Georgia Pensioners from Records
Format by C. W. Barnum
Return to Georgia Military Page
483 Names

This is a partial list of Revolutionary War soldiers and widows who received a war service pension. Perhaps over 5,000 soldiers from Georgia served in the Revolutionary War.
Some moved to other states, some died before receiving a pension. Some soldiers did not apply.

Alexander Asa
Algood William
Allen Daniel
Anderson Bailey
Anderson Mary
Anderson William
Andress David
Andrew John
Andrew Mary O
Andrews John
Andrews Mary O
Anglin Henry
Anthony Abraham
Anthony Mary
Bailey Robert
Baker John
Baker Thomas
Banckston Elijah
Bankston Andrew
Bankston Elijah
Bankston Mary
Bankston Thomas
Bard John
Barnes John
Barnet Joel
Barry John
Battles Noel
Beckcom Solomon
Beckcom Stacy
Beckcom Susannah
Beckham Solomon
Beckham Stacy
Beckham Susannah
Bell John
Bentley Jesse
Bentley Mary Scott
Berry John
Bickham Abner
Bishop Golden
Black Elizabeth
Black John
Black Margaret
Black William
Bledso George
Bledsoe Fanney
Bledsoe George
Bledsoe Lewis
Bond Sarah
Bond William
Booker Gideon
Bowen Joel
Bradie David
Brady William
Briggs John
Briggs Susannah
Britt Charles
Brooks Margaret T
Brooks Micajah
Brooks William
Broughton Job
Broughton Mary
Brown Frederick
Brown James
Brumback Elizabeth
Brumback Peter
Burke Isham
Burnett John
Burnett Joshua
Burnett Molcy
Burney David
Burton Richard
Butler Daniel
Butler William
Bynum John
Calder John
Calder Winewood F
Calder unknown
Campbell John
Carey Alexander
Carlton Ambrose
Carsey John
Carter Daniel
Carter Giles Landon
Carter Sela
Cartledge James
Cartledge Samuel
Cary Alexander
Cassady Thomas
Castleberry Nancy
Castleberry Paul
Castleberry William M
Castlebury Nancy
Castlebury Paul
Caulder John
Caulder Winewood F
Caulder Illegible 
Chamberlain John
Chamberlain Milly
Findley Paul
Findly Mary
Findly Paul
Finley Mary
Finley Paul
Fleming Samuel
Fluker John
Ford Joshua
Frazer John
Frazer Lenah
Frazer Mary
Frazier John
Frazier Mary
Fry Nathan
Fuller Bethany
Fuller Meshac
Fuller Meshack
Fuller Stephen
Fussell William
Fysel William
Gage Aaron
Gent Charles
Gibson Samuel
Gilliland Susan
Gilliland William
Girardeau John
Goodown Jacob V
Gordon Jesse
Gordon Nancy
Gordon Richard
Gore Notley
Gray Elizabeth
Gray John
Green Frances
Green Mckeen
Green William
Greene Frances
Greene Mckeen
Greer Moses
Grier Moses
Griffin Edward
Griffin Elizabeth
Griffin Samuel
Griner John
Griner John M
Griver John
Griver John M
Gugel David
Gwin Jesse
Habersham John
Hadden Mary
Hadden William
Haines Charity
Haines Evan
Hall Elizabeth
Hall James
Hammett William
Hammond Abner
Hammond Sarah
Hancock Samuel
Handley George
Harris Matthew
Harrison John
Harrison Mary
Harrison Richard
Harrison Rosanna
Hatton Basil
Hayman Henry
Heard Elizabeth
Heard John G
Heard Richard
Hendrick Obediah
Hicks Isaac
Highbaugh George
Highnote Agness
Highnote Philip
Hignot Agness
Hignot Philip
Hignote Agness
Hignote Philip
Hill David
Hill Polley
Hillary Christopher
Hobbs Jonathan
Hobbs Margaree
Hodgin Joseph
Holliday William
Hooper Absalom
Hooper Jesse
Hooper Sarah
Houston James
Houstonn James
Houstoun James
Howard John
Howard Margaret
Howle William
Mcconnell Manual
Mccormack Benjamin
Mccormack Thomas
Mccormak Thomas
Mccormick Joseph
Mccormick Thomas
Mcculler Alexander
Mcculloch Alexander
Mcdowell Robert
Mcentire John
Mcgee Thomas
Mchaney Terry
Mcintosh John
Mcintosh Lachlin
Mcintosh William
Mckee Abraham
Mckee Mary
Mckinney William
Mcmillon Rawley
Mcmillon Rowley
Mcmullen Rawley
Mcmullen Rowley
Meadows John
Meanly John
Melven George
Melven Martha M
Melven Martha Mathews
Melven Martha Matthews
Melvin George
Melvin Martha M
Melvin Martha Mathews
Melvin Martha Matthews
Mercer Jacob
Metcalf Danza
Metcalf Elizabeth
Metcalf Mary
Metcalf Warner
Middaugh John
Middaugh Lenah
Middough John
Middough Lenah
Millican Mary
Millican Thomas
Milton John
Mitchell Ann
Mitchell Chaney
Mitchell Cheney
Mitchell John
Mitchell Reuben
Moler Joseph
Mooney Briant
Mooney Bryant
Mooney Margaret
Moore Francis
Morgan Asa
Morgan Patsey
Morgan Philip
Morris Thomas
Morrison Ezra
Morrison John
Mosby Littleberry
Mote Levi
Murbury Ann
Murbury Leonard
Murbury Leonard
Murray Jack
Nail Mathew
Nail Matthew
Nail Reuben
Neal Mathew
Neal Matthew
Nealy John
Netherland Benjamin
Netherland Theodocia
Newman John
Newton Ann
Newton John
Newton Joseph
Newton Mary
Newton Winnifred
Nix George
Nolen Shadrach
Nordyke Benajah
Northcut Francis
Oakley Erasmus
Oakley Rhoda
Palmer Frances
Palmer Francis
Palmer William
Palmore Frances
Palmore Francis
Palmore William
Pardue William
Parrish Robert
Patterson Alexander
Patterson Ansel
Patterson John
Patterson Polly
Payne Thomas
Pearre Nathaniel
Peck Henry
Peek Henry
Perkins John
Perkins Moses
Perry Nathaniel
Peters Jesse
Phelps Tekel
Phelps Thomas
Phipps John
Piimphrey Henry
Piimphrey Lucy
Pittman James
Pride Burton
Pride Elizabeth
Pullam William
Pulliam William
Pyatt Joseph
Queen Dise
Queen Samuel
Queen William L
Rahn Jonathan
Ramsay John
Ramsay Samuel
Ramsey Samuel
Ray John
Ray Mary
Reagan Darby
Reed Zachariah
Rester Frederick
Rester Louisa
Reynolds Hamilton
Rooksberry Eleanor
Rooksberry Jacob
Rooksbury Eleanor
Rooksbury Jacob
Sack John
Sapp William
Sarzedas David
Savage William
Scott Ann
Scott Ann
Scott Samuel
Scott William
Sharp John
Sheftall Sheftall
Shelton Sinah
Shelton Stephen
Sheppard William
Shick Frederick
Simmons Isaac
Simmons William Isaac
Smith Alexander
Smith Benjamin
Smith Benjamin
Smith Celia
Smith Elizabeth
Smith Henry
Smith Job
Smith John
Smith John
Smith William
Smith William
Smith William C
Snelson Thomas
Snider Christian
Snider Elizabeth
Snider Jonathan
Snyder Elizabeth
Snyder Jonathan
Sorrel Andrew
Sorrel Mary
Sorrells Andrew
Sorrells Mary
Sorrels Andrew
Sorrels Mary
Southern Gipson
Springer Benjamin
St George George
Stallings James
State Service
Stewart James
Stewart Robert
Strozier Margaret
Strozier Peter
Stuart James
Sweatman Lavina
Sweatman Lavinia
Sweatman William
Swords James
Tankersley Joseph
Tankersly Catharine
Tankersly Charles
Tanner Michael
Tarvin George
Taylor Charles
Taylor John
Taylor Theophilus
Tearney Elizabeth
Tearney Gilbert
Tetard Benjamin
Tharp Robert
Thompson Benjamin
Thompson George
Thompson Jane
Thompson William
Thrasher George
Thrasher Saluda
Threadgill Thomas
Thurman Deborah
Thurman John
Thurmond David H
Timmons George
Tiner Joshua
Tinor Joshua
Tramel Peter
Tramell Denis
Tramell Dennis
Tramell Martha
Trammell Denis
Trammell Dennis
Trammell Martha
Trammell Peter
Trout Anthony Daniel
Trout Catharine
Tucker George
Tucker Martha
Tyner Joshua
Uptain Charity
Uptain George
Upton Charity
Upton George
Waddill John
Wade Richard
Wagner John Peter
Wagner Rebecca
Walker John
Walker Littleberry
Walker Nancy
Wall John
Wamack Johnson
Ward Samuel
Ward William
Wash John
Wash William
Watson Levin
Weatherford Benjamin
Weatherford Nancy
Webb Ailsey
Webb Austin
Webb Elizabeth
Webb John
Weeks Francis
Weeks Nancy
Welch Benjamin
Wells Richard
Wells Susanna
Whatley Catharine
Whatley Samuel
White Joseph
Whiteker William
Whittington Cornelius
Wigington George
Wiley Sarah
Wiley Thomas
Wilkerson John
Wilkinson John
Williams Nancy
Williams Peter
Williams Thomas
Williamson Littleton
Willis Meshach
Willoughby William
Wilshire John
Wilson Dice
Wilson James
Wilson Peter
Wood Elizabeth
Wood James
Wood James
Wooten Susanna
Wooten Thomas
Worldley David
Worldley Polley
Wylly Sarah
Wylly Thomas
Yader Joseph
Yeaden Joseph
Young Isham
Young Levi
Young Nancy