Lincoln County Photo Album

Lincoln County Photo Album
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Lincoln County Homeplaces

Peyton Wyatt Norman homeplace in 1895 when his daughter Harriet Ann Norman Stevenson and family lived there.

Left to right front: Clifford, Newton W., Eunice, Harriet Ann.
Rear: Unknown, John, Unknown, Pearl Zellars and Zula Stevenson.

George Almond Norman homeplace about 1907.

L to R front: Carlton Lyle Norman, Fred Ware on horse left. Other three men with horses are unknown. Zannie Hawes Norman, Ada Lee Norman. Boy with dog -  Almond Leon "Am" Norman.  Far Right, Frances Ann "Fannie" Glaze Norman.
Standing on porch -  Ada Earl Glaze Norman & Thomas Adiel (Adie) Norman. George Almond Norman is in chair.

Samuel Rhodes Homeplace - Need information about Samuel Rhodes
Francis Marion Wright Homeplace - This was taken at Gill, Georgia in front of the Wright homeplace. The people identified are from left to right, John "Tate" Pittman, his wife, Jennie Wright Pittman, Francis Marion Wright, Rebecca Hawes Wright and Jane (Jannie) Wright. If you can identify anyone else, please contact me. Courtesy of Frances Henderson Johnson.

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