
Oglethorpe County, Georgia AHGP


Excerpts from
1821 Land Lottery For
Oglethorpe County, GA

A - J



Name County Mil. Dist. Lot Sect Land Drawn
Bailey, Elijah  Oglethorpe Cardwells 43 Monroe
Baldwin, James (Orps) Oglethorpe Cardwells 235 14 Dooly
Baldwin, Samuel Oglethorpe 226 19 Monroe
Barbee, Elizabeth (Wid) Oglethorpe Goldings 134 11 Dooly
Barkwell, Major Oglethorpe Bells 129 13 Henry
Barkwell, Major Oglethorpe Bells 26 9 Monroe
Barnett, James Oglethrope 235 238 10 Henry
Barnett, Nathan Oglethorpe 226 72 3 Henry
Barnett, Wm. Oglethorpe 235 159 16 Dooly
Beard, William Oglethorpe Holtzclaws 243 11 Dooly
Bentley, William A.  Oglethorpe McCowns 256 8 Henry
Bentley, William A. Oglethorpe McCowns 82 6 Houston
Berry, John D. Oglethorpe Huffs 201 10 Henry
Berry, John D. Oglethorpe Huffs 247  Henry
Berry, Susan (Wid) Oglethorpe Huffs 192 6 Monroe
Birdsong, Benj. Oglethorpe Bowles 192 Houston
Birdsong, John Sr. Oglethorpe  Cardwells 208  16  Dooly
Blake, Benjamin Oglethorpe Holtzclaw 39 10 Henry
Blank, Matthew J.  Oglethorpe Huffs  156 10 Dooly
Bledsoe, Joseph Oglethorpe Holtzclaw  33 3 Monroe
Bostwick, Stephen Oglethorpe 226  14  3 Houston
Bostwick, Stephen Oglethorpe 226 162 12 Monroe
Bosworth, Jacob  Oglethorpe Jewells 232 3 Houston
Bowen, Hughkey (Orps) Oglethorpe Goldings 4 15 Monroe
Bowles, John J. Oglethorpe Bowles 117 12 Monroe
Bowling, John  Oglethorpe Goldings 245 1 Henry
Bowling, Matthew R. Oglethorpe Goldings  60 6 Monroe


Carey, James  Oglethorpe Cardwells 2 5 Henry
Carithers, James Oglethorpe 235 3 1 Monroe
Carlton, Elizabeth (Wid) Oglethorpe 226  207  8 Monroe
Carrington, John  Oglethorpe 235 248 10 Houston
Carrington, John Oglethorpe 235 52  10 Dooly
Carter, Benona Oglethorpe Ravens 222 Monroe
Carter, Benona Oglethorpe Ravens 40 2 Monroe
Carter, Thomas Oglethorpe Bells 247 11 Henry
Center, John Oglethorpe Thorntons  217 Henry
Center, John Oglethorpe Thorntons 229 6 Houston
Center, Nathan Oglethorpe Thorntons 77 16 Henry
Cessna, Nathaniel Oglethorpe 235 99 Henry
Chandler, Lewis Oglethorpe 235 35 14 Dooly
Chandler, Wm. C. Oglethorpe Ravens 96 Henry
Chaplain, William Oglethorpe Cardwells 238 6 Henry
Chaplain, Wm.  Oglethorpe Cardwells  219 15 Monroe
Christopher, Richd.  Oglethorpe Bells  221 Dooly
Clark, Tabitha (Wid) Oglethorpe  Goldings Henry
Clements, Wm. L. Oglethorpe  McCowns 49 6 Fayette
Coats, Lucinda (Wid) Oglethorpe  Bowles 205 15 Houston
Cobb, Thomas W.  Oglethorpe  Cardwells 227 Monroe
Cochran, Samuel  Oglethorpe  235 238 10 Dooly
Cochran, Wm.  Oglethorpe  226 223 18 Henry
Colbert, John Oglethorpe 235 168 5 Monroe
Colley, David Oglethorpe Huffs 268 12 Dooly
Collier, Benjamin Oglethorpe Jewells 100 12 Dooly
Collins, Baxter S. Oglethorpe Thorntons 110 Monroe
Collins, William Oglethorpe  Thorntons 114  12 Monroe
Collins, Willis Oglethorpe  Bells 213 Houston
Collins, Willis Oglethorpe  Bells 239 Henry
Colquitt, Henry P. Oglethorpe  236  131 11 Dooly
Colquitt, William  Oglethorpe  236 105 13  Dooly
Colwell, Glenn Oglethorpe  Holtzchaws 220  Houston
Cook, Thomas S. Oglethorpe  226 33  8 Dooly
Cooper, Cannon Oglethorpe  Goldings 21 Houston
Coxe, Thomas I. Oglethorpe Goldings 70 15 Henry
Coxe, Thomas I.  Oglethorpe Goldings 78  1 Henry
Crawford, Joseph  Oglethorpe 226  202 Dooly
Crawford, Joseph Oglethorpe 226 177  10  Monroe
Crews, Jesse  Oglethorpe Bowls 140  Houston
Crook, John Jr Oglethorpe Huffs  33 Fayette
Crook, Moriah (Orp) Oglethorpe Huffs 60 Monroe
Crook, Valentine Oglethorpe Huffs 132 2 Henry
Crook, Valentine Oglethorpe Huffs 133  12  Henry
Crowley, Sarah (Wid) Oglethorpe Cardwells 65 Monroe
Crowley, Thomas Oglethorpe  Cardwells 110 16 Henry
Cumming, Benj.  Oglethorpe  Cardwells 87  Monroe


Daniel, James Sr. Oglethorpe Bowles 206 Dooly
Darden, Birch Oglethorpe Bowles 90 Dooly
Davenport, James B.  Oglethorpe 236 122 5 Houston
Davenport, John A. Oglethorpe 236 218 7 Houston
Davis, Benjamin Oglethorpe 226 47 Fayette
Davis, George (Orps) Oglethorpe Goldings 101 15  Houston
Davis, Sebourn  Oglethorpe Thorntons 237  13 Monroe
Davis, Thomas H.  Oglethorpe McCowns 79 11 Houston
Davis, Thomas Oglethorpe Bowles  103  15 Dooly
Davis, William Jr. Oglethorpe Goldings 208  12 Henry
Deavours, Isaac B. Oglethorpe Bells 256 Houston
Denton, James Oglethorpe Ravens  127 Monroe
Denton, James  Oglethorpe Ravens  223 15  Monroe
Derby, Richard  Oglethorpe Bells 116  15  Dooly
Dodd, James Oglethorpe  226 165 2 Houston
Dodd, James  Oglethorpe  226 232 Henry
Doggett, George  Oglethorpe  Thorntons 105 11 Dooly
Downes, Watson Oglethorpe  Thorntons 201 13 Monroe
Drake, Elizabeth Oglethorpe  Jewels 129 Houston
Duffell, Breton  Oglethorpe  Huffs 169 Dooly
Dunn, Dudley (Dr) Oglethorpe  Cardwells 67  Monroe
Dunn, Gatewood  Oglethorpe  Ravens  74 8 Houston
Dunn, John V.  Oglethorpe  Bells  117  10 Henry
Dunn, Martha (wid) Oglethorpe  Jewells 53 1 Henry


Eades, Rainey (Orps) Oglethorpe McCowns 20 Fayette
Early, Jacob Oglethorpe Ravens 41 Henry
Eason, John Oglethorpe Bells 224 Monroe
Eason, John Oglethorpe Bells 265 13 Houston
East, Ufau (Wid) Oglethorpe  Huffs 86 13 Henry
Eberhart, Adam Oglethorpe  235 241 11 Monroe
Ector, Eleanor (Wid) Oglethorpe Cardwells 381 9 Henry
Edmonds, Anthony Oglethorpe Bowles 168 18 Henry
Edwards, Henry L. Oglethorpe Goldings 41 15 Henry
Edwards, Henry L. Oglethorpe Goldings  98 10 Houston
Edwards, John Oglethorpe Goldings 53 Monroe
Edwards, Lemuel Oglethorpe Goldings 90  11 Houston
Edwards, Littleberry Oglethorpe Goldings 84 Henry
Edwards, Thomas Oglethorpe  Goldings 75 4 Henry
Edwards, Willis D. Oglethorpe  Goldings  56 Dooly
Edwards, Wm. (Orps) Oglethorpe  Goldings 248 2 Houston
Elkin, William  Oglethorpe  226  183 5 Dooly
Elkins, William  Oglethorpe 226 336 18 Henry
Ellis, John A. Oglethorpe Bells 223 Henry
England, William Oglethorpe 236 35 10 Henry
English, George L. Oglethorpe Ravens 88 5 Henry
Evans, John Oglethorpe Bowles 179 2 Dooly


Faust, John Oglethorpe Thorntons 38 9 Henry
Fields, James Oglethorpe Goldings 56 16 Dooly
Finch, John E. Oglethorpe Jewells 89  5 Henry
Finch, Sanford Oglethorpe Jewells 186 Dooly
Flaminster, Lewis Oglethorpe  Huffs 61 Henry
Floyd, Benjamin  Oglethorpe  236 72  11 Monroe
Floyd, John Oglethorpe  Huffs 203  10 Henry
Freeman, Henry Oglethorpe  Hotzclaws 79 Houston
Freeman, Hugh Oglethorpe  235 227 Henry
Freeman, Tyre Oglethorpe  Cardwells  217  18 Henry


Gallaway, William Oglethorpe 26  254 11 Dooly
Garrett, James (Orps) Oglethorpe 226 46  Henry
Gaulding, Thomas (Rev) Oglethorpe 226 185 18 Henry
Gaulding, Thos (Rev) Oglethorpe 226 83 Dooly
Gillham, Elzekiel Oglethorpe Jewells 8 3 Monroe
Gilmer, George R. Oglethorpe Cardwells 239 12 Henry
Gilmer, Mildred (Wid) Oglethorpe McCowns 199 1 Monroe
Gilmer, Peachy R. Oglethorpe Jewells 251 Henry
Gilmer, Thos. M. (Orp) Oglethorpe McCowens 175 7 Henry
Glass, George J. Oglethorpe Cardwells 254 16 Dooly
Glaze, Samuel Oglethorpe Ravens 38 15 Henry
Glenn, John Jr. Oglethorpe Huffs 26 9 Fayette
Glenn, Thomas Oglethorpe 235 156 2 Houston
Glenn, Thomas Oglethorpe 235 58 Dooly
Golding, Thomas W. Oglethorpe Goldings 62  5 Monroe
Goolsby, Terrell T.  Oglethorpe  Huffs 62 12 
Goolsby, Thornton B. Oglethorpe McCowns 39  12 Monroe
Goolsby, Waid Oglethorpe Thorntons  237 Monroe
Goolsby, Waid Oglethorpe Thorntons 239 Henry
Gorden, James F. Jr. Oglethorpe Goldings 198 Henry
Gorum, Henry  Oglethorpe Cardwells 132 13  Houston
Grayham, Armsted Oglethorpe 236 208 14  Dooly
Green, John Oglethorpe McCowns 95 10 Dooly
Greene, Myal Oglethorpe Ravens 217 Dooly
Greenwood, Thos. B. Oglethorpe Bells  25 Henry
Greenwood, William  Oglethorpe Bells 46  Monroe
Gresham, John M. Oglethorpe Ravens 253 14  Dooly
Gresham, John Sr.  Oglethorpe Ravens 63 11 Fayette
Gresham, John  Oglethorpe 236 96 18 Dooly
Gresham, Sterling Oglethorpe Ravens 326 - Henry
Griffin, David  Oglethorpe Goldings 203 16 Dooly
Griffith, Thomas Oglethorpe Huffs 212 11 Henry
Guill, Augustus  Oglethorpe Ravens 175 9 Houston
Gunnels, Stephen Oglethorpe 235 152 11 Moroe


Hale, John Oglethorpe Bells 178 Houston
Hale, Thomas Oglethorpe Bowles 170 6 Dooly
Hales, James  Oglethorpe Thorntons 17  15 Houston
Hales, Mary (Wid) Oglethorpe Bells 123 14 Henry
Ham, Stephen Oglethorpe McCowns 246 12 Henry
Hammett, John Oglethorpe Bowles  24 Houston
Hammons, Wm. Oglethorpe  McCowns 170 Houston
Hancock, Micajah  Oglethorpe  Huffs  1 Houston
Hancock, Micajah Oglethorpe  Huffs 41 10  Monroe
Hand, Spencer Oglethorpe  Jewells 301 14  Houston
Handy, Nathaniel Oglethorpe  Holtzclaws 238 12 Monroe
Hardman, Allen Oglethorpe  235 213 Dooly
Hardman, Charles Oglethorpe  Huffs 145 12 Houston
Hardman, Neman  Oglethorpe  236 35 11  Monroe
Hardman, William Oglethorpe  236 202 3 Dooly
Hardman, Wm.  Oglethorpe  236 6 13  Monroe
Harlin, Zachariah  Oglethorpe Bowles 147 Dooly
Harlin, Zachariah Oglethorpe Bowles 155  11 Monroe
Harper, George W. Oglethorpe Bells 45 14  Dooly
Harris, John (Orps) Oglethorpe Goldings 118   4  Henry
Harris, John  Oglethorpe Bowles 199 10 Houston
Harris, John  Oglethorpe Thorntons 41 13 Dooly
Harris, Leonard  Oglethorpe Thorntons  119 Monroe
Harris, William Oglethorpe Bowles 120 11 Houston
Hartley, Thomas (Orps) Oglethorpe Jewells 93 Monroe
Hartsfield, Andrew Jr.  Oglethorpe 235 166 1 Henry
Hartsfield, James Oglethorpe 236 83 15 Houston
Hartsfield, Washington  Oglethorpe 235 41 14  Houston
Hatley, Wm.  Oglethorpe Bowles 211 14  Dooly
Hawk, Henry Oglethorpe 235  61 11  Houston
Haynes, Richard  Oglethorpe Jewells 121 10  Henry
Haynes, Richard Oglethorpe Jewells 155 14  Dooly
Henderson, Milba Oglethorpe Thorntons 116 Dooly
Hendon, Johnson  Oglethorpe 235 218 11  Dooly
Herring, Jonathan Oglethorpe 226 163 13  Monroe
Hill, Abraham J. Oglethorpe Goldings 59 Houston
Hill, Blanton Oglethorpe Goldings 90 Houston
Hill, Hampton W. Oglethorpe Goldings 154 Fayette
Hill, Sally (Wid) Oglethorpe Holtzclaws 214 13 Monroe
Hill, Whitman C.  Oglethorpe 236 97 12 Dooly
Holt, William Oglethorpe Huffs  144 15  Monroe
Holtzclaw, Elijah Oglethorpe Holtzclaw 53 Dooly
Holtzclaw, Willford Oglethorpe Holtzclaws 146 Dooly
Hopewell, Thos. (Orps) Oglethorpe 235 54  Monroe
Hopkins, Nancy (Wid) Oglethorpe Cardwells 173 Houston
Howard, Mordecia C.  Oglethorpe Cardwells  146 Houston
Howard, Mordecia Sr. Oglethorpe Cardwells 28 Henry
Howard, Mordecia Sr. Oglethorpe Cardwells 69  10  Monroe
Hubbard, Ewin Oglethorpe Thorntons 71  Dooly
Hubbard, Joseph  Oglethorpe Thorntons 159  11 Henry
Hubbard, Joseph  Oglethorpe Thorntons 84  Monroe
Huckaby, William Oglethorpe Bells 209 Houston
Huddleston, John Oglethorpe 235 255 11  Monroe
Hudson, Ward Oglethorpe Ravens 84 Fayette
Huf, Charles Oglethorpe McCowns 200 15 Houston



Jackson, John (Orps) Oglethorpe McCowns 92 3 Monroe
Jackson, Orren F. Oglethorpe Bowles 196 13 Henry
Jenings Levi  Oglethorpe McCowns 134 Dooly
Jennings Joshua (Orps) Oglethorpe 226 118 11 Monroe
Jennings Robert  Oglethorpe Bowles 170 Monroe
Jennings Robert Oglethorpe Bowles  38 Fayette
Jewell James Oglethorpe Goldings 178 13 Henry 
Jinkens Rosannah(Wid) Oglethorpe Holtzclaws 143 Henry 
Jinkins Jesse Oglethorpe Holtzclaws  102 Henry 
Johnson Elizabeth (Wid) Oglethorpe  Goldings 76 Houston
Johnson George W. Oglethorpe  Huffs 49 11  Monroe
Johnson George W.  Oglethorpe  Huffs 50 10 Houston
Johnson Isaac N. Oglethorpe  226 21 Houston
Johnson Joel  Oglethorpe  226 66 11 Dooly
Johnson Lee Oglethorpe  Huffs 5 17 Henry
Johnson Luke Oglethorpe  McCowns 238 Monroe
Johnson Nathan Oglethorpe 226 409 16 Henry
Johnson Noel  Oglethorpe 226 135 17 Henry
Johnson Noel Oglethorpe 226 75 12 Houston
Johnson Thomas M. Oglethorpe McCowns 122 5 Henry
Johnson Thomas M.  Oglethorpe McCowns 134 Fayette
Johnson Thomas W  Oglethorpe 226 229 Henry
Jones Edward Jr. Oglethorpe 236 72 14  Dooly
Jones Gaden Oglethorpe 236 58 11 Dooly
Jones Robert Oglethorpe Cardwells 180 Dooly
Jones Seaborn (Orps) Oglethorpe 236 89 4 Monroe
Jordan Jinnet (Wid) Oglethorpe McCowns  105 10 Monroe
Jordan Josiah Jr.  Oglethorpe Holtzclaws 138 Henry
Jourdin James Jr. Oglethorpe Cardwells 190 Monroe
Jourdin Willis A.  Oglethorpe Cardwells 169 13  Henry


Page Last Updated May 17, 2004


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