Introduction to Orphaned Family TreasuresL




Welcome to Iowa 

Orphaned Family Treasures




Did you ever run across old family photos and think, "someone is looking for these?"

By posting such photos here you or others may gain a couple of possible benefits; someone may recognize someone in  the photos, or someone else might find a grand parent, cousin or other family member.


Since 1998 these photos with text have been posted manually. This will continue until we can obtain an automatic query and photo posting system.

New page  will announce changes or additions to this project as they happen.

Finally, although these photos were found in various counties of Iowa, the people in the photos did not necessarily live in Iowa. We have found photos in Missouri of families in Iowa, and photos found in Iowa were of families who moved on the Oregon.

You can use the search engine to find photographs. Photos may be listed in the county found and not necessarily in the county lost.   Queries are marked as LOST or FOUND. 


If you see an item that belongs in your family, contact the submitter directly to make arrangements for its return. Then contact us at Iowa Orphaned Family Treasures and let us know about your success!

Searching for a photographer's location? 

Check our Photographers Index page. We will post photographer's names and addresses.

Other projects which feature unidentified photos.

Time Past

Ancient Faces

Dead Fred

Photo History

Mailing Lists about lost family treasures.

SOMEBODY'S LINKS contains notices of genealogical treasures found, such as photographs, diaries, letters, and family Bibles. Additional "Somebody's Links" notices appear in MISSING LINKS.

To SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE to/from MISSING LINKS and SOMEBODY'S LINKS, send e-mail to: [email protected] and add subscribe to the subject line.


This page was last updated 12 September, 2005


Visitors have stopped by since Dec 2001, looking for their lost family treasures.

Content and material copyrighted by webmaster for submitters 1998 - 2005.

Submitters hold copyright to their submittals.