
Shriner House

© Copyright by Jean Leeper and the Lewelling Quaker Museum Board

New counter on September 13, 2011


This house was located on the Northeast corner of the square.

" ... Dr. Theodore Shriner lived on the west side of the square and kept the post office in his home. When the searchers appeared at his domicile, he refused them entrance. They persisted in their demands, but the doctor told them in vigorous terms that if they entered his home they would have first to pass over his dead body. They desisted from entering. ...

"... Walter Shriner, a son of the Dr. Theodore Shriner before mentioned in these pages, a boy about town in these stirring days, relates the following incident which probably occurred about the beginning of the Civil War, when fugitives were not closely followed by their masters. On the south side of the square in an open lot in the rear of the John Garretson home and of the Congregationalist church, he at different times saw several companies of Negro fugitives being fed. A large pot or kettle would be hung over a fire and in this would be cooked corn mush or pudding. Each person was supplied with a small crock of milk and a spoon and served from the great pot of pudding. Mr. Shriner also relates that John Garretson was the owner of a carriage or hack which had an oil cloth covering, and was entirely closed except in front where the driver sat. On several occasions he saw Negroes discharged from this hack and fed in the manner and place before mentioned. After this repast, they would be reloaded and taken away to parts unknown. ..."

The above from an article was written by Owen A. Garretson and

published in the July 1924 edition of The Iowa Journal of History and Politics.

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