Georgia Pensioners of 1840
Format by C. W. Barnum
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325 Names

The 1840 Census of Pensioners includes all Georgia residents that received a pension from any War service, but most pensioners listed below qualified by
service in the Revolutionary War. Their ages stated on this chart are a hint in which war they served. The number of pensioners listed below is probably understated.
County Last Name First Name Age Head of Household
Baldwin Anderson William 78 Anderson William
Baldwin Robinson Jeriah 70 Robinson Luke
Baldwin Russell, sen. James G. 78 Russell James G.
Baldwin Talbot Benjamin 76 Talbot Benjamin
Bibb none none none none none
Bullock Banks John 31 Aspenwall Elijah
Burke Allen James 84 Allen James
Burke Thomas Abraham 86 Thomas Abraham
Butts Price E. 79 Price E.
Camden Welford Lewis 95-100 Welford Lewis
Campbell Akins James 90 Akins James
Campbell Bledsoe Benjamin 77 Bledsoe Benjamin
Campbell Clinton William 80 Clinton William
Campbell Gunnell William R. 88 Gunnell William R.
Campbell Norwood George 77 McCain Harrison
Carroll Robinson, sen. John 88 Robinson, sen. John
Carroll Rowell Jesse 87 Rowell Jesse
Carroll Stedham Zachariah 89 Stedham James H.
Cass Baker Charles 79 Baker Charles
Cass Brewster Hugh 80 Brewster William
Cass Edwards Reuben 82 Edwards Reuben
Cass Haris Benjamin 81 Stokes John
Cass Lewis John 83 Lewis Bayles W.
Chattooga Orear Daniel 83 Orear Daniel
Cherokee Martin Ephraim 80 Crawly G. W.
Cherokee Smith Charles 75 Smith Charles
Cherokee Willaford Nathan 82 Willaford Nathan
City of Savannah Bullough Elias 77 Bullough J. K.
City of Savannah Cabos John 94 Cabos John
City of Savannah Shefinl Shefiall 78 Shefinl Shefiall
Clarke Espy John 84 Espy John
Clarke Farrar Francis 76 Killgoar John
Clarke Oliver John 78 Oliver John
Clarke Parr Benjamin 83 Rodgers E. H.
Clarke Wilson George 88 Hambleton Reuben
Cobb Barnwell John 88 Barnwell John
Cobb Collins John 80 Collins John
Cobb Eastwood Israel 82 Avery Mary
Cobb Edwards Adonijah 73 Edwards Adonijah
Cobb Grover Peter 79 Grover Daniel
Cobb McDowell Robert 86 McDowell R.
Cobb Nesbit Jeremiah 105 Ellsbury Lindsey
Cobb Sumers John 77 Gann William
Coweta Akens James 74 Akens James
Coweta Bunster William 83 Bunster James
Coweta Gay Allen 75 Gay Allen
Coweta Neely Jonn 83 Neely Rebecca
Coweta Smith William 91 Smith William
Crawford Bailey James 80 Wright James H.
Crawford Ethridge Joel 77 Anthony John
Crawford Fudge Jacob 82 Fudge Jacob
Crawford Goodwin Lewis 74 Goodwin L.
Crawford Hartley Daniel 97 Hartley Daniel
Crawford Matthews Philip 88 Matthews Philip
Crawford Meador Jason 81 Meador Jason
Crawford Turner Thomas 89 Turner Thomas
Dade Perkins Moses 87 Perkins Isham
De Kalb Brooks George 79 Strickland Stacy
De Kalb Copeland William 75 Copeland William
De Kalb Macomeson John 81 Macomeson John
De Kalb Reeve William 84 Reeve William
De Kalb Roberts Thomas 95 Acre Simeon
De Kalb Stowers, sen. Lewis 76 Stowers, sen. Lewis
De Kalb Terrell William 81 Terrell William
Early Bagget Josiah 78 Bagget Josiah
Early Jordan Elizabeth 57 Jordan Charles B.
Early Wells Redman 58 Wells Redman
Effingham Rahn Jonathan 78 Rhan Jonathan
Elbert Brown Benjamin 77 Brown Benjamin
Elbert Carter David 82 Carter David
Elbert Cook John 79 Cook John
Elbert Daniel John 80 Daniel John
Elbert Davis John 87 Davis John
Elbert Gains William 83 Gains William
Elbert Glasgow William 78 Glasgow William
Elbert Gully Richard 85 Robertson William
Elbert Kelley William 82 Kelley William
Elbert Rice Leonard 81 Rice Leonard
Elbert Richardson Amos 76 Richardson James V.
Elbert Riley James 82 Riley James
Elbert Trammel William 83 rammel William T
Elbert Ward William 82 Ward William
Emanuel Brown Henry 70 Brown Henry
Emanuel Curl Matthew 78 Curl Matthew
Emanuel Drew Wilson 75 Drew Levi
Emanuel Durdan Jacob 85 Durdan Jacob
Emanuel Edenfield David 79 Edenfield David
Emanuel Fareclauth Benjamin 83 Fareclauth Benjamin
Emanuel Sutton A. 82 Sutton Abner
Fayette Black William 76 Black Samuel
Fayette Gilleland Susan 80 Gilleland Susan
Fayette Mills Karen Hapuck 79 Phipps Richard
Fayette Suddeth Jared 76 Suddeth James N.
Fayette Waldroup James 85 Waldroup David
Forsyth Brown Ambrose 83 Brown Ambrose
Forsyth Carroll James 75 Paxton Martin R.
Forsyth Lagran John N. 87 Lagran John N.
Forsyth Nolen James 90 Wiley Thomas
Forsyth Wells Leonard 84 Wells Leonard
Forsyth Whitten Philip 95 Arons Jr William
Franklin Aaron William 93 Aaron William
Franklin Cash Ann 75 Cash Howard
Franklin Clarke Thomas 79 Clarke Thomas
Franklin Dyer Elisha 77 Dyer John
Franklin Flemming Robert 77 Flemming Robert
Franklin Fuller Stephen 88 Fuller Stephen
Franklin Holbrook Jesse 76 Holbrook Jesse
Franklin McCoy Samuel 79 McCoy Samuel
Franklin Mitchell William 81 Mitchell William
Franklin Murdock William 81 Murdock Thomas H.
Franklin Sherdin Abner 80 Sherdin Abner
Franklin Spears William 95 Spears William
Franklin Stonecypher John 84 Stonecypher John
Gilmer Cox, sen. Richard 79 Cox, sen Richard
Gilmer Ellis Mary 84 Ellis Elijah
Gilmer Fain Ebenezer 78 Fain Ebenezer
Gilmer Kell James 84 Kell Alexander
Gilmer Smith Enoch 81 Smith Ashael
Greene Gatlin Stephen 54 Gatlin Stephen
Greene Harris Matthew 88 Harris Matthew
Greene Pullin Robert 85 Pullin Robert R.
Greene Shurr John 77 Shurr John
Greene Sloughter George 77 Sloughter George
Gwinnett Anders Owen 87 Anders David
Gwinnett Benson Enoch 84 Benson Enoch
Gwinnett Bramlett Reuben 75 Bramlett Reuben
Gwinnett Clowers Daniel 79 Clowers Daniel P.
Gwinnett Conger Benjamin 84 Conger Benjamin
Gwinnett Curbo Joseph 86 Curbo Joseph
Gwinnett Davis John 109 Rutledge Joseph
Gwinnett Dobs Nathan 85 Dobs Nathan
Gwinnett Gowers Abel 86 Gowers Abel
Gwinnett Harris Stephen 86 Harris Stephen
Gwinnett Herringdon Joseph 77 Herringdon Joseph
Gwinnett Horton Isaac 81 Horton Isaac
Gwinnett Hunt Littleton 97 Chamber Sarah
Gwinnett Iseley Philip 91 Iseley Philip
Gwinnett Jackson Edward 86 ackson Edward J
Gwinnett Laurence John 80 Laurence John
Gwinnett McDadde John 93 Saxton Lucinda
Gwinnett McRight William 21 McRight William
Gwinnett Patison Robert 78 Patison George A.
Gwinnett Thrasher George 85 Thrasher George
Gwinnett Williams Nathan 89 Williams Nathan
Habersham McCollans Daniel 86 Stovall John
Habersham Pilgrim Thomas 74 Pilgrim Thomas
Habersham Turner Robert 80 Turner Robert
Habersham Vandegriff Garrett 89 Vandegriff Garrett
Hall Allread Elias 82 Allread Elias
Hall Anderson James 72 Anderson James
Hall Baker Beal 84 Baker Beal
Hall Bonds Joseph 84 Bonds Joseph
Hall Childers Milliner 77 Childers Wiley
Hall Clark William 84 Clark William
Hall Flanagan William 91 Flanagan William
Hall Gilmer, sen. James 80 Gilmer, sen. James
Hall Gunter Charles 78 Gunter Charles
Hall Hulsey Jesse 81 Hulsey Jesse
Hall Kell Robert 89 Kell William
Hall McCleskey James 86 McCluskey James
Hall Moore John 83 Moore John
Hall Nicholson John 77 Nicholson John
Hall Pitts James 77 Pitts James
Hall Reed Isaac 87 Reed Joseph
Hall Robertson Robert 83 Robertson Robert
Hall Shaw Basil 92 Johnson Roland
Hall West Benjamin 81 West Benjamin
Hancock Blount Isaac 80 Blount Isaac
Hancock Brasel Bird 70 Brasel Bird
Hancock Dennis John 70 Dennis John
Hancock Faison William 70 Faison William
Hancock Grant Joseph 80 Spights Levi
Hancock Hill John 80 Hill John
Hancock Howel Mills 70 Howel Mills
Hancock Mullins Malone 80 Mullins Malone
Hancock Rossiter Timothy 80 Rossiter Timothy
Hancock Shuffield William 70 Shuffield William
Harris Norris William 84 Norris William
Harris Swan William B. 82 Swan W. B.
Heard Stewart James 75 Stewart John
Henry Adams Francis 77 Adams Francis
Henry Chandler Shelldcake 88 Chandler Joel
Henry Cloud Ezekiel 78 Cloud Ezekiel
Henry Cook Thomas 88 Cook Jesse M.
Henry Gilbert James 87 Gilbert James
Henry Upchurch Charles 85 Upchurch Charles
Jackson Anglin Henry 81 Anglin Henry
Jackson Cuningham Ansell 77 Cuningham Ansell
Jackson King John 85 King John
Jackson Levay George 85 Levay George
Jackson Lowery Levi 76 Lowery Levi
Jackson Mathews Isaac 79 Mathews Milton
Jackson Mathews William 77 Mathews William
Jackson Saxon Solomon 73 Saxon Solomon
Jackson Thompson Sherrod 83 Thompson Sherrod
Jackson Wheeler James 85 Wheeler James
Jackson White Jesse 79 White Jesse
Jasper Barnett Sion 79 Barnett Sion
Jasper Davidson John 79 Davidson John
Jasper Jones, sen. William 82 Jones, sen. William
Jasper Spears John 89 Spears John
Jasper Waters David 105 Henderson Wiley
Jasper Yancy Lewis D. 78 Yancy, sen. Lewis D.
Jefferson Sodown Jacob 80 Sodown Jacob W.
Jones Morton, sen. Oliver 77 Morton, sen. Oliver
Jones Roberts Reuben 85 Roberts Reuben
Jones Slocumb John C. 80 Slocumb John
Liberty Hart Mary 72 Jones Joseph
Lincoln Guyse John 79 Guyse John
Lincoln Linvill William 85 Linvill William
Lumpkin Allen William 101 Allen William
Lumpkin Fleming William 79 Fleming Isaac N.
Lumpkin Hames John 94 Hames John
Lumpkin Hill Reuben 69/89? Hill Reuben
Lumpkin Ledbetter Richard 101 Ledbetter Johnson
Lumpkin Nix John 75 Walker Micajah
Lumpkin Pilgrim Michael 86 Etres Samuel
Lumpkin Singleton Edmond 85 Singleton Overstreet
Macon Baker Dempsey 77 Baker Dempsey
Macon Passmore Joseph 79 Passmore Joseph
Macon Whatley Daniel 87 Whatley Daniel
Madison Cheek William 89 Check William
Madison Haman Alexander 80 Haman Alexander
Madison Tate Robert L. 76 Tate Robert L.
Madison Thompson James 77 Thompson, sen. James
Madison Tugle Charles 87 Rowe Martin
Marion Buchanan George 81 Buchanan George
Marion Mayo John 81 Mayo Axom
McIntosh Calder John 77 Calder John
McIntosh White George 81 Street Waldegrave C.
Meriwether Black John 77 Black John
Meriwether Bowel Samuel 83 Bowen Samuel
Meriwether Earnest George 80 Earnest Elisha
Meriwether Jenkins Lewis 87 Jenkins Lewis
Meriwether Kelley Giles 78 Kelley Giles
Meriwether Smith Alexander 81 Smith Alexander
Monroe Davis Tolover 84 Davis Tolover
Monroe Jones William 45 Woolsey John M.
Monroe Stewart William 87 Stewart William
Morgan Barkly William 80 Barkly R. J. D.
Morgan Campbell George 86 Campbell George
Morgan Cochran M. 83 Cochran Matthew
Murray Stone William n/s Stone James
Muscogee Christmas Richard 77 Christmas Richard
Muscogee Hodges Philemon 83 Hodges Samuel K.
Newton Webb John 85 Webb John T.
Newton City Carter Robert 84 McLane Thomas
Newton City Fretwell Richard 87 Fretwell Richard
Newton City Hewell Wyatt 84 Hewell Jesse W.
Newton City McLane Thomas 80 McLane Thomas
Newton City Terrell Richmond 80 Terrell Richmond
Newton City Weathers Valentine 76 Weathers Valentine
Oglethorpe Bledsoe Miller 78 Landrum Whitfield
Oglethorpe Carter Charles 88 Carter Charles
Oglethorpe Dunn, sen. Thomas 76 Dunn, sen. Thomas
Oglethorpe Eberhart Jacob 83 Eberhart Jacob
Oglethorpe Finch William 76 Finch William
Oglethorpe Kidd, sen. William 77 Kidd, sen. William
Oglethorpe Strong Charles 77 Strong Charles
Oglethorpe Ward Samuel 85 Ward Samuel
Oglethorpe Woodall Joseph 76 Woodall Joseph
Pike Grisham David 83 Grisham David
Pike Harper William 88 Harper William
Pike Jenkins, sen. John 85 Jenkins, sen. John
Pike Whittington Faddy 87 Whittington Faddy
Pike Wise John 84 Vinson Nathan
Pulaski Parkerson Jacob 79 Parkerson J.
Rabun Collahan Josias 81 Collaham Josias
Rabun Dillard John 81 Dillard John
Rabun Dunlap Jonathan 81 Dunlap Jonathan
Rabun McLain John 81 McLain John
Rabun Williams Edward 102 Williams Edward
Randolph Brown John 77 Taft John P.
Randolph Bryan Ezekiel 75 Bryan Ezekiel
Randolph Bucholter Peter 75 Harrison John S.
Randolph Darby Richard 102 Darby Richard
Randolph Davis Thomas 85 Davis Thomas
Richmond Marten John 103 Marten John
Scriven Arnett John 80 Bost Levi H.
Stewart Bush Prescott 81 Bush Prescott
Stewart Elliott Zachariah 84 Elliot Zachariah
Stewart Glenn Thomas 81 Glenn Thomas
Stewart Melton Robert 82 Melton William
Stewart Smith Benjamin 88 Smith Benjamin
Stewart Statham Nathaniel 76 Statham Nathaniel
Sumter Flnngan Daniel 83 Harship G. H.
Talbot Ellis Shadrach 80 Ellis John
Taliaferro Evans William 98 Evans William
Taliaferro King Richard 88 King Richard
Taliaferro McCormack Thomas 90 McCormack Thomas
Taliaferro Stewart Henry 81 Stewart Henry
Telfair William Joseph 80 Barrows Joseph
Troup Johnson Joseph 85 Johnson Daniel
Troup Jordan Fountain 77 Jordan Fosstain
Troup Thomason William 92 Thomason John C.
Twiggs Keeth John 90 Keeth John
Twiggs Taylor, sen. Thomas 77 Taylor, sen. Thomas
Union Tanney Michael 81 Tanney Michael
Upson Chelfench Hiram 35 Chelfench Hiram
Walker Newnan Daniel n/s Newnan Daniel
Walker Story Robert 25 Foster John
Walton Harden Henry 89 Harden Henry
Walton Harris Benjamin 87 Harris Benjamin
Walton Swords James 92 Swords James
Warren Cason William 93 Cason William
Warren Doud John 85 Doud John
Warren Draper James 89 Draper James
Warren Jackson John 85 Jackson Lewis
Warren Rickerson Benjamin 80 Rickerson Benjamin
Warren Studevent Charles 80 Studevent Charles
Warren Wilson John 85 Wilson Elias
Washington Cox Moses 86 Cox, sen. Moses
Washington Howard George F. 27 Collins James
Washington Jones Isaac 79 Jones Isaac
Washington Love Thomas 90 Love Lovey
Washington Peacock Uriah 88 Peacock Uriah
Washington Thompson Lustatia 74 Warthin Greene H.
Washington Williams William 86 Williams William
Wilkes Combs John 78 Combs, sen. John
Wilkes Williams William 78 Williams William
Wilkes Woolf Andrew 88 Woolf, sen. Andrew
Wilkinson Jenkins William 83 Bennet Jorial
Wilkinson Meadows John 78 Meadows Joseph
Wilkinson Rosier, sen. Robert 84 Rosier, sen. Rober