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Cass County Death Records
1878 - 1915

Column Explanation for those which aren't obvious:
Bk = Register Book Number
R = Race
Yrs In State = Number of years in Illinois
M/S = Marital Status (Married, Widowed, Single, Divorced)

- K -

BK Page Lic. # Name Sex R Age Nativity Yrs Occupation M/S Death Date Place of Death Buried Where Cause of Death Father Mother
# # In Co
1 121 KAFFENBERGER, Charlie M W 42d Beardstown Life Infant S 13 May 1891 Beardstown Beardstown Malnutrition
1 55 674 KAFFENBERGER, Elizabeth F W 67y9m8d Germany 1845 Housewife W 19 Aug 1886 Beardstown Beardstown Congestive fever
1 46 560 KAFFENBERGER, Henry M W 68y19d Germany 39y Carpenter M 11 Aug 1884 Beardstown Beardstown General debility
3 226 KAFFENBERGER, J. M. M W 65y Germany 60y Harness Maker & Old Soldier M 14 Jul 1907 Beardstown Beardstown City Cem. Cirosis of the liver
1 5 71 KAMMERER, Infant F W 6 Aug 1884 Beardstown 6 Aug 1884 Beardstown Stillborn August E. Kammerer - b. WV Maria E. Kammerer - b. IL
1 88 KANDIT, Else F W 4m Ashland Life S 27 Jun 1888 Ashland Ashland Cholera Infantum
4 169 60343 KANE, Patrick M W b. 1862 Laborer S 14 Dec 1912 Beardstown Beardstown City Cem. Septicaenica
3 148 KAPPELMAN, George Herman F 32y26d Germany 17y Jeweler & Watch Maker 8 Mar 1906 Arenzville Arenzville Accidental drowning
1 111 KASINGER, Jacob M W 37y Illinois Life Farm Laborer S 25 Mar 1890 Beardstown Cass Co. Chronic Bright's disease
1 45 549 KASNEY, Harry M 7m5d Cass Co. Life S 13 Apr 1884 Virginia Precinct Virginia Diptheria
1 13 KAWIN, Infant M W 17 Jan 1898 Beardstown 17 Jan 1898 Beardstown Stillborn Harry Kawin - b. Ger. Lizzie Kawin
2 84 KEAN, Louise F W 14y9m7d Cass Co. S 11 Apr 1903 Nr. Chandlerville Mt. Olive Cem. Consumption
3 161 KEAN, Nancy F 80y Kentucky 70y Housewife 5 Jan 1906 Richmond Precinct Mt. Olive, IL Pneumonia
2 78 KEEN, Nancy F W 70y Housewife S 5 May 1903 Nr. Chandlerville Mt. Olive Cem. Heart & kidney trouble
3 294 KEEN, Newton Edward M W 29y3m28d Nr. Chandlerville Life Laborer M 11 Jan 1909 Chandlerville Pontiac Nephritis acute
1 166 KEFFREL, Francis Louisa F W 5y8m29d Beardstown Life S 14 Nov 1897 Oak Grove Cem. Asthma due to multiple abscesses
1 4 61 KEIL, Infant M W 23 Jul 1883 Beardstown 23 Jul 1883 Beardstown Stillborn Henry C. Keil - b. Ger. Sophia Keil - b. Ger.
3 188 KEIL, Sophia Catharine F W 56y4m10d Arenzville Life Wife of Hardware merchant M 10 Jan 1907 Virginia Oetgen Leukemia
1 14 KELLAR, Infant M W 12 Jun 1897 Beardstown 12 Jun 1897 Beardstown Beardstown City Cem. Stillborn George W. Kellar Jennie M. Kellar
3 252 KELLER, Florence F W 28y2m8d Beardstown Life Housewife M 25 Mar 1908 Beardstown Oak Grove Puerperal Fever
4 5 44462 KELLER, Infant M W b. 23 Nov 1910 Beardstown Life 7 Dec 1910 Beardstown Beardstown City Cem. Marasmus Geo Keller - b Ashland Co OH Jennie Kennedy - b. IL
1 87 KELLEY, Bertha E. F W 26y6m23d Beardstown Life Wife M 26 May 1888 Beardstown Beardstown Pulmonary consumption
1 124 KELLEY, Eugene Bernard M W 8m27d Beardstown Life Infant S 13 Sep 1891 Beardstown Beardstown Spurious hydrocephalus
1 3 46 KELLEY, Infant F W 13 Dec 1880 Little Indian 13 Dec 1880 Little Indian Stillborn Richard Kelley - b. Ire. Mary McCarthy Kelley - b. Ire.
3 116 KELLEY, Wilbur Joseph M W 26y4m17d USA 5mo Laborer 17 Jul 1905 Beardstown Springfield, Ohio Accidental Drowning
1 102 KELLY, John M 7y5m S 18 Jun 1889 Beardstown Beardstown Accidental drowning
5 28 582 KELLY, Joseph 31y8m19d Illinois Life Laborer S 9 Oct 1915 Beardstown Catholic Cem. Carcinoma of penis James Kelly - b. Ire. Ellen Flannery - b. IL
4 142 33930 KELTNER, Eugene Russel M W b. 10 Mar 1912 St. Louis, MO 10d S 15 Jul 1912 Virginia Virginia Morasmus Harrison Keltner - b. Cass Co Belford - b. Morgan Co.
2 48 KENDALL, George N. M W 89y10m20d Pittsfield, MA 68y Farmer W 24 Aug 1902 Twp. 18 Carr Cem. Heart failure
1 108 KENDALL, Margaret F 5y9m7d Monmouth, IL Life Scholar S 15 Dec 1889 Beardstown Beardstown General debility
1 2 14 KENDALL, Olive F W 19y Life Housekeeper S 6 Feb 1878 Hickory Precinct Hickory Cem. Meningitis
1 139 KENDRICKS, Infant of John F W 13d Beardstown Life S 9 May 1893 Beardstown Beardstown Inanition
3 356 KENNARD, Amelia Johana F W 65y4m21d Germany 41y Retired W 6 May 1910 Beardstown Stonington, Christian Co.,IL Cancer
3 108 KENNEDY, Catharine F W 5y4m Ireland 35y None 16 Mar 1905 Ashland Ashland Heart failure
3 30 KENNEDY, Hellen F W 3y2m10d Beardstown Infant S 1 Mar 1904 Beardstown Oak Grove Meningitis
4 307 45499 KENNEDY, Mary L. Settles F W b. 27 Jan 1853 Beardstown Life Housewife M 5 Sep 1914 Virginia Zion Cem. Pulmonary Tuberculosis Edward Settles - b. KY Elizabeth Miller - b. MO
1 161 KENNETH, Chester M W 29y Illinois Farmer S 24 Jul 1897 Beardstown Virginia Drowning
1 150 KERN, John M W 48y2m Darmstadt, Ger. Farmer M 24 Apr 1896 Arenzville Arenzville Typhoid Fever
1 175 KERN, Ralph C. P. M W 1y7m Illinois Life Infant 19 Apr 1899 Macomb, IL Pulmonalis
2 52 KESSLER, Henrietta F W 81y7m20d Germany 51y Housewife W 20 Sep 1902 Beardstown Beardstown Meningitis
4 324 KESTERSON, John M W 48y Unknown Laborer W 16 Dec 1914 County Farm Beardstown City Cem. Chronic nephritis
1 14 170 KETNER, Bertha Viola F W 9y7m16d Barthlomew Co.IN 7y S 25 Oct 1879 Philadelphia Precinct Centenary Congestion of liver & bowels
1 1 11 KIKENDALL, Infant M 22 Apr 1879 Virginia 22 Apr 1879 Virginia Virginia Stillborn Charles Kikendall Amanda Kikendall
1 37 451 KIKENDALL, Myrtle B. F W 1y10m8d Cass Co. 30 Dec 1880 Virginia Virginia Inflamation of bowels
1 29 349 KING, Frances F 69y9m20d Stokes Co., NC 24y W 25 Dec 1879 Beardstown Beardstown Marcusmus
1 105 KING, James M 40y Laborer S 20 Aug 1889 Beardstown Beardstown Appoplexy
4 308 45498 KING, John A. M W b. 2 Jan 1850 Arkansas 45y None M 21 Sep 1914 Ashland Ashland Valvular disease of heart J. King - b. AR Creed - b. US
3 319 KING, William Warren M W 72y4m26d North Carolina Farmer M 8 Aug 1909 Chandlerville Pontiac Cem. Heart failure
3 158 KINNEY, Infant M 12 Feb 1906 Cass Co. Walnut Ridge Premature birth
1 39 471 KINNEY, John M W 59y2m Co. Antrim, Ire. 25y Farmer M 5 Jan 1882 Virginia Precinct Beardstown Catholic Cem. Consumption
1 142 KINNEY, Mary F W 1/2 hr Beardstown S 20 Nov 1893 Beardstown Catholic Cem. Inanition
1 136 KIRBY, Nellie F W 8y3m USA Life School Girl S 27 Oct 1892 Beardstown Norstock Twp., Schuyler Co Membranous croup
4 83 37666 KIRCHER, George William M W b. 11 Aug 1850 Cass Co. Life Laborer M 22 Dec 1911 Arenzville Arenzville Heart failure Wm. E. Kircher - b. Ger. Stadley - b. USA
2 30 KIRCHER, Infant of Wm. M W Arenzville Pct. 4 May 1902 Arenzville Arenzville Deformity
4 247 53582 KIRCHNER, Elizabeth F W b. 1867 Jacksonville, IL Life Housewife M 31 Oct 1913 Beardstown Arenzville Pulmonary congestion Joseph Kirchner - b. Ire. Elizabeth Lud - b. Ire.
2 79 KIRCHNER, Isabel F W 3m13d Cass Co. 25 Mar 1902 Cass Co. Chandlerville Burns due to gasoline explosion
3 105 KIRCHNER, Jacob M W 8y1m7d Morgan Co., IL 8y None 4 Jul 1905 Cass Co. Literberry, Morgan Co. Osteomylitis
1 110 KIRCHNER, Sarah A. F W 53y10m20d Indiana 52y M 9 Feb 1890 Cass Co. Chandlerville Pleuritis
3 35 KIRCHNER, William M W 69y11m1d Germany 49y Retired Farmer M 19 Dec 1903 Chandlerville Chandlerville Rheumatism
5 5 542 KIRGAN, Pauline F W 6m Beardstown Life S 5 Mar 1915 Beardstown Mt. Zion Cem., Brown Co. Capillary bronchitis Edward Kirgan - b. IL Honor Davis - b. IL
1 8 88 KIRK, Urmsted 30y9m Tennessee 24y Farmer M 18 Nov 1878 Cass Co. Chandlerville Pneumonia
3 214 KIRKPATRICK, Amelia N. F W 78y3m18d Maryland 4y Housekeeper W 30 Jul 1907 Virginia Quenomo, Kansas Cerebral Softening
2 45 KIRSMEYER, Albert Frederick Henry M W 8m20d Cass Co. 4 Sep 1902 Indian Creek Precinct Lydia Cem. Obstruction of the bowels
4 314 51379 KISER, Frances Elmer M W 1m24d Beardstown Life S 4 Oct 1914 Beardstown Beardstown City Cem. Milk infection with diarrehea C. V. Kiser - b. IL Eva Kirby - b. IL
1 153 KIURMEYER, Hugo M W 14d 30 Jul 1896 Beardstown Beardstown Scrofula
1 29 350 KLAUS, Adolph M W 1m Beardstown 1m 4 Jan 1881 Beardstown Beardstown Found dead in bed
1 174 KLEIN, J. C. M W 56y10m Germany M 8 Oct 1899 Beardstown Oak Grove Cem. Chronic Diarrhea
3 225 KLEIN, Wilhelmina F W 64y2m20d Germany 50y Housewife W 4 Jul 1907 Beardstown Oak Grove Carcinoma of liver
1 2 24 KLEINSCHMIDT, Infant M 27 Aug 1880 Arenzville Prect. 27 Aug 1880 Arenzville Precinct Arenzville Stillborn Frederick SKleinschmidt - Ger. Mary Kleinschmidt - b. Ger.
1 20 232 KLEINSCHMITT, Heinrich Fredrick M 2y2m20d Arenzville Prect. 1 Jul 1880 Arenzville Tussis convulsion
1 20 233 KLEINSCHMITT, Lucy F W 5y10m Cass Co. S 27 Jun 1880 Nr. Arenzville Lovekamp Graveyard Whooping Cough
1 6 67 KLEINSTENDER, Louisa F W 10y6m Beardstown S 10 Oct 1878 Beardstown Precinct Jokisch Can't read
3 312 KLEPPEN, Infant of F. E. F W 14d Beardstown 4 Jun 1909 Beardstown Beardstown Inanition
4 298 37258 KLINDLEY, Bertha Louisa F W b. 17 Feb 1914 Beardstown 22 Jul 1914 Beardstown Oak Grove Gastro - enteritis Otto Lindley - b. IL Ruth Combs - b. IL
3 266 KLOKER, Ada Louise F W 2m21d Cass Co. Life 31 Jul 1908 Arenzville St. Peter's Lutheran Summer complaint
4 195 18347 KLOKER, George M W b. 12 May 1860 Illinois Life Grain Dealer M 23 Mar 1913 Arenzville Lutheran Cem. Recurrent carcinoma Louis Kloker - b. Ger. Minnie Lowhite - b. Ger.
3 175 KLOKER, Herman Frederick M W 37y7m4d Cass Co. Life Merchant S 26 Oct 1906 Aenzville Precinct St Peters Church Cem. Cirrhosis of the liver
4 165 52969 KLOKER, Minnie Dortha Lohide F W b. 1 Oct 1833 Germany 61y Nurse W 10 Nov 1912 Arenzville Lutheran Cem. Gall stones - ruptured gall bladder Lohide - b. Ger. Louise Manstarmann - b. Ger
4 185 13835 KNIGHT, Emlie Haywood F W 72y3m18d England 60y Housewife W 14 Feb 1913 Beardstown Oak Grove Senile debility Joseph Haywood - b. Eng. Miss Dunn - b. Eng.
1 73 891 KNIGHT, Helena L. F 2m4d Arenzville Life Infant S 15 Jul 1887 Arenzville Arenzville Inflammatory Diarrhea
1 122 KNIGHT, John Robert M W 11m2d Beardstown Life Infant S 6 Jun 1891 Beardstown Oak Grove Cem. Croup
4 334 538 KNIGHT, Lloyd C. M W 35y8m29d Beardstown Life Liveryman M 15 Feb 1915 Beardstown Oak Grove Uraemic Convulsions Thomas Knight - b. Eng. Emaline Haywood - b. Eng.
2 42 KNIGHT, Thomas M W 66y1m England 56y Retired Farmer M 15 Aug 1902 Beardstown Oak Grove Cem. Heart failure
1 151 KNIGHT, William J. M W 61y1m25d Cornwall, Eng. Laborer W 5 Jun 1896 Beardstown Beardstown Pulmonary consumption
4 86 38732 KNIPPENBERG, Adam Frederick M W b. 1 Dec 1829 Germany 48y Saloon W 8 Dec 1911 Beardstown Oak Grove Heart failure Fred Knippenberg - b. Ger. M. Fricke - b. Ger.
1 67 814 KNIPPENBERG, Ernest M W 62y Germany 20y Farmer M 15 Jan 1887 Cass Co. Cass Co. Heart disease
1 15 182 KNIPPENBERG, John M W 2y Indian Creek Pct. 2y 8 Oct 1879 Indian Creek Precinct Lutheran Cem. Diptheria
3 245 KNIPPENBERG, John H. M W 74y11m14d Germany 50y Retired M 14 Jan 1908 Beardstown Lydia Cem. LaGrippe
1 17 208 KNIPPENBERG, Louisa F W 80y3m Germany 29y W 16 Feb 1880 Indian Creek Precinct Lutheran Cem. Pneumonia
2 68 KNIPPENBERG, Mamie F W 23y2m8d Beardstown Housewife 13 Jan 1903 Beardstown Oak Grove Cem. Typhoid Fever
4 2 27352 KNIPPENBERG, Margaret M. F W b. 4 Jul 1910 Beardstown Life S 27 Sep 1910 Beardstown Bluffs, IL Broncho Pneumonia C. H. Knippenberg- b. Ger. Mary Beard- b. IL
1 136 KNIPPENBURG, Tillie F W 17y1m5d Beardstown Life S 22 Oct 1892 Beardstown Beardstown Consumption
1 109 KNOESS, Catherine F W 69y Germany 42y Housewife W 17 Jan 1890 Beardstown Beardstown Heart disease
1 116 KNOESS, Dora F W 16y27d Beardstown Life S 27 Oct 1890 Beardstown Beardstown Phthisis pulmonalis
1 118 KNOESS, Edward M W 33y Illinois Barkeeper M 22 Dec 1890 Oetgen Cem. Alcoholism
1 56 689 KNOFF, Della F 11m Life 9 Sep 1886 Beardstown Beardstown Typhoid fever
1 139 KNOPP, James M W 34y9m11d Indiana 8y Railroad Engineer M 7 May 1893 Beardstown Beardstown Typhoid Fever
3 277 KNUDSEN, Jessie E. F W 30y12d Greenfield, IL Life Housewife M 12 Apr 1908 Beardstown North Cemetery, Greene Mercurial Poison - accidental
1 175 KOBELENZ, George H. M W 71y10m21d Germany Invalid M 28 Dec 1898 Beardstown Oetgen Cem. Euramia
4 284 21628 KOBELENZ, Marie Elizabeth Herweg F W 81y6m14d Germany 56y W 12 Apr 1914 Beardstown Oetgen Acute Cholecystitis Mr. Herweg - b. Ger.
5 27 565 KOCH, Anna Mary Hartman F W 71y8m22d Germany 26y Housekeeper Jul 1915 Beardstown Beardstown City Cem. Pulmonary Tuberculosis Mr. Hartman - b. Ger.
3 38 KOCH, Henry M W 84y6d Germany 46y Farmer W 11 Jan 1904 Bluff Springs Shutten Cem. Acute Bronchitis
2 47 KOCH, John Orvil M W 7d Bluff Springs S 12 Jul 1902 Bluff Springs Cass Co. Entercolitis
1 172 KOCH, Louis M W 39y6m1d Illinois Farmer M 11 Nov 1898 Jules, Cass Co. Schmetter Anemia
3 111 KOERNER, M. (Mrs.) F W 58y10m27d Ireland 40y Housewife 15 Jul 1905 Concord Precinct Arenzville Cancer of stomach
1 24 290 KOERPER, Cornelia F 77y7m Flamburg, Ger. 40y W 16 Dec 1880 Beardstown Beardstown Ulceration of rectum
1 112 KOESTER, Clara F 2y1m Cass Co. Life S 3 May 1890 Beardstown Beardstown Measles
1 127 KOESTER, Infant W Bluff Spgs. Prect. SB 2 Jan 1892 4 miles east of city Beardstown Still born - breech presentation
2 55 KOHLERT, Enoch J. C. M W 5m6d Arenzville 12 Jun 1902 Arenzville Arenzville Heart failure
5 30 597 KOHLMAN, Ferdinand M W 81y10m1d Germany 50y Retired barber M 26 Dec 1915 Beardstown Oetgen Heart failure
1 58 710 KOHLMAN, Freddie M 3y Illinois Life 18 Oct 1885 Beardstown Beardstown Diptheria
1 58 716 KOHLMAN, Mary E. F W 2y6m Beardstown Life S 26 Oct 1885 Beardstown Beardstown Diptheria
1 26 309 KOHLMANN, Emilie F 3y10m2d Beardstown 5 Feb 1881 Beardstown Beardstown Pneumonia
1 179 KOHNE, Herman, Mrs. F W 76y Hanover, Ger. 16y Housewife W 28 Mar 1900 Beardstown Chronic Asthma
3 40 KOPPLEMAN, Albert Harold M W 1y1m2d Arenzville Life S 17 Jan 1904 Arenzville Arenzville Pneumonia
1 49 599 KORSMEYER, Lydia D. A. F 8m26d Twp. 17 Life S 13 May 1885 Twp. 17, Cass Co. Twp. 17, Cass Co. Capillary bronchitis
1 175 KORSTER, Augusta F W 49y Illinois Life Housewife M 20 Nov 1898 4 m South of Beardstown Beardstown Typhoid Fever
3 10 KORTE, Eda Wilhelmina F 2m13d Illinois Infant S 1 Sep 1903 Bluff Springs Krohe Cem. Broncho Pneumonia
3 24 KORTE, Edward A. M W 30y2m28d Bluff Springs Life Farmer 9 Dec 1903 Bluff Springs Krohe Cem. Tuberculosis
2 30 KORTE, Infant of Ed. W. & Rosa M W Bluff Springs 18 May 1902 Bluff Springs Krohe Cem. Premature birth
4 202 20953 KORTE, Lena Barbra Philippi F W b. 14 May 1870 Cass Co. Life Housewife M 29 Apr 1913 Bluff Springs Jokisch Chronic nephritis Herman Philippi - b. IL Mary Weinholdt - b. IL
3 310 KRAFT, William M W 64y5m27d Germany 55y Laborer M 11 Mar 1909 Arenzville Arenzville Paralysis
2 100 102 KRAGGS, Ruth F W 5y Illinois Child 23 Jun 1903 Beardstown Whooping cough
3 95 KRAMER, Bertha J. F W 20y2m6d Brown Co., IL Life Housewife M 26 May 1905 3m NE of Beardstown Beardstown City Cem. Perferol Infantum
1 7 79 KRAMER, Emarty F 8d Beardstown 8d 22 Sep 1878 Beardstown Beardstown City Cem. Debility
1 29 347 KRICKE, Frederick M 59y1m Hanover, Germany 32y Gardner M 25 Mar 1881 Beardstown Beardstown Arthina pilurton
1 130 KRICKE, William M W 35y4m4d Beardstown Laborer M 30 Apr 1893 Beardstown Oak Grove Cem. Hemorrhage - cut own throat
1 139 KRICKE, William M W 35y11m18d Illinois Life Clerk M 30 Apr 1893 Beardstown Beardstown Suicide
1 147 KROHE, Adolph M W 78y7m5d Germany 45y Farmer S 16 Jul 1894 9 m South of Beardstown Krohe Cem. Old age
3 342 KROHE, Edna F W 5m Illinois Life Infant S 8 Feb 1910 Bluff Springs Jokisch Broncho Pneumonia
1 23 275 KROHE, Frederick M 71y6m Saxony 46y Merchant M 7 Nov 1880 Beardstown Emmons Cem. Perityphlitis
1 108 KROHE, Henry W. M 48y36d Beardstown Life Manufacturer M 19 Dec 1889 Beardstown Beardstown Appoplexy
1 120 KROHE, Hilda M. M. F W 18d Beardstown Life Infant S 16 Mar 1891 Beardstown Beardstown Infantile convulsions
3 26 KROHE, Margaret F W 49y1m16d Germany 40y Housewife M 22 Mar 1904 Beardstown Lutheran Cem. Pernicious anemia
1 84 KROHE, Sophia F 72y Germany 50y W 20 Mar 1888 Beardstown Dropsey of heart
4 179 7647 KROHE, Theodore W. M W 58y3m11d Illinois Life Salesman W 27 Jan 1913 Beardstown Oetgen Carcionoma of face August Krohe - b. Ger. Mary Korpnircker - b. Ger.
1 55 679 KRONE, Charles M W 2y8m29d Cass Co. Life 22 Aug 1886 Virginia Wubker Cem. Dysentery
3 24 KRONE, Henry H. M 67y11m25d Germany 61y Farmer 20 Dec 1903 Virginia Walnut Ridge Chronic Rheumatism
1 74 907 KRONE, John H. M W 16y6m1d Cass Co. Life 6 Aug 1887 Virginia Cass Co. Interssusceftion of the bowels
1 45 542 KROSA, Jacob M W 16y11m Cass Co. Life Farmer S 4 Apr 1884 Virginia Precinct Virginia Convulsion
1 69 839 KRUSA, Rosa F W 5y4m9d Cass Co. S 24 Mar 1887 Virginia Precinct Virginia Membranous croup
3 212 KRUSE, Elizabeth Ann F W 57y5m26d Illinois Life Housewife W 7 Aug 1907 Nr. Chandlerville Chandlerville Uremic Coma
3 118 KRUSE, George M W 31y1m3d Nr. Beardstown 31y Laborer 26 Aug 1905 Beardstown Beardstown City Cem. Pulmonary Tuberculosis
3 79 KRUSE, George Godfrey M W 71y11m11d Germany 47y Farmer 17 May 1904 Hickory Precinct Jockisch Cem. Cerebral embolism
4 46 8860 KRUSE, Henry M W 85y Germany 54y Retired Farmer W 29 Apr 1911 Arenzville St. Peter's Heart failure b. Ger b. Ger
2 93 81 KRUSE, Jacob M W 87y7m17d Germany Retired Farmer 13 May 1903 Chandlerville Chandlerville Senile inanition
3 67 KRUSE, Leland George M 3m18d Beardstown Life Child 21 Jan 1905 Beardstown Beardstown City Cem. Cerebro spinal meningitis
3 69 KRUSE, Lorenz M 75y1m24d Switzerland 50y Farmer M 11 Jan 1905 Nr. Chandlerville Chandlerville Chronic nephritis
1 156 KRUSE, Magdalina F W 81y2m4d Germany Housewife 19 Mar 1901 Chandlerville Cass Co. Nephritis
1 110 KUHE, Emma F W 30y Housewife M 7 Feb 1890 Beardstown Oak Grove Cem. Pneumonia
3 129 KUHL, Earl P. M 8y1m23d Cass Co. Life School Boy 1 Nov 1905 Beardstown Arenzville Diptheria
1 33 392 KUHL, George M W 1y Beardstown S 10 Jul 1881 Beardstown Beardstown Cholera Infantum
1 141 KUHL, George Sr. M W 86y Germany 55y Retired Merchant M 21 Aug 1893 Beardstown Oak Grove Cem. General debility
1 11 KUHL, Infant F W 5 Feb 1890 Beardstown 5 Feb 1890 Beardstown Stillborn John L. Kuhl Emma Kuhl
1 2 26 KUHL, Lovina F W 33y4m3d New Hampshire 10y M 16 May 1878 Beardstown Beardstown City Cem. Tuberculosis
1 116 KUHL, Rollin R. M W 6y11m27d Beardstown Life S 26 Oct 1890 Beardstown Beardstown Malignant tonsillitis
4 235 47852 KUHLMAN, Christian M W b. 12 Apr 1827 Germany 60y Farmer W 28 Sep 1913 Bluff Springs Precinct St. John Lutheran Chronic endo-carditis
1 27 327 KUHLMAN, Emma F 1y3m Beardstown Pct. Life S 12 Jan 1881 Beardstown Precinct Beardstown Pneumonia
1 16 193 KUHLMAN, Fredrick M 36y18d Hanover, Germany Farmer 2 Mar 1880 Indian Creek Morgan Co. Pneumonia
3 236 KUHLMAN, H. C. M W 40y11m24d Beardstown Life Retired Farmer S 26 Sep 1907 Beardstown Beardstown City Cem. Typhoid Fever
1 88 KUHLMAN, Kaspar M W 54y1m25d Germany 28y Farmer M 13 Jun 1888 Beardstown Beardstown Paralysis
4 9 44469 KUHLMAN, Katherine Hemminghouse F W b. 10 Feb 1860 Morgan Co., IL Life Housewife M 17 Dec 1910 Beardstown Oetgen Carcinoma of liver Henry Hemminghouse - b. Ger Katherine Werries - b. Ger.
2 88 64 KUHLMAN, Martha E. F 5m11d Cass Co. Infant 8 Feb 1903 Cass Co. Lutheran Cem. Pneumonia
1 28 330 KUHLMAN, Mary F 3y Beardstown Pct. S 12 Jan 1881 Beardstown Precinct Beardstown Congestion of the lungs
3 59 KUHLMAN, Mary Elizabeth F W 84y1m29d Germany 69y Farmer's Wife 19 Dec 1904 Bluff Springs Oetgen Lobar Pneumonia
1 74 897 KUHLMAN, Otto W. M W 4y15d 30 Aug 1887 Cass Co. Oetgen Cause, unknown
1 179 KUHLMANN, Casper, Mrs. F W 65y Germany 37y Housewife W 24 Aug 1900 Beardstown Beardstown Chronic gastritis
3 34 KUMLE, Thomas H. M W 58y3m2d Philadelphia, PA 35y Telegraph Operator RR M 2 Jan 1904 Chandlerville Chandlerville Rheumatism
2 34 KUSEL, Julia F W 76y4m13d Germany 25y Housewife W 9 May 1902 Ashland Milwaukee, Wisc. Hemorrhage from bowels

Cass-Menard Index

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