Miscellaneous Documents of Lumpkin County


Lumpkin County, Georgia

Tate Papers


Miscellaneous Property Taxes
Taxable Property Returned: $145
Office of Tax Collector, Lumpkin County, Ga.
Received of: John Self
Two & 60/100 dollars
For State and County Taxes incl. Wild Lands for the year 1896
John W. Walker, T.C.
Taxable Property Returned: $20
Office of Tax Collector, Lumpkin County, Georgia
Received of: Rider, James L.
One dollars 25 cents
This 1 day of October, 1905
E.J. Walden, T.C.L.C.
No. 91 Marshall's Office
Dahlonega, Ga. Sept. 1908
Received of: J.F. Moore
75 cents
Sanitary Tax for 3rd quarter 1908
T.M. Ray, City Marshall
Siton Conner
Paid by T.W. Tate
Lumpkin Co., Ga. 1912
Received of: Paul Stegall
Two dollars
Local School Tax 821 Dist. 1912
J.M. Ricketts, T.C.

Contributed by: Iris Thompson Fry