Midway School 1911

Lincoln County, GA Photos
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Midway School

Midway School - This picture was taken in April 1941.  The building was torn down in the early to mid 1940s.  Photo Courtesy of Frances Henderson Johnson

Midway School Pupils, 1911
This picture was published in the Lincoln County Journal. The date published is unknown.

Kneeling, l-r, Frank Dye, Wayne Sprouse, Milledge Matthews, Paul Matthews, Nathan Matthews.

Second row; l-r, (small ones down front) Lena Norman Drinkard, Jennell Sprouse Eastman, Harold Norman, Elsie Norman Cofer, Freddie Matthews, Hazel Matthews Ware.

Second row, l-r, Mose Howard, Zannie Norman Florence, Lizzie Mae Norman Chafin, Edythe Sprouse Florence, Maude Robinson, Nannie Mae Howard, Gladys Sprouse Harvey, Marie Norman, Blanche Robinson, (behind Blanche, Ann Norman), Gracie Scott Drinkard, Julia Dye Davis, Mamie Matthews Denard, Ada Lee Norman Florence, (behind Ada Lee, Richard Howard), Violette Norman.

Back row, l-r, Harry Howard, Walton Scott, Matthews Dye, Fannie Norman Wright, Marietta Dye Bell, Lucy Scott Hopkins, Lilly Robinson, Bryant Robinson, Carlton Norman. Teacher, far right, is Pearl Kirkland Norman.

Photograph submitted by Mrs. Marietta Dye Bell, Elberton, GA

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