Idaho Family Scanners - Canyon County Headstone Photos, Obits and Contributed Information Embassy2

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Please take time to read the following notes.

       NOTE #1:    Click on the cemetery name on the right to search for a person if you don't use the search engine.    Please keep in mind that the name list for each cemetery is not a complete list of persons buried in that cemetery.  
NOTE #2:   We do each of the cemeteries in sections.  Because of this we regretfully don't take requests for names not on the lists at this time.  We are truly sorry but the only way we can do this project in the shortest amount of time and get the greatest amount of photos is to do it in this manner.
 NOTE #3:    We have tried a quick attempt to find middle and maiden names for a lot of those mention on the website.  Please inform us of errors or send us middle and maiden names you see that would help us


     If you find a person with photo posted and would like
an enlarged version please send your request
for the free photo to...

     NEW! If you have an obit that you would like posted simply click on the link below and transcribe it and it will be sent to us to be put on the website. 
Click here to post your Canyon County obituary


     Please sign in and let us know that you visited.  

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There are now about  35,511 entries which include 22,494 headstone photos, 13,17 obits, and 1076 Death Certificates
Latest Update


Simply click on a cemetery link shown below to see a name list for that cemetery or use the search engine shown on this page.


Canyon Hill





Lower Boise



Mount Calvary


Peaceful Valley/ Knowlton Heights

Pleasant Ridge

