History of Coles County - Valedictory

Friendly reader, our task is done—not well, we know, but truly. To you who have followed us through these pages, and especially to the old pioneers and patriarchs, whose heads are“silvered over with the frosts of many winters,” we come now to part, never, perhaps, to meet this side of the tomb. Our intercourse with you is of the pleasantest character, and it is with a feeling of sadness that we bid you adieu, each to go his way, mingling in the great world as the tiny raindrops mingle with the waters of the sea. Should our diverging planets never more cross each other’s orbits,—and we meet no more here and it is more than probable that we shall not, for our work lies in another direction—we crave your kind remembrance of us and a generous criticism of our work.

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