Newspaper clipping of 21 February 1879


Catlin News Items

Newspaper clipping by Hannah Mariah from The Danville Weekly News, Danville, Illinois, dated 21 February 1879, page 8, column 2.

Catlin Clack

Correspondence of The Danville News.

A petition was circulated here not long since asking the Legislature of Illinois to do away with the Board of Health of the State, which we thing would be a step backward.

J. Collison, of Armstrong, was in town a few days ago.

C. H. Douglass last week purchased of J. O. Swinney, of Glasgow, Missouri, the land known as the Catlin Shaft property. The sale was effected by G. W. Tilton.

Jo Jones' calf went into winter quarters in a straw stack, and "ne'er came out again."

Samuel Cole is visiting friends in Ohio.

J. Clipson and wife buried a babe in Oak Ridge cemetery last Saturday.

The Catlin fair will be held on the second week in September.

Isaac Wolf got off his mule very abruptly a few days ago, i.e., the mule got him off.

The slander-mongers of Catlin have been holding high carnival here for several days. Three men and some four or five women are the victims. No criminal charges are made. In stances and circumstances that nobody deny, for the most part, are peddled with that peculiar delicious grin, and twinkle of the eye, which is thought to betoken something more that is too bad to tell. G. W. Tilton is supposed to be one of the principal sufferers. He, however, attends strictly to his own business, expecting in the future, as in the past, that the plotting of his enemies will be turned to his advantage.

Rev. Musgrove, of Kimber church, filled the Elder's appointment here on last Sabbath, on the occasion of quarterly meeting. Since, the Rev. Goodspeed has been continuing the meeting.

Hannah Mariah

Catlin, Feb. 18.

Transcribed by Debra (Williams) Faust