John McCurdy - Revolutionary Pension Application

John McCurdy
Revolutionary Pension Application


State of Georgia
Madison County
Court of Ordinary March adjourned term 1833

On this Eleventh day of March in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and thirty three personally appeared in open court before James Long, Robert Groves, James Anderson and Noah W. Pittman, Justices of the Inferior court now sitting as a court of Ordinary, John McCurdy a resident of Capt. Smith’s Company District of Georgia Militia in the County of Madison and State of Georgia, aged Seventy years, who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832.

That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated, to wit ~ He entered as a volunteer in September 1777, as a private under the command of Capt. Thomas C---- , Maj. James Smith, the whole under the command of Gen’l Putnam and served a tour of nine months and thirteen days. The next was a tour of three months and twenty one days under the command of Capt. John Jordan. The first term of service under Capt. C----- he joined the army under Gen’l Putnam at Trenton shortly after the engagement. He was marched with the army under Gen’l Putnam to Carlisle in Cumberland County Pennsylvania where said army took up winter quarters. The next Spring he was marched with the army to Amboy where he was discharged some time in June 1778. The next under Capt. Jordan he was marched from Carlisle in Pennsylvania to Sunbury where he remained the whole term of time as above stated in guarding a Fort. He entered this service in February 1779 and was discharged some time in June following. He has no documentary evidence and he knows of no evidence he can procure who can testify to his services, except the affidavit of Stephen Groves herewith enclosed. In answer to the interrogation presented by the War Department and propounded by the county he answereth as follows, to wit;

Answer to first Inter. He was born the 5th day of July 1762 in Cumberland County Pennsylvania.

Answer to second Inter. He has no record of his age.

Answer to third Inter. He was living in Cumberland County Pennsylvania when called into service and reside there until the year 1790. He then removed within the bounds of Madison County (then Elbert County) and now resides in the County of Madison.

Answer to fourth Inter. He volunteered.

Answer to Fifth Inter. He does not now recollect the names of any of the regular officers in that part of the army with which he served except Gen’l Putnam.

Answer to sixth Inter. He received a discharge from Capt. Thomas C---- for his first term of service and for the last tour from Capt. John Jordan, both of which are lost.

Answer to seventh Inter. He refers you to David Evans, James Rhoads, Robert Griffith, Nathaniel Etcherson, Charles Tuggle, Stephen White and Francis P. Eberhart.

He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any State.
Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid.

John McCurdy

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