GAGenWeb:Jenkins County, GA
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Jenkins County Georgia

Welcome to Jenkins County, Georgia. My name is Marvin Thorpe and I am the county coordinator for Jenkins County and responsible for these county pages. I no longer live in Jenkins County, but spent a formative part of my life here and visit often.

This website is part of the Georgia Genealogical Web (GAGenWeb). To learn more about the GAGenWeb project visit here. This site is also associated with the U.S.Genealogical Web (USGenWeb) through the GAGenWeb project. To find out more about the USGenWeb project look here.

Jenkins County was formed in 1905; receiving land from Emanuel, Bullock, Burke, and Screven counties. Jenkins County is named after the Georgia State Governor during reconstruction, the Honorable Charles Jones Jenkins.

Jenkins County is bounded by Burke to the North,  Screven to the East, Bulloch and Emanuel to the South and West. Jenkins County is well drained by the Ogeechee river and it's numerous tributary creeks. It is traversed by the Central of Georgia and the Millen & Southwestern railroads.


Georgia is divided into 159 counties, any of which may be accessed by going to the Georgia County Table and selecting the desired county from the table listings.

If you have information (copies of deeds, wills, obituaries, old photos, etc) pertanant to Jenkins County that you can share, please send them to me (Marvin Thorpe) so that they may be posted. If you have any problems with this site (broken links, etc.) please let me know.

Place Names Cemeteries Churches
Civil War Lookups Links
Jenkins Co. History Jenkins Co. Surnames Jenkins Co. Resources

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For questions about this list, contact the list administrator at [email protected].

The GA GenWeb Project The US GenWeb Project
Marvin Thorpe , Jenkins County Coordinator
Nancy Gay Crawford , Georgia Regional Coordinator
Vivian Price Saffold , Georgia State Coordinator

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Maintained by Marvin Thorpe

Copyright © 2002-2004

Page updated 11 December 2004

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