Welcome to Hawaii Genealogy & History!

This page was last updated Monday, 10-Sep-2018 11:07:51 MDT

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Hawaii Mailing List!

The new Hawaii Mailing List is now operational. This list is for any topic of interest involving the Hawaiian Islands, and especially Genealogy and History of the Kingdom, Republic, Territory, and State of Hawaii. To subscribe, send an e-mail message to: {[email protected]} with no subject and only the single word "subscribe" (no quotes) in the message (with nothing else). Do not use a signature. To unsubscribe, send the single word "unsubscribe" (no quotes) to the same address in the same manner. To post to HAWAII-L, you should send a message to {[email protected]} and your message will automatically go out to all subscribers. Please do not EVER send attachments to the list. You may contact the listowner at: {[email protected]} if you have technical difficulties with the mailing list.

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