 Sep 1885 2wks Petersburg Cholera Infantum Rose Hill Cem.
566 TIBB, Mary F 32y Domestic 22 Oct 1883 S Menard Co. Life Athens Precinct Peritonitis Athens, IL
1464 TIBB, Mollie F 22y Housewife 25 Mar 1903 M Athens 22y Athens Acute Tuberculosis of the lungs Fancy Creek Cem.
1379 TIBBS, Gilbert Cecil M 8m7d 25 Jul 1902 S Rock Creek Precinct life Rock Creek Ilio colitis Farmer's Point Cem.
529 TIBBS, John H. M 56y Farmer 3 May 1883 W Unknown about 50y Rock Creek Phthisis Pulmonalis
1366 TIBBS, Ransom M 3d 7 Nov 1902 S Athens Athens Inherited Syphilis Athens
1131 TICE, J. M 63y10m Farmer 23 Oct 1895 M Menard Co. lifetime Indian Creek Precinct Accidental Indian Point Cem.
4533 TICE, John M 81y9m Capitalist 22 Nov 1904 W Tice, IL Uremic convulsions
694 TIMIAN, Harmon M 62y4d Farmer 10 Feb 1884 M Germany Phthisis Pulmonalis Rose Hill Cem.
4523 TINCHER, Celia Ann F 24y4m16d Housewife 27 Mar 1905 M Fleming Co., KY 1 1/2y Sweetwater Precinct Pulmonary consumption Atchison Cem., Bath Co., KY
266 TINSLEY, William P. M 32y1m17d Farmer 19 Jun 1880 M Fleming Co., KY 11y Indian Creek Typhoid Fever Lebanon Church
951 TOBIASSEN, Dora C. F 2y11m27d 5 Mar 1890 Athens Athens LaGrippe Indian Point Cem.
915 TOLLY, John M 82y Pauper 4 Oct 1889 W Poor House Old age Rose Hill Cem.
79 TOMLIN, Mary Smith F 1y20d 16 Oct 1878 S Mason Co., IL 1y Tallula Precinct Unknown - not seen until articuls mortis Bethel Cem.
984 TOMPSON, Chauncey M 17y6m9d Farmer 12 Mar 1891 M KY Indian Creek Precinct Cerebral appeplexey Rose Hill Cem.
1233 TOOHEY, Mathew M 52y Farmer 21 Jan 1900 M Ireland 35y Greenview Precinct Hepatitis & LaGrippe Calvary Cem.
920 TOWN, Julia A. F 90y1m Housekeeper 22 Oct 1889 W Athens Athens Intentinal carcinoma Indian Point Cem.
5294 TRAILOR, James H. M 82y3m Farmer 1 Mar 1910 M KY Petersburg Rheumatism of heart Concord
969 TRAYLOR, James Lafayette M 33y8m2d 27 Aug 1890 S Menard Co. always Sandridge Precinct Spinal curvature & hip joint disease Concord
4785 TRENARY, Bertha E. F 26y7m15d Housewife 29 Jul 1906 M 26y 2 1/2 miles SE Tallula Carcinoma of intestines Greenwood Cem.
5007 TRENARY, Nancy F 85y2m2d Assisted Housework 1 Jan 1908 W WV 80y Menard Co. Diabetis Concord
905 TRENARY, Richard M 59y Farmer 5 Aug 1889 M IN Sandridge Cardiac disease Oakland Cem.
924 TRENARY, Susie E. F 18y Housekeeper 12 Nov 1889 M Menard Co. Tallula Remittant Fever Farmer's Point Cem.
55 TRENT, Hardin M 7y 13 Aug 1878 S Menard Co. 7y Indian Creek Precinct Diphtheria Rose Hill Cem.
150 TRENT, Martin S. M 39y4m6d Farmer 2 May 1879 M Menard Co. 35y 5 mi north of Petersburg Brights disease of the kidneys Rose Hill Cem.
61 TRENT, Mary Elizabeth F 10m3d 24 Aug 1878 S Indian Creek Precinct Indian Creek Precinct Diphtheria Rose Hill Cem.
567 TRIPLETT, Emma Viola F 3y2m6d Child 26 Oct 1883 Menard Co. Since birth Indian Creek Precinct Pneumonia, neglected Smoots Cem.
611 TRIPP, Sarah F 24y1m17d Wife 22 May 1884 M Menard Co. Life Greenview Hoemptysis or Hemorrhage of the lungs Rose Hill Cem.
1262 TROGLEY, George M 44y1m24d Farmer 18 Nov 1901 S Brooklyn, NY 44y Tallula Acute nephritis Greenwood Cem.
513 TRUCKENMULLER, Johann C. M 71y8m25d Laborer 23 Feb 1883 M Germany 30y Petersburg Strangulated Hernia Rose Hill Cem.
793 TRUCKENMULLER, Racina F 72y10m23d 13 Feb 1888 W Wurtemburg Germany 35y Petersburg General debility Rose Hill Cem.
18 TRUESDALE, Caroline F 17y7m7d Housekeeper 7 Feb 1878 M Nr. Jacksonville, IL 17y 4 1/2 mi east of Petersburg Valvular disease of heart Rose Hill Cem.
4499 TRUMBO, Jacob M 56y Farm Hand 8 Feb 1905 S Sangamon Co., IL life Petersburg Appendicitis Rose Hill Cem.
4527 TRUMBO, Jacob M 56y Farm Hand 8 Feb 1905 S Sangamon Co., IL 56y Petersburg Appendicitis Rose Hill Cem.
912 TRUMBO, James Henry M 34y9m24d Farmer 24 Sep 1889 M Menard Co. Curtis, Menard Co., IL Locomotor Ataxia Rose Hill Cem.
710 TRUMBO, Nellie W. F 16y8m20d 2 Sep 1886 S Indian Creek Precinct Life Greenview Phthisis Pulmonalis Hornback Cem.
1098 TRUMBO, William L. M 1m4d 12 Sep 1894 S Indian Creek Precinct Indian Creek Precinct Puspura Hemorrhage Hornback Cem.
440 TUMBLINSON, Charles M 18y Farmer 11 Feb 1882 S Menard Co. Life Hickory Grove Pneumonia Unknown
385 TUNIS, Jennie F 16d 8 Aug 1881 S Petersburg Life Cholera Infantum
233 TURNER, Alfred M 49y8m20d Farmer 12 Feb 1880 S Menard Co. Athens Precinct Pneumonia Lebanon Cem.
78 TURNER, Arthur Shipp M 8y3m11d 21 Oct 1878 Athens Precinct 8y Athens Precinct Diphtheria Indian Point Cem.
5118 TURNER, C. W. M 74y7m4d 26 Nov 1908 W KY 20y Petersburg Cirrhosis of liver, brights disease Rose Hill Cem.
1137 TURNER, Eliza A. F 59y 3 Mar 1896 W PA 30y nr. Athens Drowning Lebanon Cem.
4905 TURNER, Francis M. M 61y5m18d Farmer 21 Apr 1907 M Menard Co. 61y Petersburg General dropsy Smoot Cem.
4682 TURNER, Henry Miles M 4m8d 29 Jul 1905 Petersburg Menard Co. Cholera Infantum Smoot Cem.
416 TURNER, Lydia Belle F 20y6m18d Teacher 19 Nov 1881 S Petersburg Precinct Since birth Petersburg Typho Malarial Fever Rose Hill Cem.
245 TURNER, Richard M 39y Mechanic 28 Feb 1880 W KY 8y Tice Station Acute Bronchitis Wilcox Grave Yard
1353 TURNER, Rosa F 8m6d 4 May 1902 S 4m w. of Greenview life 4 m. w of greenview Laryzismus Skidulus Rose Hill Cem.
4506 TURNER, Warren M 36y Laborer 21 Feb 1905 M Menard Co. 36y Petersburg Measles Concord Cem.
1216 TWADDLE, Jonathan M 35y Mining 29 Jul 1897 M England 6y Athens Fall of soap stone in repairing mine roof Hall Cem.
730 TYSON, Charles M 13y School Boy 14 Mar 1887 S US 8y Athens Cerebro Spinal meningitis Athens Cem.

Cass-Menard Index

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