Mary Jane Brooks Adoption

Full Title: AN ACT to change the name of Margaret Jane Brooks, a minor child of William Brooks, of Oglethorpe county, to that of Margaret Jane Chappel, and to make her the heir at law of John B. Chappel and Margaret W. Chappel his wife, also of said county of Oglethorpe.

Whereas, The said John B. Chappel, and his wife, Margaret W. Chappel, are desirous of adopting as their child and heir at law, Margaret Jane Brooks, minor child of William Brooks, of said county of Oglethorpe, and to have the name of said Margaret Jane Brooks changed to that of Margaret Jane Chappel, the said John B. and Margaret W. Chappel having sent to this General Assembly their written memorial to this effect.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Act, the name of the said Margaret Jane Brooks, be and the same is hereby changed to the name of Margaret Jane Chappel, and the said Margaret Jane is hereby made the heir at law of the said John B. and Margaret W. Chappel, and capable of inheriting from said John B. and Margaret W. Chappel, as if she were the daughter and child of the said John B. and Margaret W. Chappel together, and born in lawful wedlock.

Approval Date: Approved, January 22, 1852.

Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, passed in Milledgeville, at a niennial session in November, December, and January, 1851-'2. 1851 Vol.1, Page 499.

Contributed by Jeanne Arguelles