This page was prepared by Suzanne Forte ( [email protected] ) based on information provided by and find-a-grave virtual cemetery established by Joyce Byrd Slaughter ( [email protected] )

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(Click on the number in the far right column for a link to the find-a-grave website containing photos and additional information)

NAME                                                        UNIT                                                            FIND A GRAVE MEMORIAL

Malcom, David H.                                 Co H, 42nd Ga Infantry                                                73929083

Malcom, George Washington, Jr          Co H, 4th Ga State Troops                                           34791685

Malcom, James D.                                  Co H, 42nd Ga Infantry                                                73900879

Malcom, James Robinson                       Co H, 4th Reg Ga Militia                                             45385927

Malcom, John Thomas                             Co H, 11th Ga Infantry                                                 43397584

Malcom, Thomas Allen                            Co E, 53rd Ga Infantry                                                  32870400

Malcom, W. D.                                          Co G, 42nd Ga Infantry                                                45410294

Maughon, Francis Marion                        Co H, 11th Ga Infantry                                                 21437451

Maughon, William A.                                 Co G, 45th Ga Infantry                                                 24045114

Mayfield, Eli  Sr                                        Co G, 42nd Ga Infantry                                                 18572272

Mayfield, Isaac William                            Co D, 2nd Reg Ga Cavalry                                           13174210

McBean, Daniel S.                                     Co G, 35th Ga Infantry                                                 51476131

McCollum, Enoch E.                                    unknown unit                                                                21530201

McCoy, Leroy W.                                        unknown unit                                                                48688561

McCullers, William Jackson                        Co C, 9th Ga Infantry                                                 32941037

McDaniel, Henry Dickerson                        Co H, 11th Ga Infantry                                               7960900

McElvaney, James Thomas                          35th Ga Infantry                                                          62353636

McGarity, Joseph Abner                                Co C, 8th Ga Cavalry                                                98779897

McGaughey, William W.                                Co D, 2nd Reg Ga Cavalry                                        46688331

McGuffey, John W.                                         Co D, 35th Ga Infantry                                              46743985

McKissack, Alfred L.                                      37th Alabama Regiment, Co A and H                      31945590

McKissick, Alford Lafayette                        Co A, 37th Alabama Infantry                                       107457309

Melton, James Joseph                                   Co H, 11th Ga Infantry                                                24593647

Michael, Anderson Green                              unit unknown                                                                 40556955

Michael, David Kelley                                    Co G, 16th Ga Infantry                                                46298186

Michael, James Knox Polk                             Co C, 23rd Ga Militia                                                   46298295

Michael, John William                                     Co G, 42nd Ga Infantry                                                46298209

Michael, William David                                    Co G, 42nd Ga Infantry                                                64365162

Mitcham, John Thomas                                    Co H, 13th Ga Infantry                                                 47341593

Mitchell, Augustus T.                                        Co K, 2nd Reg Ga State Line                                      70325282

Mitchell, Jett Thomas                                        Co K, 42nd Ga Infantry                                                45564737

Mobley, James Berry                                        unit unknown                                                                  53900024

Moon, Charles Knox Polk                                 Co G, 35th Ga Infantry                                                  41855822

Moon, Joseph DeKalb                                       Co G, 35th Ga Infantry                                                  119581378

Moon, Stephen Lafayette                                   Co G, 35th Ga Infantry                                                 41808976

Moore, Benjamin Franklin                                  Co G, 42nd Ga Infantry                                                51902713

Moore, Benjamin S.                                             Co D, 2d Reg Ga Cavalry                                           36766393

Moore, David Martin                                           Co D, 2d Reg Ga Cavalry                                           31891210

Moore, John Jefferson                                         Co G, 35th Ga Infantry                                                50323985

Moore, William Young                                           Co D, 2nd Reg Ga Cavalry                                        36749027

Myers, Richard Sheppard                                     Co I, 16th Ga Infantry                                                 68039692

Myers, Samuel L.                                                   Hudson's Ga Arsenal Lt Artillery Bt                          32942658

Nunn, Benjamin                                                      Co K, 11th Ga Infantry                                                55682505

Nunnally, John                                                      Co F, 9th Ga Infantry                                                   34247797

O'Kelly, John Pendelton                                       Co H, 42nd Ga Infantry                                                 95387995

Odum, James L.                                                     Co G, 42nd Ga Infantry                                                97428481

Palmer, John L.                                                       Co F, 16th Ga Infantry                                               43209744

Palmer, Warren L.                                                  Arnold's Cavalry, Ga State Militia                             43209834

Pannell, William Henry                                          Co A, 19th Ga Infantry                                                 10184511

Parker, J. W.                                                           Co K, 66th Ga Infantry                                                 13410922

Patrick, Calvin C.                                                    Co C, 42nd Ga Infantry                                                 24292232

Peeler, James B.                                                      Co G, 42nd Ga Infantry                                                43301885

Perkins, Reuben Ransom                                        Co F, 9th Ga State Guards                                           97779548

Peters, Francis M.                                                    Co H, 11th Ga Infantry                                                21476334

Peters, James Monroe                                              Co H, 4th Reg Ga State Militia                                  45383210

Peters, John Matthew                                                Co H, 4th Reg Ga State Militia4                                45383281

Pickrell, Andrew Jackson                                            Co C, 44th Ga Infantry                                             46336028

Prather, Evans Pearson                                             High Shoals Defenders, Medlins Co                        43310957

Prather, William M.                                                    Co K, 64th Ga Infantry                                             47840437

Preston, Henry Harrison Gilliam                                Co H, 11th Ga Infantry                                            46325034

Preston, Richard M.                                                    Co H, 11th Ga Infantry                                            48696271

Pruett, James Jefferson                                                10th Infantry                                                            19614675

Pruett, John Franklin                                                    Co F, 35th Ga Infantry                                            25094439

Pruett, Mastin "Martin"                                              Co C, 10th Ga Cavalry - State Guards                   25094224