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Menard County Death Records
December 1877 - April 1910

These records were extracted from microfilmed copies of the original county records. You will need to scroll right to read all of the information for each record. As with all records, be creative when looking for your ancestor names. I've spelled the entries as they were on the register, even when I felt sure the spelling was not correct.

- H -

Lic # Name Sex Age Occupation Death Date MS Where Born Lived in Co Died Where Cause of Death Buried Where
4909 HAACK, Daniel M 80y7m21d Farmer 9 May 1907 M Germany 46y Tallula Precinct Cerebral hemorrhage Sandridge Cem.
5147 HAACK, Mary F 65y9m22d Housewife 22 Jan 1909 W Germany 50y Nr. Newmansville, IL Intestinal obstruction Sandridge Cem.
805 HADSAL, Minnie F 1y10m 27 Apr 1888 S Petersburg Petersburg Scarlet Fever Rose Hill Cem.
4793 HADSALL, Infant of C. P. M 4m8d 9 Aug 1906 S Petersburg Petersburg Inanition Rose Hill Cem.
4916 HAGENBERGER, Alfred C. M 40y6m11d Elec. Light plant owner 7 Jun 1907 M Decatur, IL 40y Tallula Electric light shock Greenwood Cem.
714 HAINS, David M 6y5m15d Farmer 21 Oct 1886 M Green Co., OH 35y Menard Co. Softening of Brain Irish Grove Cem.
715 HALBURG, Arthur B. M 4y3m20d 5 Jan 1887 S Greenview Life Greenview Diphtheria Blane's Cem.
1009 HALBURY, Unknown F 72y Housewife 13 Oct 1891 W Sweden Greenview Old age Sugar Grove Cem.
14301 HALE, Alecander M 81y Miller 14 Feb 1904 M OH Athens Cardiac Dropsy Athens
548 HALEY, Barbara C. F 1y1m 26 Aug 1883 S Tallula Life Tallula Consumption Tallula
14432 HALEY, James E. M 34y Brakeman 24 Oct 1904 M Indianapolis, IN 20y Petersburg Crushed betwn cars & engine on C. & A. RR Jacksonville, Illinois
700 HALL, A. M 48y2m7d Farmer 21 Apr 1886 M IN Unknown Sweetwater Phthisis following measles Indian Point Cem.
14341 HALL, Claiborne M 84y7m8d Ret. Farmer & Preacher 13 Apr 1904 M Patrick Co., VA 67y At his farm, north of Athens Cardiac paralysis Hall Cem.
4848 HALL, Delia A. F 43y6m26d Housewife 5 Dec 1906 S Nr. Athens 43y Nr. Athens Pulmonary Tuberculosis West Cem., Athens
5239 HALL, Earl M 20y Bricklayer 24 Sep 1909 M 20y 3 1/2 miles north of Athens Caving in of brick arched out door cellar West Cem., Athens
476 HALL, Elihu M 60y Botanist & Farmer 25 Sep 1882 M Most of life Athens Precinct Hall Cem.
4701 HALL, Ellen F 86y None 29 Sep 1905 W Ireland 45y Petersburg Chronic nephritis with acute endocarditis Calvary Cem.
1347 HALL, John Nelson M 85y Retired Farmer 25 Oct 1902 W Athens Gastro intestinal catarrh, senility Athens
4715 HALL, John R. M 73y Farmer 11 Nov 1905 M IL 73y Athens Nephritis Athens
436 HALL, John William M 22y2m Farmer 6 Feb 1882 S England 18y 2 mi S of Tallula Drinking 5 pints of whiskey Tallula
179 HALL, Lula F 6m7d 29 Aug 1879 S Menard Co. Oakford Cholera Infantum Oakford
447 HALL, Mary E. F 38y Housewife 28 Mar 1882 M Oakford Life Oakford Leucocyemiae Oakford Cem.
4671 HALL, Richard M 35y7m15d Farmer 26 May 1905 M IL 35y Indian Creek Precinct Typhoid Fever Greenwood Cem.
14475 HALL, William M 25y Telegrph Opr @ Stanton 10 Jan 1905 S 5 miles south of Athens 25y At parents residence Pleuro Pneumonia South Cem., Athens
674 HALLA, Frank Harvey M 10m Infant 19 Aug 1885 S Greenview Greenview Cholera Infantum Sweetwater Cemetery
1201 HAMEL, John M 77y3m8d Farmer 14 Nov 1898 M VA 60y Greenview Precinct Obstruction of bowels Irish Grove Cem.
4974 HAMIL, Lucy Grace F 44y6m3d Housewife 6 Nov 1907 M Fleming Co., KY 40y Greenview Heart clot Elmwood
797 HAMIL, Mary Margaret F 15y4m8d 20 Feb 1888 S Greenview Precinct 15y Greenview Precinct Phthisis Pulmonalis Irish Grove Cem.
679 HAMILTON, Frank M 14y28d 28 Sep 1885 S Menard Co. 14y Petersburg Mercurial Poisoning
14177 HAMILTON, James M 71y10m5d Farmer 13 Apr 1903 W IN Near Tice, IL Typhoid Pneumonia Rose Hill Cem.
1396 HAMILTON, James Munroe Powell M 16y8m28d 1 Oct 1902 S Menard Co. 16y Indian Creek Precinct Typhoid Fever Rose Hill Cem.
309 HAMPTON, Ellen F 18y4m10d 15 Dec 1880 S VA Petersburg Typhoid Fever Oakland Cem.
5066 HANGER, Mary F 74y24d Housewife 9 Apr 1908 S IN 22y Nr. Middletown Appoplexia & Kidney & liver trouble Athens
468 HANKINS, Laura Levina F 14y10m17d 22 Aug 1882 S Sweetwater Life Sweetwater Dysentery Sweetwater Cemetery
938 HANNA, James M 85y11m20d Farmer 20 Jan 1890 M MD Tice, IL Old age Rose Hill Cem.
14429 HANNA, William Henry M 77y Shoemaker 10 Oct 1904 W Canada 30y Menard County Poor House Nephritis Rose Hill Cem.
4538 HANNAH, George M 25y1m22d Coal Miner 10 Apr 1905 S Scotland 4y Athens Tetanus - gun shot & abcsess of throat Hall Cem.
524 HANSEL, Frank M 71y4m24d Blacksmith 3 Apr 1883 Germany 40y Petersburg Chronic Bronchitis Petersburg
947 HANSON, Susan F 72y Housekeeper 28 Nov 1889 W Unknown Petersburg Exhaustion from dropsey & old age Rose Hill Cem.
14303 HARDIN, Alvin M 67y5m23d 15 Feb 1904 M Nicholas Co., KY 50y Twp. 19, Menard Co. Heart failure Indian Point Cem.
14245 HARDIN, Amanda Jane F 31y4m16d Housewife 2 Sep 1903 M DeWitt Co., IL 17y Sweetwater Precinct Uremic Poisoning Irish Grove Cem.
14246 HARDIN, Fern F 6hrs 12 Sep 1903 Sweetwater Sweetwater Precinct Congenital Debility - premature Irish Grove Cem.
568 HARDIN, Frank M 5y11m8d that of one his age 29 Oct 1883 S Menard Co. Sweetwater Precinct Cerebrospinal Meningitis Indian Point Cem.
1057 HARDING, Cleveland M 8m18d 10 Apr 1893 S IL always County Pneumonia Rose Hill Cem.
4560 HARDING, Emily Caroline F 48y7m8d Housewife 8 Jun 1905 M Menard Co. 48y Sandridge Precinct Exhaustion - cancer of left breast Rose Hill Cem.
42 HARGRAVE, Lillie May F 8y8m 21 May 1878 S Athens 8y Athens Diphtheria Hall Cem.
4932 HARMAN, George M 88y4m Farmer 1 Aug 1907 W TN 86y Oakford General paralysis Oakford Cem.
994 HARMON, Alvin M 51y Blacksmith 2 Feb 1891 S Menard Co. Oakford Pneumonia Oakford
355 HARMON, Isaac Sr. M 63y6m Blacksmith 22 May 1881 TN 50y Oakford Cardiac affliction Oakford Cem.
655 HARMON, Lida Ann F 31y Housewife 20 Feb 1885 M Sandridge Precinct Oakford Puerperal Eclampsia Oakford, IL
410 HARMON, Susana B. F 8y7m 13 Oct 1881 S Centralia, IL Oakford Malarial Fever Oakford Cem.
808 HARMS, Anna Helena F 13y10m8d 25 Sep 1887 S IL 14y Petersburg Congestion of stomach & bowels Rose Hill Cem.
4495 HARMS, Delina F 45y4m Housewife 18 Jan 1905 M Germany 20y Tallula Carcinoma of stomach & intestines Pleasant Plains Cem.
1284 HARMS, Harry M 13y4m10d None 3 Mar 1902 S Petersburg 13y Petersburg Scarlet Fever Rose Hill Cem.
224 HARMS, Jacob M 1y8m23d 14 Jan 1880 Menard Co. Petersburg Precinct Pertussis Rose Hill Cem.
5095 HARMS, John Herman M 72y9m14d Farmer 4 Aug 1908 W Germany 51y Little Grove Precinct Malaria Rose Hill Cem.
5030 HARMS, Mary F 68y7m Housekeeper 2 Feb 1908 M Germany 45y Petersburg Acute heart failure Rose Hill Cem.
4930 HARP, Jacob M 57y2m15d Farmer 26 Jul 1907 M KY 47y Menard Co. Suicidal Gun shot wound Richmond Grove
578 HARRIS, Mary Addie F 4y1m29d 8 Jan 1884 S Pleasant Hill, IL Life Greenview Phthisis & Measles Pleasant Hill, IL
671 HARRIS, Willis M 3m 8 Aug 1885 S Petersburg 3m Petersburg Eutero Colitis Rose Hill Cem.
5051 HARRISON, Charley M 21y6m Laborer 23 March 1908 S Mason Co., IL 9 mi NE of Greenview Accidental drowning Sugar Grove Cem.
14452 HARRISON, Milton Bryant M 8065m17d Merchant & Office holdr 24 Nov 1904 W Menard Co. 80y Petersburg Disease of lungs & cystitis Oakland Cem.
518 HARRISON, Vachel Henry M 67y6m22d Farmer 18 Mar 1883 W KY 19y Sweetwater Typhoid Fever Concord
14255 HARTLEY, Nathan M 74y15d Farmer 23 Oct 1903 M KY 73y Menard Co. Phthisis Pulmonalis Salisbury Cem.
14253 HARTLEY, Safrona Harrison F 61y1m22d Housewife 22 Oct 1903 M IL 61y Menard Co. Imapired nutrition & exhaustion Salisbury Cem.
1374 HASH, Alfred M 92y5m4d Farmer 14 Jul 1902 W Greene Co., KY 80y Exhaustion Little Grove Cem.
14230 HATCH, Amanda M. F 69y11m14d Housekeeper 17 Aug 1903 W Sangamon now Menard Co. 69y Greenview Accidental fall striking head on brick wall Rose Hill Cem.
149 HATCH, Laura A. F 16y25d 30 Apr 1879 S Menard Co. 16y Greenview Valvular Lesion Heart Phthisis Pulmonalis Rose Hill Cem.
5104 HATCHETT, Emily F 88y Housekeeper 28 Sep 1908 W KY 55y Petersburg Cerebral hemorrhage Rose Hill Cem.
1401 HATFIELD, Martha F 75y10m22d 26 Oct 1902 W OH Petersburg Heart failure Oakland Cem.
5195 HAUN, Thomas B. M 58y7m3d None for 3 years 19 May 1909 M Athens Myocardial degeneration West Cem., Athens
4697 HAVENS, Mary C. F 71y2m25d Housewife 24 Sep 1905 W Menard Co. 71y Menard Co. Cancer of breast Oakland Cem.
4893 HAYDEN, John M 65y11m3d Farmer 25 Mar 1907 M Bath Co., KY 60y Athens Precinct Disease of heart - rheumatism Lebanon Cem.
5044 HAYDEN, Mahala F 68y Housekeeper 25 Mar 1908 M East of Petersburg Brights Disease, LaGrippe Iowa
38 HAYNES, Mary Magdalene F 3y1m5d 17 May 1878 S Mason Co., IL 3y Petersburg Precinct Cerebro spinal meningitas Big Grove Cem., Mason Co., IL
5248 HECKEL, Fred M 17y Farm Hand 27 Oct 1909 S Logan Co., IL life Croft, IL Run over by engine & tender local freight Walnut Ridge
556 HEDRICK, Jonathan M 84y5m10d Farmer 8 Sep 1883 M Fleming Co., KY 53y Athens Congestion, complicated with entritis Cantrall Cem.
1099 HEFLIN, Infant Child M 7d 28 Feb 1894 S Menard Co. Indian Creek Precinct Malformation of intestinal tract Smoots Cem.
5073 HEIGOLD, Fred M 91y6m11d Retired 10 Jun 1908 M Germany 50y Petersburg Brights Disease Rose Hill Cem.
4781 HEINAMANN, Augusta Friederika F 72y10m16d Housewife 27 Jun 1906 W Germany 54y Petersburg Natural causes Rose Hill Cem.
1390 HEIRN, Wilde M 11m 9 Sep 1902 S Petersburg Nr. Petersburg Brain Fever Rose Hill Cem.
1455 HELLSTERN, Clarissa A. F 64y10m19d Housekeeper 18 Mar 1903 M Crawfordsville, IN 58y Rock Creek Precinct Apoplexy Rock Creek Cem.
4508 HELLSTERN, Rosella G. F 42y Housewife 3 Mar 1905 M KY 42y Atterberry Premature birth brought on by LaGrippe Oakland Cem.
1292 HELM, William Arthur M 2m14d 12 Feb 1902 S 2m14d Tallula Smothering
462 HELTZ, Fredric M 69y Coal Dealer 2 Aug 1882 M Germany 60y Cath. Cem. in blackberry ptch Heart Disease Rose Hill Cem.
5265 HENDERSON, Beatrice May F 19y7m17d Attending School 28 Dec 1909 S Menard Co. life Petersburg Pulmonary tuberculosis Rose Hill Cem.
5176 HENDERSON, Clara Ellen F 4y5m26d 9 Mar 1909 S Sweetwater Indian Point 4 mi N. of Athens Catarrhal pneumonia Sweetwater or Sugar Grove
5157 HENDERSON, Martin B. M 68y11m29d Farmer 14 Apr 1909 S IL 68y 2 1/2 miles NW of Tallula Valvaular heart lesion Garner Chapel, 7 mi West of Tallula
862 HENDERSON, Richard M 5y 17 Dec 1888 S Menard Co. 5y Petersburg Diphtheria Rose Hill Cem.
4872 HENDERSON, Richard Henry M 85y3m6d Retired Farmer 5 Feb 1907 M Farquar Co., VA 60y Petersburg Uremic poisoning Rose Hill Cem.
14328 HENDERSON, Viola Myrtle F 3y4m3d 18 Mar 1904 Fleming Co., KY Twp 18 Measles Sugar Grove Cem.
14333 HENDERSON, Willie M 1y11m10d 10 Mar 1904 Fleming Co., KY Twp. 18 Measles Sugar Grove Cem.
770 HENNERMAN, Katrina F 2y4m11d 26 Jul 1887 S 2y Little Grove Congestion of brain & lungs
5196 HENNINGS, Milton M 55y9m6d Laborer 27 May 1909 Petersburg Cerebral hemorrhage White Cem.
4563 HENRY, Julia May F 19y7m8d Housewife 17 Jun 1905 M Petersburg 19y Petersburg Pulmonary Tuberculosis Rose Hill Cem.
1194 HENSLEY, Rachael F 50y 7 Dec 1897 IN 28y Petersburg Unknown Fulton Co., IL
4500 HERMAN, Aiten M 6y 12 Feb 1905 S IL 6y Athens Tuberculosis Athens
92 HERRON, George Isaac Franklin M 11y10m3d 28 Sep 1878 S Menard Co. 11y Rock Creek Precinct Peritonitis
678 HERRON, James M 8m22d 23 Sep 1885 Pulaski, IL Life Greenview Chronic Diarrhea Sweetwater Cemetery
4818 HESS, George F. M 80y Cobbler 9 Apr 1906 M Germany 39y Athens Senility Athens
1144 HEWITT, Robert G. M 68y2m11d Farmer 15 Apr 1896 M NJ 50y 1 mi North of Ashland Organic heart disease Bethel Cem., Sangamon Co.
1434 HEYEN, John J. M 1m9d 28 Jan 1903 Menard Co. Menard Co. Broncho Pneumonia Rose Hill Cem.
292 HEYLIN, Isaac M 23y11m5d Clerk 12 Sep 1880 S Marshall Co., IL Res. of Mary Pierson, Athens Enteric Fever Hall Cem.
5218 HIBBS, Adaline F 7y10m6d School girl 8 Jul 1909 S Petersburg 7y Petersburg Lung fever following measles Rose Hill Cem.
4894 HIBBS, Julia Ann F 61y9m23d Housewife 25 Mar 1907 M Petersburg life Petersburg Chronic nephritis West Cem., Athens
14474 HIBBS, Nancy Elizabeth F 46y4m4d Housewife 9 Jan 1905 M Petersburg 46y Petersburg Lung Fever Rose Hill Cem.
937 HICKEY, Elmira F 50y11d 20 Jan 1890 W Oneida Co., NY 10y Petersburg Catarrhal Influenza (La Grippe) Hickey Burying Ground, Cass Co.
164 HICKMAN, Louis M 41y7m Coal Miner 14 Jul 1879 M Prussia 21y Nr. North Coal Shaft Accident - fracture of skull Rose Hill Cem.
735 HICKS, Emma F 22y9m9d Housekeeper 25 Apr 1887 W Rock Creek 22y Petersburg Puerperal Peritonitis Hickory Grove Cem.
5241 HICKS, Henry L. M 73y6m8d Farming 18 Sep 1909 W Noble Co., IN 63y Greenview Tuberculosis Elmwood
845 HIGGINS, Timothy M. M 60ym9d Retired 27 Sep 1888 M Menard Co. Petersburg Phthisis Pulmonalis Indian Point Cem.
304 HILL, Infant M 8 Nov 1880 S Sweetwater Precinct 1hr Sweetwater Precinct Premature Birth Don't Know
5078 HILL, Mary Eliza F 38y4m11d Housewife 15 Jun 1908 M Menard Co. 38y Menard Co. Child birth Mt. Olive, Cass Co., IL
5217 HILL, Mary J. F 64y6m18d Housewife 3 Jul 1909 W Menard Co. 64y Petersburg Erysiphelas Newmansville
851 HILTON, John M 61y Miner 15 Oct 1888 M Greenview Abcess of Rectum & general debility Sugar Grove Cem.
4537 HIMES, Harman M 1y1m12d 10 Apr 1905 Greenview Pneumonia Sugar Grove Cem.
4757 HIND, Infant of Claud F 2hrs Infant 13 Mar 1906 S Petersburg Petersburg Premature birth Rose Hill Cem.
527 HIND, Mary F 7m22d 14 Apr 1883 S Menard Co. 7m 5 mi North of Salsbury Consumption Nr. Lloyd, Menard Co.
5230 HIND, Willis Irving M 2y7d 14 Aug 1909 S Petersburg Petersburg Lung fever following whooping cough Oakland Cem.
5254 HINDS, Infant F 10d 8 Oct 1909 Menard Co. Menard Co. Undeveloped Farmer's Point Cem.
5139 HINDS, Maggie May F 38y2m2d Housewife 6 Jan 1909 M PA 37y Petersburg Nephritis Rock Creek Cem.
14363 HINES, Warren M 39y11m29d Coal Miner 6 Jun 1904 M IL 39y Tallula Tuberculosis Pulmonary Greenwood Cem.
14451 HITCHCOCK, Earl Reed M 12y5m18d 22 Nov 1904 S Menard Co. 12y Tallula heart failure - tubercular spondybitis Rock Creek Cem.
1273 HITCHCOCK, Wealthy Leah Aline F 26y4m9d Housewife 9 Jan 1902 M Sangamon Co., IL life Rock Creek Precinct Cerebral hemorage Rock Creek Cem.
936 HITE, Martha E. F 74y 8 Jan 1890 S VA 8y Athens Anasarea Athens Cem.
14271 HOAG, Elizabeth F 84y10m28d Housewife 28 Dec 1903 W KY 55/65y Nr. Fancy Prairie Paralysis Saulsbury, IL
4547 HOAGLAND, Henry H. M 65y7m26d Lawyer & Co. Judge 11 May 1905 M IL 65y Petersburg Cancer of (unintelligible) Rose Hill Cem.
407 HOAGLAND, Louisa A. F 69y7m10d 6 Oct 1881 W Columbia, Adair Co., KY 50y Petersburg Cholera morbus Rose Hill Cem.
738 HOBAN, John M 70y Farm Laborer 21 May 1887 W Ireland Not Known Tallula Precinct Stroke of lightning Jacksonville Catholic Cemetery
236 HOBBIE, Melissa Jane F 32y10m5d 17 Feb 1880 M IL 32y Little Grove, Petersburg Pct. Peritonitis primary pneumonia right lung Rose Hill Cem.
241 HOBBIE, William M 38y9m26d Farmer & Speculator 22 Feb 1880 W Hanover, Germany 14y Little Grove, Petersburg Pct. Typhoid Pneumonia Rose Hill Cem.
4754 HOFFING, John D. M 61y Farmer 17 Jan 1906 M Germany 47y Nr. Petersburg General debility Rose Hill Cem.
14219 HOFING, Clarissa J. F 77y4m4d Housekeeper 17 Jul 1903 W Green Co., KY 73y Petersburg Exhaustion from marasmus
625 HOFMAN, Infant F 7m 18 Aug 1884 Petersburg Petersburg Cholera Infantum Rose Hill Cem.
581 HOGAN, Thomas M. M 27y6m21d A priest 12 Jan 1884 S Milwaukee, WI 4y Petersburg Intestinal Obstruction Wisconsin
890 HOHIMER, Elias M 72y Farmer 28 Apr 1889 M KY Sandridge Paralysis Concord
1083 HOHIMER, George H. M 25y9m1d Laborer 17 Jul 1894 M Petersburg lifetime Petersburg Throat cut by razor by hand of Oscar Hilton Rose Hill Cem.
1173 HOHIMER, Grace F 18y Domestic 27 Aug 1897 S Secondary shock following operation
14430 HOHIMER, Grace Lillyan F 3d 23 Oct 1904 Atterberry Atterberry Precinct Improper development of heart Concord Cem.
916 HOHIMER, Henry M 84y7m12d Pauper 4 Oct 1889 M KY Petersburg Old age Rose Hill Cem.
306 HOHIMER, Infant M 4d 11 Nov 1880 Petersburg Petersburg Deficient Vitality Old Cem., Petersburg
307 HOHIMER, Infant F 5d 12 Nov 1880 S Petersburg Petersburg Deficient Vitality Old Cem., Petersburg
14220 HOHIMER, Infant Child of Henry M 4m23d 19 Jul 1903 Petersburg Petersburg Cholera Infantum Rose Hill Cem.
4951 HOHIMER, Infant of Fred F 1d 10 Sep 1907 S Petersburg Petersburg Patulus Foramen Ovale Rose Hill Cem.
480 HOHIMER, James M 22y Fireman at Saw Mill 12 Oct 1882 S Menard Co. 22y Indian Creek Precinct Explosion of the mill boiler Salisbury, Sangamon Co., IL
1370 HOHIMER, Ora Ellen F 19y7m20d Housewife 6 Jul 1902 M Walker Grove, Mason Co., IL life Petersburg Acute pulmonary tuberculosis Rose Hill Cem.
14455 HOHIMER, Peter M 77y1m4d None 7 Dec 1904 M IL 77y Petersburg Pneumonia Rose Hill Cem.
1395 HOHIMER, William Clarence M 5y7m 30 Sep 1902 S Petersburg Petersburg Maiosmus Rose Hill Cem.
933 HOLLAND, Delia F 7m19d 22 Mar 1889 S Athens Life intestinal inflamation - neglected Athens Cem.
4764 HOLLAND, Edward M 70y Laborer 26 Apr 1906 M Ireland 50y Athens Suicidal drowning West Cem., Athens
5088 HOLLAND, Lydia K. F 18y4m House girl 18 Jul 1908 S Athens Athens Acute pulmonary congestion West Cem., Athens
4827 HOLLIS, Herman M 5m11d Infant 11 Aug 1906 S Petersburg Precinct life Sandridge Precinct Acute Eutero colitis Concord
14217 HOLLIS, Paul Harold M 10m 5 Jul 1903 Sandridge Sandridge Hypepyesia Oakland Cem.
956 HOLMAN, Mary E. F 61y5m5d Housewife 5 May 1890 M New York City Rock Creek Heart disease Rock Creek Cem.
4540 HOLMES, Jacob Hurbert M 43y2m3d Section foreman for RR 13 Apr 1905 M IL Greenview Weak heart exhaustion of liver Crosland
894 HOLTZ, Pena F 70y2m14d Housekeeper 9 May 1889 W Germany Erysipilas Rose Hill Cem.
4685 HOMES, John A. M 48y9m4d Blacksmith 7 Aug 1905 M Petersburg 48y Petersburg Exhaustion from chronic consumption Oakland Cem.
846 HOPWOOD, James Judy M 1y26d 29 Sep 1888 S Menard Co. Athens Precinct Cholera Infantum Hopwood Cem.
5302 HOPWOOD, Margaret F 79y21d 6 Mar 1910 W England 50y Athens Senile debility Athens
4885 HOPWOOD, Nicholas M 80y Retired Farmer 19 Jan 1907 M England 50y Athens Chronic nephritis Athens
762 HORNBACK, Abraham M 60y Farmer 20 Nov 1887 M KY 1y Menard Co. Dyspepsia Rose Hill Cem.
4993 HORNBACK, Alvin M 59y5m26d Farming 10 Dec 1907 M Menard Co. life Petersburg Heart disease Rose Hill Cem.
1124 HORNBACK, Andrew T. M 88y2m4d Farmer 30 Jun 1895 W Bourbon Co., KY Indian Creek Precinct Crystitis Enlarged Mostole Hornback Cem.
736 HORNBACK, B. B. F 9y 30 Apr 1887 S Menard Co. Life Greenview Diphtheria Lebanon Cem.
918 HORNBACK, Charles H. M 18y9m21d Farmer 11 Oct 1889 S Menard Co. Menard Co. Double pneumonia Petersburg Cem.
1338 HORNBACK, Hiram M 72y Farmer 29 Jul 1902 M Menard Co. life Nr. Athens Injury, heart failure Oakridge
620 HORNBACK, Infant F 15 Jul 1884 S Athens Precinct Life Athens Precinct Athens Cem.
1264 HORNBACK, Isaac C. M 68y11m12d Farmer 12 Jan 1902 W Athens 68y Irish Grove Chronic Diahorea & senility Walnut Ridge Cem.
1120 HORNBACK, Jacob L. M 56y2m4d Retired Farmer 19 Jul 1895 M Athens Life Sangamon River nr Athens Accidental drowning Athens
274 HORNBACK, Jemima F 71y1m10d 11 Jul 1880 M KY 55y Indian Creek Precinct Dysentery Britons Cem.
1346 HORNBACK, John W. M 62y4m10d Farmer 29 Sep 1902 M IL life Nr. Athens acute pulmonis congestion Hall Cem.
286 HORNBACK, Louisa Belle F 6m21d 2 Jul 1880 S Nr. Athens Athens Township Whooping Cough Claypole Graveyard
248 HORNBACK, Margaret F 84y2m 12 Mar 1880 W Bath Co., KY 50y J.W. Hornback Res. Athens Old Age Claypool Grave Yard
860 HORNBACK, Margaret Tice F 41y3m24d Housewife 9 Dec 1888 M Bath Co., KY 30y Athens Precinct Abcess of lungs West Athens Cem.
129 HORNBACK, Robert M 2y5m29d 17 Feb 1879 S Indian Creek Precinct Indian Creek Precinct Diphtheria Hornback Cem.
1124 HORNBACK, Robert M 70y9m23d Farmer 6 Sep 1899 W IL life Greenview Paralysis & heart disease Hornback Cem.
1413 HORNBACK, Sarah Jane F 59y6m3d Housewife 18 Dec 1902 W Poultney, VT 41y Athens Lobar Pneumonia Hall Cem.
470 HORNBUCKLE, George M 52y3m Farmer 27 Aug 1882 M IL Life 5 mi S of Petersburg Cancer of the bowels Hickory Grove Cem.
486 HORNBUCKLE, Laura F 22y 28 Nov 1882 S Menard Co. Life Hickory Grove Thphoid Fever Not Known
615 HORNEY, Royden M 10y 21 Jun 1884 S Petersburg Precinct 10m Petersburg Whooping Cough Lincoln, IL
1092 HOSN, George M 36y2m7d Coal Miner 8 Oct 1894 W Englishman Not Known Petersburg Not definitely known Rose Hill Cem.
14362 HOUGHTON, C. D. F 85y1m2d 30 Mar 1904 W Mason Co., KY Petersburg Appoplexy Concord
848 HOUGHTON, Charlotte Elizabeth F 41y4m15d 5 Oct 1888 S Menard Co. 41y Petersburg Valvular disease of the heart Farmer's Point Cem.
14320 HOUGHTON, Claire D. F 85y1m12d 30 Mar 1904 W KY 62y Petersburg Appoplexy Concord Cem.
21 HOUGHTON, James Franklin M 21y5m24d Teacher & Student 12 Feb 1878 S Rock Creek Precinct Since birth Father's residence Rock Crk Typhomalarial Fever Rock Creek Cem.
874 HOUGHTON, S. M. M 78y1m5d Farmer 15 Jan 1889 M KY Sandridge Precinct Accident Concord Cem.
600 HOULDEN, Rebecca F 48y 22 Mar 1884 M IN Rock Creek Precinct Murdered Hickory Grove Cem.
5130 HOWARD, Georganna F 17y21d Student 19 Dec 1908 S Tallula Tallula Scarlet Fever Greenwood Cem.
159 HUBBARD, Oscar F. M 27 Jun 1879 S Oakford Oakford Malformation of heart producing Cyanosis Oakford
1112 HUBBS, Amanda F 27y Housewife 12 Dec 1894 M IL always Rock Creek Precinct Pulmonary Tuberculosis Hickory Grove Cem.
734 HUBLY, Catharine F 56y 21 Apr 1887 M Teburg, Canton Schwarz, Swtz. 30y Menard Co. Softening of brain At Home
4728 HUBLY, Malcolm M 53y8m8d Farmer 16 Dec 1905 S Switzerland 36y John Kurts home, Menard Co. Appoplexy Calvary Cem.
4726 HUBLY, Malkom M 53y8m8d Farmer 16 Dec 1905 S Switzerland 36y 6 mi NE Greenview Hemorrhage of brain & falling into fire Calvary Cem.
269 HUDSPETH, Charles M 1y4m19d 2 Jul 1880 S Sandridge Precinct 1y Sandridge Precinct Cholera Infantum Concord Cem.
232 HUDSPETH, George W. M 64y6m26d Farmer 11 Feb 1880 M Huntsville, AL 58y Sandridge Precinct Vesical Calculi Concord Church
941 HUDSPETH, James M 80y1m4d Farmer 12 Jan 1890 M TN Oakford Concord
140 HUDSPETH, Nancy F 55y4m5d Farmer's Wife 4 Mar 1879 M NY 50y Sandridge Precinct Phthisis Pulmonalis Oakford
569 HUDSPETH, Nancy Caroline F 33y1m15d 2 Nov 1883 M Menard Co. always Sandridge Precinct Embolism Oakland Cem.
60 HUGGINS, Amos R. M 53y7m19d Cooper 20 Aug 1878 W Canada Petersburg Carcinoma of mouth & throat Petersburg
76 HUGGINS, Francis Emilie F 7y1m11d 17 Sep 1878 Petersburg Precinct Petersburg Congestion of the Brain Watkins Family Burying Ground
885 HUGGINS, J. Frank M 32y1m2d 4 Apr 1889 W Petersburg Petersburg Phthisis Pulmonalis Petersburg
4895 HUGGINS, John M 78y11m28d Plasterer 26 Mar 1907 M Canada Petersburg Multiple neuritis Rose Hill Cem.
761 HUGGINS, Katie F 27y17d Housewife 19 Nov 1887 M Petersburg Life Petersburg peritonitis Catholic Cem.
1385 HUGGINS, Minnie E. F 33y29d 23 Aug 1902 M IL 33y Petersburg Cystis Tumor Oakland Cem.
1187 HUGHES, Charles Clarence M 23y8m14d Laborer 22 Jul 1898 S Burkley Co., VA 21y Athens Asphyxia
14439 HUGHES, Chester Earnest M 18y6m25d Farm Hand 2 Nov 1904 S Howard Co., MO Petersburg Pulmonary Tuberculosis Smoot Cem.
867 HUGHES, Child F 11y 22 Dec 1888 S Menard Co. Petersburg Membranous Croup Rose Hill Cem.
14378 HUGHES, Edith Velda F 9m27d Infant 9 Jul 1904 Petersburg Petersburg Acute Enteritis Smoot Cem.
1453 HUGHES, Emma F 32y4m23d Housewife 10 Mar 1903 M Athens 32y Athens Septicaemia following abortion Athens
5306 HUGHES, Howard M 16y Farmer 24 Dec 1909 S Sweetwater 5 mi West of Greenview Pneumonia - both lungs Sweetwater
5305 HUGHES, Hugh M 41y8m7d Coal Miner 14 Oct 1909 M Sweetwater Sweetwater Coal mine slate fell on him Sweetwater
1333 HUGHES, Jesse James M 12y1m3d 30 May 1902 S Menard Co. life Petersburg Struck by railway locomotive Smoot Cem.
1221 HUGHES, Katherine A. F 48y Housewife 26 Dec 1899 M PA or IL Sweetwater Pulmonary Tuberculosis Sugar Grove Cem.
25 HUGHES, Lenard A M 14y10m4d Farming 11 Mar 1878 S Menard Co. 14y Sweetwater Paralysis Sugar Grove Cem.
14494 HUGHES, Martha F 86y8m21d 5 Jan 1905 W IN 47y Petersburg Influenza Smoot Cem.
14473 HUGHES, Martha S. F 86y8m21d 5 Jan 1905 W IN 49y Petersburg Influenza Smoot Cem.
491 HUGHES, Mary E. F 38y3m7d Housewife 16 Dec 1882 M Sangamon Co., IL Life Greenview Precinct Pernicious Anemia during pregnancy Lebanon Cem.
542 HUGHES, Robert Dorell M 8m8d 29 Jul 1883 S Greenview Precinct 8m8d Greenview Precinct Cholera Infantum Lebanon
14339 HUGHES, Rose Marie F 1y4m4d 6 Apr 1904 Greenview life Greenview Meningitis Irish Grove Cem.
1031 HUGHES, Susan P. F 71y18d Housewife 5 Nov 1892 W OH Greenview Old age Sugar Grove Cem.
1332 HUGHES, William M 9y1m7d 30 May 1902 S Menard Co. life Petersburg Struck by railway locomotive Smoot Cem.
1000 HUGHES, Willie M 2m6d Infant 20 Jun 1891 S Greenview Greenview Enlargement of liver Sweetwater Cemetery
1260 HUGHETT, Charles M. M 16y10m24d Rug Weaver 6 Jan 1902 S Cass Co., IL life Greenview Accident by falling or jumping from train Jacksonville, Illinois
4753 HUNT, Joshua M 1y6m11d Infant 26 Mar 1906 S Menard Co. life Menard Co. Accidental drowning by falling in cistern Rose Hill Cem.
4788 HUNT, Murrel L. M 6d 22 Jul 1906 S IL Athens Gastritis Athens
1030 HUNTER, Charles M 53y 7 Oct 1892 S Petersburg Acute cerebral Meningitis Petersburg
295 HUNTER, Henrietta F 66y8m26d 13 Sep 1880 W NJ 40y Tallula Precinct Apoplexy Bethel Church
5125 HURD, Almon G. M 70y8m22d Farmer 5 Dec 1908 M NH 52y 1/2 mile west of Petersburg Consumption Oakland Cem.
557 HURD, Charles M 1y2m18d 9 Sep 1883 S Athens Precinct Life Athens Precinct Thphoid Malarial Fever Indian Point Cem.
507 HURD, Henrietta F 76y4m10d 11 Feb 1883 W NY 47y Athens Precinct Senile Pneumonia Indian Point Cem.
160 HURD, Hiram M 77y Farmer 8 Jul 1879 M Arlington, VT 43y Athens Paralysis Indian Point Cem.
5304 HURIE, Anna Marie F 51y9m18d Housewife 19 Apr 1910 W Menard Co. 51y Rock Creek Apoplexy Rock Creek Cem.
815 HURST, James M 82y9m12d Farmer 10 Jun 1888 W Springfield, KY 39y Greenview Precinct Mitral insufficiency & hepatitis Walnut Grove Cem.
1135 HURST, John C. M 25y2m27d 8 Oct 1895 S Galena, IL life Greenview Precinct Gastritis Walnut Ridge Cem.
680 HURST, Merritt, M.D. M 45y2m20d Physician & Surgeon 4 Oct 1885 M Washington Co., KY 36y Sweetwater Supposed to be neuralgia Indian Point Cem.
1351 HURST, Richard Alexander M 5y3m16d 2 May 1902 S Fancy Prairie 5y Sweetwater Cerebro spinal meningitis Indian Point Cem.
1211 HUSMAN, Richard D. M 1y4m18d 27 Mar 1899 Petersburg Petersburg Catarrahal Fever Rose Hill Cem.
1380 HUSSMAN, Alfred Henrich M 15y 7 Aug 1902 S Mason City, IL 15y Tallula Suffocation in a bin of wheat Mason City, IL

Cass-Menard Index

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