Newspaper clipping of 12 October 1886


Catlin News Items

G. Wilse Tilton Scrapbook, p. 3, newspaper clipping dated 12 October 1886

Catlin Clack.

To-day is registry day.

C. H. Douglas made a flying trip to St. Jo last week.

The new addition to Catlin adds to its register forty three voters.

W. D. Lindsey on last Saturday night spoke here to a fair audience.

Mrs. Burket of Mound Grove, Mrs. Baker of Danville and M. Brady and wife of Sidney are our visitors.

David Shaver will visit his old home--the land of fast horses, fair women and good whiskey--Kentucky, you know.

Superintendent Benedict visited our school a few days ago and found everything in good shape and the children hard at work.

Thos. A. Taylor has just received a box of green persimmons from Neal Terpening in Arkansas. His whistling school will open next Monday morning.

Died, on Friday, Oct. 8th, Mrs. Mollie Bierly, daughter of J. L. Whittington, and wife of Chas. Bierly. A funeral service was held by Rev. J. M. Goodspeed of Georgetown. The largest cortege that has visited the cemetery for many a day accompanied the bereaved friends to Oakridge, where was repeated that solemn announcement, "Ashes to ashes and dust to dust." Mollie Bierly, nee Whittington, was once a school girl in Catlin, and is well remembered as a hard student and a kind exemplary lady. The parents desire to express a word of thanks to those who so kindly ministered to their needs in this time of great trial. Her disease was consumption.