Langle Dairy

Odebolt History Pages

Langle Dairy

The Odebolt Chronicle, Progress Edition, Oct. 29, 1953, Vol. 65, No. 44

The Langle Dairy in Odebolt is owned and operated by Mr. and Mrs. Grant Langle.  They purchased the building, which they occupy, when it was vacant.  It had originally been constructed for the manufacture of cheese.  They took possession August 5, 1950.

With the purchase of the building they began a remodeling project throughout, and with the installation of new equipment made it a modern dairy, butter and cheese manufacturing plant.

Some of the new units installed were butter churn, cheese vats and agitators, flash-pasteurizing machine with a capacity of 11,000 pounds of milk an hour, a gas-fired 40-horse power boiler to provide steam for sterilizing, pasteurization and cooking.  In the receiving room a new can washer and milk and cream cooler were added.

Operates Five Trucks

The Langle Dairy operates five trucks throughout Sac and adjacent counties gathering whole milk and cream from a wide area.  They process some 20,000 pounds of milk daily.  Of this amount 85 per cent is used in the manufacture of cheese, 12 per cent in butter and three per cent is in milk sales over their dairy counter.  The amount paid to farmers and dairymen in this territory for milk and cream amounted to $115,456.81 in the first seven months of 1953 ending July 13. Their payroll for help during the same period was $12,936.82.

The manufactured product, butter, and cheese, is disposed of direct to large distributors.  Kraft, Amour, Cudahy, Wilson and Hormel packing companies send trucks regularly for the local output which amounts to a ton of cheese daily.

Mr. Langle attributes his success in operating the Odebolt plant to his experience in the business.  He had a long association with the Borden Milk company in a responsible position.  From 1937 to 1944 he was manager of the Pilley plant at Tracey, Minn.; and from 1944 go 1948 owned a creamery at Redfield.

The Langles have plans for further plant expansion and extending their business, but at present are limited by the difficulty in obtaining competently trained help.

From a 1956 Odebolt Chamber of Commerce Pamphlet

The Langle Dairy has profitably operated, "Growing from a $50,000 gross volume basis in 1950 to a gross sales volume well in excess of a million dollars in 1956."  Good management has successfully developed the opportunity present in this area to the mutual benefit of itself and this community.  There are over 25 full time employees and numerous others who work part time as well as hundreds of patrons.  Expansion has been continuous and promises to become even greater in the future.


See the Odebolt Dairy and Cheese Factory,
the Langle Dairy's predecessor

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