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With work, networking and a little luck you will make progess in your search. ACRG wants to be a resource to assist in ancestor-hunting and information-sharing in the 21st century. Thanks for your continued visits and patience as we update and revise what's already here. Continue to use the links (those working) and share this site with others. The email link is "down" for awhile as we update the best way to interact with the site. Good luck in your research. Never give up!
ACRG - American Cross-Race Gen
Cross Race Genealogy |
"Fading to White" (Updated link!) by Jillian Sim, in "American Heritage Magazine" Feb 1999. Jillian's amazing and courageous *all-American* story of finding and researching her family's past. "... a story that affects every American."
"Race, Law and Time: Writing Legal History from a Local Perspective", Walter Johnson, History Dept, New York University. ASLH Panel - American Society for Legal History - Policing Whiteness: Intersections of Race and Sexuality in Legal History, October 1998, chair: Ariela Gross, Univ of Southern California School of Law.
"Family Name" Macky Alston's 1997 film about family, race, name and place in America. "Is something a secret if everybody knows about it but nobody talks about it?" "Family Name" has won numerous awards: Sundance Film Festival's Freedom of Expression Award, the Open Palm Award for Best Debut Feature Film, the Silver Apple Award from the National Educational Media Network, Bermuda International Film Festival Grand Jury Prize, North Carolina Film Festival Best Feature and a Black Filmmakers Hall of Fame prize for cross-cultural films.
"Constructions of Race" A bibliography by Jeffery A. Steele
"Profiling Melungeon Ancestry using the 3-G System" by Pat Spurlock Elder, Blountville, Tennessee.
Traci Wilson Kleekamp's "African Americans in Missouri" Online Project
"Alienation and Isolation in Interracial Marriages in East Tennessee", Sheila Morris, East Tennessee State University, December 2003.
EUGENICS IN AMERICA: Anti-Miscegenation Laws (so-called "anti-race-mixing")