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Cass County Death Records
1878 - 1915

Column Explanation for those which aren't obvious:
Bk = Register Book Number
R = Race
Yrs In State = Number of years in Illinois
M/S = Marital Status (Married, Widowed, Single, Divorced)

- E -

BK Page Lic. # Name Sex R Age Nativity Yrs Occupation M/S Death Date Place of Death Buried Where Cause of Death Father Mother
# # In Co
4 94 219 EADS, Infant F W Stillborn 3 Feb 1912 Beardstown Lawler Cem. Stillborn H. G. Eads - b. IL Nellie Rittenhouse - b. IL
3 356 EADS, William Homer M W 5m25d Beardstown 15 Jun 1910 Beardstown Lawler Cem. Measels
1 143 EAMS, Abbie F W 78y Massachusetts 45y W 30 Dec 1893 Beardstown Beardstown Congestion
1 172 EARHARDT, Oscar M W 27y11m Beardstown Laborer M 12 Dec 1898 Beardstown Oak Ridge Cem. Accident - fell from CB&Q Railroad bridge
1 57 705 EASTMAN, Daniel M W 65y American 12y Engineer W 20 Oct 1886 Beardstown Beardstown Chronic Diarrhea - general debility
1 24 288 EASUM, Fred M W 6m10d Ashland Life 14 Nov 1880 Ashland Ashland Tubucular meningitis
1 24 287 EATHEM, Frankie M W 6m10d Ashland 6m 17 Nov 1880 Ashland Ashland Conjestion of the lungs
3 136 EATON, Byron M W 1m Beardstown Life 20 Jan 1906 Beardstown Oak Grove Convulsions
3 129 EATON, Esther Irene F 2y Illinois 29 Oct 1905 Beardstown Oak Grove Diptheria
4 163 54016 EATON, Octa F W b. 23 Aug 1912 Illinois Life S 19 Nov 1912 Beardstown Oak Grove Acute indigestion Ira Eaton - b. IN Mary Caldwell - b. IL
1 47 570 EBAUGH, Mrs. F W 68y 25y 10 Nov 1884 Beardstown Oak Grove Cem. Ovarian cyst
3 305 EBERS, Charles M W 54y6m17d Illinois Life Retail Oil Dealer M 10 Apr 1909 Beardstown Oak Grove Hanging himself by rope
4 260 64401 EBERS, Edith Gertrude Shriver F W 27y3m17d Iowa 11y Housewife M 27 Dec 1913 Beardstown Oak Grove Addison's disease A. J. Shriver - b. OH Ella Smith - b. IA
1 167 EBERWEIN, I. C. H. M W 78y8m7d Germany 50y Merchant M 25 Nov 1897 Beardstown Oak Grove Cem. Paralysis attack
1 1 14 EBERWEIN, Infant M W 18 Aug 1879 Virginia 18 Aug 1879 Virginia Virginia Stillborn Fred Eberwein - b. Ger.
3 282 EBERWEIN, J. C. H. (Mrs.) F W 77y6m13d Hanover, Germany 60y House Woman W 22 Nov 1908 Beardstown Oak Grove Nephritis
1 56 692 ECKART, Leo M W 80y Germany Laborer M 27 Sep 1885 Beardstown Beardstown Old age
1 145 ECKER, John F. M W 18y S 30 Dec 1894 Ashland Precinct Falling from barn loft & crushing skull
3 350 ECKERSON, Anna C. F W 67y7m2d USA 30y Housewife W 30 Mar 1910 Beardstown Creston, Iowa Carcinoma spinal column
1 158 ECKERSON, Charles W. M W 54y 9 Apr 1897 St. Louis, Mo. Creston, Iowa Valvular Disease of heart
1 145 ECKERT, Abaline F W 71y Germany W 11 Oct 1894 Beardstown Beardstown Burning caused by explosion of lamp
1 1 3 ECKERT, Leopold M W 29y Baden, Ger. 24y Farmer M 2 Feb 1878 Beardstown German Lutheran Cem. Typhus
3 205 ECKERT, Regina Magdelana F W 82y10m6d Germany 64y Housekeeper W 17 Apr 1907 Virginia Walnut Ridge Persistent vomiting
3 285 ECKMAN, E. F. (Mrs.) F W 35y11m23d Illinois Life Housewife M 23 Oct 1908 Beardstown Greenfield Surgical shock
3 257 EDDINGS, Arthur M W 18y School Boy S 20 Jan 1908 Nr. Chandlerville Chandlerville Acute tuberculosis
2 97 91 EDDINGS, G. W 1y Ashland Life None 23 May 1903 Ashland Precinct Whooping cough
3 19 EDDINGS, Naoma F W 30y Sangamon Co. 30y Housewife 22 Aug 1903 Ashland Ashland Consumption
3 164 EDDY, Lizzie F W 3y3d Versailes 24 Aug 1906 Beardstown Versailes, IL Cholera Infantum
1 153 EDLIN, Thomas M W 49y Unkown Laborer S 9 Jun 1896 Chandlerville Chandlerville Struck by CP & St. L. Engine #11
3 114 EDMONDSON, Charles C. M 55y6m1d Illinois Bartender 18 Jun 1905 Beardstown Beardstown City Cem. Cirrhosis of liver
1 3 38 EDWARDS, Infant M W 3 Jul 1881 Richmond Prect. 3 Jul 1881 Richmond Precinct Newmansville Stillborn George Washington Edwards Mary Mathis Edwards
5 37 586 EDWARDS, Infant F W b. 13 Nov 1915 Illinois Life 13 Nov 1915 Beardstown White Hall, IL Slow labor - breech presentation stillborn W. L. Edwards - b. IL Lena Conlee - b. IL
3 296 EDWARDS, James Russel M W 11d 16 Jan 1909 Arenzville Arenzville Convulsions-very delicate & weak fm birth
1 77 943 EDWARDS, John M W 62y8m24d England 35y Farmer M 24 Nov 1887 Cass Co. Cass Co. Acute Rheumatism
4 45 8863 EDWARDS, Lucinda Stout F W b. 15 Jun 1858 Illinois Life Housewife M 16 Apr 1911 Ashland Greenwood Cem., Tallula Pulmonary edemia Emley Stou - b. OH Elvira F. Dunn - b. OH
3 219 EDWARDS, Sarah Elizabeth F W 24y11m17d Illinois Life Housewife M 30 Aug 1907 Nr. Ashland Newmanville Puerperal Eclampsia
4 73 34030 EHRHARDT, Caroline Harekluft F W b. 1 May 1827 Germany 75y W 10 Oct 1911 Beardstown Beardstown City Cem. Old age H. C. Harekraft - b. Ger. Sophia Barnsler - b. Ger.
4 191 19556 EHRHARDT, Elizabeth Leonora F W b. 6 Nov 1867 Missouri 14y Housewife M 2 Mar 1913 Beardstown Beardstown City Cem. Osteo Sarcoma Dr. A. Hillegeist - b. Ger. Aloma Eggers - b. MO
1 134 EHRHARDT, Frederick W. M W 50y5m3d Germany 35y Manufacturer M 21 Aug 1892 Beardstown Oak Grove Cem. Larengeal stenosis
5 38 571 ELAM, S. F. M W 89y8m15d Kentucky 80y Farmer W 6 Aug 1915 Red Oak District, Beardstown Old age Thomas Elam - b. Scot.
1 20 234 ELDER, WILLIAM d. M 9m Lancaster Prect. 9 Jul 1880 Lancaster Precinct Cholera Infantum
1 121 ELHOTT, Eva Louisa F W 9y7m Cass Co. Life School Girl S 7 May 1891 Beardstown Wilson Cem. Congestive Chill
1 100 ELLERICK, Louis M 26y4m23d Beardstown Life Laborer M 3 Feb 1889 Beardstown Beardstown Phthisis pulmonalis
4 304 41144 ELLIOTT, Abner M W 61y Illinois W 7 Aug 1914 Bluff Springs Beardstown City Cem. Pulmonary Tuberculosis
1 166 ELLIOTT, Ann F W 73y USA 10y Invalid M 6 Nov 1897 Beardstown Beardstown Paralysis & general debility
1 17 199 ELLIOTT, Elizabeth F W 23y Illinois Housekeeping M 11 Mar 1880 Virginia Precinct Septicema
3 338 ELLIOTT, Elizabeth Reagan F W 66y5m18d Illinois Life Housewife M 3 Dec 1909 Virginia Walnut Ridge Cerebral softening
2 4 ELLIOTT, Harriett A. F W 44y6m15d Cass Co. 47y M 28 Mar 1902 Virginia Walnut Ridge Consumption
4 183 13832 ELLIOTT, James D. M W b. 8 Aug 1842 Scotland 50y Farmer W 7 Feb 1913 Beardstown Black Oak Chronic appendicitis Robert Elliott - b. Scot. b. Scot.
1 173 ELLIOTT, John M W 57y Ireland 57y Retired Farmer W 12 Nov 1899 Beardstown Congestion of the brain
1 118 ELLIOTT, Margaret F W 76y4m Ireland 36y Housewife M 26 Dec 1890 Beardstown Beardstown Lung fever
4 71 30787 ELLIOTT, Maxine A. F W b. 15 Jun 1911 Beardstown Life S 10 Sep 1911 Beardstown Monmouth, IL Gastritis James E. Elliott - b. PA Luella Rigdon - b. Galesburg
1 43 522 ELLIOTT, Nancy F W 64y Co. Antrim, Ire. Housekeeper W 8 Jul 1883 Monroe Precinct Old Cemetery Asthma
1 168 ELLRICH, Katie F W 25y Illinois 25y Housewife M 18 Feb 1898 Beardstown Beardstown Thoracis Aneurism
1 86 ELLRICH, Ludwig M W 65y1m Germany 36y Mason M 7 Apr 1888 Beardstown Beardstown Chronic kidney & liver diseases
1 58 709 ELLRICK, Child F 2y Life 27 Oct 1886 Beardstown Diptheric croup
3 252 ELLRICK, Clarence P. M W 17y11m16d Beardstown Life Invalid S 25 Mar 1908 Beardstown Oak Grove Indocarditis
1 61 751 ELLWOOD, Charles M 1886 Beardstown Consumption
1 9 ELLWOOD, Infant M W 13 Nov 1888 13 Nov 1888 Stillborn Walter Ellwood Annie Ellwood
1 108 ELRICH, Ludwig F Illinois Life W 18 Dec 1889 Beardstown Abdominal dropsey
3 7 ELRICK, Hazel May F W 9m3d Beardstown Infant 9 Nov 1903 Beardstown Oak Grove Spinal meningitis
1 111 ELSER, Carrie M. F W 21y8m19d Astoria, IL Life S 17 Mar 1890 Beardstown Beardstown Consumption
3 220 ELSER, George P. M W 74y8m22d Ohio 59y Retired 16 Sep 1907 Beardstown Oak Grove Pneumonia
1 103 ELWOOD, James M 73y3m Ireland 37y Laborer M 15 Jun 1889 Beardstown Beardstown Chronic bronchitis
4 91 1324 EMERICK, Eugene C. M W b. 24 Dec 1911 Beardstown Life None S 4 Jan 1912 Beardstown Beardstown City Cem. Inanition - premature birth Lyman Emerick - b. IL Dora Marshall - b. IL
1 117 EMERICK, William M W 83y2m9d Ohio Farmer W 5 Nov 1890 Carr Cem. Spinal irritation & General nervous prostr.
1 108 EMIER, Hannah F 11m20d 17 Dec 1889 Beardstown Beardstown Congestion of lungs
5 26 568 EMMERSON, Edwin M W 68y8m Illinois Life Farmer S 26 Jul 1915 Beardstown Beardstown City Cem. Cardiac Stensis Richard Emerson - b. Eng. Elizabeth Mershaus - b. Eng.
3 211 EMMERSON, William T. M W 66y3m11d Morgan Co., IL Farmer 11 Jun 1907 Beardstown Beardstown City Cem. Mitral Stenasis
4 158 43464 ENGLEBACH, Elizabeth Goebel F W b. 21 Mar 1835 Germany 66y None W 2 Sep 1912 Arenzville Arenzville Myocarditis John Goebel - b. Ger.
1 24 282 ENGLEBACH, Herman M W 50y11m24d Germany 45y Merchant & Miller M 16 Dec 1880 Arenzville Precinct Arenzville Crushed by revolving shaft in elevator
1 34 416 ENGLISH, Ezra M W 77y8m12d New York W 10 Oct 1881 Oregon Precinct Chandlerville Congestion of the bowels
1 27 319 EPLER, Freddy M 6y Virginia, IL 29 Jan 1881 Virginia Cerebro spinal meningitis
1 4 58 EPLER, Infant M W 16 Aug 1883 Virginia 16 Aug 1883 Virginia Virginia Stillborn William Epler - b. IL Ella Epler - b. IL
1 3 45 EPLER, Infant F 17 Oct 1881 Virginia 17 Oct 1881 Virginia Walnut Ridge Stillborn William Epler Ella Epler
1 23 277 EPLER, Orvin M W 6y Illinois Life 6 Dec 1880 Arenzville Precinct Sangamon Co. Diptheria
1 34 409 EPLER, R. R. F W 80y5m26d Tennessee 50y W 8 Oct 1881 Virginia Jacksonville, IL Encephalvia cancer of the breast
1 38 456 EPLER, Sarah F 81y9m Indiana 50y Housekeeper W 12 Jan 1882 Virginia Zion Cem. Cancer
1 3 30 ERICKSON, Jane F W 54y8m29d New Jersey 12y Housekeeper M 21 May 1878 Ashland Bethel Cem. Pneumonia
3 269 ERICSON, Grace LeVesta F W 22y10m19d Illinois Life Housewife M 18 Jun 1908 Virginia Walnut Ridge Exhaustion from prolonged labor
3 83 ERICSON, Ida Christianer F W 23y8m28d Sweden 6mo Housekeeper S 15 Sep 1904 Virginia Walnut Ridge Acute pulmonary edema
4 32 6118 ETCHISON, George C. M W b. 20 Dec 1900 Illinois Life School Boy S 30 Mar 1911 Virginia Walnut Ridge Pericarditis Charles W. Etchison - b. IL Walker - b. IL
3 291 EVANS, Infant M W 1hr Ashland, IL 9 Jan 1908 Ashland Ashland
3 203 EVANS, James M W 43y10m19d Tennessee 11y Laborer M 22 Apr 1907 1 mile north of Chandlerville Chandlerville Struck by freight train
3 280 EVANS, Lizzie F W 43y10m26d Cooper Co., MO 10y Housewife W 20 Nov 1908 Beardstown Beardstown City Cem. Organic valvular heart disease
5 35 596 EVANS, Martha F W 54y10m4d Illinois Life Housekeeper W 27 Dec 1915 Beardstown Mt. Sterling, IL Paralysis b. PA
3 179 EVANS, Rhoda F W 46y Kentucky 18y Housewife 17 Nov 1906 Beardstown Oak Grove Cerebral embolism
3 75 EVEMEYER, Henry F. M 46y6m11d Germany 20y Cigar Manufacturer M 8 Sep 1904 Beardstown Beardstown City Cem. Arsenic - Rat poison - suicide
3 264 EVERHARDT, Infant of W. M W 3hr Beardstown Life 17 May 1908 East of Beardstown Beardstown City Cem. Premature birth
3 180 EVERHART, Charles M 3y3m25d Beardstown Life 25 Nov 1906 Beardstown Beardstown City Cem. Cerebral meningitis
3 126 EVERHART, Clarence M 19d Schuyler Co. 19 Oct 1905 Gillett Cem, Schuyler Co Inanition
3 182 EVERHART, Emma F W 46y Housewife M 14 Oct 1906 Beardstown Catholic Cem. Typhoid Fever
1 34 407 EWINEY, Unknown F W 20d 4 May 1881 Beardstown Beardstown Small Pox
1 147 EWING, Joseph M W 57y 35y Carpenter M 1 Jul 1894 East of City Limits Beardstown Chronic bronchitis

Cass-Menard Index

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