Christmas Past in Odebolt, 2007
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Merry Christmas! 2007

from The Odebolt History Pages
Bonnie Ekse & Barb Horak (the Girvan sisters), editors

Step back in time to Christmas 1915 .... and then to Christmas 1897
for an ad for locally-produced "Huskers Lotion"!

Christmas Dance.
There will be a public dance held at the opera house on Saturday evening, December 25, from nine until twelve o'clock.  Music will be furnished by the Princess Theatre orchestra.  The committee has done all within its power to make this affair a pleasant one.  Admission 75 cents.

W. J. Ahlberg & Co. treated their patrons and friends to music at the store last Friday afternoon [December 24].  The Princess Theatre orchestra was employed, and they entertained the callers at the store during the greater part of the afternoon.  This firm is always alive.  They supplied the music as a treat to their customers and not with any idea of making it a trade puller, but were rewarded anyhow with a nice day's business.


Perhaps this was given as a Christmas present in the old days
when farmers were very probably still picking corn by hand in the fields!
THE CHRONICLE. VOL. 11. NO. 24. OCTOBER 21, 1897.

Huskers' Lotion!

The Finest Preparation for Corn
Huskers' Sore Hands, Rough Skin,
Sore Lips, Etc.

I am Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer
OF HUSKERS' LOTION.  It is an article which I
have manufactured and sold for the last eight years
and it has given eminent satisfaction.

       This year I am shipping it from Minnesota to
Texas and from Indiana to Wyoming.  I can honestly
say it is the finest preparation of its kind on the mar-
ket to-day.  Every bottle I sell you I guarantee that if
it does not give you satisfaction I will refund your
money.  Try a bottle, 25 cents.  Cheaper than bay rum
and glycerine.

Agent for Laurel Laundry, Sioux City.

CLOID H. SMITH, The Cash Druggist.


"While C.H. was working part time in a drug store and going to high school, the registered pharmacist in the same store by the name of James Hassell, perfected a formula for hand lotion, which was Huskers Lotion. When C.H. started in the drug business for himself, he had this formula and during the time he was in the drug business he manufactured this under the name of  The Union Specialty Company and distributed Huskers Lotion throughout the corn producing states."  
 - From Cloid H. Smith Biography

According to Fred "Bud" Frevert, a shirt-tail relative, Cloid Smith sold his trademark registered in 1898 to Ernste manufacturing chemists located in Iowa City in 1913. The selling price was $20 plus royalties. 

We believe that this lotion developed by Cloid Smith, evolved into "Corn Huskers Lotion" which was "originally developed for the dry hands of the Iowa corn huskers", and which is still sold today.

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