Odebolt High School - 1915 Year Book Calendar


First yearbook of Odebolt High School

Photographs in the yearbook are extremely small.  They were enlarged through scanning, 
allowing us a view into the life of high school students in the year of 1915.

1914 - 1915 Calendar

Aug. 31 Monday. School opens. The faculty is sized up and the Freshies are applauded into high school. Senior girls go on a watermelon spree.
Sept. 1 Tuesday. Grind begins. The faculty starts scolding.
First Lincoln Forensic meeting.
Sept. 2 Wednesday. First Phi Sigma meeting.
Sept. 3 Thursday. Decided changes made in locations in Assembly room, this A. M.
Sept. 4 Friday. Senior class organizes.
Sept. 5 Saturday. First day of freedom enjoyed.
Sept. 6 Sunday. Mr. Core and Miss Burke take a walk for-for their health of course.
Sept. 7 Monday. "Nine buckers" arrive at school at 1:30 P. M.-disciplined.
Sept. 8 Tuesday. Rain. Everything gloomy including the faculty.
Sept. 9 Wednesday. Continued showers and gloom.
Sept. 10 Thursday. Phil Sigma business meeting.
Sept. 11 Friday. Seniors get their first lesson in laboratory work.
Sept. 12 Saturday. Rain.
Sept. 14 Monday. One-hundredth anniversary of "Star Spangled Banner is celebrated."
Sept. 15 Tuesday. Faculty becoming hardened after only two weeks.
Sept. 16 Wednesday. Heavy rains. Mr. Core removes his shoes to wade the water 
while going home late at night.
Sept. 17 Thursday. Two of our senior girls get excused-to measure corn stalks (???)
Sept. 18 Friday. Sophomores organize.
Sept. 20 Sunday. A bunch of Seniors hunt water melons-find pumpkins.
Sept. 21 Monday. Phi Sigma make their appearance decked out in new pins this morning.
Sept. 22 Tuesday. Senior weiner [sic] roast held on ball diamond. Coffee made by Mr. Voris was considered quite delicious by the physics class. Three-deep was played around the fire.
Junior (mimic) weiner roast held near cemetery. "The dead hath joined the dead."
Sept. 24 Thursday. Seniors came out ahead of the '14's in a physics test.
Sept. 25 Friday. Quarter holiday. Phi Sigma first program.
Election of Annual staff.
Sept. 26 Saturday. Football game, Odebolt vs. Ida Grove.
New Song hit-"Why do Our Boys Look so Blue?"
Core flirts with the fat waitress. "Heavens."!
Sept. 27 Sunday. Miss Scott seen riding in the front seat of a car. Alone (?)
Sept. 28 Monday. Force of gravity quite effective in physics class this morning-pulling to the floor-Lloyd, Hobart, a glass of mercury and water.
Sept. 29 Tuesday. Basketball game between girls and boys. Girls win with a high score.
Seniors hold a 7:00 meeting.
Sept. 30 Wednesday. Freshies organize. Clifford reports a sore rib-cause, contact with Eleanor's fist during a basketball game.
Oct. 1 Thursday. Junior party at Mable Fixen's.
Oct. 2 Friday. "Most awful excitement" all day. Junior girls discuss their party.
Oct. 3 Saturday. Basketball team plays Danbury, wherein Danbury (?) meets its "Waterloo."
Oct. 4 Sunday. Faculty attend church to pray for the peace of the world.
Oct. 5 Monday. Seniors plan a trip to the woods, but rain during night shatters plans.
Oct. 6 Tuesday. Six weeks' misery begins today.
Oct. 7 Wednesday. Exams continue.
Oct. 8 Thursday. Phi Sigma initiation of five new members held in Hanson's kitchen.
Oct. 9 Friday. Fire prevention day. Fire drill. Senior English Class mourn the decease of Burke's Conciliation. Basketball team wins in game with Battle Creek.
Oct. 10 Saturday. Verne Paul seen riding a big work horse bare back. "'Pears like Verne's trying to get tough so he can make the Odebolt fast football eleven."
Oct. 11 Sunday. Lloyd Babcock rides around in his classy "Ford" while several girls walk. Does Lloyd need gasoline or sand?
Oct. 12 Monday. Two Senior girls caught pulling each other's hair in history class.
 It is a pity these students cannot concentrate their minds on so interesting a thing as history.
Oct. 13 Tuesday. Principal Core makes his appearance in a new suit this morning. Why gray?
Oct. 14 Wednesday. John Epperson brings his nephew to school to serve as a companion.
Oct. 15 Thursday. FOUND-a post grad and a Junior making love on the stair.
Oct. 16 Friday. Football team match with Lake City. Score 7 to 28 in favor of Lake City.

Oct. 17 Saturday. Members of the football team patch themselves together.
Oct. 18 Sunday. Nice evening results in much fussin'.
Oct. 19 Soph's partake in a weiner [sic] roast-following closely in the worthy foot steps of the Seniors.
Oct. 20 Tuesday. Seniors meet 8:00 A.M. for Annual plans.
Oct. 21 Wednesday. Freshman mass meeting, 8:00 P.M.
Oct. 22 Thursday. History Class IV enjoys a bugle call under the window during recitation.
Oct. 23 Friday. Rev. Johnson speaks to H. S. this A. M. Result-Clifford spends fifteen minutes
 of a valuable period reading the Bible.
Oct. 24 Saturday. Basketball team inflicts a crushing defeat on Lake View team.
Oct. 26 Monday. Prof. Engberg fails to recite in Physics.
Oct. 27 Tuesday. Annual day. Board explains work of Annual to H. S. (mainly Freshies.)
Oct. 28 Wednesday. Some of the sporty, spring like Freshmen squeal to their ma's about being
 joked with and bawled out by the upper classmen.
Oct. 29 Thursday. Mr. Core is called to his home. Initiation of four new members into Phi Sigma. Phi Sigma and Lincoln Forensic Program.
Oct. 30 Friday. Junior party given by Mae Hanson. Elaborate six o'clock dinner served. Old Jawn Eppel's in our midst-much rejoicing.
Oct. 31 Saturday. Girls beat Sloan 32-2.
Soph's entertain faculty at a Hallowe'en party. Stunts:--Editor Phillip's barn upset. Dad Edson bluffed the bunch.
Nov. 2 Monday. Hallowe'en over, but the spirit lives. Bunch of H. S. boys swipe Dad Edson's novelty wagon. The Adam's [Adams Ranch] hoboes have a new bunk house now. Gus Freese's barber shop put out of commission.
Nov. 3 Tuesday. Mr. Voris gives a short lecture to H. S. explaining to Freshies how to prepare election ballot. Freshie party at Stanzel's. Yelling seemed to be the main feature of the evening. Calendar Dep't meets in Domestic Science room to memorize poems (?)
Nov. 4 Wednesday. Mr. Core returns.
Nov. 5 Thursday. Seniors chaperoned by Core and Duffy take an outing at Boyer woods. Good time reported by everyone. The dry supper was especially enjoyed.
Nov. 6 Friday. Miss Knapp give a drill in muscular movement to Skinny and Bulldog, after school. Nabisco-gum.
Nov. 7 Saturday. Basketball girls play against Auburn. Odebolt, 16; Auburn, 13.
Nov. 10 Tuesday. Seniors select class rings from salesman of Auld Co.
Nov. 11 Wednesday. Lincoln Forensic meets at home of president.
Nov. 12 Thursday. Bulldog sleeps and misses physics. Long hair found on his coat.
Nov. 13 Friday. Fire drill. Freshies pose for picture. Miss Leuz goes to Ames to attend game.
Nov. 14 Saturday. Iowa beats Ames 7 to 0. Poor old Ames, but "Iowa fights" ? ? ?
Nov. 16 Monday. Eleanor drops a PAPER (? ? ?) on the floor during Miss Scott's period.
Nov. 17 Tuesday. Senior class disgraced. Lloyd Babcock walks to school with a freshman girl.
Sophs gather in front of camera.
Seniors bury freshmen's mascot (a dilapidated rubber doll) in the 7th aisle during 2:35 period, Miss Duffy officiating.
Nov. 18 Wednesday. Basketball game with Lake View called off.
Nov. 19 Thursday. Mr. Core gives a speech to the H. S.
Nov. 20 Friday. Juniors conduct themselves in a hay rack to indulge in a weiner roast for about the fifth time. Talk about originality.
Nov. 23 Monday. Ruth and Edna found at Jones's ordering a jug. Oh, My!
Nov. 24 Tuesday. Seniors hold a masked festival in the kindergarten. Everybody masks. Began rather spooky, but closed with plenty Thanksgiving eats and cider. (This fact explains the jug).
Nov. 25 Wednesday. Seniors have another rally-finishing up eats.
Nov. 30 Monday. Declamatory contest organizes.
Dec. 1 Tuesday. Mr. Core escorts the cider jug back to Jones's.
Dec. 2 Wednesday. Faculty attend convention at Sac vacation.
Dec. 7 Monday. Play cast of "Box of Monkeys" starts rehearsing.
Dec. 8 Tuesday. Meeting of class presidents.
Dec. 9 Wednesday. Freshman taffy pull.
Dec. 10 Thursday. Dr. Crane give us a lecture on bacteria this A. M.
Seniors receive their class rings.
Red letter day-no one tardy.
Dec. 11 Friday. Dorothy goes to Sac City.
Dec. 12 Saturday. Juniors hold a party at home of Leslie Hanson. Features of the evening were the proposal to Miss Duffy and Mr. Voris's enthusiasm concerning "possum pie."
Dec. 13 Sunday. Cold day. Faculty retire to their various resting places.
Dec. 14 Monday. Mr. Voris assists Miss McCracken in coaching a folk dance. Billings and Bulldog give Shakespeare a bath at 5 P. M.
Dec. 15 Tuesday. Phi Sigma and Lincoln Forensic joint program given to public. Phi Sigmas win in debate, and everything comes off fine even the originality in "Box of Monkeys."
Dec. 16 Wednesday. Annual board meet-offer prizes to H. S. for literary production.
Dec. 17 Thursday. Physical Geography class gives a party in kindergarten in honor of their teacher, Miss Leuz.
Dec. 18 Friday. Dorothy swipes a freshman's jumping jack to play with in school.
Sophs give Freshies a Xmas present.
Dec. 19-Jan. 4. Vacation.

Jan. 4 Monday. Everybody yawns for more rest.
Miss Scott fails to work the Yale lock and is locked in the school building at 5:30 P. M. As a result, the surrounding neighbors were summoned to the building by cries for help and assisted Miss Scott in making her exit through a Domestic Science window on a ladder.
Jan. 5 Tuesday. Seniors hold meeting to settle dispute of rings. Girls decide they want another agent from Auld Co.
Jan. 6 Wednesday. Miss Knapp commends her D. S. class on their new method of washing dishes.
Jan. 7 Thursday. Juniors called to front of camera this A. M.
Jan. 8 Friday. Rev. Hargett from Wessington Springs, S. Dak., speaks to the H. S. on Burbank and temperance.
Jan. 9 Saturday and nothing to write about. Harold Frevert says this is a cold cruel world.
Jan. 10 Sunday. Awful noises heard coming from D. W. Duncan's residence. A green orchestra had started practice.
Jan. 11 Monday. Exams this week. Everybody crams but Bulldog and Engberg; the latter doesn't have to, and the former hasn't sense enough to. Well, we should fret.
Jan. 12 Tuesday. One "grand" review.
Jan. 13 Wednesday. Great lamentation. Final exams start today.
Jan. 14 Thursday. In Physics exam, Harold gets 98. Rest of the class, next to nothing.
Jan. 15 Friday. Teachers take their revenge in red ink.
Jan. 18 Monday. Mr. Core ill, unable to appear. Assembly greets the "smiling" face of 
Mr. Voris, in his place. Deluge of plaster thundering to the floor frightens Miss Leuz.
Sophs spring a surprise party on Roland Searight at his home.
Jan. 19 Tuesday. Seniors decide name for Annual.
Jan. 10 Wednesday. Seniors and Sophs send flowers to Mr. Core.
Jan. 21 Thursday. Potato rolls up front of assembly under Mr. Voris's feet.
Jan. 22 Friday. Juniors hold a party at the home of Guy Babcock. Bobsleds carry the crowd out, and everything turns out well, except for the fact that Miss Scott seemed inclined to remain, and was left behind when crowd departed for home. Sleds were obliged to return for her.
Jan. 25 Monday. Rev. Aukmer of Grand Junction speaks to the H. S. on recommendations.
Clifford gets his face spoiled by a boil on his nose.
Jan. 26 Tuesday. Herman studies Paris fashions.
Phi Sigma girls shine their faces to have their picture taken
Jan. 27 Wednesday. Miss Smith arrived to take Mr. Core's place. Phi Sigma Ladies' Home Journal Program. "Special hits" enjoyed.
Jan. 28 Thursday. Lincoln Forensics pose for picture.
Jan. 29 Friday. Phi Sigma succeed in getting a picture, and with a mascot, too. Lincoln Forensic Program.
Feb. 1 Monday. Royce appears in the hall with Miss Leuz's hat on.
Feb. 2 Tuesday. The Misses McCracken, Duffy, and Leuz caught studying cook books.
Feb. 3 Wednesday. Bertha Meyer (history); "He was put to death alive."
Feb. 8 Monday. Scene in the assembly caused by Ida Level pulling Herman's ears.
Feb. 9 Tuesday. Calendar Editor goes on a "spree."
Feb. 10 Wednesday. Miss Leuz loses her disposition in attempting to put on her wraps after school What did she say? Guess!
Feb. 11 Thursday. LOST: My equilibrium on coming in the assembly door-2:35 P. M.-Vernon Buehler.
Feb. 12 Friday. Horror of Horrors! Royce Engberg called down.
Feb. 15 Monday. J. H. Voris appears on the scene with a new hair cut. Who do you suppose drew up the contract?
Mr. Core visits school first time for four weeks.
The "Trey O' Hearts" proves a greater attraction than the Parent-Teacher Meeting to two members of the school board.
Feb. 16 Tuesday. Somebody donates some mugs for the top of the book-case in the assembly.
Feb. 17 Wednesday. Our "Pete" goes on a "spree" to Nebraska.
Feb. 18 Thursday. Miss Smith delivers a stirring lecture to the Senior class during civics period. Seniors appreciated the time she took up.
Feb. 19 Friday. Freshman party at Down's.
Feb. 20 Saturday. P. M. Junior party, held in kindergarten. Crowd was gathered up in wagons and taken to their various homes after the party.
Feb. 22 Monday. Mr. Core gives "Washington" address. Pupils honor "George" by remaining in school.
Feb. 23 Tuesday. Phi Sigma business meeting.
Feb. 24 Wednesday. Girls' Shakespeare club organizes.
Feb. 25 Thursday. Robert Crichton, a '14, joins our ranks.
Gertrude Libby called down (but she doesn't know it).
Feb. 26 Friday. Lincoln Forensic program.
Feb. 27 Saturday. Miss Leuz loses her gloves. Some sophomores, hearing of her grievance, send her three antiquated knit mittens by parcel post.
March 1 Annual goes to print.

 1915 Aurora Yearbook


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